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題名 回首向前,轉念成春:反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係
Looking back to look forward, blooming life in second thought: Relationships among rumination, future time perspective, and forgiveness
作者 陳玉樺
Chen, Yu Hua
貢獻者 余民寧
Yu, Min Ning
Chen, Yu Hua
關鍵詞 反芻思考
Future time perspective
Dispositional forgiveness
日期 2018
摘要 寬恕是一種跨文化人類共通的美德、是一種正向的心理特質,一種真正的生命智慧。因其有益於人際和諧、幸福感與身心健康,寬恕在近年來成為心理學所關注的議題。本研究旨在探究反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之現況,以及反芻思考與未來時間觀如何影響寬恕的建構,藉以深入瞭解反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以「多向度反芻焦點量表」、「未來時間態度量表」與「特質寬恕量表」為研究工具,研究對象為20歲以上成人共1,413位。所得有效問卷資料經描述統計、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、結構方程式模型等統計方法處理,研究發現如下: 1.20歲以上成人之反芻思考、未來時間觀與特質寬恕現況尚佳。 2.不同背景變項之成人在反芻思考整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)女性在「情緒焦點反芻」與「意義焦點反芻」上之得分顯著高於男性。 (2)高齡者的反芻思考整體與各向度之得分明顯較低。 3.不同背景變項之成人在未來時間觀整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)成人早期(20-30歲)與高齡者(60歲以上)在「未來時間觀點」沒有顯著差異,高齡者在「未來目標價值」與「對未來的準備與行動」上則顯著高於20-30歲之成人。 (2)年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較佳的未來時間觀。 4.不同背景變項之成人在特質寬恕整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)男性在「寬恕命運」上之得分顯著高於女性。 (2)男性、年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較高的寬恕傾向。 5.探討不同類型反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之關係,研究發現:情緒焦點與評價焦點此兩種類型反芻思考,與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈負相關;而意義焦點反芻與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈正相關。 6.未來時間觀在反芻思考與特質寬恕間扮演中介角色,亦即,未來時間觀在情緒焦點反芻思考、評價焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有部分中介效果,在意義焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有完全中介效果。 本研究根據上述研究發現,分別對寬恕教育、諮商輔導提出建議,以作為教育工作者及後續研究之參考。
Forgiveness is a kind of cross-cultural universal virtue of human, positive psychological strength, and authentic wisdom of life. Forgiveness has become an important topic of psychological researches in last decades, due to the benefits of interpersonal harmony, well-being, physical and mental health. The study aimed to investigate the current condition of the adults in Taiwan of their rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness, and furthermore addressed the relationships among these variables. The present study adopted the questionnaire investigation, comprising “Multidimensional Focused Rumination Scale”, “Attitude toward Future Time Scale”, and “Dispositional Forgiveness Scale” was conducted. Participants were 1,413 adults aged 20 and over in Taiwan. The effective data based on the questionnaire were then analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping. The findings were summarized as follows: 1.The present condition of Taiwan aged 20 and over adults’ rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness was generally fine. 2.In terms of rumination, gender and age had a significant difference in overall rumination and its dimensions. I.The female participants had higher “emotion-focused rumination” and “meaning-focused rumination” scores than the male participants. II.The elder participants reported less ruminative thinking than other age groups. 3.In terms of future time perspective, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall future time perspective and its dimensions, while gender had no significant difference. I.There is no difference between younger and elder participants on “the perception of future time”, however, the elder participants reported higher “the valence of future goal” and “preparation and action for the future” than younger participants. II.The elder, high educated, married and religious believer, had better future time perspective. 4.In terms of dispositional forgiveness, gender, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall dispositional forgiveness and its dimensions. I.The male participants had higher “forgiveness of fate” scores than the female participants. II.The male, elder, high educated, married and religious believer had a strong tendency to forgive. 5.In terms of different kind of rumination relate to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness: Emotion-focused rumination and evaluation-focused rumination were negatively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness, while meaning-focused rumination was positively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness. 6.Future time perspective mediated the relationship between the rumination and the forgiveness. Furthermore, future time perspective partly mediated the relationship between the emotion-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, partly mediated the relationship between the evaluation-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, and completely mediated the relationship between the meaning-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness. According to the above findings, this study proposes suggestions for forgiveness education, counseling and guidance, and future studies.
