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題名 家庭社經地位、父母教養行為對幼兒學習取向之影響
The Influence of Family Socioeconomic Status and Parenting practices on Preschool Children’s Learning Approaches作者 馮麗娜
Feng, LiNa貢獻者 吳政達<br>郭昭佑
Wu, Cheng-Ta<br>Guo, Chao-Yu
Feng, LiNa關鍵詞 家庭社經地位
Family socioeconomic status
Parenting practices
Preschool socioeconomic status
Learning approaches日期 2018 上傳時間 3-Jul-2018 17:35:17 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究旨在瞭解家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位如何與幼兒學習取向相關聯,並考慮幼兒個人特徵。本研究將家庭社經地位作為結構指標,將父母教養行為作為過程指標,檢驗幼兒園社經地位對幼兒學習取向的直接影響及其對家庭結構和家庭過程指標的調節效果。本研究使用抽樣自寧波的33所幼兒園907名3-6歲幼兒,收集家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位與幼兒學習取向的數據。幼兒父母填寫家庭背景以及教養行為問卷(APQ, Cova, Rincón, Grandón, Inostroza,2017),從四個構面評量父母教養行為:正向教養(RF)、父母參與(IP)、不一致管教(ID)和體罰(PP)。班級教師使用幼兒學習行為量表(PLBS, McDermott, Rikoon, Waterman, &Fantuzzo, 2012),從三個构面评量幼兒的學習取向:勝任動機(CM),學習策略(LS)和注意/堅持(AP)。階層線性模型分析的主要結論如下:一、家庭社經地位對幼兒學習取向具有顯著影響。在控制幼兒的性別、年齡下,家庭社經地位與幼兒學習取向之勝任動機、學習策略呈顯著正相關,與幼兒注意/堅持則未呈顯著相關。這表示家庭社經地位愈高,幼兒的勝任動機、學習策略愈佳。二、父母教養行為對幼兒學習取向具有顯著影響。在控制幼兒的性別、年齡及家庭社經地位下,父母教養行為中的正向教養與幼兒學習取向之勝任動機、學習策略呈顯著正相關,表示父母的正向教養愈高,幼兒的勝任動機、學習策略愈佳。父母教養行為中的體罰對幼兒學習取向之勝任動機、注意/堅持、學習策略均呈顯著負相關,表示父母的體罰行為愈高,幼兒的學習取向愈差。三、幼兒園社經地位未直接影響幼兒學習取向。在控制幼兒園所有權下,幼兒園社經地位對幼兒學習取向直接效果不顯著,表示幼兒園社經地位作為幼兒發展的脈絡變量,對幼兒學習取向發展產生間接影響。四、幼兒園社經地位顯著調節正向教養對幼兒學習取向的影響。在控制幼兒園所有權下,幼兒園社經地位顯著調節正向教養對幼兒勝任動機、學習策略的影響,在幼兒園社經地位和幼兒的注意/堅持之間則未達顯著調節。表示幼兒園社經地位增強正向教養對幼兒勝任動機、學習策略的正向影響。入讀高社經地位幼兒園增強了父母的正向教養對幼兒勝任動機和學習策略的積極影響,表明了“馬太效應”。幼兒最佳發展取決於家庭環境特徵和入讀幼兒園之間的適宜。
The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between family socioeconomic status, parenting practices and preschool socioeconomic status, and preschool children’s learning approaches, and to considered the individual characteristics of preschool children. This study takes the family socioeconomic status as a structural indicator and parenting practices as a process indicator to examine the independent influence of the preschool socioeconomic status on the preschool children’s learning approaches and its moderating effect on the family structure and family process indicator.This study used 907 preschool children aged 3-6 years from 33 preschool sampled in Ningbo to collect data on the family socioeconomic status, parenting practices, preschool socioeconomic status, and preschool children’s learning approaches. Parents of preschool children filled in the family background and parenting practices questionnaire (APQ, Cova, Rincón, Grandón, Inostroza, 2017) and evaluated parenting practices from four dimensions: positive parenting (RF), parental involvement (IP), and inconsistent discipline (ID) and physical punishment (PP). Class teachers used the Preschool Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS, McDermott, Rikoon, Waterman, & Fantuzzo, 2012) to assess the preschool children’s learning approaches from three dimensions: competence motivation(CM), learning strategy(LS), and attention/persistence (AP).The main conclusions of the hierarchical linear model analysis are as follows:1.The family socioeconomic status has a significant impact on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of the preschool children’s gender and age, the family socioeconomic status has a significant positive correlation with the competence motivation