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題名 The Imagination of the Communities and the Competition of the Discourse Rights of Confucianism: A Case Study of the Politics and Religions Strategies and magazines published of Nanjing National Government and Manchukuo in the 1930s
作者 周志煌
Zhou, Zhi-Huang
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 儒學話語 ; 政教策略 ; 《興仁季刊》 ; 《道慈襍誌》 ; 《新亞細亞》 ; 《道德月刊》 ; 滿洲國 ; 南京國民政府
Confucianism discourse ; political and religious strategy ; "Xing Ren quarterly" ; "Tao Chi magazine" ; "New Asia monthly" ; "Moral monthly" ; Manchukuo ; Nanjing National Government
日期 2017-04
上傳時間 13-Jun-2018 11:56:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 以1930年代儒學觀念及相關闡釋而言,報刊雜誌中的內容多與時事相互輝映,其中不乏談論社會倫理與個體道德、公共義務與個人權利,乃至與道德教育相關學術話語或政府活動紀實,都可於報刊雜誌中發現諸多議題,值得進一步申說。以日本扶植成立的滿洲國發行《興仁季刊》為例,康德二年(1935年)5月及7月發刊的第三、四期,分別有〈康德二年春季上丁祀孔講述詞〉、〈春丁祀孔紀實〉、〈儒書天人之說〉、〈孔子教育學說之評述〉等與儒家相關的文章刊登羅列。而國民黨元老戴季陶(1891-1949)主編的《新亞細亞》雜誌,則在同年1935年8月發刊的第10卷第2期當中,製作「孔子專號」,刊載了孔德成(1920-2008)〈先聖事蹟及生卒年月日之考信〉、〈尊孔史敘〉;李源澄(1909-1958)〈尊孔論〉等文章。在《新亞細亞》發行共14卷78期當中,此專號是絕無僅有的。相較於政論或文化性質的刊物,在宗教刊物方面,《道德月刊》為世界紅卍字會濟南分會於民國22年8月創刊,採儒釋道耶回五教合一,發揮天道性命之學。以1935年第2卷第9期內容編排為例,除刊載《道德經》、《楞嚴經》、《書經》等講解外,另有「耶稣基督傳」、「天方性理圖傳」的介紹。此外還有「道藏摘要」、「陽明傳習錄」「靈異述聞」(談因果感應)等。除此之外,1934年世界紅卍字會瀋陽分會於滿洲國瀋陽創刊的《道慈襍誌》,在第一卷第一號的〈參經-恭參副經訓文〉專欄中,就引程伊川「四箴」、曾文正公的「五箴」,以及世界紅卍字會自創的「六箴」來闡述修身之道。另外,就中日雙方政治角力及軍事衝突在1930年代逐步升溫之際,南京國民政府一方面注意滿、蒙、新疆等邊境史、地相關研究;二方面透過民族主義及文化共同體的詮釋策略,藉助黨國要員所經營報刊雜誌的傳媒效應,以公共話語權來對抗日本佔據東北、覬覦蒙古等侵略行動,並作為民族文化團結之號召。以報刊雜誌中的儒學及相關道德倫理、王道文化方面的論述而言,在「民族」作為共同體的想像概念運用中,究竟扮演了什麼樣的思想支援及行動號召的作用?相對的,作為侵略者的日本,又如何透過清朝末代王室的扶植,藉助報刊雜誌當中儒學及王道政治的規訓,加強所轄民眾的道德倫理教育及貫徹效忠軍政領導之精神。如此,當「道」趨向「主義」化之後,儒學的政、教意義在1930年代的時空情境產生了什麼樣的激盪與對話?本文擬以在滿洲國發行的《興仁季刊》《道慈襍誌),以及中國境內出版的《新亞細亞》《道德月刊》等刊物的儒學論述為中心進行相關探討。
In the 1930s, Confucianism and related explanations, the content of newspapers and magazines and the current affairs of each other, many of them talk about social ethics and individual morality, public obligations and individual rights, and even moral education related academic discourse or government activities, Can be found in the magazine and many issues, it is worth further said. In addition, the political wrestling and military conflict between China and Japan in the 1930s gradually warming on the occasion of the journal and magazines in the Confucian and related moral ethics, Wangdao cultural aspects of the discussion, in the "nation" as a community to imagine the use of the concept, What kind of thinking support and action call the role of action? In contrast, Japan, as an invaders, how to strengthen the moral and ethical education of the people under the jurisdiction of the people and the spirit of military and political leadership, through the fostering of the royal family in the late Qing dynasty, by means of the discipline of Confucianism and "Wangdao politics" in newspapers and magazines. So, when the "Tao" tend to "doctrine", Confucianism`s political and religious significance in the 1930`s time and space situation produced what kind of agitation and dialogue? This paper is intended to be explored in the "Xing Ren quarterly", "Tao Chi magazine" published in Manchuria, and the Confucianism of ``New Asia monthly" and " Moral monthly" published in China.
