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題名 領導者的權力基礎與領導行爲、員工工作滿足 作者 徐燕山 貢獻者 吳靜吉
徐燕山日期 1982 上傳時間 27-Sep-2018 14:03:37 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 參考書目中文部份:1、林清山,心理與教育統計學。修正版、台北:東華書局,民國69年。2、廖素華,國小校長領導方式、教師人格特質與教師工作滿足的關係。國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文,民國67年。3、鄭伯壎,領導行為研究:領導方式、情境因素及人格屬性對工人工作滿足的影響。國立台灣大學心理研究所碩士論文,民國66年。4、陳森王,員工個人屬性、需求層次,工作特性與工作滿足的關係。國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國70年。5、潘養源,影響金融工作人員績效與工作滿足因素之研究。國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國68年。6、朱曉石,領導型態、認知方式對績效的影響。國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國69年。7、許士軍,管理學。初版,台北:東華書局。民國70年。二、英文部份:1. Adam, J. S. Toward an understanding of inequity Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1963, 67, 422-436.2. Bachman, J. G. Faculty satisfaction and the dean’s influence: An organizational study of 12 liberal art colleges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1968, 52, 55-61.3. Bachman, J., Smith, C., & Slesinger, J. Control, performance, and satisfaction : An analysis of structural and indivdual effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1966, 4,127-136.4. Badin, I. J. Some moderator influence on relationships between consideration, inititting structure and organizational criteria. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974, 59, 380-382.5. Dahl, R. A. The concept of power. Behavioral Science, 1957, 2, 201-213.6. Etzioni, A. A comparative analysis of complex organizations. New York: The Free Press, 1975, 3-22.7. Fiedler, F.E. A theory of leadership effectiveness. New York: McGeaw-Hill, 1967.8. French, J.R.P., & Raven, B. The bases of social power. In Studies in social power, ed. by Dorwin Cartwright: The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1959, 150-167.9. Herberg, F. Work and anture of man, Cleveland : World Press, 1966.10. Herberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. The motivation to work. New York: Wiley, 1959.11. Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. Management of organizational behavior : Utilizing human resources. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1977, 159-188.12. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., & Hambleton, R.K. Leadership scale. Ca. : Center for Leadership Studies, 1980.13. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., & Natemeyer, W. E. Situational leadership, perception, and the impact of power. Ca. : Center for Leadership Studies, 1979.14. Hersey. P., & Natemeyer, W. F. Power perception profile. Ca.: Center for Leadership Studies, 1979.15. Hoppock. R. Job satisfaction. New York : Harper & Brother, 1935.16. House, R.J. A path goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly,1971, 16, 321-329.17. House, R.J., & Nitchell, T.R. Path-goal theory of leadership. Contemporary Business, 1974, 3, 81-98.18. Invancevish, J. An analysis of control, bases of control, and satisfaction in an organizational setting, Academy of Management Journal, 1970, 13, 427-436.19. Ivancevich, J.M., & Donnelly, J.H. Leader influence and performance. Personnel Psychology 1970, 23, 539-549.20. Lewin, K., Lippitt, R., & White, R.K. Pattern of aggressive behavior in experimental created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology, 1939, 10, 271-299.21. Likert, R. The human organization. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1967.22. Locke, E.A. What is job satisfaction ? Organizational Behavior and Human performance, 1969, 4, 309-336.23. Lord, R.G., Phillips, J.S., & Rush, M.C. Effects of sex and personality on porception of emergent leadership, influence and social power. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1980, 65, 176-182.24. Nunnally, J.C. Psychemetric theory. New Yoek : McGraw-Hill,1967, 226.25. Porter, L.W. A study of perceived need satisfaction in bottom and middle management jobs, Journal of Applied Psychology, 1961, 45, 1-10.26. Posner, B.Z. Measuring the bases of power: Updating French and Raven, Santa Clara : University of Santa Clara, 1980.27. Powell, B.Z. Leadership and power : Related concepts in search of a conceptual framework. American Institute for Decision Science Symposium, 1980, 352-354.28. Price, J. Handbook of organizational measurement, Lexington, MA : D.C. Health, 1972.29. Raven, B.H., & Kruglanski, W. Conflict and power. In Swingle, P.C.(ed.), The structure of conflict. New York : Academic Press, 1975, 177-219.30. Rusell, B. Power, New York : Norton & Co., 1938, 9-25. 31. Smith. P.C., Kendall, L.M., & Hulin, C.L. The measurement` of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago : Rand-McNally, 1969.32. Stogdill, R. M. Handbook of leadership : A survey of theory and research. New York : Free Press, 1974.33. Stogdill, R. M., & Coons, A.E.(ed). Leader behavier : Its deseription and measurement. Columbus : Bureau of Business Research, Ohio State University, 1963.34. Student, K. R. Supervisory influence and workgroup performance. Journal of Applied Psychology 1968, 52, 183-194.35. Tannenbaum, A.S. (ed.). Control in organizations. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1968.36. Tannenbaum, R., & Schmidt. W.H. How to choose a leadership pattern. Harvard Business Review Mar-Apr, 1958), 95-102.37. Tannenbaum, R., Weschler, I.R., & Massarik, F. Leadership and organization. New York : McGraw-Hil 1961.38. Wanous, J.P., & Lawler, E.E., III. Measurement and meaning of Job satisfaction. Journal of of Applied Psychology, 1972, 56, 95-105. 39 Weiss, D.J., Dawis, R.V. England, G.W., & Lofquist L.G. Manual for the Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire; Minnesota studies in vocational rehabilitation. Vocational Psychology Research, University of Minnesota, 1967.40. Wheelwright, S.C., & Makridakis, S. Forecasting methods for management. New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1973, 108-131.41. Yuki, G.A. Leadership in Organizations.42. Zald, M. N. Political economy : A framewerk for comparative analysis. In M. M. Zald (ed.). Power in organizations. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 1970. 描述 碩士
70資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 吳靜吉 (Authors) 徐燕山 dc.creator (作者) 徐燕山 (日期) 1982 27-Sep-2018 14:03:37 (UTC+8) - 27-Sep-2018 14:03:37 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 27-Sep-2018 14:03:37 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所 dc.description (描述) 70 dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄圖表目錄第一章 緒論第一節 引言1第二節 名詞的採作定義9第三節 研究問題與假設11第二章 文獻詳述第一節 權力基礎15第二節 領導行為20第三節 工作滿足27第三章 研究方法第一節 研究對象31第二節 測量工具33第三節 研究過程46第四節 統計方法46第四章 結果分析與假設驗證第一節 結果分析49第二節 假設驗證54第五章 討論與建議第一節 結果之討論111第二節 研究限制117第三節 結論及其涵意118參考書目120附錄127圖表目錄圖2-1:在各種情境下任務導向與關係導向領導者之績效2-2:Hersey的情境領導理論關係圖232-3:路徑―目標情境領導理論關係圖244-1:專家權力與關係行為對整體滿足交互作用圖864-2:專家權力與關係行為對內在滿足交互作用圖86表1-1:權力基礎相關研究摘要表52-1:Posner多項衡量量表的內部信度與重測信度193-1:受試者性別分配表313-2:受試者年齡分配表323-3:受試者教育程度分配表323-4:威迫權力總分與各題得分間的相關353-5:關連權力總分與各題得分間的相關363-6:專家權力總分與各題得分間的相關373-7:訊息權力總分與各題得分間的相關373-8:合法權力總分與各題得分間的相關383-9:參考權力總分與各題得分間的相關383-10:獎賞權力總分與各題得分間的相關393-11:各權力基礎的相關393-12:工作行為五個層面得分與總分間的相關423-13:關係行為五個層面得分與總分間的相關423-14:受試者在兩項工作目標的工作行為總分相關及兩項工作目標上工作行為各層面的相關433-15:受試者在兩項工作目標的關係行為總分相關及兩項工作目標上關係行為各層面的相關433-16:工作行為各層面得分與總分之平均數與標準差433-17:關係行為各層面得分與總分之平均數與標準差443-18:受試者在各滿足層面得分之相關464-1:男、女受試者及全體受試者在七種權力基礎得分之平均數、標準差及七值504-2:男、女受試者及全體受試者在工作行為及關係行為得分之平均數、標準差及七值504-3:男、女受試者及全體受試者在六種滿足得分之平均數、標準差及七值514-4:七種權力基礎與領導行為及工作滿足間相關分析544-5:關係行為與工作行為分組受試者在七種權力基礎得分之平均數及標準差544-6:工作行為與關係行為分組受試者在七種權力得分之變異數分析摘要表594-7:工作行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在整體滿足得分之平均數及標準差634-8:工作行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在整體滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表654-9:工作行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在內在滿足得分之平均數及標準差694-10:工作行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在內在滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