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題名 採購人員工作滿足、工作壓力與離職傾向之硏究
A study of procurement officers` job satisfaction, work pressure, and turnover intention作者 范雪景 貢獻者 孫本初
范雪景關鍵詞 採購人員; 工作滿足; 工作壓力; 離職傾向
Procurement Officers ; Job Satisfaction ; Work Pressure ; turnover intention日期 2003 上傳時間 5-Oct-2018 17:08:14 (UTC+8) 摘要 民國八十七年五月一日,立法院三讀通過政府採購法,八十七年五月二十七日總統公佈了一項為政府機關及工程界公認為一大里程碑的法案「政府採購法」,並於八十八年五月二十七日起實施。政府採購是行政過程中重要的一環,政府預算中除人事費外,大多透過採購以滿足各項施政要求,所以採購制度之良寡關係著政策推動之成敗,又政府採購金額約占政府總預算之八十%,故其不但對公部門影響大,對於私部門之市場影響亦十分重大,關係著各廠商之生存與發展,對於如此重大之事項,確實應該有一部法律加以完整規範,「政府採購法」也因此被稱為是行憲以來最重要之一部法律。政府採購法實施迄今已三年,政府採購之政策設計是一種良法之設計,然採購法規除政府採購法之外尚有相關子法四十種之多,並歷經多次修法過程,法規變動亦頻繁,相關法令解釋函眾多,「政府採購法」實施後對採購人員之影響如何?尤其對採購人員之工作壓力、工作滿足與離職傾向三項,實有必要深入探討與研究。由於相關研究大多從採購制度面及法規面探討政府採購問題,本研究擬從採購人員面向探討相關問題,採購人員是政府採購之執行者,當執行者缺乏執行政策之動力,則再好之良意政策,其政策推動之成效亦必大打折扣。 因此筆者希望藉此研究,由人的面向去探討政府採購法實施後對採購人員工作壓力、工作滿足及離職傾向之影響,並以行政院所屬中央行政機關採購人員及採購主管為研究對象,運用問卷調查、深度訪談之研究方法進行實證研究,嘗試發覺現行採購人員面臨之問題及可能解決之建議。經實證研究結果,本研究結果如下: 一、採購人員不會因性別、年齡、官等、職務身分、擔任公務人員年資、擔任採購工作 年資及採購類別等個人背景變項之不同而對工作滿足有顯著之差異。 二、不同個人背景變項之採購人員,其工作壓力有顯著之差異。尤其以委任職採購人員 與工作壓力之間有顯著差異。 三、不同個人背景變項之採購人員,其離職傾向有顯著之差異,其中以「擔任採購工作 之服務年資」、「官等」之不同與離職傾向間更有顯著差異存在。 四、工作滿足與工作壓力之間有顯著之負相關,即工作壓力越大則工作滿足越低。 五、工作滿足與離職傾向有顯著之負相關,即工作滿足越高者其離職傾向越低。 六、工作壓力與離職傾向有顯著之正相關,即工作壓力越大則離職傾向越高。 七、多數採購人員贊成實施「職務輪調」制度。 八、委任職階之採購人員其工作壓力及離職傾向均較顯著。 九、採購人員最感滿足者為「與長官及同僚間之滿足」因素之「與同事相處融洽」及「直屬長官會適時給予指導與協助」二項。 十、擔任採購工作之最大壓力源是政府採購法及相關子法規定太多。
After the Third Reading, the Legislative Yuan passed the Procurement Act on May 1ˢᵗ, 1998. And on May 27, 1998 the President announced the ‘Government Procurement Act’, which is considered by all government agencies and the engineering industry as a major milestone. It became effective on May 27, 1999. Procurement process is an important integral of government administration. Apart from personnel expenses, a large part of the government budget is assigned to procurement so that various policies can be implemented. Therefore, the procurement system is closely related to the success and failure of government policies. Furthermore, 80% of the government budget is assigned for procurement; it affects not only the government but also the private sector. Many businesses’ livelihood and development rely on procurement from the government. Therefore, it is necessary to have a set of comprehensive laws to regulate ‘government procurement’. Hence, this Act is considered the most important law since the constitution. It has been three years since it became effective. The Act designed with good intensions. However, there are more than forty subsections, and it has gone through many changes and amendments. There are numerous explanation documents as well. How has the Act affected government procurement officers? It is necessary to do an in-depth study and research on the procurement officers’ pressure from work, job satisfaction, and tendency to quit. Most researches study the procurement problems from an institutional or regulatory perspective. But this study will discuss procurement related issues from procurement officers’ point of views. Government procurement officers execute the procurement tasks; if they are not motivated to uphold the policies, no matter how good the laws are, they won’t be effective. Therefore, I hope through this study we will be able to find out the problems facing procurement officers and possible solutions. This study is oriented from human point of view, and it is a study of the impact of the Government Procurement Act on procurement officers’ pressure from work, job satisfaction, and tendency to quit. Examples used in the study are procurement officers and executives from central government agencies of the Executive Yuan. Research methods include surveys and in-depth interviews. The results of this study prove the following: 1. There is no obvious difference in job satisfaction due to procurement officers’ personal backgrounds, such as gender, age, rank, job title, years of experience in serving the government, years of experience as procurement officer, and types of procurement duty. 2. Degree of pressure from work is related to different personal backgrounds. This is especially obvious with appointed procurement officers. 