描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 余民寧zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Min Ningen_US (Authors) 陳玉樺zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Yu Huaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳玉樺zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yu Huaen_US (日期) 2018en_US
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0971525143en_US
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97152514zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 寬恕是一種跨文化人類共通的美德、是一種正向的心理特質,一種真正的生命智慧。因其有益於人際和諧、幸福感與身心健康,寬恕在近年來成為心理學所關注的議題。本研究旨在探究反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之現況,以及反芻思考與未來時間觀如何影響寬恕的建構,藉以深入瞭解反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以「多向度反芻焦點量表」、「未來時間態度量表」與「特質寬恕量表」為研究工具,研究對象為20歲以上成人共1,413位。所得有效問卷資料經描述統計、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、結構方程式模型等統計方法處理,研究發現如下: 1.20歲以上成人之反芻思考、未來時間觀與特質寬恕現況尚佳。 2.不同背景變項之成人在反芻思考整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)女性在「情緒焦點反芻」與「意義焦點反芻」上之得分顯著高於男性。 (2)高齡者的反芻思考整體與各向度之得分明顯較低。 3.不同背景變項之成人在未來時間觀整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)成人早期(20-30歲)與高齡者(60歲以上)在「未來時間觀點」沒有顯著差異,高齡者在「未來目標價值」與「對未來的準備與行動」上則顯著高於20-30歲之成人。 (2)年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較佳的未來時間觀。 4.不同背景變項之成人在特質寬恕整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)男性在「寬恕命運」上之得分顯著高於女性。 (2)男性、年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較高的寬恕傾向。 5.探討不同類型反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之關係,研究發現:情緒焦點與評價焦點此兩種類型反芻思考,與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈負相關;而意義焦點反芻與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈正相關。 6.未來時間觀在反芻思考與特質寬恕間扮演中介角色,亦即,未來時間觀在情緒焦點反芻思考、評價焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有部分中介效果,在意義焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有完全中介效果。 本研究根據上述研究發現,分別對寬恕教育、諮商輔導提出建議,以作為教育工作者及後續研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Forgiveness is a kind of cross-cultural universal virtue of human, positive psychological strength, and authentic wisdom of life. Forgiveness has become an important topic of psychological researches in last decades, due to the benefits of interpersonal harmony, well-being, physical and mental health. The study aimed to investigate the current condition of the adults in Taiwan of their rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness, and furthermore addressed the relationships among these variables. The present study adopted the questionnaire investigation, comprising “Multidimensional Focused Rumination Scale”, “Attitude toward Future Time Scale”, and “Dispositional Forgiveness Scale” was conducted. Participants were 1,413 adults aged 20 and over in Taiwan. The effective data based on the questionnaire were then analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping. The findings were summarized as follows: 1.The present condition of Taiwan aged 20 and over adults’ rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness was generally fine. 2.In terms of rumination, gender and age had a significant difference in overall rumination and its dimensions. I.The female participants had higher “emotion-focused rumination” and “meaning-focused rumination” scores than the male participants. II.The elder participants reported less ruminative thinking than other age groups. 3.In terms of future time perspective, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall future time perspective and its dimensions, while gender had no significant difference. I.There is no difference between younger and elder participants on “the perception of future time”, however, the elder participants reported higher “the valence of future goal” and “preparation and action for the future” than younger participants. II.The elder, high educated, married and religious believer, had better future time perspective. 4.In terms of dispositional forgiveness, gender, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall dispositional forgiveness and its dimensions. I.The male participants had higher “forgiveness of fate” scores than the female participants. II.The male, elder, high educated, married and religious believer had a strong tendency to forgive. 5.In terms of different kind of rumination relate to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness: Emotion-focused rumination and evaluation-focused rumination were negatively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness, while meaning-focused rumination was positively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness. 6.Future time perspective mediated the relationship between the rumination and the forgiveness. Furthermore, future time perspective partly mediated the relationship between the emotion-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, partly mediated the relationship between the evaluation-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, and completely mediated the relationship between the meaning-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness. According to the above findings, this study proposes suggestions for forgiveness education, counseling and guidance, and future studies.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 反芻思考 9 第二節 未來時間觀 38 第三節 寬恕 64 第四節 反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係 98 第三章 研究方法 103 第一節 研究架構 103 第二節 研究假設 104 第三節 研究對象 106 第四節 研究工具 108 第五節 研究程序 130 第四章 研究結果與討論 133 第一節 成人反芻思考之現況與差異分析 133 第二節 成人未來時間觀之現況與差異分析 151 第三節 成人特質寬恕之現況與差異分析 165 第四節 反芻思考、未來時間觀、背景變項等對寬恕傾向的分析 183 第五節 成人反芻思考、未來時間觀與特質寬恕間之測量模式適合度分析 186 第六節 成人反芻思考、未來時間觀與特質寬恕之關聯性分析 217 第五章 結論與建議 239 第一節 研究結論 239 第二節 研究限制 248 第三節 研究建議 249 參考文獻 257 中文部分 257 英文部分 262 附錄 287 附錄一 多向度反芻焦點量表 287 附錄二 未來時間態度量表 288 附錄三 特質寬恕量表 289zh_TW
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 反芻思考zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 未來時間觀zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 寬恕zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 特質寬恕zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ruminationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Future time perspectiveen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Forgivenessen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dispositional forgivenessen_US
dc.title (題名) 回首向前,轉念成春:反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Looking back to look forward, blooming life in second thought: Relationships among rumination, future time perspective, and forgivenessen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesis-