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題名 中國的北韓核武政策分析
An Analysis of China`s Foreign Policy towards North Korea`s Nuclear Issues
作者 陳郁芬
Chen, Yu-Fen
關鍵詞 外交政策 ; 建構主義 ; 北韓核武問題
Foreign policy ; constructivism ; North Korea nuclear issues
日期 2016-07
上傳時間 13-Nov-2017 11:43:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 北韓核武問題對於區域政治與安全情勢造成衝擊,引起周邊國家以及國際社會譴責。中國與北韓的傳統友誼使其在核武問題中始終扮演重要角色。然而,種種跡象顯示,中國與北韓之間互動模式不同於以往、雙邊關係有微妙變化。對此,筆者假設中國對北韓核武政策的思考是基於「中國對北韓關係定位」。本文嘗試採取建構主義對於國家間關係的幾種假設(敵人、競爭關係、朋友)分析中國與北韓關係定位與發展方向,並探討關係定位如何影響中國對北韓核武政策的轉變。研究發現,中國與北韓關係自2013年起有明顯變化,雙方已然不是傳統盟友,中國與北韓朝正常國家關係推進。本文認為習近平主政下的中國仍沿襲過去對北韓核武問題的原則,但跳脫被自動捲入綑綁的思維,從正常國家關係的觀點出發,在更大的國際戰略框架下調整對北韓核武政策,以維持中國在朝鮮半島的利益,創造實踐中國國際戰略的有利周邊環境。目前中國著重推動與北韓的經貿合作,希望將北韓置於中國的經濟影響圈之下,要以經濟影響力填補因關係改變而逐漸流失的政治影響力。
The goal of this study is to analyze China`s contemporary relations with North Korea and foreign policy on North Korean nuclear issues. China has a profound understanding of reforming the strategy towards the issues since bilateral relations changed. While China does not consider North Korea an ally, it is a normal state. Nevertheless, China`s influence over North Korea has been steadily decreasing. As a responsible great power, China no longer must take North Korea`s side. Economic factors have recently become a vital point under Xi Jinping. China expects that its influence over North Korea will continue to expand with increasing bilateral trade depending on China`s growing economy.
關聯 東亞研究, 47(2), 73-112
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 陳郁芬zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yu-Fenen_US (日期) 2016-07 13-Nov-2017 11:43:56 (UTC+8)- 13-Nov-2017 11:43:56 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 13-Nov-2017 11:43:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 北韓核武問題對於區域政治與安全情勢造成衝擊,引起周邊國家以及國際社會譴責。中國與北韓的傳統友誼使其在核武問題中始終扮演重要角色。然而,種種跡象顯示,中國與北韓之間互動模式不同於以往、雙邊關係有微妙變化。對此,筆者假設中國對北韓核武政策的思考是基於「中國對北韓關係定位」。本文嘗試採取建構主義對於國家間關係的幾種假設(敵人、競爭關係、朋友)分析中國與北韓關係定位與發展方向,並探討關係定位如何影響中國對北韓核武政策的轉變。研究發現,中國與北韓關係自2013年起有明顯變化,雙方已然不是傳統盟友,中國與北韓朝正常國家關係推進。本文認為習近平主政下的中國仍沿襲過去對北韓核武問題的原則,但跳脫被自動捲入綑綁的思維,從正常國家關係的觀點出發,在更大的國際戰略框架下調整對北韓核武政策,以維持中國在朝鮮半島的利益,創造實踐中國國際戰略的有利周邊環境。目前中國著重推動與北韓的經貿合作,希望將北韓置於中國的經濟影響圈之下,要以經濟影響力填補因關係改變而逐漸流失的政治影響力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The goal of this study is to analyze China`s contemporary relations with North Korea and foreign policy on North Korean nuclear issues. China has a profound understanding of reforming the strategy towards the issues since bilateral relations changed. While China does not consider North Korea an ally, it is a normal state. Nevertheless, China`s influence over North Korea has been steadily decreasing. As a responsible great power, China no longer must take North Korea`s side. Economic factors have recently become a vital point under Xi Jinping. China expects that its influence over North Korea will continue to expand with increasing bilateral trade depending on China`s growing economy.en_US
dc.format.extent 865949 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 東亞研究, 47(2), 73-112zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外交政策 ; 建構主義 ; 北韓核武問題zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Foreign policy ; constructivism ; North Korea nuclear issuesen_US
dc.title (題名) 中國的北韓核武政策分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) An Analysis of China`s Foreign Policy towards North Korea`s Nuclear Issuesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) article