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題名 博士人才的空間流動與影響因素:臺灣與日本的比較研究
The Spatial Mobility of Doctoral Talent: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Japan
作者 王士肯
Wang, Shih-Ken
貢獻者 熊瑞梅<br>劉正
Hsung, RaY-May<br>Liu, Jeng
Wang, Shih-Ken
關鍵詞 全球化
Higher education expantion
Spatial mobility
Spatial mobility
Doctoral career
日期 2018
上傳時間 23-Jul-2018 16:52:13 (UTC+8)
摘要 在當前全球化與高等教育擴張的脈絡下,本文試圖探究日本與臺灣國內所培育的博士人才在各自人口、社會與經濟的結構性限制下的流動圖像與流動的影響因素。作為一探索性的比較研究,本文以質量並行的方式進行分析,包括透過問卷調查的方式,收集日本與臺灣博士生的流動經驗與態度;整理歷史資料與回顧研究報告;以及對日本與臺灣已有流動經驗的博士們進行深入訪談。
Given the macro context of globalization and higher educational expansion, we try to investigate the spatial mobility and its related demographic, social, and economic factors of doctoral talents in Taiwan and Japan. In this exploratory study, both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed. We first collect data related to spatial mobility of doctoral students in Taiwan and Japan with questionnaire, review the historical documents and research reports, and then interview doctors who had mobility experiences in Taiwan and Japan.
According to our analyses, we find that there is no difference by gender for migration intention or migration behavior for doctoral talents in both Taiwan and Japan. The personal financial condition has no effect on doctoral talents’ mobility intention. Doctoral talents of natural science in Taiwan are more likely to move to other countries. The career motivation of being a researcher or a professor will improve the possibility of mobility in both Japan and Taiwan. The moving experience of peers has positive effects on the likelihood of mobility. Also, the open academic atmosphere will increase doctoral talents’ mobility intention. In Taiwan, doctoral talents’ mobility possibility changes depending on the career stage, and those who are married and/or have children are less likely to mobilize spatially.
We further find that, if the doctoral talents want to contribute for their own country, they are less likely to move to other countries. For both Taiwan and Japan, the percentages of doctors who work in other countries are quite small. Japanese doctoral talents prefer to go to the United States and Western Europe for continuing their own research, but to go to other Asian countries for a position. In contrast, Taiwanese doctoral talents have stronger motivation to have a formal position, and this motivation will lead them to different regions. In the future, Taiwan may face the crucial challenge of doctoral talents’ mobility because of her smaller market size and the world economic and academic stratification.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 熊瑞梅<br>劉正zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsung, RaY-May<br>Liu, Jengen_US (Authors) 王士肯zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Shih-Kenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王士肯zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Shih-Kenen_US (日期) 2018en_US 23-Jul-2018 16:52:13 (UTC+8)- 23-Jul-2018 16:52:13 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 23-Jul-2018 16:52:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0097254505en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97254505zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在當前全球化與高等教育擴張的脈絡下,本文試圖探究日本與臺灣國內所培育的博士人才在各自人口、社會與經濟的結構性限制下的流動圖像與流動的影響因素。作為一探索性的比較研究,本文以質量並行的方式進行分析,包括透過問卷調查的方式,收集日本與臺灣博士生的流動經驗與態度;整理歷史資料與回顧研究報告;以及對日本與臺灣已有流動經驗的博士們進行深入訪談。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Given the macro context of globalization and higher educational expansion, we try to investigate the spatial mobility and its related demographic, social, and economic factors of doctoral talents in Taiwan and Japan. In this exploratory study, both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed. We first collect data related to spatial mobility of doctoral students in Taiwan and Japan with questionnaire, review the historical documents and research reports, and then interview doctors who had mobility experiences in Taiwan and Japan.
According to our analyses, we find that there is no difference by gender for migration intention or migration behavior for doctoral talents in both Taiwan and Japan. The personal financial condition has no effect on doctoral talents’ mobility intention. Doctoral talents of natural science in Taiwan are more likely to move to other countries. The career motivation of being a researcher or a professor will improve the possibility of mobility in both Japan and Taiwan. The moving experience of peers has positive effects on the likelihood of mobility. Also, the open academic atmosphere will increase doctoral talents’ mobility intention. In Taiwan, doctoral talents’ mobility possibility changes depending on the career stage, and those who are married and/or have children are less likely to mobilize spatially.