and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches, and it has no significant correlation with the preschool children’s attention/persistence. This means that the higher the socioeconomic status of the family is, the better the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy are.2.Parenting practices have a significant impact on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of the preschool children’s gender, age, and family socioeconomic status, the positive parenting in parenting practices has a significant correlation with the competence motivation and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches. This means that the higher the positive parenting is, the better the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy are.The physical punishment in parenting practices has a significant negative correlation with the competence motivation, attention/persistence, and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches. This means that the higher the parents’ physical punishment behavior is, the worse the preschool children’s learning approaches are.3.The preschool socioeconomic status has no direct effect on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of preschool ownership, the preschool socioeconomic status has no significant direct effect on the preschool children’s learning approaches. It means that the preschool socioeconomic status serves as a context variable for the preschool children’s development and has an indirect effect on the development of the preschool children’s learning approaches.4.The preschool socioeconomic status significantly moderates the influence of positive parenting on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of preschool ownership, the preschool socioeconomic status significantly moderates the influence of positive parenting on the competence motivation and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches, and there has been no significant moderate between the preschool socioeconomic status and children’s attention/persistence. It means that the preschool socioeconomic status enhances the influence of positive parenting on the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy.Enrolling in preschool of high socioeconomic status has enhanced the positive influence of positive parenting on the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy, and demonstrated the “Matthew effect”. 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104152517資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 吳政達<br>郭昭佑 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Wu, Cheng-Ta<br>Guo, Chao-Yu en_US (Authors) 馮麗娜 zh_TW (Authors) Feng, LiNa en_US dc.creator (作者) 馮麗娜 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Feng, LiNa en_US (日期) 2018 en_US 3-Jul-2018 17:35:17 (UTC+8) - 3-Jul-2018 17:35:17 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 3-Jul-2018 17:35:17 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1041525172 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 教育學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104152517 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在瞭解家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位如何與幼兒學習取向相關聯,並考慮幼兒個人特徵。本研究將家庭社經地位作為結構指標,將父母教養行為作為過程指標,檢驗幼兒園社經地位對幼兒學習取向的直接影響及其對家庭結構和家庭過程指標的調節效果。