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題名 以台灣學習者需求分析為根基之教材分析研究 -以韓文系會話教材為中心
A study on textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis-focusing on Korean conversation textbooks for Korean language department
作者 李榮敬
Lee, Yeong Kyung
貢獻者 朴炳善
Lee, Yeong Kyung
關鍵詞 韓語教材分析
Korean textbook analysis
Korean conversation textbook
Textbook development
Korean learners’ needs analysis
Taiwanese learners of Korean
Korean language education in Taiwan
Statistical analysis
日期 2017
上傳時間 31-七月-2017 11:23:44 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文的研究目的在於提出以臺灣學習者的需求分析為根基之韓語會話教材分析之方法論,進而提出為了開發臺灣韓語系學生專用會話教材而需要之基礎資料。本論文的章節構造如下:
在第二章,首先提出本論文所設定的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。 本論文以分析出‘教材的各部分多麼符合學習者的需求’為重點來設定了‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。此點為本論文所提出之‘韓語會話教材分析標準’與先行研究所提出之教材分析標準不同之處。而本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’略分為‘外在構成分析標準’及‘內在構成分析標準’,而內在構成分析是由‘學習目標與構成分析’、‘學習資料分析’、‘學習內容分析’以及‘學習活動分析’來構成的。接著提出本研究所使用的‘學習者需求分析問卷’之問題組成。‘學習者需求分析問卷’是由本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’當中需要查出學習者需求之項目為中心來構成的。
在第三章,先分析出使用‘學習者需求分析問卷’來進行的問卷調查結果,進而以此分析結果及在第二章所提出的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’為主要根基來進行‘學習者別教材分析’。藉此得知本研究的問卷對象,也就是國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生針對現用的會話教材具有什麼樣的想法並且想要什麼樣的會話教材。加上,也可得知國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生共同在使用的『재미있는 한국어』1~6冊多麼符合兩個具有不同特性的學習者集團之需求。
透過教材分析結果而得知外在構成上的‘學習情境’及‘原文翻譯’方面都符合兩個學習者集團的需求,但是‘文法索引’方面皆不符合兩個學習者集團的需求。還有‘說明語言’及‘教材相關附屬物’方面大致上比較符合補習班學生的需求。而藉內在構成分析而得知 ‘會話功能’方面皆符合兩個學習集團的需求。還有‘主題’、‘學習活動方式’以及‘練習題類型’方面相對傾向於符合韓語系學生集團的需求。而‘發音’、‘文法’、‘詞彙’及‘文化’方面比較傾向於符合補習班學生集團之需求。
The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis and to present the basic data for developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. The structure of this paper is as follows:
Chapter 1 states the need and purpose of this study and provides a review of related literature. Existing literature can be classified into 3 topics: ‘the standards for Korean textbooks analysis related studies’, ‘Korean learners’ needs analysis related studies’ and ‘studies that covers both Korean textbooks analysis and Korean learners’ needs analysis’. In addition, subjects and methodology of this study are also presented in chapter 1.
Chapter 2 presents ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ and the construction of the questionnaire applied in this study. This study has set the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis focusing on analyzing to what extent a textbook meets the needs of the learners. This is what distinguishes ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ set by this study from the other standards for Korean textbook analysis presented by existing studies. We classify ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ into ‘the standards for the analysis of external structures’ and ‘the standards for the analysis of internal structures’. Internal structures analysis consists of ‘lesson goals and unit structure analysis’, ‘learning materials analysis’, ‘learning contents analysis’ and ‘learning activities analysis’. ‘The questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ applied in this study is mainly composed of chosen questions among ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ that needs to acquire learners’ needs for analyzing.
Chapter 3 analyzes the result of ‘the questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ and conducts ‘textbook analysis by different learners’ based on both ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ mentioned in chapter 2 and the result of the questionnaire. Through this analysis, we show the general opinions of the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. We document their opinions on the current conversation textbooks as well as the desired features of conversation textbooks from their perspective. Furthermore, we demonstrate how『재미있는 한국어』volume 1~6, which are used by both the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of the anonymous private institute, meet the needs of these two groups of learners with different characteristics.
Our result shows that in the external structures, needs in both ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects are met in both groups. Needs in the ‘grammar index’ aspect, on the other hand, are not met in either group. In the ‘explanation language’ and ‘textbook appurtenances’ aspects, the textbooks coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute in general. Looking at the internal structures, ‘communicative functions’ presented in the textbooks tends to meet the needs of both groups. Besides, ‘themes’, ‘way of activities’ and ‘type of activities’ presented in the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of Korean language majors in general, while in ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’ and ‘culture’ aspects, the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute on the whole.
Chapter 4 offers suggestions on developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan based on the analyses of chapter 3. The suggestions are divided into two parts. First, ‘suggestions for the external structures’ improvement’ consist of ‘explanation language’, ‘index’, ‘textbook appurtenances’, ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects. The composition of ‘suggestions for the internal structures’ improvement’, on the other hand, is ‘theme’, ‘communicative function’, ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’, ‘culture’ and ‘activity’ aspects.