3. Tendency to quit is related to personal backgrounds; it is especially related to ‘years of experience as procurement officer’ and ‘rank’. 4. There is an obvious correlation between job satisfaction and pressure from work; the greater degree of pressure is the lower degree of job satisfaction. 5. There is an obvious correlation between job satisfaction and tendency to quit. People with higher degree of job satisfaction have lower degree of tendency to quit. 6. There is an obvious correlation between pressure from work and tendency to quit; the greater the pressure is the higher degree of tendency to quit. 7. Most procurement officers support implementing a job-rotation system. 8. The appointed procurement officers have the greatest pressure from work and are most likely to quit. 9. Procurement officers consider the greatest job satisfaction comes from ‘satisfaction of superior or fellow officers’, ‘harmonious work relations with colleagues’, ‘timely assistance and instructions from superior officers’. 10. 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91資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 孫本初 - (Authors) 范雪景 - dc.creator (作者) 范雪景 - (日期) 2003 - 5-Oct-2018 17:08:14 (UTC+8) - 5-Oct-2018 17:08:14 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Oct-2018 17:08:14 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 - dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 - dc.description (描述) 行管碩 - dc.description (描述) 91 - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 民國八十七年五月一日,立法院三讀通過政府採購法,八十七年五月二十七日總統公佈了一項為政府機關及工程界公認為一大里程碑的法案「政府採購法」,並於八十八年五月二十七日起實施。政府採購是行政過程中重要的一環,政府預算中除人事費外,大多透過採購以滿足各項施政要求,所以採購制度之良寡關係著政策推動之成敗,又政府採購金額約占政府總預算之八十%,故其不但對公部門影響大,對於私部門之市場影響亦十分重大,關係著各廠商之生存與發展,對於如此重大之事項,確實應該有一部法律加以完整規範,「政府採購法」也因此被稱為是行憲以來最重要之一部法律。政府採購法實施迄今已三年,政府採購之政策設計是一種良法之設計,然採購法規除政府採購法之外尚有相關子法四十種之多,並歷經多次修法過程,法規變動亦頻繁,相關法令解釋函眾多,「政府採購法」實施後對採購人員之影響如何?尤其對採購人員之工作壓力、工作滿足與離職傾向三項,實有必要深入探討與研究。由於相關研究大多從採購制度面及法規面探討政府採購問題,本研究擬從採購人員面向探討相關問題,採購人員是政府採購之執行者,當執行者缺乏執行政策之動力,則再好之良意政策,其政策推動之成效亦必大打折扣。 因此筆者希望藉此研究,由人的面向去探討政府採購法實施後對採購人員工作壓力、工作滿足及離職傾向之影響,並以行政院所屬中央行政機關採購人員及採購主管為研究對象,運用問卷調查、深度訪談之研究方法進行實證研究,嘗試發覺現行採購人員面臨之問題及可能解決之建議。經實證研究結果,本研究結果如下: 一、採購人員不會因性別、年齡、官等、職務身分、擔任公務人員年資、擔任採購工作 年資及採購類別等個人背景變項之不同而對工作滿足有顯著之差異。 二、不同個人背景變項之採購人員,其工作壓力有顯著之差異。尤其以委任職採購人員 與工作壓力之間有顯著差異。 三、不同個人背景變項之採購人員,其離職傾向有顯著之差異,其中以「擔任採購工作 之服務年資」、「官等」之不同與離職傾向間更有顯著差異存在。 四、工作滿足與工作壓力之間有顯著之負相關,即工作壓力越大則工作滿足越低。 五、工作滿足與離職傾向有顯著之負相關,即工作滿足越高者其離職傾向越低。 六、工作壓力與離職傾向有顯著之正相關,即工作壓力越大則離職傾向越高。 七、多數採購人員贊成實施「職務輪調」制度。 八、委任職階之採購人員其工作壓力及離職傾向均較顯著。 九、採購人員最感滿足者為「與長官及同僚間之滿足」因素之「與同事相處融洽」及「直屬長官會適時給予指導與協助」二項。 十、擔任採購工作之最大壓力源是政府採購法及相關子法規定太多。 - dc.description.abstract (摘要) After the Third Reading, the Legislative Yuan passed the Procurement Act on May 1ˢᵗ, 1998. And on May 27, 1998 the President announced the ‘Government Procurement Act’, which is considered by all government agencies and the engineering industry as a major milestone. It became effective on May 27, 1999. Procurement process is an important integral of government administration. Apart from personnel expenses, a large part of the government budget is assigned to procurement so that various policies can be implemented. Therefore, the procurement system is closely related to the success and failure of government policies. Furthermore, 80% of the government budget is assigned for procurement; it affects not only the government but also the private sector. Many businesses’ livelihood