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題名 中國證券市場上的上證50ETF與滬深300ETF之間的統計套利研究
The study of statistical arbitrage between SSE50 ETF and CSI300 ETF on the China’s security market
作者 邵玲玉
Shao, Ling Yu
貢獻者 廖四郎
Liao, Szu Lang
Shao, Ling Yu
關鍵詞 滬深300
Pair trading
Statistical Arbitrage
日期 2018
上傳時間 2-Feb-2018 10:57:47 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文以在中國大陸證券市場上交易量最大,流動性最好的兩隻指數型ETF——華夏上證50ETF(SH510050)和華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF(SH510300),為一個配對組合,進行統計套利。本文先簡要配對交易的實質和常用方法,以及這一策略目前在全球市場和中國大陸市場上的應用和研究狀況。而後又介紹了這兩隻ETF的標的物——上證50指數和滬深300指數,並闡明為何選取這兩個指數相關的ETF作為統計套利的原因。
This essay uses Huaxia SSE50 ETF (Code: SH510050) and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF (Code: SH510300), the two ETFs with the largest trading volume and the best liquidity in the China’s security market, as a pair for statistical arbitrage.
Firstly, we introduce the definition of the strategy—pair trading, and its current application in the global and China’s mainland stock market. Then, the essay presents the underlying assets of the two ETFs, SSE50 Index and CSI300 Index, and explains why we choose the two ETFs for statistical arbitrage.
Secondly, we analyze the correlation between Huaxia SSE50 ETF and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF, and build the co-integration model based on the correlation. Meanwhile, we establish the first-order error correction model to supplement the short-term imbalance of the two ETFs. On this basis, we set trading rules for simulated transaction. Moreover, we consider trading costs and stop-loss points in this article.
After simulated trading, we find that both the trading time and the return are not good enough when we set a standard deviation as the threshold. So we modify trading rules, using the two standard deviations and moving standard deviation as thresholds, but it still doesn’t work. In order to further verify the above conclusion, we change the sample data by adding two times of the original and using the daily closing price, and it reveals that when we use the daily closing price to trade, the yield is better than the high-frequency trading price.
There are two reasons for this conclusion. First, the standard deviation of the model’s residual is so little that the arbitrage space is small. Second, the coefficients of ECM is too little, which means the long-term stability of the model has little effect on the short-term volatility of the time series, thus leading to fewer arbitrage chances.
In addition, the data used in the article are from the Wind Database in China.
參考文獻 1. 丁挺立,滬深300ETF期現套利機會差異性實證分析,金融教育研究,2012年9月第25卷第5期,P44-49。
2. 王春峰,林碧波,朱琳,基於股票價格差異的配對交易策略,北京理工大學學報(社會科學版),2013年第15卷第1期,P72-75。
3. 中證指數有限公司,(2015.06),上證180、上證50指數編制細則。
4. 中證指數有限公司,(2015.06),滬深300指數編制細則。
5. 白世奇,(2014),基於高頻資料的我國股指期貨配對交易策略研究,哈爾濱工業大學管理學碩士論文。
6. 邢恩泉,尹濤,共振合模型的配對交易策略優化,經濟數學,2015年32卷第1期,P65-69。
7. 歐陽敏科,(2013),滬深300ETF與滬深300股指期貨期現套利研究,金融經濟,2013.02.128,P95-96。
8. 周靜波,(2014),滬深300股指期貨與滬深300ETF間的期現套利研究,山東大學金融學碩士論文。
9. 郭正芳,(2014),新加坡新華富時中國A50指數期貨與香港安碩富時A50中國指數ETF套利研究,臺灣銘傳大學財務金融學系碩士論文。
10. 鐘惟達,(2016),基於共振合的配對交易改進研究,浙江財經大學金融碩士論文。
11. 高鐵梅,(2005),計量經濟分析方法與建模,中國清華大學出版社。
12. 崔方達,吳亮,配對交易的投資策略,統計與決策,2011年第23期,P156-159。
13. 黃曉薇,余湄,皮道羿,基於O-U過程的配對交易與市場效率研究,經濟與金融管理,2015年第27卷第1期,P3-11。
14. 喻瑾,(2013),滬深300股指期貨與ETF的高頻統計套利,復旦大學管理學院運籌學與控制論專業碩士論文。
15. 蔡燕,王林,許莉莉,基於隨機價差法的配對交易研究,金融與實踐,2012年第8期,P30-35。
16. Bertram W.K., Analytic Solutions for Optimal Statistical Arbitrage Trading, Physical: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389(11), P2234-2243.
17. Burgess, N., Statistical Arbitrage Models of the FTSE100, Computational Finance, 1999, the MIT Press, 2000, P297-312.
