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題名 另類實境遊戲之經營模式探討
Exploring Business Models of Alternative Reality Games作者 張詒禎
Chang, Yi-Jen貢獻者 洪順慶
Chang, Yi-Jen關鍵詞 實境遊戲
商業模式日期 2018 上傳時間 2-Mar-2018 12:05:55 (UTC+8) 摘要 遊戲是人們在成長過程中必經的一環,每個人對於遊戲皆有不同的體驗與感想,過去,遊戲產業曾經歷一次重大的變革,當網際網路在台灣大量普及後消費者除了傳統玩具及遊戲以外,多出了更多從事休閒的選擇,例如線上遊戲、網頁遊戲、網路影音串流、音樂欣賞等,加上社群軟體如Facebook等大規模成長,社群遊戲、及移動遊戲大量佈局,改變消費者的科技使用習慣。然而,現今消費者透過電腦或平板等作為新興的休閒娛樂與教育平台,雖然提供豐富的內容、聲光效果及高度互動性,但卻受到螢幕與感測技術的限制,只能得到「扁平」的遊戲體驗,於是乎,近代休閒娛樂的發展迎來了新的一波變革,就是「將人們從線上遊戲世界帶回現實世界」,基於這個理念,許多的新創團隊朝實境遊戲發展,密室逃脫工作室如雨後春筍般出現,其他類型的實境遊戲工作室也一一運轉,各家廠商找出創新的模式提供娛樂商品,新興休閒娛樂商機也就因應而生。本研究著重於歸納各類實境遊戲業者提供遊戲體驗之方式,以及新興實境遊戲產業之商業模式,第一階段利用 Osterwalder and Pigneur(2010)所提出之商業模式分析圖,利用九大構成要素為基礎,向兩家標竿企業做深入訪談,並將兩家商業模式做分析整理;第二階段,未能安排訪談的企業則以報章雜誌的訪談專欄結果、及網路二手資料進行歸納。第三階段立基於上述分析得到的結果,找出實境遊戲之特性,並以矩陣方式呈現實境遊戲市場之可發展方向。本研究結論的部分包含:(一)探討笨蛋工作室之商業模式,其成功因素及可改良方向。(二)探討城市尋寶Riddle City之商業模式,其成功因素及可改良方向。(三)總結實境遊戲沈浸式矩陣模型之結果,觀察結果有利於實境遊戲產業新進廠商未來發展方向、或是提供既有業者經營模式變革之建議。期望這份研究能協助實境遊戲的發展。
Gaming is a necessary experience while growing up. Everyone has different expectations and experiences with games. In the past, there was a huge revolution in the gaming industry. Initially people could only choose traditional toys and games. However, with borderless online communication becoming more widespread, people now have greater entertainment choices such as online games, mobile games, live video stream, and music. Additionally, with the development of social media platforms such as Facebook, consumers have changed their technology using habits and information seeking methods. Nowadays consumers view laptops and tablets as an emerging platform for entertainment and education. They provide abundant contents, sight and sound effects, and high interaction. However, it is restricted by technology and bounded by monitor and motion sensors. Consumers can only immerse in a flat two dimensional gaming experiences. As a result, there has been another revolution, "Bringing people back from the online world to reality." Based on this thought, many reality game studios have sprung up in Taiwan bringing with them room escapes, attraction riddles, virtual reality games and augmented reality games. Firms are trying to find new business models to offer new forms of entertainments. This research emphasizes on generalizing a conclusion from all kinds of reality games, and observing their business models. During the first stage, we chose two famous reality game studios to interview and applied the nine elements of Osterwalder and Pigneur`s business model(2010) into interview guideline. We then concluded and analyzed their business models. In the second stage, we chose another 7 cases to help us see the whole picture of reality game market and inducted these 7 cases by second hand informations. At the third stage, we summarized all the research to develop a reality game immersion experience model. So there are three main conclusions of this research:1. Business model of Stupid Particle Studio. provided analysis results and management advice.2. Business model of Riddle City Studio. provided analysis results and management advice.3. Insights from the reality game immersion experience model. These insights can help firms to find their current position in the reality game market and find the possible development direction in the future.