We further find that, if the doctoral talents want to contribute for their own country, they are less likely to move to other countries. For both Taiwan and Japan, the percentages of doctors who work in other countries are quite small. Japanese doctoral talents prefer to go to the United States and Western Europe for continuing their own research, but to go to other Asian countries for a position. In contrast, Taiwanese doctoral talents have stronger motivation to have a formal position, and this motivation will lead them to different regions. In the future, Taiwan may face the crucial challenge of doctoral talents’ mobility because of her smaller market size and the world economic and academic stratification.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目 次 iii
表 次 vii
圖 次 ix
壹、研究背景與目的 1
貳、文獻回顧 5
一、全球化理論 5
(一)華勒斯坦的世界體系 6
(二)包曼的後現代全球化 8
(三)小結 9
二、人口遷移理論 11
(一)人口遷移理論 12
(二)小結 21
三、高等教育全球化與人才外流 23
(一)東亞的高等教育全球化 23
(二)人才外流的相關研究 25
(三)小結 28
四、就讀博士者的相關調查 29
(一)美國 30
(二)日本 31
(三)臺灣 37
(四)小結 40
參、研究方法與資料 43
一、研究架構 43
二、研究假設 45
(一)基本背景 46
(二)個人動機 49
(三)社會動機 50
(四)學術/現職工作環境 53
(五)經濟動機 54
三、量化分析之資料與方法 56
(一)資料來源 56
(二)分析方法 58
(三)變數說明 59
四、質性深入訪談 68
(一)訪談架構 68
(二)訪談議題 70
肆、量化分析結果 72
一、博士在學生的描述性分析: 72
(一)基本背景 72
(二)學習背景 76
(三)流動意願 85
(四)流動現況 88
(五)小結 93
二、博士在學生的迴歸模型分析 96
(一)日本 96
(二)臺灣 103
(三)日本與臺灣 110
(四)小結 118
三、博士畢業生的資料分析 121
(一)日本 121
(二)臺灣 128
(三)小結 139
伍、流出的預備軍:質性資料分析 143
一、日本 143
(一)此消彼長:泡沫經濟破裂與高等教育擴張 144
(二)日本博士的學習經歷 147
(三)日本博士圖像的變遷 152
(四)流動的結構性因素 156
(五)遷移的過去、現在與未來 163
(六)小結 170
二、臺灣 173
(一)自下而上:高等教育的社會期望與擴張 173
(二)臺灣博士的背景特徵 177
(三)臺灣博士的學習歷程 180
(四)外在結構性的困境 182
(五)人生的下一階段:返鄉 193
(六)小結 195
陸、結論 197
一、博士流動的鉅觀因素:世界體系 197
二、博士流動的微觀因素:價值動機 198
(一)基本背景特徵 199
(二)個人動機 199
(三)家庭因素 201
(四)社會因素 202
(五)機會結構的差異 203
三、博士的流動趨勢 204
四、研究限制與反省 207
五、政策建議 208
(一)建構人才追蹤資料庫 208
(二)改變學習經驗 208
(三)創造需求來源 209
附錄1:日本博士在學生調查問卷 210
附錄2:臺灣博士在學生調查問卷 225
附錄3:日本博士質性訪談問卷 238
附錄4:臺灣博士質性訪談問卷 242
附錄5:質性訪談同意書 245
附錄6:日本、臺灣描述統計百分比 246
參考文獻 1
dc.format.extent 2990932 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全球化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高等教育擴張zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 空間流動zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 流動動機zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 博士生涯zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Globalizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Higher education expantionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Spatial mobilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Spatial mobilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Doctoral careeren_US
dc.title (題名) 博士人才的空間流動與影響因素:臺灣與日本的比較研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Spatial Mobility of Doctoral Talent: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Japanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中日文文獻

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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.SOC.004.2018.F04-