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題名 透過社群輿情分析探討餐飲類口碑操作方式-以咖啡廳產業為例
The Research of the Online Business of Internet Public Opinion from Social Media – A Case Study of Coffee Shop Industry
作者 何季倫
Ho, Chi-Lun
貢獻者 鄭宇庭
Zheng, Yu-Ting
Ho, Chi-Lun
關鍵詞 網路口碑
日期 2018
上傳時間 3-Jul-2018 17:38:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 過去消費者主要是透過電視廣告及傳統媒體管道得到品牌資訊並進而產生消費的行為,近年由於網路及相關科技蓬勃發展,扎實地影響到消費者購買決策流程,相較於過去被動式的接受資訊,大多是主動在網路探索相關的資料並進而與其他網路民眾討論產生輿論效果,因此現代餐飲業在塑造經營品牌不能僅僅在線下操作,觀察並分析網路上的各種聲音也是相當重要。
In the past, consumers mainly obtained brand and product information through TV and traditional media channels, which led to consuming behavior. In recent years, the development of the internet and related technologies has drastically affected the consumer purchasing decision process, compared to the passive acceptance of information in the past. Most of them are actively exploring relevant data on the Internet and discussing with others on the Internet to produce public opinions. Therefore, the modern catering industry can`t just operate online while building brand management. It is also very important to observe and analyze various consumers voices on the Internet.
     This thesis uses the eye-social platform developed by INSIGHTEYE Inc. to do a public opinion analysis. The target is the coffee shop that is popular start-up option among young people in recent years. Among them, LOUISA is chosen as a practical example to measure the volume, the degree of attention, the amount of text, and the time difference. The number and degree of interaction are the assessment indicators.
     Through the evaluation index of online word-of-mouth assessment, LOUISA’s performance in a fixed period of time was explored, and users’ high-intensity postings were identified for in-depth analysis. This thesis collected information to classify the posts to understand different types of posts.
     At the end of this study, after the public opinion analysis data has been collected, conclusions are drawn up for other materials and given advice. I will give recommences for colleagues who are interested in the relevant industries in the future and suggestions for the relevant companies that currently operate coffee shops. The expectation can become the decision-making basis for future operation of the relevant company in the industry, and it can greatly help the brand in the promotion of online operations.
參考文獻 一、 中文文獻
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363006
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭宇庭zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Zheng, Yu-Tingen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 何季倫zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Ho, Chi-Lunen_US
dc.creator (作者) 何季倫zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ho, Chi-Lunen_US
dc.date (日期) 2018en_US
dc.date.accessioned 3-Jul-2018 17:38:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 3-Jul-2018 17:38:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-Jul-2018 17:38:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105363006en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/118312-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 105363006zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 過去消費者主要是透過電視廣告及傳統媒體管道得到品牌資訊並進而產生消費的行為,近年由於網路及相關科技蓬勃發展,扎實地影響到消費者購買決策流程,相較於過去被動式的接受資訊,大多是主動在網路探索相關的資料並進而與其他網路民眾討論產生輿論效果,因此現代餐飲業在塑造經營品牌不能僅僅在線下操作,觀察並分析網路上的各種聲音也是相當重要。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the past, consumers mainly obtained brand and product information through TV and traditional media channels, which led to consuming behavior. In recent years, the development of the internet and related technologies has drastically affected the consumer purchasing decision process, compared to the passive acceptance of information in the past. Most of them are actively exploring relevant data on the Internet and discussing with others on the Internet to produce public opinions. Therefore, the modern catering industry can`t just operate online while building brand management. It is also very important to observe and analyze various consumers voices on the Internet.
     This thesis uses the eye-social platform developed by INSIGHTEYE Inc. to do a public opinion analysis. The target is the coffee shop that is popular start-up option among young people in recent years. Among them, LOUISA is chosen as a practical example to measure the volume, the degree of attention, the amount of text, and the time difference. The number and degree of interaction are the assessment indicators.
     Through the evaluation index of online word-of-mouth assessment, LOUISA’s performance in a fixed period of time was explored, and users’ high-intensity postings were identified for in-depth analysis. This thesis collected information to classify the posts to understand different types of posts.