表714-11:工作行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在上司滿足得分之平均數及標準差754-12:工作行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在上司滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表774-13:關係行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在整體滿足得分之平均數及標準差814-14:關係行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在整體滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表834-15:關係行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在內在滿足得分之平均數及標準差894-16:關係行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在內在滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表914-17:關係行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在上司滿足得分之平均數及標準差954-18:關係行為與七種權力基礎分組受試者在上司滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表974-19:關連權力分組受試者在內在滿足得分之平均數及標準差1004-20:關連權力分組受試者在內在滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1004-21:關連權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之平均數及標準差1014-22:關連權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1014-23:訊息權力分組受試者在整體滿足得分之平均數及標準差1024-24:訊息權力分組受試者在整體滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1024-25:訊息權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之平均數及標準差1034-26:訊息權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1034-27:參考權力分組受試者在整體滿足得分之平均數及標準差1044-28:參考權力分組受試者在整體滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1044-29:參考權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之平均數及標準差1054-30:參考權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1054-31:獎賞權力分組受試者在內在滿足得分之平均數及標準差1064-32:獎賞權力分組受試者在內在滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1064-33:獎賞權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之平均數及標準差1074-34:獎賞權力分組受試者在上司滿足得分之變異數分析摘要表1075-1:假設是否獲得支持摘要表111 dc.format.extent 115 bytes - dc.format.mimetype text/html - dc.source.uri (資料來源) dc.title (題名) 領導者的權力基礎與領導行爲、員工工作滿足 dc.type (資料類型) thesis dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目中文部份:1、林清山,心理與教育統計學。修正版、台北:東華書局,民國69年。2、廖素華,國小校長領導方式、教師人格特質與教師工作滿足的關係。國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文,民國67年。3、鄭伯壎,領導行為研究:領導方式、情境因素及人格屬性對工人工作滿足的影響。國立台灣大學心理研究所碩士論文,民國66年。4、陳森王,員工個人屬性、需求層次,工作特性與工作滿足的關係。國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國70年。5、潘養源,影響金融工作人員績效與工作滿足因素之研究。國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國68年。6、朱曉石,領導型態、認知方式對績效的影響。國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國69年。7、許士軍,管理學。初版,台北:東華書局。民國70年。二、英文部份:1. Adam, J. S. Toward an understanding of inequity Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1963, 67, 422-436.2. Bachman, J. G. Faculty satisfaction and the dean’s influence: An organizational study of 12 liberal art colleges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1968, 52, 55-61.3. Bachman, J., Smith, C., & Slesinger, J. Control, performance, and satisfaction : An analysis of structural and indivdual effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1966, 4,127-136.4. Badin, I. J. Some moderator influence on relationships between consideration, inititting structure and organizational criteria. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974, 59, 380-382.5. Dahl, R. A. The concept of power. Behavioral Science, 1957, 2, 201-213.6. Etzioni, A. A comparative analysis of complex organizations. New York: The Free Press, 1975, 3-22.7. Fiedler, F.E. A theory of leadership effectiveness. New York: McGeaw-Hill, 1967.8. French, J.R.P., & Raven, B. The bases of social power. In Studies in social power, ed. by Dorwin Cartwright: The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1959, 150-167.9. Herberg, F. Work and anture of man, Cleveland : World Press, 1966.10. Herberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. The motivation to work. New York: Wiley, 1959.11. Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. Management of organizational behavior : Utilizing human resources. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1977, 159-188.12. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., & Hambleton, R.K. Leadership scale. Ca. : Center for Leadership Studies, 1980.13. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., & Natemeyer, W. E. Situational leadership, perception, and the impact of power. Ca. : Center for Leadership Studies, 1979.14. Hersey. P., & Natemeyer, W. F. Power perception profile. Ca.: Center for Leadership Studies, 1979.15. Hoppock. R. Job satisfaction. New York : Harper & Brother, 1935.16. House, R.J. A path goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly,1971, 16, 321-329.17. House, R.J., & Nitchell, T.R. Path-goal theory of leadership. Contemporary Business, 1974, 3, 81-98.18. Invancevish, J. An analysis of control, bases of control, and satisfaction in an organizational setting, Academy of Management Journal, 1970, 13, 427-436.19. Ivancevich, J.M., & Donnelly, J.H. Leader influence and performance. Personnel Psychology 1970, 23, 539-549.20. Lewin, K., Lippitt, R., & White, R.K. Pattern of aggressive behavior in experimental created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology, 1939, 10, 271-299.21. Likert, R. The human organization. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1967.22. Locke, E.A. What is job satisfaction ? Organizational Behavior and Human performance, 1969, 4, 309-336.23. Lord, R.G., Phillips, J.S., & Rush, M.C. Effects of sex and personality on porception of emergent leadership, influence and social power. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1980, 65, 176-182.24. Nunnally, J.C. Psychemetric theory. New Yoek : McGraw-Hill,1967, 226.25. Porter, L.W. A study of perceived need satisfaction in bottom and middle management jobs, Journal of Applied Psychology, 1961, 45, 1-10.26. Posner, B.Z. Measuring the bases of power: Updating French and Raven, Santa Clara : University of Santa Clara, 1980.27. Powell, B.Z. Leadership and power : Related concepts in search of a conceptual framework. American Institute for Decision Science Symposium, 1980, 352-354.28. Price, J. Handbook of organizational measurement, Lexington, MA : D.C. Health, 1972.29. Raven, B.H., & Kruglanski, W. Conflict and power. In Swingle, P.C.(ed.), The structure of conflict. New York : Academic Press, 1975, 177-219.30. Rusell, B. Power, New York : Norton & Co., 1938, 9-25. 31. Smith. P.C., Kendall, L.M., & Hulin, C.L. The measurement` of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago : Rand-McNally, 1969.32. Stogdill, R. M. Handbook of leadership : A survey of theory and research. New York : Free Press, 1974.33. Stogdill, R. M., & Coons, A.E.(ed). Leader behavier : Its deseription and measurement. Columbus : Bureau of Business Research, Ohio State University, 1963.34. Student, K. R. Supervisory influence and workgroup performance. Journal of Applied Psychology 1968, 52, 183-194.35. Tannenbaum, A.S. (ed.). Control in organizations. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1968.36. Tannenbaum, R., & Schmidt. W.H. How to choose a leadership pattern. Harvard Business Review Mar-Apr, 1958), 95-102.37. Tannenbaum, R., Weschler, I.R., & Massarik, F. Leadership and organization. New York : McGraw-Hil 1961.38. Wanous, J.P., & Lawler, E.E., III. Measurement and meaning of Job satisfaction. Journal of of Applied Psychology, 1972, 56, 95-105. 39 Weiss, D.J., Dawis, R.V. England, G.W., & Lofquist L.G. Manual for the Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire; Minnesota studies in vocational rehabilitation. Vocational Psychology Research, University of Minnesota, 1967.40. Wheelwright, S.C., & Makridakis, S. Forecasting methods for management. New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1973, 108-131.41. Yuki, G.A. Leadership in Organizations.42. Zald, M. N. Political economy : A framewerk for comparative analysis. In M. M. Zald (ed.). Power in organizations. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 1970.