參考文獻 中文文獻1. 方永泉(2006)。J. Huizinga遊戲人的觀念在教育美學上的啟迪。《中等教育》57卷4期,p.26-p.452. 李煉祥(2011)。智慧型手機軟體商店之商業模式分析。國立中央大學資訊管理學系碩士在職專班碩士學位論文。3. 孟晉瑭(2015)。台灣實境遊戲商業模式初探。國立成功大學經營管理所碩士學位論文4. 林原君(2015)。實境遊戲之設計流程與製作之研究:以真人實境密室逃脫為例。國立臺北教育大學數位科技設計學系(含玩具與遊戲設計碩士班)碩士學位論文。5. 金筱凝(2015)。體驗行銷、服務品質對體驗價值及行為意圖之影響:以實境密室逃脫為例。南臺科技大學行銷與流通管理學系碩士學位論文。6. 施映如(2016)。虛擬實境敘事手法之研究與創作-以「失落的一角」繪本為例。國立臺北科技大學互動設計系碩士學位論文。7. 陳思靜(2017)。人格特質與團隊合作對體驗價值與行為意圖影響之研究:以密室逃脫為例。國立高雄應用科技大學企業管理所碩士學位論文8. 黃甯雅(2015)。實境密室逃脫遊戲消費體驗、重遊意願與口碑分享之關聯性研究。銘傳大學傳播管理學系碩士學位論文。9. 葉思義,宋昀璐(2004)。數位遊戲設計:遊戲設計知識全領域。台北:碁峰。10. 廖君雅(2015)。密室逃脫真人版,正夯的企業教育訓練,團隊集體闖關每個人都是福爾摩斯,《財訊雙週刊》No.471,p.110-p.11111. 蕭丞祖(2015)。真人密室逃脫遊戲顧客滿意度、休閒效益與再參與意願關係之研究。朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理所碩士學位論文。英文文獻1. Alessi & Trollip(1985). Computer-based instruction:Methods and development.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.2. Alessi, S. M. and Trollip, S. R. (1984) “Computer-based instruction: Methods of development,” NJ: Prentice-Hall3. Burdea, G. C., & Coiffet, P. (2003). Virtual Reality Technology (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.4. 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104363083資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 洪順慶 zh_TW (Authors) 張詒禎 zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Yi-Jen en_US dc.creator (作者) 張詒禎 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chang, Yi-Jen en_US (日期) 2018 en_US 2-Mar-2018 12:05:55 (UTC+8) - 2-Mar-2018 12:05:55 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Mar-2018 12:05:55 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104363083 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104363083 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 遊戲是人們在成長過程中必經的一環,每個人對於遊戲皆有不同的體驗與感想,過去,遊戲產業曾經歷一次重大的變革,當網際網路在台灣大量普及後消費者除了傳統玩具及遊戲以外,多出了更多從事休閒的選擇,例如線上遊戲、網頁遊戲、網路影音串流、音樂欣賞等,加上社群軟體如Facebook等大規模成長,社群遊戲、及移動遊戲大量佈局,改變消費者的科技使用習慣。然而,現今消費者透過電腦或平板等作為新興的休閒娛樂與教育平台,雖然提供豐富的內容、聲光效果及高度互動性,但卻受到螢幕與感測技術的限制,只能得到「扁平」的遊戲體驗,於是乎,近代休閒娛樂的發展迎來了新的一波變革,就是「將人們從線上遊戲世界帶回現實世界」,基於這個理念,許多的新創團隊朝實境遊戲發展,密室逃脫工作室如雨後春筍般出現,其他類型的實境遊戲工作室也一一運轉,各家廠商找出創新的模式提供娛樂商品,新興休閒娛樂商機也就因應而生。本研究著重於歸納各類實境遊戲業者提供遊戲體驗之方式,以及新興實境遊戲產業之商業模式,第一階段利用 Osterwalder and Pigneur(2010)所提出之商業模式分析圖,利用九大構成要素為基礎,向兩家標竿企業做深入訪談,並將兩家商業模式做分析整理;第二階段,未能安排訪談的企業則以報章雜誌的訪談專欄結果、及網路二手資料進行歸納。第三階段立基於上述分析得到的結果,找出實境遊戲之特性,並以矩陣方式呈現實境遊戲市場之可發展方向。本研究結論的部分包含:(一)探討笨蛋工作室之商業模式,其成功因素及可改良方向。(二)探討城市尋寶Riddle City之商業模式,其成功因素及可改良方向。(三)總結實境遊戲沈浸式矩陣模型之結果,觀察結果有利於實境遊戲產業新進廠商未來發展方向、或是提供既有業者經營模式變革之建議。期望這份研究能協助實境遊戲的發展。