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題名 工作壓力、工作家庭衝突及睡眠狀態與不同向度工作疲勞的關聯探討
Exploring the associations of work stress, work-family conflict and sleep with different dimensions of work fatigue
作者 洪于茜
Hung, Yu-Chien
貢獻者 楊建銘
Yang, Chien-Ming
Hung, Yu-Chien
關鍵詞 工作疲勞
Work fatigue
Work stress
Work-family conflict
Sleep quality
日期 2018
上傳時間 13-Jul-2018 15:17:54 (UTC+8)
摘要   工作族群的疲勞問題對組織與個人身心健康都會產生負面影響。過去在探討工作疲勞的相關因子時,很少有研究將疲勞分成不同向度探討,因此未能討論不同向度工作疲勞的預測因子型態是否不同。本研究依據疲勞影響到的功能領域,區分為身體、心理與情緒疲勞,從工作者的工作與私人生活領域裡挑選出三大類的疲勞預測因子,分別為:工作壓力、職家衝突以及睡眠,研究目的在於探討工作壓力、工作家庭衝突以及睡眠狀態與不同向度工作疲勞的關聯性,了解不同工作疲勞向度的預測因子是否有差異,並且進一步加入性別因素,了解工作疲勞的預測因子是否有性別差異。
Fatigue is a common complaint in the working population. It does not only have negative impacts on the organizations, but also harms physical and mental health of workers. Fatigue has been known to be a multi-dimensional constuct. Although previous studies have investigated fatigue in working population, few of them have treated fatigue as a multi-dimensional construct. Thus, we are not clear that whether the different dimensions of work-related fatigue can be predicted by different factors. According to the functions affected, work-related fatigue could be divided into physical, mental, and emotional work fatigue. Based on the findings from previous researches, work stress, work-family conflicts, and sleep were included in this study as potential predictors for work-related fatigue. This study aims to explore the associations between these factors and different dimensions of work-related fatigue. In additon, since previous studies on work-related fatigue have shown different results for male and female workers, the present study also explores whether there are gender differences in these fatigue predictors.
     Three hundred and sixty-nine daytime full-time workers were recruited through the Internet. They were required to complete a package of web-based structured questionnaires. The questionnaires included demographic data, the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), the work-family conflict questionnaire, the Three-Dimensional Work Fatigue Inventory (3D-WFI), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).
     As expected, the result showed that the predictors of different dimensions of work-related fatigue were different. The predictors of physical fatigue were more diverse. We found that work-to-family conflict (WFC), family-to-work conflict (FWC), psychological job demand, physical job demand, and sleep quality were significant predictors of physical fatigue. Mental fatigue was predicted by WFC and psychological job demand. Emotional fatigue was predicted by psychological distress, WFC, and FWC. The results suggested that WFC was the most important predictor for work-related fatigue. It was found to be a significant predictor of all three dimensions of work-related fatigue and also moderately correlated with all work fatigue dimensions. In terms of the gender differences, job control was a significant predictor of physical fatigue, and psychological distress and FWC were significant predictors of emotional fatigue in women but not in men. In contrast, physical job demand was a significant predictor of physical fatigue, sleep quality was a significant predictor of physical and mental fatigue, and psychological job demand was a significant predictor of emotional fatigue in men but not in women. In addition, WFC was still the most important predictor not only for men but also for women.
     In conclusion, the study results suggested that different dimensions of work-related fatigue were associated with different factors, and there were gender differences in predictors of work-related fatigue. WFC was the most important predictor for all dimensions of work-related fatigue and for both men and women. Based on the result, it is suggested that multi-dimensional work fatigue could be used to assess employees` fatigue so as to understand the patterns of fatigue in working population. Moreover, implementing the plans to facilitate work-family balance and to reduce workers’ psychological job demand could be helpful to prevent fatigue. Finally, when dealing with work-related fatigue problems, gender should be taken into account as the predictors of fatigue could be different between men and women.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 楊建銘zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yang, Chien-Mingen_US (Authors) 洪于茜zh_TW (Authors) Hung, Yu-Chienen_US
dc.creator (作者) 洪于茜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hung, Yu-Chienen_US (日期) 2018en_US 13-Jul-2018 15:17:54 (UTC+8)- 13-Jul-2018 15:17:54 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 13-Jul-2018 15:17:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103752017en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 心理學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103752017zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   工作族群的疲勞問題對組織與個人身心健康都會產生負面影響。過去在探討工作疲勞的相關因子時,很少有研究將疲勞分成不同向度探討,因此未能討論不同向度工作疲勞的預測因子型態是否不同。本研究依據疲勞影響到的功能領域,區分為身體、心理與情緒疲勞,從工作者的工作與私人生活領域裡挑選出三大類的疲勞預測因子,分別為:工作壓力、職家衝突以及睡眠,研究目的在於探討工作壓力、工作家庭衝突以及睡眠狀態與不同向度工作疲勞的關聯性,了解不同工作疲勞向度的預測因子是否有差異,並且進一步加入性別因素,了解工作疲勞的預測因子是否有性別差異。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Fatigue is a common complaint in the working population. It does not only have negative impacts on the organizations, but also harms physical and mental health of workers. Fatigue has been known to be a multi-dimensional constuct. Although previous studies have investigated fatigue in working population, few of them have treated fatigue as a multi-dimensional construct. Thus, we are not clear that whether the different dimensions of work-related fatigue can be predicted by different factors. According to the functions affected, work-related fatigue could be divided into physical, mental, and emotional work fatigue. Based on the findings from previous researches, work stress, work-family conflicts, and sleep were included in this study as potential predictors for work-related fatigue. This study aims to explore the associations between these factors and different dimensions of work-related fatigue. In additon, since previous studies on work-related fatigue have shown different results for male and female workers, the present study also explores whether there are gender differences in these fatigue predictors.
