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題名 網路拉近政府與我? —電子化政府的使用趨勢以及族群分析
The Internet Shortens the Distance Between Government and Me ? —Trends in E-government Use and User Analysis
作者 黃妍甄
Huang, Yen-Chen
貢獻者 黃東益
Huang, Tong-Yi
關鍵詞 數位落差
Digital divide
Digital opportunity
日期 2018
上傳時間 27-Jul-2018 12:30:47 (UTC+8)
摘要 資訊與通信科技的出現,改變了傳統民眾與政府的互動型態,電子化政府的服務日益蓬勃發展,然而,數位落差的問題成為民眾在接觸時的重要阻礙,本研究透過國發會所委託執行「個人/家戶數位機會調查報告」2002年至2016年的資料,進行跨年度的分析,檢視我國近十五年民眾對於電子化政府網站的接觸以及參與情形。不可否認地,我國對於數位落差所推行一系列改善的政策,雖然有助於減緩過去ICTs接觸不易的情形,但對於創造一個公平、平等的參與空間,其效果仍十分有限。透過跨年度分析結果可知,民眾對於電子化政府服務使用並不積極,且在近年來有消退的現象,而教育程度以及地區(六都以及非六都)之間的數位落差問題,則並未隨著時間而有所改變,仍是造成民眾在接觸電子化政府服務時的重要阻礙,數位發展分級地區的差距,則在不同分級間呈現不同的發展情形,熱衷網路使用的年輕世代,則成為電子化政府發展下「最熟悉的陌生人」。
The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies(ICTs)has changed the interaction channels between government and citizens. Governments worldwide have been making significant attempts to make their services and information available on the Internet. However, digital divides seem to be undoubtedly an obstacle that the public face. The study aimed to explore the use of e-government services by adopting cross-year traverse and longitudinal analysis. The study is based on a survey, entitled “Digital Opportunity of Individual/Household from 2002 to 2016, by National Development Council. The digital divide among individuals has been without doubt patricianly closing as the result of some smart policies. But, there are some limitations in unequal access to computers and the Internet. Results from the study reveal that the difficulty, however, is to maintain citizens` active participation, and e-government usage is not growing. Furthermore, in the recent years digital divides exit in the citizens` level of education. In addition to education, demographic differences play an important role in the use of e-government. Moreover, the Net Generation, who have grown up in an environment in which they are constantly exposed to computer-based technology, are seldom involved in e-government services. The digital divides still remain in a number of different contexts, such as differences between rural and urban Internet access, and socioeconomic differences. Women used to have unequal access to economic opportunities, but e-government services can fix the gender inequality. The results of the present study help our government to develop a new policy, enhance access to technology among underprivileged groups and broaden the scope and complexity of building e-government services.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃東益zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Huang, Tong-Yien_US (Authors) 黃妍甄zh_TW (Authors) Huang,Yen-Chenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃妍甄zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Yen-Chenen_US (日期) 2018en_US 27-Jul-2018 12:30:47 (UTC+8)- 27-Jul-2018 12:30:47 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 27-Jul-2018 12:30:47 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105256004en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 105256004zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 資訊與通信科技的出現,改變了傳統民眾與政府的互動型態,電子化政府的服務日益蓬勃發展,然而,數位落差的問題成為民眾在接觸時的重要阻礙,本研究透過國發會所委託執行「個人/家戶數位機會調查報告」2002年至2016年的資料,進行跨年度的分析,檢視我國近十五年民眾對於電子化政府網站的接觸以及參與情形。不可否認地,我國對於數位落差所推行一系列改善的政策,雖然有助於減緩過去ICTs接觸不易的情形,但對於創造一個公平、平等的參與空間,其效果仍十分有限。透過跨年度分析結果可知,民眾對於電子化政府服務使用並不積極,且在近年來有消退的現象,而教育程度以及地區(六都以及非六都)之間的數位落差問題,則並未隨著時間而有所改變,仍是造成民眾在接觸電子化政府服務時的重要阻礙,數位發展分級地區的差距,則在不同分級間呈現不同的發展情形,熱衷網路使用的年輕世代,則成為電子化政府發展下「最熟悉的陌生人」。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies(ICTs)has changed the interaction channels between government and citizens. Governments worldwide have been making significant attempts to make their services and information available on the Internet. However, digital divides seem to be undoubtedly an obstacle that the public face. The study aimed to explore the use of e-government services by adopting cross-year traverse and longitudinal analysis. The study is based on a survey, entitled “Digital Opportunity of Individual/Household from 2002 to 2016, by National Development Council. The digital divide among individuals has been without doubt patricianly closing as the result of some smart policies. But, there are some limitations in unequal access to computers and the Internet. Results from the study reveal that the difficulty, however, is to maintain citizens` active participation, and e-government usage is not growing. Furthermore, in the recent years digital divides exit in the citizens` level of education. In addition to education, demographic differences play an important role in the use of e-government. Moreover, the Net Generation, who have grown up in an environment in which they are constantly exposed to computer-based technology, are seldom involved in e-government services. The digital divides still remain in a number of different contexts, such as differences between rural and urban Internet access, and socioeconomic differences. Women used to have unequal access to economic opportunities, but e-government services can fix the gender inequality. The results of the present study help our government to develop a new policy, enhance access to technology among underprivileged groups and broaden the scope and complexity of building e-government services.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 目次 I