Chapter 5 summarizes the content of this study and states the significance and the limitation of this study. The significance of this study is that it has proposed the methodology of Korean conversation textbook analysis based on learners’ needs analysis, which is different from existing studies that have conducted learners’ needs analysis and textbook analysis separately. Furthermore, this is the first study that has not only analyzed Taiwanese learners’ needs about Korean conversation textbook but also analyzed textbooks based on those needs analysis, which provides basic data for developing textbooks for Taiwanese learners. Moreover, no study to our knowledge investigates Taiwanese learners’ needs or thoroughly analyzes Korean textbooks used in Taiwan, which is why this study bears big significance.
The limitation of this study, on the other hand, is that the target of the questionnaire has been limited to the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. Another limitation of this study is that it has only suggested certain directions on the development of conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. Detailed development plan or specific models of unit structure rely on future research.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103557001
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 朴炳善zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 李榮敬zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lee, Yeong Kyungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李榮敬zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Yeong Kyungen_US
dc.date (日期) 2017en_US
dc.date.accessioned 31-七月-2017 11:23:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 31-七月-2017 11:23:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 31-七月-2017 11:23:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0103557001en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/111550-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 韓國語文學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103557001zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文的研究目的在於提出以臺灣學習者的需求分析為根基之韓語會話教材分析之方法論,進而提出為了開發臺灣韓語系學生專用會話教材而需要之基礎資料。本論文的章節構造如下:
在第二章,首先提出本論文所設定的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。 本論文以分析出‘教材的各部分多麼符合學習者的需求’為重點來設定了‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。此點為本論文所提出之‘韓語會話教材分析標準’與先行研究所提出之教材分析標準不同之處。而本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’略分為‘外在構成分析標準’及‘內在構成分析標準’,而內在構成分析是由‘學習目標與構成分析’、‘學習資料分析’、‘學習內容分析’以及‘學習活動分析’來構成的。接著提出本研究所使用的‘學習者需求分析問卷’之問題組成。‘學習者需求分析問卷’是由本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’當中需要查出學習者需求之項目為中心來構成的。
在第三章,先分析出使用‘學習者需求分析問卷’來進行的問卷調查結果,進而以此分析結果及在第二章所提出的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’為主要根基來進行‘學習者別教材分析’。藉此得知本研究的問卷對象,也就是國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生針對現用的會話教材具有什麼樣的想法並且想要什麼樣的會話教材。加上,也可得知國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生共同在使用的『재미있는 한국어』1~6冊多麼符合兩個具有不同特性的學習者集團之需求。
透過教材分析結果而得知外在構成上的‘學習情境’及‘原文翻譯’方面都符合兩個學習者集團的需求,但是‘文法索引’方面皆不符合兩個學習者集團的需求。還有‘說明語言’及‘教材相關附屬物’方面大致上比較符合補習班學生的需求。而藉內在構成分析而得知 ‘會話功能’方面皆符合兩個學習集團的需求。還有‘主題’、‘學習活動方式’以及‘練習題類型’方面相對傾向於符合韓語系學生集團的需求。而‘發音’、‘文法’、‘詞彙’及‘文化’方面比較傾向於符合補習班學生集團之需求。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis and to present the basic data for developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. The structure of this paper is as follows:
Chapter 1 states the need and purpose of this study and provides a review of related literature. Existing literature can be classified into 3 topics: ‘the standards for Korean textbooks analysis related studies’, ‘Korean learners’ needs analysis related studies’ and ‘studies that covers both Korean textbooks analysis and Korean learners’ needs analysis’. In addition, subjects and methodology of this study are also presented in chapter 1.
Chapter 2 presents ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ and the construction of the questionnaire applied in this study. This study has set the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis focusing on analyzing to what extent a textbook meets the needs of the learners. This is what distinguishes ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ set by this study from the other standards for Korean textbook analysis presented by existing studies. We classify ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ into ‘the standards for the analysis of external structures’ and ‘the standards for the analysis of internal structures’. Internal structures analysis consists of ‘lesson goals and unit structure analysis’, ‘learning materials analysis’, ‘learning contents analysis’ and ‘learning activities analysis’. ‘The questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ applied in this study is mainly composed of chosen questions among ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ that needs to acquire learners’ needs for analyzing.
Chapter 3 analyzes the result of ‘the questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ and conducts ‘textbook analysis by different learners’ based on both ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ mentioned in chapter 2 and the result of the questionnaire. Through this analysis, we show the general opinions of the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. We document their opinions on the current conversation textbooks as well as the desired features of conversation textbooks from their perspective. Furthermore, we demonstrate how『재미있는 한국어』volume 1~6, which are used by both the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of the anonymous private institute, meet the needs of these two groups of learners with different characteristics.
Our result shows that in the external structures, needs in both ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects are met in both groups. Needs in the ‘grammar index’ aspect, on the other hand, are not met in either group. In the ‘explanation language’ and ‘textbook appurtenances’ aspects, the textbooks coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute in general. Looking at the internal structures, ‘communicative functions’ presented in the textbooks tends to meet the needs of both groups. Besides, ‘themes’, ‘way of activities’ and ‘type of activities’ presented in the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of Korean language majors in general, while in ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’ and ‘culture’ aspects, the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute on the whole.