本研究使用抽樣自寧波的33所幼兒園907名3-6歲幼兒,收集家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位與幼兒學習取向的數據。幼兒父母填寫家庭背景以及教養行為問卷(APQ, Cova, Rincón, Grandón, Inostroza,2017),從四個構面評量父母教養行為:正向教養(RF)、父母參與(IP)、不一致管教(ID)和體罰(PP)。班級教師使用幼兒學習行為量表(PLBS, McDermott, Rikoon, Waterman, &Fantuzzo, 2012),從三個构面评量幼兒的學習取向:勝任動機(CM),學習策略(LS)和注意/堅持(AP)。階層線性模型分析的主要結論如下:一、家庭社經地位對幼兒學習取向具有顯著影響。在控制幼兒的性別、年齡下,家庭社經地位與幼兒學習取向之勝任動機、學習策略呈顯著正相關,與幼兒注意/堅持則未呈顯著相關。這表示家庭社經地位愈高,幼兒的勝任動機、學習策略愈佳。二、父母教養行為對幼兒學習取向具有顯著影響。在控制幼兒的性別、年齡及家庭社經地位下,父母教養行為中的正向教養與幼兒學習取向之勝任動機、學習策略呈顯著正相關,表示父母的正向教養愈高,幼兒的勝任動機、學習策略愈佳。父母教養行為中的體罰對幼兒學習取向之勝任動機、注意/堅持、學習策略均呈顯著負相關,表示父母的體罰行為愈高,幼兒的學習取向愈差。三、幼兒園社經地位未直接影響幼兒學習取向。在控制幼兒園所有權下,幼兒園社經地位對幼兒學習取向直接效果不顯著,表示幼兒園社經地位作為幼兒發展的脈絡變量,對幼兒學習取向發展產生間接影響。四、幼兒園社經地位顯著調節正向教養對幼兒學習取向的影響。在控制幼兒園所有權下,幼兒園社經地位顯著調節正向教養對幼兒勝任動機、學習策略的影響,在幼兒園社經地位和幼兒的注意/堅持之間則未達顯著調節。表示幼兒園社經地位增強正向教養對幼兒勝任動機、學習策略的正向影響。入讀高社經地位幼兒園增強了父母的正向教養對幼兒勝任動機和學習策略的積極影響,表明了“馬太效應”。幼兒最佳發展取決於家庭環境特徵和入讀幼兒園之間的適宜。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between family socioeconomic status, parenting practices and preschool socioeconomic status, and preschool children’s learning approaches, and to considered the individual characteristics of preschool children. This study takes the family socioeconomic status as a structural indicator and parenting practices as a process indicator to examine the independent influence of the preschool socioeconomic status on the preschool children’s learning approaches and its moderating effect on the family structure and family process indicator.This study used 907 preschool children aged 3-6 years from 33 preschool sampled in Ningbo to collect data on the family socioeconomic status, parenting practices, preschool socioeconomic status, and preschool children’s learning approaches. Parents of preschool children filled in the family background and parenting practices questionnaire (APQ, Cova, Rincón, Grandón, Inostroza, 2017) and evaluated parenting practices from four dimensions: positive parenting (RF), parental involvement (IP), and inconsistent discipline (ID) and physical punishment (PP). Class teachers used the Preschool Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS, McDermott, Rikoon, Waterman, & Fantuzzo, 2012) to assess the preschool children’s learning approaches from three dimensions: competence motivation(CM), learning strategy(LS), and attention/persistence (AP).The main conclusions of the hierarchical linear model analysis are as follows:1.The family socioeconomic status has a significant impact on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of the preschool children’s gender and age, the family socioeconomic status has a significant positive correlation with the competence motivation and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches, and it has no significant correlation with the preschool children’s attention/persistence. This means that the higher the socioeconomic status of the family is, the better the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy are.2.Parenting practices have a significant impact on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of the preschool children’s gender, age, and family socioeconomic status, the positive parenting in parenting practices has a significant correlation with the competence motivation and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches. This means that the