表次 III
圖次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 5
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 從數位落差到數位機會 10
第二節 我國數位機會發展指標體系的演進 17
第三節 我國政策的推動 29
第四節 造成數位落差之因素 37
第三章 研究設計與資料來源 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 資料來源與研究設計 55
第四章 電子化政府的使用以族群分析 59
第一節 參與什麼? —電子化政府使用情形的歷年變化趨勢 59
第二節 電子化政府使用(發表意見)族群分析及趨勢 65
第三節 電子化政府使用(查詢資料)族群分析及趨勢 67
第四節 電子化政府使用(線上申請)族群分析及趨勢 70
第五節 誰來參與? —電子化政府使用族群分析及趨勢 72
第五章 數位發展分級下的區域落差 75
第一節 數位發展分級同年不同區之比較 76
第二節 數位發展分級同區不同年度之比較 79
第三節 數位發展分級區域的影響效果 81
第六章 結論與建議 85
第一節 研究發現 85
第二節 政策建議 89
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 92
參考文獻 95
附錄 104
附錄一 數位發展分級區域的分類 104
附錄二 歷年題目對照表 110
附錄二 2016年不同族群電子化政府使用的交叉分析 114
附錄三 2016年不同族群電子化政府使用的T 檢定與ANOVA分析 117
附錄四 歷年影響民眾電子化政府使用(發表意見)的迴歸分析(I) 118
附錄五 歷年影響民眾電子化政府使用(查詢資料)的迴歸分析(I) 123
附錄六 歷年影響民眾電子化政府使用(線上申請)的迴歸分析(I) 130
附錄七 歷年影響民眾電子化政府使用(發表意見)的迴歸分析(II)138
附錄八 歷年影響民眾電子化政府使用(查詢資料)的迴歸分析(II)141
附錄九 歷年影響民眾電子化政府使用(線上申請)的迴歸分析(II)145
dc.format.extent 2256892 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位落差zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子化政府zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位機會zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital divideen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-governmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital opportunityen_US
dc.title (題名) 網路拉近政府與我? —電子化政府的使用趨勢以及族群分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Internet Shortens the Distance Between Government and Me ? —Trends in E-government Use and User Analysisen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) I.中文部分
行政院研究發展考核委員會(2011)。100 年個人/家戶數位機會調查報告。臺北:行政院研究發展考核委員會。
林宗弘(2012)。非關上網? 臺灣的數位落差與網路使用的社會後果。臺灣社會學,24,55-97。
教育部(2014)。偏鄉數位應用推動計畫(105 -108年)。臺北:教育部。
教育部資訊及科技教育司(2015)。普及偏鄉數位應用計畫(105 -108年),2018年01月01日,取自:。
陳敦源(2009)。民主治理與電子化參與. (Democratic Governance and e-participation)。T&D飛訊,83,1-18。
董旭英與黃儀娟(譯)(2000)。次級資料研究法(D. W. Stewart, & M. A. Kamins原著)。臺北市:弘智。
潘金谷、曾淑芬與林玉凡(2009)。數位吉尼係數應用之擴充:我國數位落差現況。資訊社會研究,16,1 -32。

Adıgüzel, A. (2011).Bilgi okuryazarlığı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi- Dicle University. Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty, 17, 15-28.
Ali, M. S. B., & A. Gasmi (2017). Does ICT diffusion matter for corruption? An Economic Development Perspective. Telematics and Informatics, 34(8), 1445-1453.
Bakker, T. P., & C. H. de Vreese (2011). Good News for the Future? Young People, Internet Use, and Political Participation. Communication Research, 38(4),451-470.
Barber, B. R. (1999). Three scenarios for the future of technology and strong democracy. Political Science Quarterly, 113(4), 573-589.
Belanger F., & L. Carter (2009). The Effects of the Digital Divide on E-Government: An Emperical Evaluation. Retrieved December 27, 2017, from
Bertot, J. C., & P. T. Jaeger (2006). User-centered E-Government: Challenges and benefits for government web sites. Government Information Quarterly, 23(2), 163-168.
Billon, M., R. Marco, & F. Lera-Lopez (2009). Disparities in ICT adoption: A multidimensional approach to study the cross-country digital divide. Telecommunications Policy, 33(10), 596-610.
Cheryan, S., V. C. Plaut, C. Handron, & L. Hudson (2013). The stereotypical computer scientist: gendered media representations as a barrier to inclusion for women. Sex Roles, 69, 58-71.
Chopik, W. J., R.V. Rikard, & S. R. Cotten (2017). Individual difference predictors of ICT use in older adulthood: A study of 17 candidate characteristics. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 526-533.
Çoklar, A. N., N. D.Yaman, & I. K. Yurdakul (2016). Information literacy and digital nativity as determinants of online information search strategies. Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 1-9.
Cruz-Jesus, F., M. R. Vicente, F. Bacao, & T. Oliveira (2016). The education-related digital divide: An analysis for the EU-28. Computers in Human Behavior, 56, 72-82.
Cuevas-Vargas, H., S. Estrada, & E. Larios-Gómez (2016). The Effects of ICTs As Innovation Facilitators for a Greater Business Performance. Evidence from Mexico. Procedia Computer Science, 91, 47-56.
de la Fuente, & J. M. Ruano (2014). E-government strategies in spanish local governments. Local Government Studies, 40(4), 600-620.
Dunleavy, P., H. Margetts, S. Bastow, & J. Tinkler (2006). New public management is dead—long live digital-era governance. Journal of public administration research and theory, 16(3), 467-494.
Ebbers, W.E., M. G. M. Jansen, &, A. J. A. M. van Deursen (2017). Impact of the digital divide on e-government: Expanding from channel choice to channel usage. Government Information Quarterly, 33(4), 685-692.
Edunov, S., C. Diuk, I. O. Filiz, S. Bhagat, & M. Burke. (2016). Three and a half degrees of separation. Retrieved November 1, 2017, from
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PA.006.2018.F09-