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題名 安置還是限制?台北市男性遊民收容安置經驗之探討
Settlement or Restriction ? The Shelter and Assistance Service Experiences of Homeless Men in Taipei City
作者 詹芳珣
Chan, Fang Hsun
貢獻者 蔡培元
Chan, Fang Hsun
關鍵詞 解釋性互動論
Interpretive interactionism
Homeless men
Shelter and assistance
日期 2017
上傳時間 13-Sep-2017 15:23:03 (UTC+8)
摘要 遊民長久以來就一直存在於臺灣社會之中,並非短時間內突然冒出的群體,然而至今社會將遊民視為問題製造者,主流傳播媒體更強化社會對遊民的刻板印象,使得遊民群體面臨各式污名,相對來說遊民在主流社會中缺乏發聲的管道,真實處境往往不被看見和重視,本研究在這樣的背景下試圖以遊民的角度出發,探討遊民在收容安置政策下的相關經驗與看法,並指出個人經驗中所反映的結構性問題。
一、 遊民居住收容安置的經驗中呈現許多政策和服務的問題,個人進入機構的管道並非全然透過取決於意願選擇,體制的篩選和權力在背後運作,甚至包含違反人權的強送機構方式,遊民進入收容安置機構居住後,包括整體的生活狀況、機構規範以及管理層面都出現各式問題,未能適切貼近遊民需求和保障遊民權益。
二、 遊民理解與看待收容安置的經驗的內涵包括了過往在收容安置機構居住的整體感受以及對社會福利的看法,前者大致可以分為正面的肯定態度、負面的否定態度以及介於其中的懷疑擔憂狀態,後者透露出遊民以個人化的方式在看待自身的處境和面臨的問題,也預期以個人化的方式解決,在現今的遊民政策以線性和簡化的邏輯運作的框架下,遊民個人身在其中也深受其影響。
三、 遊民在政策下共同經歷了露宿、進入收容安置機構居住、離開收容安置機構、租屋又在露宿街頭的反覆流浪循環後,提出對於居住服務的新想像,反映了對收容安置與相關政策及服務以及遊民污名的反省和回應,包括居住時間、空間規劃、居住型態和規範與管理,這四個面向的發想都直指現今收容安置政策的不足和問題所在。
Homelessness has existed in Taiwan for a long time, and the homeless are regarded as the troublemaker. Mainstream media strengthens stereotypes and stigmas of the homeless. The real situation of homeless people is invisible because they have few ways to speak for themselves. This research tries to examine experiences of homeless shelter and assistance policy from the homeless people’s points of view, and points out structural problems.
I gather life stories, homelessness process and experiences of shelter and assistance service through in depth interviews of ten male homeless in Taipei City by using Denzin’s interpretive interactionism as methodology. This research presents the similarities and differences of their life course, and I connect the personal distress with the homeless shelter and assistance policy.
Findings of this research include:
1. The experiences present a lot of problems in homeless shelter and assistance policy. The homeless do not reside in shelter whenever one wants or needs to, and the homeless should pass in service system classification, but some homeless people were forced to go to the shelter. The problems exist in living condition, institutional norms and management. The shelter service doesn’t meet homeless people’s needs and protect human rights.
2. The way that homeless people comprehend shelter and assistance policy is influenced by feeling and impression of shelters and social welfare system. The feelings and impressions of shelter and assistance service experiences include positive, negative and the other type. The homeless tend to blame problems and troubles on themselves, because they also suffer from the frame of policy, which implies standard operation procedures and limited assistance.
3. Homeless people experienced sleeping on the street, residing in the shelter, leaving the shelter and renting, and homeless people repeat this vicious circle under the homeless shelter policy. The opinions about the ideal housing policy from ten homeless people is a reflection on current homeless shelter and assistance policy, including length of time, space design, residence type and management. The opinions and concepts of these four categories imply the limitation on current homeless shelter and assistance policy.
參考文獻 丁士宜(2010)。臺中市遊民收容輔導措施之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。東海大學公共事務碩士專班,台中市。
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台灣芒草心慈善協會(2016)。123無家者人權尾牙音樂會共同聲明。取自 http://www.homelesstaiwan.org
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102264012
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡培元zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 詹芳珣zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Chan, Fang Hsunen_US
dc.creator (作者) 詹芳珣zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chan, Fang Hsunen_US
dc.date (日期) 2017en_US
dc.date.accessioned 13-Sep-2017 15:23:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 13-Sep-2017 15:23:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 13-Sep-2017 15:23:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102264012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/112767-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會工作研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102264012zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 遊民長久以來就一直存在於臺灣社會之中,並非短時間內突然冒出的群體,然而至今社會將遊民視為問題製造者,主流傳播媒體更強化社會對遊民的刻板印象,使得遊民群體面臨各式污名,相對來說遊民在主流社會中缺乏發聲的管道,真實處境往往不被看見和重視,本研究在這樣的背景下試圖以遊民的角度出發,探討遊民在收容安置政策下的相關經驗與看法,並指出個人經驗中所反映的結構性問題。
一、 遊民居住收容安置的經驗中呈現許多政策和服務的問題,個人進入機構的管道並非全然透過取決於意願選擇,體制的篩選和權力在背後運作,甚至包含違反人權的強送機構方式,遊民進入收容安置機構居住後,包括整體的生活狀況、機構規範以及管理層面都出現各式問題,未能適切貼近遊民需求和保障遊民權益。
二、 遊民理解與看待收容安置的經驗的內涵包括了過往在收容安置機構居住的整體感受以及對社會福利的看法,前者大致可以分為正面的肯定態度、負面的否定態度以及介於其中的懷疑擔憂狀態,後者透露出遊民以個人化的方式在看待自身的處境和面臨的問題,也預期以個人化的方式解決,在現今的遊民政策以線性和簡化的邏輯運作的框架下,遊民個人身在其中也深受其影響。
三、 遊民在政策下共同經歷了露宿、進入收容安置機構居住、離開收容安置機構、租屋又在露宿街頭的反覆流浪循環後,提出對於居住服務的新想像,反映了對收容安置與相關政策及服務以及遊民污名的反省和回應,包括居住時間、空間規劃、居住型態和規範與管理,這四個面向的發想都直指現今收容安置政策的不足和問題所在。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Homelessness has existed in Taiwan for a long time, and the homeless are regarded as the troublemaker. Mainstream media strengthens stereotypes and stigmas of the homeless. The real situation of homeless people is invisible because they have few ways to speak for themselves. This research tries to examine experiences of homeless shelter and assistance policy from the homeless people’s points of view, and points out structural problems.