higher the positive parenting is, the better the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy are.The physical punishment in parenting practices has a significant negative correlation with the competence motivation, attention/persistence, and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches. This means that the higher the parents’ physical punishment behavior is, the worse the preschool children’s learning approaches are.3.The preschool socioeconomic status has no direct effect on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of preschool ownership, the preschool socioeconomic status has no significant direct effect on the preschool children’s learning approaches. It means that the preschool socioeconomic status serves as a context variable for the preschool children’s development and has an indirect effect on the development of the preschool children’s learning approaches.4.The preschool socioeconomic status significantly moderates the influence of positive parenting on the preschool children’s learning approaches.Under the control of preschool ownership, the preschool socioeconomic status significantly moderates the influence of positive parenting on the competence motivation and learning strategy of the preschool children’s learning approaches, and there has been no significant moderate between the preschool socioeconomic status and children’s attention/persistence. It means that the preschool socioeconomic status enhances the influence of positive parenting on the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy.Enrolling in preschool of high socioeconomic status has enhanced the positive influence of positive parenting on the preschool children’s competence motivation and learning strategy, and demonstrated the “Matthew effect”. The best development of the preschool children depends on the characteristics of the family environment and the appropriateness of entering a preschool. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機 1第二節 研究目的與問題 5第三節 名詞釋義 6第四節 研究限制 13第二章 文獻探討 14第一節 研究的理論基礎 14第二節 社經地位的概念、測量與相關研究 17第三節 父母教養行為的概念、測量與相關研究 24第四節 幼兒學習取向的概念、測量與相關研究 42第五節 社經地位、父母教養行為與幼兒學習取向之間的關係 52第三章 研究设计 55第一節 研究架構 55第二節 研究方法 57第三節 研究對象 58第四節 研究工具 61第五節 資料處理 65第四章 結果與討論 67第一節 描述與相關分析結果 67第二節 階層線性模型分析結果 70第三節 家庭社經地位、父母教養行為對幼兒學習取向的影響 77第四節 幼兒園社經地位在父母教養行為中的調節效果 81第五章 結論與建議 84第一節 結論 84第二節 建議 86參考文獻 90壹、中文部分 90貳、英文部分 95附錄 114附錄1專家學者名單 114附錄2父母教養行為專家問卷 115附錄3 幼兒學習取向專家問卷 119附錄4父母教養行為預試問卷 123附錄5父母教養行為正式問卷 125附錄6幼兒學習取向評量預試問卷(教師版) 128附錄7幼兒學習取向評量正式問卷(教師版) 130附錄8 幼兒園所基本情況正式問卷(園長版) 132表次表4-1-1家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位與幼兒學習取向的描述性結果 68表4-1-2 家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位與幼兒學習取向的相關係數 69表4-2-1 勝任動機的階層線性模型分析 71表4-2-2 注意/堅持的階層線性模型分析 73表4-2-3 學習策略的階層線性模型分析 75圖次圖2-1-1 Bronfenbrenner生態系統圖(1979) 15圖3-1-1家庭社經地位、父母教養行為、幼兒園社經地位對幼兒學習取向之影響 56圖3-3-1 本 研 究 抽 樣 過 程 圖 60 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1390412 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家庭社經地位 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 父母教養行為 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 幼兒園社經地位 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學習取向 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Family socioeconomic status en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Parenting practices en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Preschool socioeconomic status en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Learning approaches en_US dc.title (題名) 家庭社經地位、父母教養行為對幼兒學習取向之影響 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Influence of Family Socioeconomic Status and Parenting practices on Preschool Children’s Learning Approaches en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王孟成(2014)。