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題名 民主轉型中的澎湖地方政治生態
The Local Political Ecology of Penghu in Democratic Transition
作者 蔡明惠
Tsai, Ming-Huei
關鍵詞 民主轉型 ; 政治生態 ; 地方派系 ; 澎湖
democratized transition ; political ecology ; local faction ; Penghu
日期 2004-11
上傳時間 8-Nov-2017 11:21:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 自八○年代以來,台灣逐漸由威權政體轉化成民主體制,也使得有關民主轉型的研究,成為一個重要的研究課題;但是過去相關的研究,幾乎未曾針對離島澎湖進行較為深入的探究;因此,本研究的主要目的,是試圖分析政治民主化的過程中,澎湖地方派系勢力的演變,並探討民主轉型對於澎湖地方政治生態所產生的影響。主要發現是:(一)民主化不但顯現出威權統治對地方政治操控與協調能力的減弱,同時也讓選舉變得更制度化而成為整個地方權力結構的基礎;隨著民主化帶動參選人數激增,使得澎湖傳統的「二元派系」模式,蛻變成多元地方勢力競爭的模式。(二)八○年代中期之後的澎湖縣長選舉,在國民黨推動「本土化」政策以及解嚴的影響之下,造成軍方勢力原有的主導權逐漸喪失,加上來自當時在野民進黨的挑戰,使得過去國民黨「提名即當選」的局面瓦解,也確立了政黨政治的競爭型態。(三)儘管民主轉型促成政黨競爭的政治形態,但是澎湖既有的政黨與軍方的影響力卻逐漸衰退,以家族、地緣及人情所結合的山頭派系勢力,以及九○年代崛起的新興政商集團-「霖派」,反而成為澎湖地方政治生態的要角。
Owing to the political transition from the type of authoritarian to democratic system in Taiwan since 1980’ s, the study of democratized transition has become an important issue in political academic discipline. However, there is scarce deeper exploration at Penghu area around the related studies. Therefore, the main purpose of this research, under the analysis on the process of democratization in Taiwan, will examine the force change among the local factions and explore the impact on the local political ecology in Penghu. The following findings are emerged from this research. (1) Democratization reveals authoritarian domination had weakened for manipulative and coordinative power at local society, and makes a more institutionalized election pattern to be a structural basis for local political power operation as well. It also highly enhanced the number of candidates on elections and makes the traditional “bi-factionalism pattern” transformed into a multi-regional competition pattern in Penghu. (2) After the governor election in mid-1980’s and by accompanying with the effect of KMT’ s “localized policy” and abolishing Martial Law, the military unit had gradually lost its inherent power for a leading role in election. In addition to the challenge from DPP at the period of time, the feature of “the nominated was equal to get elected” by KMT had collapsed and it had established firmly a political type of party competition. (3) Even if democratized transition boosted the political type of party competition, the influence of existing parties and military units had been gradually loosing. By contrast, local factions based on the combination of family, geography, and social relationship as well as burgeoning politicalcommercial sector- “Lin Pie” had become the main characters of regional political ecology in Penghu.
關聯 選舉研究 , 11(2) , 133-162
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 蔡明惠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Ming-Hueien_US (日期) 2004-11- 8-Nov-2017 11:21:12 (UTC+8)- 8-Nov-2017 11:21:12 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 8-Nov-2017 11:21:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自八○年代以來,台灣逐漸由威權政體轉化成民主體制,也使得有關民主轉型的研究,成為一個重要的研究課題;但是過去相關的研究,幾乎未曾針對離島澎湖進行較為深入的探究;因此,本研究的主要目的,是試圖分析政治民主化的過程中,澎湖地方派系勢力的演變,並探討民主轉型對於澎湖地方政治生態所產生的影響。主要發現是:(一)民主化不但顯現出威權統治對地方政治操控與協調能力的減弱,同時也讓選舉變得更制度化而成為整個地方權力結構的基礎;隨著民主化帶動參選人數激增,使得澎湖傳統的「二元派系」模式,蛻變成多元地方勢力競爭的模式。(二)八○年代中期之後的澎湖縣長選舉,在國民黨推動「本土化」政策以及解嚴的影響之下,造成軍方勢力原有的主導權逐漸喪失,加上來自當時在野民進黨的挑戰,使得過去國民黨「提名即當選」的局面瓦解,也確立了政黨政治的競爭型態。(三)儘管民主轉型促成政黨競爭的政治形態,但是澎湖既有的政黨與軍方的影響力卻逐漸衰退,以家族、地緣及人情所結合的山頭派系勢力,以及九○年代崛起的新興政商集團-「霖派」,反而成為澎湖地方政治生態的要角。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Owing to the political transition from the type of authoritarian to democratic system in Taiwan since 1980’ s, the study of democratized transition has become an important issue in political academic discipline. However, there is scarce deeper exploration at Penghu area around the related studies. Therefore, the main purpose of this research, under the analysis on the process of democratization in Taiwan, will examine the force change among the local factions and explore the impact on the local political ecology in Penghu. The following findings are emerged from this research. (1) Democratization reveals authoritarian domination had weakened for manipulative and coordinative power at local society, and makes a more institutionalized election pattern to be a structural basis for local political power operation as well. It also highly enhanced the number of candidates on elections and makes the traditional “bi-factionalism pattern” transformed into a multi-regional competition pattern in Penghu. (2) After the governor election in mid-1980’s and by accompanying with the effect of KMT’ s “localized policy” and abolishing Martial Law, the military unit had gradually lost its inherent power for a leading role in election. In addition to the challenge from DPP at the period of time, the feature of “the nominated was equal to get elected” by KMT had collapsed and it had established firmly a political type of party competition. (3) Even if democratized transition boosted the political type of party competition, the influence of existing parties and military units had been gradually loosing. By contrast, local factions based on the combination of family, geography, and social relationship as well as burgeoning politicalcommercial sector- “Lin Pie” had become the main characters of regional political ecology in Penghu.en_US
dc.format.extent 3954273 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 選舉研究 , 11(2) , 133-162zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 民主轉型 ; 政治生態 ; 地方派系 ; 澎湖zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) democratized transition ; political ecology ; local faction ; Penghuen_US
dc.title (題名) 民主轉型中的澎湖地方政治生態zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Local Political Ecology of Penghu in Democratic Transitionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6612/tjes.2004.11.02.133-162-
dc.doi.uri (DOI)