Chapter 4 offers suggestions on developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan based on the analyses of chapter 3. The suggestions are divided into two parts. First, ‘suggestions for the external structures’ improvement’ consist of ‘explanation language’, ‘index’, ‘textbook appurtenances’, ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects. The composition of ‘suggestions for the internal structures’ improvement’, on the other hand, is ‘theme’, ‘communicative function’, ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’, ‘culture’ and ‘activity’ aspects.
Chapter 5 summarizes the content of this study and states the significance and the limitation of this study. The significance of this study is that it has proposed the methodology of Korean conversation textbook analysis based on learners’ needs analysis, which is different from existing studies that have conducted learners’ needs analysis and textbook analysis separately. Furthermore, this is the first study that has not only analyzed Taiwanese learners’ needs about Korean conversation textbook but also analyzed textbooks based on those needs analysis, which provides basic data for developing textbooks for Taiwanese learners. Moreover, no study to our knowledge investigates Taiwanese learners’ needs or thoroughly analyzes Korean textbooks used in Taiwan, which is why this study bears big significance.
The limitation of this study, on the other hand, is that the target of the questionnaire has been limited to the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. Another limitation of this study is that it has only suggested certain directions on the development of conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. Detailed development plan or specific models of unit structure rely on future research.
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서론 1
1.1 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
1.2 선행 연구 검토 3
1.2.1 한국어 교재 분석 기준 관련 연구 3
1.2.2 한국어 학습자 요구 분석 관련 연구 5
1.2.3 교재 분석과 학습자 요구 분석을 함께 다룬 연구 6
1.3 연구 대상 및 방법 8
2. 한국어 회화 교재의 분석 기준 및 한국어 회화 교재에 대한 학습 자 요구 분석 설문지의 문항 구성 14
2.1 한국어 회화 교재의 분석 기준 14
2.2 학습자 요구 분석 설문지의 문항 구성 18
3. 교재 분석 결과 29
3.1 1단계 학습자 요구 분석을 바탕으로 한 교재 분석 결과 29
3.1.1 외적 구성 분석 29
3.1.2 내적 구성 분석 32 학습 목표 및 구성 분석 32 대화 및 학습 자료 분석 33 학습 내용 분석 35 학습 활동 분석 51
3.2 2단계 학습자 요구 분석을 바탕으로 한 교재 분석 결과 58
3.2.1 외적 구성 분석 58
3.2.2 내적 구성 분석 60 학습 목표 및 구성 분석 60 대화 및 학습 자료 분석 60 학습 내용 분석 62 학습 활동 분석 77
3.3 3단계 학습자 요구 분석을 바탕으로 한 교재 분석 결과 84
3.3.1 외적 구성 분석 84
3.3.2 내적 구성 분석 86 학습 목표 및 구성 분석 86 대화 및 학습 자료 분석 87 학습 내용 분석 89 학습 활동 분석 106
3.4 4단계 학습자 요구 분석을 바탕으로 한 교재 분석 결과 113
3.4.1 외적 구성 분석 113
3.4.2 내적 구성 분석 115 학습 목표 및 구성 분석 115 대화 및 학습 자료 분석 116 학습 내용 분석 117 학습 활동 분석 133
4. 대만의 한국어 전공자용 회화 교재 개발을 위한 제언 140
4.1 외적 구성 향상을 위한 제언 140
4.2 내적 구성 향상을 위한 제언 142
5. 결론 151
<참고문헌> 154
<부록 1> 전공자용 한국어 설문지 159
<부록 2> 전공자용 중국어 설문지 171
<부록 3> 학원 수강생용 한국어 설문지 181
<부록 4> 학원 수강생용 중국어 설문지 193
<부록 5> 본문에 생략된 1단계 학습자의 설문 분석 결과 203
<부록 6> 1단계 학습자의 기타 문항 분석 결과 207
<부록 7> 본문에 생략된 2단계 학습자의 설문 분석 결과 211
<부록 8> 2단계 학습자의 기타 문항 분석 결과 215
<부록 9> 본문에 생략된 3단계 학습자의 설문 분석 결과 220
<부록 10> 3단계 학습자의 기타 문항 분석 결과 224
<부록 11> 본문에 생략된 4단계 학습자의 설문 분석 결과 228
<부록 12> 4단계 학습자의 기타 문항 분석 결과 232
dc.format.extent 3426169 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103557001en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓語教材分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓語會話教材zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教材開發zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓語學習者要求分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臺灣韓語學習者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臺灣韓語教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 統計分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean textbook analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean conversation textbooken_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Textbook developmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean learners’ needs analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwanese learners of Koreanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean language education in Taiwanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Statistical analysisen_US
dc.title (題名) 以台灣學習者需求分析為根基之教材分析研究 -以韓文系會話教材為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study on textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis-focusing on Korean conversation textbooks for Korean language departmenten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 가패패(2015), 「중국인 학습자를 위한 말하기 교재」, 숙명여자대학교 석사학위논문.
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