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Gaming is a necessary experience while growing up. Everyone has different expectations and experiences with games. In the past, there was a huge revolution in the gaming industry. Initially people could only choose traditional toys and games. However, with borderless online communication becoming more widespread, people now have greater entertainment choices such as online games, mobile games, live video stream, and music. Additionally, with the development of social media platforms such as Facebook, consumers have changed their technology using habits and information seeking methods. Nowadays consumers view laptops and tablets as an emerging platform for entertainment and education. They provide abundant contents, sight and sound effects, and high interaction. However, it is restricted by technology and bounded by monitor and motion sensors. Consumers can only immerse in a flat two dimensional gaming experiences. As a result, there has been another revolution, "Bringing people back from the online world to reality." Based on this thought, many reality game studios have sprung up in Taiwan bringing with them room escapes, attraction riddles, virtual reality games and augmented reality games. Firms are trying to find new business models to offer new forms of entertainments. This research emphasizes on generalizing a conclusion from all kinds of reality games, and observing their business models. During the first stage, we chose two famous reality game studios to interview and applied the nine elements of Osterwalder and Pigneur`s business model(2010) into interview guideline. We then concluded and analyzed their business models. In the second stage, we chose another 7 cases to help us see the whole picture of reality game market and inducted these 7 cases by second hand informations. At the third stage, we summarized all the research to develop a reality game immersion experience model. So there are three main conclusions of this research:1. Business model of Stupid Particle Studio. provided analysis results and management advice.2. Business model of Riddle City Studio. provided analysis results and management advice.3. Insights from the reality game immersion experience model. These insights can help firms to find their current position in the reality game market and find the possible development direction in the future. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目次摘要 1目次 2表次 4圖次 5第1章 緒論 6第一節 研究背景與動機 6第二節 研究目的 9第2章 文獻探討 10第一節 休閒的定義 10第二節 遊戲的定義 13第三節 另類實境遊戲之興起與演變 16第四節 實境遊戲的類型與製作流程 19第五節 商業模式Business model的內涵與要素 23第六節 虛擬實境與擴增實境的興起 26第七節 體驗經濟理論模型 28第3章 研究方法 35第一節 研究架構 35第二節 研究設計 36第4章 研究分析 41第一節 另類實境遊戲在體驗經濟理論中的定位 41第二節 個案探討 43第三節 模型前的案例說明 69第四節 實境遊戲沈浸式體驗模型 75第5章 結論與建議 88第一節 研究結論 88第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 95第6章 參考文獻 96 zh_TW dc.format.extent 8254518 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 實境遊戲 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 密室逃脫 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 景點實境 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 體驗經濟 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 策略行銷模組 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 商業模式 zh_TW dc.title (題名) 另類實境遊戲之經營模式探討 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Exploring Business Models of Alternative Reality Games en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻1. 方永泉(2006)。J. 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