18. Board, J., Sutcliffe, C., the Dual Listing of Stock Index Futures: Arbitrage, Spread Arbitrage, and Currency Risk, Journal of Futures Markets, 1996(2), P29-54.
19. Do B., Faff R., Does Simple Pairs Trading Still Work? Financial Analysts Journal, 2010, 66(4):P83-95.
20. Engle R.F., Granger, C.W.J., Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing, Econometrica, 1987, 55(2), P251-276.
21. Gatev E., Goetzmann W.N., Rouwenhorst, K.P., Pairs Trading: Performance of a Relative-Value Arbitrage Rule, the Review of Financial Studies, 2006, 19(3), P797-828.
22. João Caldeira, Guilherme V. Moura,(2013), Selection of a Portfolio of Pairs Based on Cointegration: A Statistical Arbitrage Strategy, SSRN:
23. Ruby J., Christian L.Dunis, Jason Laws, (2013), Profitable Pair Trading: A Comparison Using the S&P 100 Constituent Stocks and the 100 Most Liquid ETFs, Social Science Electronic Publishing.
24. Tony Lee, Alex Ypsilanti, Daniel Lam(2004),Statistical Pair Trading - Performance Analysis of a Portfolio of Pair Trades in Asian Pacific region, Merrill Lynch.
25. Vidyamurthy G.,(2004), Pair Trading: Quantitative Methods and Analysis, John Wiley &Sons.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 廖四郎zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liao, Szu Langen_US (Authors) 邵玲玉zh_TW (Authors) Shao, Ling Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 邵玲玉zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Shao, Ling Yuen_US (日期) 2018en_US 2-Feb-2018 10:57:47 (UTC+8)- 2-Feb-2018 10:57:47 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Feb-2018 10:57:47 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104352039en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 金融學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104352039zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文以在中國大陸證券市場上交易量最大,流動性最好的兩隻指數型ETF——華夏上證50ETF(SH510050)和華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF(SH510300),為一個配對組合,進行統計套利。本文先簡要配對交易的實質和常用方法,以及這一策略目前在全球市場和中國大陸市場上的應用和研究狀況。而後又介紹了這兩隻ETF的標的物——上證50指數和滬深300指數,並闡明為何選取這兩個指數相關的ETF作為統計套利的原因。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This essay uses Huaxia SSE50 ETF (Code: SH510050) and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF (Code: SH510300), the two ETFs with the largest trading volume and the best liquidity in the China’s security market, as a pair for statistical arbitrage.
Firstly, we introduce the definition of the strategy—pair trading, and its current application in the global and China’s mainland stock market. Then, the essay presents the underlying assets of the two ETFs, SSE50 Index and CSI300 Index, and explains why we choose the two ETFs for statistical arbitrage.
Secondly, we analyze the correlation between Huaxia SSE50 ETF and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF, and build the co-integration model based on the correlation. Meanwhile, we establish the first-order error correction model to supplement the short-term imbalance of the two ETFs. On this basis, we set trading rules for simulated transaction. Moreover, we consider trading costs and stop-loss points in this article.
After simulated trading, we find that both the trading time and the return are not good enough when we set a standard deviation as the threshold. So we modify trading rules, using the two standard deviations and moving standard deviation as thresholds, but it still doesn’t work. In order to further verify the above conclusion, we change the sample data by adding two times of the original and using the daily closing price, and it reveals that when we use the daily closing price to trade, the yield is better than the high-frequency trading price.
There are two reasons for this conclusion. First, the standard deviation of the model’s residual is so little that the arbitrage space is small. Second, the coefficients of ECM is too little, which means the long-term stability of the model has little effect on the short-term volatility of the time series, thus leading to fewer arbitrage chances.
