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題名 台積電平台經營模式之個案分析
A case study on the platform business model of TSMC作者 朱韻如
Chu, Yun Ju貢獻者 邱奕嘉
Chiu, Yi Chia
Chu, Yun Ju關鍵詞 台積電
Business model
Value Chain
Platform transformation
Platform strategy
Enterprise transformation日期 2018 上傳時間 2-Mar-2018 12:06:36 (UTC+8) 摘要 近年來平台商業模式席捲全球,Google、Amazon、Facebook、Airbnb、Line等平台領導者們,改變了人與人之間的互動、翻轉現代的生活,並從平台中取得價值、獲得優勢,進行一場以生態系為主的競爭遊戲。此股炫風吹向經濟體中的不同環節,讓企業與企業、產業與產業之間的互動關係發生變化,同時造成許多無法因應平台經營模式與競爭策略的企業快速衰退。因此,在此股潮流之中,舊有企業如何成功轉向平台經營為本研究之重點。 有別於分析成立之際即以平台模式為主的個案公司,本研究結合了價值鏈經營模式、以及平台經營模式的觀點與相關學術理論,採用縱斷面研究方法探討典範企業—台積電30年來經營模式的轉變歷程,分析其如何一步步重塑半導體產業結構、佈局平台策略並成功轉型,成為半導體產業的巨頭之一,並形成台積大同盟的生態系與兩大IDM對手展開全面競爭。 透過本研究之分析與歸納,發現「價值鏈」與「平台」兩者的商業模式要素內涵與經營思維迥異,前者專注本業、著重內部優化,以低成本或差異化為主要的競爭策略;後者則強調擴張營運範圍、槓桿外部資源,共同創造更多價值獲得雙贏局面。而價值鏈模式之企業可從建立內部平台開始、轉變到供應鏈平台,接著發展至雙邊平台的演化方式進行轉型,但不是所有企業都具備成為雙邊平台領導者的潛力,必須確認自身提供的價值是否為整個技術系統所需、以及能否同時為產業中許多企業解決商業問題。當企業成功轉為雙邊平台之際,即可專注於提高平台的網路效應與轉換成本等策略行動上,追求大者恆大及生態系競爭之目的。
In recent years, the platform business model sweeps the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Line and other platform leaders not only changed the way people lived but also obtained values from the platform’s network. These values are key competitive advantages for platform leaders to win the game of business. However, the new type of business model is threatening pipeline business, and some pipelines even rapidly declined after attacking by platforms. Therefore, how pipelines can survive and turn successfully to platform-based business is the main discussion in this research. This study combined the academic theories of two business model: value chain and platform to explore the transformation of business and strategy of TSMC, which is one of the leading semiconductor companies in the world, in the past 30 years. The case study followed by analyzing how TSMC reshaped the semiconductor’s value chain and then adopt the platform strategy for enterprise transformation. Now, TSMC has its own ecosystem that can beat with other two giant IDM competitors. With the in-depth case study of the changing in TSMC’s business model, we had three conclusions. Firstly, we find out that the business model of “value chain” and “platform” has the different connotation and strategic thinking. The former enterprises focus on its own business, pay attention to internal optimization, and take advantage of differentiation or low cost for competition. However, the later ones emphasize the expansion of operating scope, leverage external resources, and co-create with partners for more values to pursuit the win-win situation. Secondly, enterprises with the value chain business model can develop the platform business model by establishing the internal platform at the initial and then expand to supply chain platform and two-sided market platform. But it`s worth noting that not all enterprises have the potential to become a platform leader. It must satisfy two prerequisite conditions: (1) the own value is essential within an industry, and (2) can solve the business problems of different companies at the same time. Thirdly, when enterprises successfully become the platform-based business, enlarging network effect and switching cost are two primary actions to pursue and keep platform leading strategy.參考文獻 一、英文文獻:[1] Ansoff (1987), “The concept of corporate strategy”, Homewood, IL: Irwin. 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105363043資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 邱奕嘉 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chiu, Yi Chia en_US (Authors) 朱韻如 zh_TW (Authors) Chu, Yun Ju en_US dc.creator (作者) 朱韻如 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chu, Yun Ju en_US (日期) 2018 en_US 2-Mar-2018 12:06:36 (UTC+8) - 2-Mar-2018 12:06:36 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Mar-2018 12:06:36 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105363043 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105363043 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來平台商業模式席捲全球,Google、Amazon、Facebook、Airbnb、Line等平台領導者們,改變了人與人之間的互動、翻轉現代的生活,並從平台中取得價值、獲得優勢,進行一場以生態系為主的競爭遊戲。此股炫風吹向經濟體中的不同環節,讓企業與企業、產業與產業之間的互動關係發生變化,同時造成許多無法因應平台經營模式與競爭策略的企業快速衰退。因此,在此股潮流之中,舊有企業如何成功轉向平台經營為本研究之重點。 有別於分析成立之際即以平台模式為主的個案公司,本研究結合了價值鏈經營模式、以及平台經營模式的觀點與相關學術理論,採用縱斷面研究方法探討典範企業—台積電30年來經營模式的轉變歷程,分析其如何一步步重塑半導體產業結構、佈局平台策略並成功轉型,成為半導體產業的巨頭之一,並形成台積大同盟的生態系與兩大IDM對手展開全面競爭。 透過本研究之分析與歸納,發現「價值鏈」與「平台」兩者的商業模式要素內涵與經營思維迥異,前者專注本業、著重內部優化,以低成本或差異化為主要的競爭策略;後者則強調擴張營運範圍、槓桿外部資源,共同創造更多價值獲得雙贏局面。