I gather life stories, homelessness process and experiences of shelter and assistance service through in depth interviews of ten male homeless in Taipei City by using Denzin’s interpretive interactionism as methodology. This research presents the similarities and differences of their life course, and I connect the personal distress with the homeless shelter and assistance policy.
Findings of this research include:
1. The experiences present a lot of problems in homeless shelter and assistance policy. The homeless do not reside in shelter whenever one wants or needs to, and the homeless should pass in service system classification, but some homeless people were forced to go to the shelter. The problems exist in living condition, institutional norms and management. The shelter service doesn’t meet homeless people’s needs and protect human rights.
2. The way that homeless people comprehend shelter and assistance policy is influenced by feeling and impression of shelters and social welfare system. The feelings and impressions of shelter and assistance service experiences include positive, negative and the other type. The homeless tend to blame problems and troubles on themselves, because they also suffer from the frame of policy, which implies standard operation procedures and limited assistance.
3. Homeless people experienced sleeping on the street, residing in the shelter, leaving the shelter and renting, and homeless people repeat this vicious circle under the homeless shelter policy. The opinions about the ideal housing policy from ten homeless people is a reflection on current homeless shelter and assistance policy, including length of time, space design, residence type and management. The opinions and concepts of these four categories imply the limitation on current homeless shelter and assistance policy.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 4
第一節 研究緣起 4
第二節 研究背景:遊民政策與安置 7
第三節 研究目的與問題 8
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 遊民政策與法規的演變 11
第二節 政策與制度性排除 22
第三節 遊民服務與現實落差 29
第四節 遊民收容安置經驗 33
第五節 遊民收容安置規劃與服務 38
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究設計 41
第二節 資料蒐集 46
第三節 研究倫理 52
第四章 居無定所的那時此刻:十位遊民的生命故事 57
第一節 隨遇而安過日子-小山的故事 58
第二節 我要往上爬-小蝦的故事 62
第三節 凡事靠自己打拼-阿強的故事 66
第四節 紛亂中不被打倒-文哥的故事 70
第五節 不認輸的眷村子弟-老馬的故事 74
第六節 有話直說的性情中人-王仔的故事 79
第七節 老實認份過每一天-猴仔的故事 83
第八節 漂蕩總是不得已-阿彬的故事 87
第九節 淪落街頭的老師傅-老劉的故事 90
第十節 從小漂泊的露宿者-豪哥的故事 93
第五章 有路無厝-收容安置在哪裡 97
第一節 走過的路-居住空間變遷軌跡 97
第二節  居住收容安置機構經驗 103
第三節  對於遊民收容安置與相關服務看法 115
第四節  跨越框架—突破污名以及對居住服務之想法 119
第五節 鑲嵌在個人化問題之體制下的遊民 126
第六章 結論與建議 131
第一節 結論 131
第二節 遊民服務建議 134
第三節 研究限制 135
第四節 未來研究建議 136
參考文獻 137
附錄一 OO縣(市)遊民安置輔導自治條例範例 144
附錄二 附圖:遊民服務輔導標準作業流程圖 148
附錄三 台北市遊民安置輔導自治條例 149
附錄四 訪談大綱 153
附錄五 訪談同意書 154
dc.format.extent 2133309 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102264012en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 解釋性互動論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 男性遊民zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 收容安置zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Interpretive interactionismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Homeless menen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Shelter and assistanceen_US
dc.title (題名) 安置還是限制?台北市男性遊民收容安置經驗之探討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Settlement or Restriction ? The Shelter and Assistance Service Experiences of Homeless Men in Taipei Cityen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 丁士宜(2010)。臺中市遊民收容輔導措施之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。東海大學公共事務碩士專班,台中市。
王宏舜、許家瑜(2016)。萬華街友僅數百人 辦千桌尾牙引誤解。聯合新聞網。取自http://udn.com/news
台灣芒草心慈善協會(2016)。123無家者人權尾牙音樂會共同聲明。取自 http://www.homelesstaiwan.org
台灣人權促進會(2013)。[新聞稿] 勿以虛假立法行驅趕遊民之實 北市遊民輔安條例違反人權。取自 http://www.tahr.org.tw/node/1304
何世昌、莊孟軒(2016)。社局勸街友不臥躺 民團砲轟。自由時報。取自http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/972239

余漢儀(1998)。社會研究的倫理。載於嚴祥鸞主編,危險與祕密 : 研究倫理。台北市: 三民。
李淑容(2015)。社會排除下的遊民:處境與對策。東吳社會工作學報,29, 149-171。
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