In addition, the data used in the article are from the Wind Database in China.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究內容 1
第二節 研究方法 1
第三節 研究貢獻 2
第四節 研究框架 3
第二章 配對交易介紹及其研究狀況 4
第一節 配對交易簡介 4
一、配對交易的定義 4
二、配對交易常用方法 4
第二節 配對交易在國外的研究狀況 5
一、國外關于配對交易基本方法的可行性研究 5
二、國外關于配對交易方法改進研究綜述 6
第三節 配對交易在中國大陸市場上的研究狀況 7
第三章 中國大陸股指及股指型ETF介紹 9
第一節 中國大陸股指介紹 9
一、上證50指數簡介 9
二、滬深300指數簡介 10
第二節 中國大陸股指型ETF介紹 12
一、ETF簡介 12
二、中國大陸股指型ETF介紹 13
三、華夏上證50ETF與華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF的相關性 14
第四章 統計套利 17
第一節 統計套利的相關理論 17
一、統計套利 17
二、共振合關係 17
三、誤差修正模型 19
第二節 基於共振合關係建立的模擬交易 19
第三節 進一步實證研究 29
一、增加樣本量 29
二、採用日收盤價格模擬交易 31
第四節 交易成本和止損 32
一、交易成本 32
二、止損 33
第五節 樣本外測試 34
第五章 結論與思考 38
第一節 研究結論 38
第二節 統計套利的局限性 39
第三節 本文的不足與建議 40
參考文獻 41
dc.format.extent 1176003 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 滬深300zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 上證50zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 配對交易zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 統計套利zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ETFzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 共振合關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) CSI300en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) SSE50en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Pair tradingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Co-integrationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ETFen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Statistical Arbitrageen_US
dc.title (題名) 中國證券市場上的上證50ETF與滬深300ETF之間的統計套利研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The study of statistical arbitrage between SSE50 ETF and CSI300 ETF on the China’s security marketen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1. 丁挺立,滬深300ETF期現套利機會差異性實證分析,金融教育研究,2012年9月第25卷第5期,P44-49。
2. 王春峰,林碧波,朱琳,基於股票價格差異的配對交易策略,北京理工大學學報(社會科學版),2013年第15卷第1期,P72-75。
3. 中證指數有限公司,(2015.06),上證180、上證50指數編制細則。
4. 中證指數有限公司,(2015.06),滬深300指數編制細則。
5. 白世奇,(2014),基於高頻資料的我國股指期貨配對交易策略研究,哈爾濱工業大學管理學碩士論文。
6. 邢恩泉,尹濤,共振合模型的配對交易策略優化,經濟數學,2015年32卷第1期,P65-69。
7. 歐陽敏科,(2013),滬深300ETF與滬深300股指期貨期現套利研究,金融經濟,2013.02.128,P95-96。
8. 周靜波,(2014),滬深300股指期貨與滬深300ETF間的期現套利研究,山東大學金融學碩士論文。
9. 郭正芳,(2014),新加坡新華富時中國A50指數期貨與香港安碩富時A50中國指數ETF套利研究,臺灣銘傳大學財務金融學系碩士論文。
10. 鐘惟達,(2016),基於共振合的配對交易改進研究,浙江財經大學金融碩士論文。
11. 高鐵梅,(2005),計量經濟分析方法與建模,中國清華大學出版社。
12. 崔方達,吳亮,配對交易的投資策略,統計與決策,2011年第23期,P156-159。
13. 黃曉薇,余湄,皮道羿,基於O-U過程的配對交易與市場效率研究,經濟與金融管理,2015年第27卷第1期,P3-11。
14. 喻瑾,(2013),滬深300股指期貨與ETF的高頻統計套利,復旦大學管理學院運籌學與控制論專業碩士論文。
15. 蔡燕,王林,許莉莉,基於隨機價差法的配對交易研究,金融與實踐,2012年第8期,P30-35。
16. Bertram W.K., Analytic Solutions for Optimal Statistical Arbitrage Trading, Physical: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389(11), P2234-2243.
17. Burgess, N., Statistical Arbitrage Models of the FTSE100, Computational Finance, 1999, the MIT Press, 2000, P297-312.
18. Board, J., Sutcliffe, C., the Dual Listing of Stock Index Futures: Arbitrage, Spread Arbitrage, and Currency Risk, Journal of Futures Markets, 1996(2), P29-54.
19. Do B., Faff R., Does Simple Pairs Trading Still Work? Financial Analysts Journal, 2010, 66(4):P83-95.
20. Engle R.F., Granger, C.W.J., Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing, Econometrica, 1987, 55(2), P251-276.
21. Gatev E., Goetzmann W.N., Rouwenhorst, K.P., Pairs Trading: Performance of a Relative-Value Arbitrage Rule, the Review of Financial Studies, 2006, 19(3), P797-828.
22. João Caldeira, Guilherme V. Moura,(2013), Selection of a Portfolio of Pairs Based on Cointegration: A Statistical Arbitrage Strategy, SSRN:
23. Ruby J., Christian L.Dunis, Jason Laws, (2013), Profitable Pair Trading: A Comparison Using the S&P 100 Constituent Stocks and the 100 Most Liquid ETFs, Social Science Electronic Publishing.
24. Tony Lee, Alex Ypsilanti, Daniel Lam(2004),Statistical Pair Trading - Performance Analysis of a Portfolio of Pair Trades in Asian Pacific region, Merrill Lynch.
25. Vidyamurthy G.,(2004), Pair Trading: Quantitative Methods and Analysis, John Wiley &Sons.