而價值鏈模式之企業可從建立內部平台開始、轉變到供應鏈平台,接著發展至雙邊平台的演化方式進行轉型,但不是所有企業都具備成為雙邊平台領導者的潛力,必須確認自身提供的價值是否為整個技術系統所需、以及能否同時為產業中許多企業解決商業問題。當企業成功轉為雙邊平台之際,即可專注於提高平台的網路效應與轉換成本等策略行動上,追求大者恆大及生態系競爭之目的。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, the platform business model sweeps the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Line and other platform leaders not only changed the way people lived but also obtained values from the platform’s network. These values are key competitive advantages for platform leaders to win the game of business. However, the new type of business model is threatening pipeline business, and some pipelines even rapidly declined after attacking by platforms. Therefore, how pipelines can survive and turn successfully to platform-based business is the main discussion in this research. This study combined the academic theories of two business model: value chain and platform to explore the transformation of business and strategy of TSMC, which is one of the leading semiconductor companies in the world, in the past 30 years. The case study followed by analyzing how TSMC reshaped the semiconductor’s value chain and then adopt the platform strategy for enterprise transformation. Now, TSMC has its own ecosystem that can beat with other two giant IDM competitors. With the in-depth case study of the changing in TSMC’s business model, we had three conclusions. Firstly, we find out that the business model of “value chain” and “platform” has the different connotation and strategic thinking. The former enterprises focus on its own business, pay attention to internal optimization, and take advantage of differentiation or low cost for competition. However, the later ones emphasize the expansion of operating scope, leverage external resources, and co-create with partners for more values to pursuit the win-win situation. Secondly, enterprises with the value chain business model can develop the platform business model by establishing the internal platform at the initial and then expand to supply chain platform and two-sided market platform. But it`s worth noting that not all enterprises have the potential to become a platform leader. It must satisfy two prerequisite conditions: (1) the own value is essential within an industry, and (2) can solve the business problems of different companies at the same time. Thirdly, when enterprises successfully become the platform-based business, enlarging network effect and switching cost are two primary actions to pursue and keep platform leading strategy. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的與研究問題 2第三節 研究範圍與步驟 3第二章 文獻探討 5第一節 商業模式 52-1-1 商業模式(Business Model)定義與架構 52-1-2 價值鏈(Value Chain)模式 62-1-3 平台(Platform)模式 62-1-4 生態系統(Ecosystem)模式 7第二節 傳統策略管理 82-2-1 SWOT分析 82-2-2 五力分析(Five Force Analysis) 92-2-3 資源基礎觀點(Resource-Based View, RBV) 102-2-4 競爭策略 12第三節 平台策略管理 132-3-1 平台類型與演化 132-3-2 進入與發展策略 152-3-3 建立平台商業模式 19第三章 研究方法 28第一節 觀念性研究架構 28第二節 研究方法 30第三節 研究設計 32第四章 個案介紹 34第一節 個案產業簡介 344-1-1 半導體產業簡介 344-1-2 半導體產業近十年現況 50第二節 個案公司簡介 564-2-1. 1987-1996年:晶圓代工製造(Foundry) 574-2-2. 1996-2001年:虛擬晶圓廠(Virtual Fab) 594-2-3. 2001-2004年:電子化服務(e-Foundry) 634-2-4. 2004-2008年:平台策略(Platform Strayegy) 694-2-5. 2008-2012年:開放創新平台(Open Innovation Platform®) 724-2-6. 2012-至今:台積大同盟(Grand Alliance) 82第五章 研究分析與討論 84第一節 研究分析 845-1-1. 商業模式分析 845-1-2. 價值鏈模式的策略行動 865-1-3. 平台經營模式的策略行動 94第二節 研究發現 105第六章 結論與建議 117第一節 結論 117第二節 研究限制 121第三節 後續研究建議 121參考文獻 122 zh_TW dc.format.extent 10406731 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台積電 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 商業模式 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 價值鏈 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平台演化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平台策略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 企業轉型 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) TSMC en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Business model en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Value Chain en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Platform transformation en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Platform strategy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Enterprise transformation en_US dc.title (題名) 台積電平台經營模式之個案分析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A case study on the platform business model of TSMC en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、英文文獻:[1] Ansoff (1987), “The concept of corporate strategy”, Homewood, IL: Irwin. 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