     At the end of this study, after the public opinion analysis data has been collected, conclusions are drawn up for other materials and given advice. I will give recommences for colleagues who are interested in the relevant industries in the future and suggestions for the relevant companies that currently operate coffee shops. The expectation can become the decision-making basis for future operation of the relevant company in the industry, and it can greatly help the brand in the promotion of online operations.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 I
     表目錄 IV
     圖目錄 V
     第一章 緒論...1
     第一節 研究背景與動機...1
     第二節 研究對象與目的...3
     第三節 研究流程...8
     第二章 文獻探討...10
     第一節 社群口碑...10
     第二節 社群輿情...17
     第三章 研究方法...20
     第一節 文獻研究法...20
     第二節 網路輿情分析...21
     第三節 文字探勘...22
     第三節 量化分析變數...24
     第四章 實證分析...26
     第一節 研究對象分析...26
     第二節 貼文內容分析...32
     第三節 路易莎成功因素分析...39
     第五章 結論與建議...42
     第一節 研究結論與發現...42
     第二節 咖啡廳線上經營方案建議...43
     第三節 研究限制...46
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363006en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網路口碑zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 口碑行銷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社群輿情zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 餐飲業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 咖啡廳產業zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 透過社群輿情分析探討餐飲類口碑操作方式-以咖啡廳產業為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Research of the Online Business of Internet Public Opinion from Social Media – A Case Study of Coffee Shop Industryen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文文獻
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     2. 大前研一著(1985),黃宏義譯,策略家的智慧,台北:長河。
     3. 中華民國連鎖店協會(2000),2000台灣加盟總部指南,台北:中華民國連鎖店協會。
     4. 王秀瑩(2000),「咖啡連鎖店市場區隔及其消費行為之研究」,國立東華大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
     5. 王家英(2000),「連鎖店去年成長27%」,經濟日報,2000年3月14日,第一版。
     6. 王琰玉(2003),「咖啡連鎖店,加盟連鎖總部連鎖力之調查」,大葉大學事業經營研究所碩士論文。
     7. 台灣連鎖暨加盟協會(2002),「咖啡產業動態分析」,2001年連鎖店年鑑,台北:台灣連鎖暨加盟協會。
     8. 台灣連鎖暨加盟協會(2002),2001 台灣加盟總部指南,台北:台灣連鎖暨加盟協會。
     9. 司徒達賢(1997),策略管理,台北:遠流。
     10. 生活便利雜誌(2001),「主題企劃:黑色誘惑」,生活便利雜誌,第42期,pp. 14-55。
     11. 朱斌妤、黃東益、洪永泰、曾憲立、李仲彬(2015),數位國家治理(2):國情追蹤與方法整合(編號:NDC-MIS-103-001)。台北市:國家發展委員會。
     12. 何亞蘋(2001),「連鎖經營體系管理控制與協調機制之研究-以咖啡連鎖店為例」,中國文化大學國際企業管理研究所碩士論文。
     13. 余幸芳(2000),「連鎖咖啡店88年12月份店數統計」,流通快訊雜誌,第289期,pp. 25-28。
     14. 吳思華(1996),策略九說,台北:麥田。
     15. 吳雯雯(2000),「加盟連鎖業高價咖啡店今年最具潛力」,聯合報,2000年2月4日,第24版。
     16. 呂建億(2015),民眾對政府輿情分析方法之信任研究-民意調查與網路輿情分 析的比較。國立政治大學公共行政研究所,未出版,台北市。
     17. 李文富(1999),「外食咖啡:九九年連鎖咖啡店佈陣調查」,流通快訊雜誌,第277期,pp. 27-39。
     18. 李永隆(1985),「台北市民咖啡與茶消費行為之研究」,國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
     19. 李孟熹(1995),連鎖店開業、加盟實戰技術,台北:群泰企管顧問公司。
     20. 李孟熹(1999),新商店、連鎖店致勝戰略,台北:著者發行。
     21. 李幸模(1995),連鎖加盟店Q&A,台北:商周。
     22. 李幸模(2002),連鎖加盟店Q&A,第二版,台北:商周。
     23. 周文賢(1999),行銷管理-市場分析與策略預測,台北:智勝文化。
     24. 周文賢與吳金潮(1996),碩士論文撰寫方法,台北:華泰。
     25. 周文賢與郭柏晴(1996),連鎖體系規劃與管理,台北:華泰。
     26. 林正修(1996),連鎖店的經營致富寶典,台北:漢湘文化。
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.010.2018.F08-