潛變數建模與Mplus應用,基礎篇。重慶:重慶大學出版社。王寶華、馮曉霞、肖樹娟、蒼翠(2010)。家庭社會經濟地位與兒童學習品質及入學認知準備之間的關係。學前教育研究(4),3-9。王麗、傅金芝(2005)。國內父母教養方式與兒童發展研究。心理科學進展,13(03), 298-304。王中會、羅慧蘭、張建新(2006)。父母教養方式與青少年人格特點的關係。中國臨床心理學雜誌,14(3),315-317。王書荃(2007)。對早期教育環境不良兒童的學前干預及追蹤研究。中國特殊教育,5,013。王美芳、劉莉、金英娣(2015)。父母心理攻擊與小學兒童焦慮的關係:兒童自尊的中介作用。中國臨床心理學雜誌,23(2),273-276。方曉義、鄭宇(1998)。初中生父母扶養方式的研究。心理發展與教育,4,24-28。[日]中室牧子著,魏鈾原譯(2017)。學力經濟學:被數據推翻的教育准則。北京:中國人民大學出版社。石紹華、鄭鋼、唐洪、張梅玲(2001)。育兒風格對兒童發展的影響。心理學動態,9(3),221-226。史文秀(2017)。「全面二孩」政策背景下我國學前教育資源供需狀況及其政策建議——基於2017~2026年在園學前兒童數量預測。教育科學,4,013。李燕芳、呂瑩(2013)。家庭教育投入對兒童早期學業能力的影響:學習品質的仲介作用。中國特殊教育(9), 65-72。李季湄、馮曉霞(2013)。《3~6歲兒童學習與發展指南》解讀。北京:人民教育出版社。李慧、嚴仲連(2017)。美國0~3歲嬰幼兒學習品質的結構指標與培養策略。外國教育研究,44(9),72-85。李春玲(2005)。當代中國社會的聲望分層—職業聲望與社會經濟地位指數測量。社會學研究,2,71-92.任春榮(2010)。學生家庭社會經濟地位(SES)的測量技術。教育學報,6(5),77-82。印小青(2004)。家庭教養方式與兒童發展關係研究綜述。學前教育研究,(10),49-50。呂正欣(2008)。兒童入學準備發展水平對其學校適應狀況的預測(未出版之博士論文)。東北師範大學,長春市。呂勤、陳會昌、王莉(2003)。兒童問題行為及其相關父母教養因素研究綜述。心理科學,26(1)。約翰,杜威(2001)。民主主義與教育。北京:人民教育出版社。谷傳華、陳會昌、許晶晶(2003)。中國近現代社會創造性人物早期的家庭環境與父母教養方式(Doctoral dissertation)。宋佔美、劉小林(2013)。城市低收入家庭學前教育投資現狀及其政策補償建議。學前教育研究,(3),39-43。林磊、董奇、陶沙、曾琦(1996)。母親教育方式與學齡前兒童心理發展的關係研究。心理發展與教育,4,56-60。岳冬梅(1993)。父母養育方式評價量表(EMBU)。中國心理衛生雜誌,7,212-214。徐岩(2015)。社会资本与儿童福祉——基于社会学视角的理论述评。中山大学学报: 社会科学版,55(5),159-171。張文新(1998)。兒童社會性發展。北京:北京師範大學出版社。陳陳(2002)。家庭教養方式研究進程透視。南京師大學報:社會科學版,(6),95-103。陳立民、張霞、夏榮(2011)。青少年親子關係與攻擊性行為的關係研究。心理與行為研究,9(3),231-235。賈守梅、汪玲、譚暉、王曉、施瑩娟、李萍(2013)。中文版父母行為問卷在兒童早期父母中應用的信效度檢驗。中國兒童保健雜誌, 21(9), 916-919。教育部關於印發《3-6歲兒童學習與發展指南》的通知(2012)。教育部關於印發《幼兒園工作規程》的通知(2016)。黃小瑞(2014)。社會經濟地位的測量指標及合成方法。全球教育展望,43(12),82-92。馬方圓(2007)。學齡前兒童入學準備中學習方式測驗的編制及其預測功能研究(未出版之碩士論文)。東北師範大學,長春市。秦金亮、李軒、方瑩(2017)。有效學前教育機構的特徵-英國 EPPE 項目對我國學前教育質量政策制定的意義。外國教育研究,44(1),15-26。許少瓊(2011)。家庭養育環境因素對學齡前兒童氣質及行為問題的影響研究。中國兒童保健雜誌,19(5),457-459。梁玉華、龐麗娟(2011)。發展適宜性教育:內涵,效果及其趨勢。全球教育展望,40(8),53-59。董書陽、梁熙、張瑩、王爭艷(2017)。母親積極養育行為對兒童順從行為的早期預測與雙向作用:從嬰兒到學步兒。心理學報,49(4),460-471。陶沙、王耘、王雁蘋、董奇(1998)。3-6歲兒童母親教養行為的結構及其與兒童特徵的關係。心理發展與教育,3。崔哲、張建新(2005)。中學生家庭教養模式及應對方式與其心理健康的關係。中國臨床心理學雜誌,13(2),180-182。劉焱、宋妍萍(2013)。我國城市3-6歲兒童家庭學前教育消費支出水平調查。華中師範大學學報:人文社會科學版,(1),155-160。馮燕(2009)。從生態觀點看幼兒托育發展。幼兒教保研究期刊,(03):1-15。蓋笑松、張向葵(2005)。兒童入學準備狀態的理論模型與干預途徑。心理科學進展, 13(5),614-622。錢銘怡、肖廣蘭(1998)。青少年心理健康水平,自我效能,自尊與父母養育方式的相關研究。心理科學,21(6),553-555。鄒萍、楊麗珠(2005)。父母教育觀念類型對幼兒個性相關特質發展的影響。心理與行為研究,3(3),182-187。蔣獎、許燕、蔣苾菁、於生凱、鄭芳芳(2009)。父母教養方式問卷(PBI)的信效度研究。心理科學,32(1),193-196。蔣獎、魯崢嶸、蔣苾菁、許燕(2010)。簡式父母教養方式問卷中文版的初步修訂。心理發展與教育,26(1),94-99。鄢超雲(2009)。學習品質:美國兒童入學準備的一個新領域。學前教育研究,4(9)。鄢超雲、魏婷(2013)。《3~6歲兒童學習與發展指南》中的學習品質解讀。幼兒教育:教育科學,(6),1-5。鄢超雲、袁能艷(2016)。如何培養幼兒良好的學習品質。幼兒教育:教育教學,(9),32-35。鄢超雲(2017)。在遊戲中培養兒童的學習品質。幼兒教育:教育教學,(6),12-15。趙曉、劉莉、孟慶曉、王美芳(2017)。Alabama教養問卷(父母版)中文版的心理測量學分析。青少年學刊,(1),32-38。楊沈龍、郭永玉、李靜(2013)。低社會階層者是否更相信系統公正。心理科學進展,21(12),2245-2255。[瑞士]裴斯泰洛齊著,北京編譯社譯(2005)。林哈德和葛篤德。北京:人民教育出版社。盧梭、平漚(1978)。愛彌兒:論教育(Vol.19,No.78,p.2)。北京:商務印書館。貳、英文部分Aiken, L. 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