關聯 輔仁國文學報, No.44, pp.121-162
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 周志煌zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Zhou, Zhi-Huangen_US (日期) 2017-04 13-Jun-2018 11:56:06 (UTC+8)- 13-Jun-2018 11:56:06 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 13-Jun-2018 11:56:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 以1930年代儒學觀念及相關闡釋而言,報刊雜誌中的內容多與時事相互輝映,其中不乏談論社會倫理與個體道德、公共義務與個人權利,乃至與道德教育相關學術話語或政府活動紀實,都可於報刊雜誌中發現諸多議題,值得進一步申說。以日本扶植成立的滿洲國發行《興仁季刊》為例,康德二年(1935年)5月及7月發刊的第三、四期,分別有〈康德二年春季上丁祀孔講述詞〉、〈春丁祀孔紀實〉、〈儒書天人之說〉、〈孔子教育學說之評述〉等與儒家相關的文章刊登羅列。而國民黨元老戴季陶(1891-1949)主編的《新亞細亞》雜誌,則在同年1935年8月發刊的第10卷第2期當中,製作「孔子專號」,刊載了孔德成(1920-2008)〈先聖事蹟及生卒年月日之考信〉、〈尊孔史敘〉;李源澄(1909-1958)〈尊孔論〉等文章。在《新亞細亞》發行共14卷78期當中,此專號是絕無僅有的。相較於政論或文化性質的刊物,在宗教刊物方面,《道德月刊》為世界紅卍字會濟南分會於民國22年8月創刊,採儒釋道耶回五教合一,發揮天道性命之學。以1935年第2卷第9期內容編排為例,除刊載《道德經》、《楞嚴經》、《書經》等講解外,另有「耶稣基督傳」、「天方性理圖傳」的介紹。此外還有「道藏摘要」、「陽明傳習錄」「靈異述聞」(談因果感應)等。除此之外,1934年世界紅卍字會瀋陽分會於滿洲國瀋陽創刊的《道慈襍誌》,在第一卷第一號的〈參經-恭參副經訓文〉專欄中,就引程伊川「四箴」、曾文正公的「五箴」,以及世界紅卍字會自創的「六箴」來闡述修身之道。另外,就中日雙方政治角力及軍事衝突在1930年代逐步升溫之際,南京國民政府一方面注意滿、蒙、新疆等邊境史、地相關研究;二方面透過民族主義及文化共同體的詮釋策略,藉助黨國要員所經營報刊雜誌的傳媒效應,以公共話語權來對抗日本佔據東北、覬覦蒙古等侵略行動,並作為民族文化團結之號召。以報刊雜誌中的儒學及相關道德倫理、王道文化方面的論述而言,在「民族」作為共同體的想像概念運用中,究竟扮演了什麼樣的思想支援及行動號召的作用?相對的,作為侵略者的日本,又如何透過清朝末代王室的扶植,藉助報刊雜誌當中儒學及王道政治的規訓,加強所轄民眾的道德倫理教育及貫徹效忠軍政領導之精神。如此,當「道」趨向「主義」化之後,儒學的政、教意義在1930年代的時空情境產生了什麼樣的激盪與對話?本文擬以在滿洲國發行的《興仁季刊》《道慈襍誌),以及中國境內出版的《新亞細亞》《道德月刊》等刊物的儒學論述為中心進行相關探討。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the 1930s, Confucianism and related explanations, the content of newspapers and magazines and the current affairs of each other, many of them talk about social ethics and individual morality, public obligations and individual rights, and even moral education related academic discourse or government activities, Can be found in the magazine and many issues, it is worth further said. In addition, the political wrestling and military conflict between China and Japan in the 1930s gradually warming on the occasion of the journal and magazines in the Confucian and related moral ethics, Wangdao cultural aspects of the discussion, in the "nation" as a community to imagine the use of the concept, What kind of thinking support and action call the role of action? In contrast, Japan, as an invaders, how to strengthen the moral and ethical education of the people under the jurisdiction of the people and the spirit of military and political leadership, through the fostering of the royal family in the late Qing dynasty, by means of the discipline of Confucianism and "Wangdao politics" in newspapers and magazines. So, when the "Tao" tend to "doctrine", Confucianism`s political and religious significance in the 1930`s time and space situation produced what kind of agitation and dialogue? This paper is intended to be explored in the "Xing Ren quarterly", "Tao Chi magazine" published in Manchuria, and the Confucianism of ``New Asia monthly" and " Moral monthly" published in China.en_US
dc.format.extent 34590572 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 輔仁國文學報, No.44, pp.121-162zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 儒學話語 ; 政教策略 ; 《興仁季刊》 ; 《道慈襍誌》 ; 《新亞細亞》 ; 《道德月刊》 ; 滿洲國 ; 南京國民政府zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Confucianism discourse ; political and religious strategy ; "Xing Ren quarterly" ; "Tao Chi magazine" ; "New Asia monthly" ; "Moral monthly" ; Manchukuo ; Nanjing National Governmenten_US
dc.title (題名) The Imagination of the Communities and the Competition of the Discourse Rights of Confucianism: A Case Study of the Politics and Religions Strategies and magazines published of Nanjing National Government and Manchukuo in the 1930sen_US
dc.title (題名) 共同體的想像及儒學話語權的爭奪:以1930年代南京國民政府與滿洲國的政、教策略及雜誌刊載為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article