     Three hundred and sixty-nine daytime full-time workers were recruited through the Internet. They were required to complete a package of web-based structured questionnaires. The questionnaires included demographic data, the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), the work-family conflict questionnaire, the Three-Dimensional Work Fatigue Inventory (3D-WFI), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).
     As expected, the result showed that the predictors of different dimensions of work-related fatigue were different. The predictors of physical fatigue were more diverse. We found that work-to-family conflict (WFC), family-to-work conflict (FWC), psychological job demand, physical job demand, and sleep quality were significant predictors of physical fatigue. Mental fatigue was predicted by WFC and psychological job demand. Emotional fatigue was predicted by psychological distress, WFC, and FWC. The results suggested that WFC was the most important predictor for work-related fatigue. It was found to be a significant predictor of all three dimensions of work-related fatigue and also moderately correlated with all work fatigue dimensions. In terms of the gender differences, job control was a significant predictor of physical fatigue, and psychological distress and FWC were significant predictors of emotional fatigue in women but not in men. In contrast, physical job demand was a significant predictor of physical fatigue, sleep quality was a significant predictor of physical and mental fatigue, and psychological job demand was a significant predictor of emotional fatigue in men but not in women. In addition, WFC was still the most important predictor not only for men but also for women.
     In conclusion, the study results suggested that different dimensions of work-related fatigue were associated with different factors, and there were gender differences in predictors of work-related fatigue. WFC was the most important predictor for all dimensions of work-related fatigue and for both men and women. Based on the result, it is suggested that multi-dimensional work fatigue could be used to assess employees` fatigue so as to understand the patterns of fatigue in working population. Moreover, implementing the plans to facilitate work-family balance and to reduce workers’ psychological job demand could be helpful to prevent fatigue. Finally, when dealing with work-related fatigue problems, gender should be taken into account as the predictors of fatigue could be different between men and women.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     中文摘要 i
     英文摘要 iii
     第一章 前言 1
     第二章 文獻探討 4
     第一節 疲勞的盛行率與定義 5
     一、 工作族群的疲勞盛行率 5
     二、 疲勞定義 6
     三、 與疲勞相似的概念:職業倦怠 9
     第二節 工作壓力與疲勞的關聯 12
     第三節 工作家庭衝突與疲勞的關聯 15
     第四節 睡眠與疲勞的關聯 16
     一、 睡眠品質 17
     二、 主觀嗜睡程度 19
     第五節 疲勞預測因子的性別差異 21
     第六節 研究問題 23
     第三章 研究方法 25
     第一節 研究對象 25
     第二節 研究程序 25
     第三節 研究工具 26
     一、 基本資料、工作狀況以及身體狀況 26
     二、 工作疲勞量表 26
     三、 艾普沃斯嗜睡量表 28
     四、 匹茲堡睡眠品質量表 29
     五、 工作家庭衝突量表 29
     六、 工作特質量表 30
     七、 醫院焦慮與憂鬱量表 31
     第四節 資料分析 32
     第四章 研究結果 33
     第一節 以整體樣本之分析結果 33
     一、 人口學變項與主要研究變項的描述性統計資料 33
     二、 各變項之相關分析 36
     三、 迴歸分析結果 40
     第二節 以性別分組之分析結果 46
     一、 男女分群在人口學變項、工作狀況、主要研究變項的描述性統計 46
     二、 不同性別在各變項的相關分析 48
     三、 不同性別的迴歸分析結果 52
     第五章 討論 61
     參考文獻 71
     附錄一 基本資料、工作狀況、健康狀況以及生活習慣 80
     附錄二 工作疲勞量表 81
     附錄三 艾普沃斯嗜睡量表 82
     附錄四 匹茲堡睡眠品質量表 83
     附錄五 工作家庭衝突量表 85
     附錄六 工作特質量表 86
     附錄七 醫院憂鬱與焦慮量表 87
     附錄八 在不同工時組別下研究參與者的特性 89
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 工作疲勞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 工作壓力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 工作家庭衝突zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 睡眠品質zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Work fatigueen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Work stressen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Work-family conflicten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sleep qualityen_US
dc.title (題名) 工作壓力、工作家庭衝突及睡眠狀態與不同向度工作疲勞的關聯探討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Exploring the associations of work stress, work-family conflict and sleep with different dimensions of work fatigueen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.005.2018.C01-