and development rely on procurement from the government. Therefore, it is necessary to have a set of comprehensive laws to regulate ‘government procurement’. Hence, this Act is considered the most important law since the constitution. It has been three years since it became effective. The Act designed with good intensions. However, there are more than forty subsections, and it has gone through many changes and amendments. There are numerous explanation documents as well. How has the Act affected government procurement officers? It is necessary to do an in-depth study and research on the procurement officers’ pressure from work, job satisfaction, and tendency to quit. Most researches study the procurement problems from an institutional or regulatory perspective. But this study will discuss procurement related issues from procurement officers’ point of views. Government procurement officers execute the procurement tasks; if they are not motivated to uphold the policies, no matter how good the laws are, they won’t be effective. Therefore, I hope through this study we will be able to find out the problems facing procurement officers and possible solutions. This study is oriented from human point of view, and it is a study of the impact of the Government Procurement Act on procurement officers’ pressure from work, job satisfaction, and tendency to quit. Examples used in the study are procurement officers and executives from central government agencies of the Executive Yuan. Research methods include surveys and in-depth interviews. The results of this study prove the following: 1. There is no obvious difference in job satisfaction due to procurement officers’ personal backgrounds, such as gender, age, rank, job title, years of experience in serving the government, years of experience as procurement officer, and types of procurement duty. 2. Degree of pressure from work is related to different personal backgrounds. This is especially obvious with appointed procurement officers. 3. Tendency to quit is related to personal backgrounds; it is especially related to ‘years of experience as procurement officer’ and ‘rank’. 4. There is an obvious correlation between job satisfaction and pressure from work; the greater degree of pressure is the lower degree of job satisfaction. 5. There is an obvious correlation between job satisfaction and tendency to quit. People with higher degree of job satisfaction have lower degree of tendency to quit. 6. There is an obvious correlation between pressure from work and tendency to quit; the greater the pressure is the higher degree of tendency to quit. 7. Most procurement officers support implementing a job-rotation system. 8. The appointed procurement officers have the greatest pressure from work and are most likely to quit. 9. Procurement officers consider the greatest job satisfaction comes from ‘satisfaction of superior or fellow officers’, ‘harmonious work relations with colleagues’, ‘timely assistance and instructions from superior officers’. 10. The greatest pressure of procurement officers comes from the numerous government procurement laws and regulations. - dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與目的1 第二節 研究範圍、內容與流程3 第三節 研究方法及其限制8 第四節 重要名詞解釋9 第二章 相關文獻探討10 第一節 工作滿足理論及其相關文獻之探討10 第二節 工作壓力理論及其相關研究16 第三節 離職傾向相關文獻24 第四節 我國政府採購法施行前後採購作業之比較27 第五節 我國採購人員管理之探討32 第三章 研究設計36 第一節 問卷設計36 第二節 統計分析方法47 第三節 樣本特性分析50 第四節 深度訪談之設計54 第四章 研究結果分析56 第一節 描述性統計56 第二節 獨立樣本T檢定與變異數分析92 第三節 相關性分析134 第四節 分析結果141 第五章 結論與建議149 第一節 研究發現149 第二節 研究建議153 參考文獻161 附錄一 前測問卷169 附錄二 正式問卷174 附錄三 深度訪談紀錄178 表目錄 表3-1原審計稽察法規與政府採購法對於採購人員有關採購作業之差異比較表27 表4-1前測問卷之信度與效度分析表41 表4-2前測問卷之信度與效度分析表41 表4-3研究因素一覽表43 表4-4受訪者性別之次數分配表50 表4-5受訪者年齡之次數分配表50 表4-6受訪者職務身分之次數分配表51 表4-7受訪者教育程度之次數分配表51 表4-8受訪者擔任公務員服務年資之次數分配表52 表4-9受訪者擔任採購職務年資之次數分配表52 表4-10受訪者官等之次數分配表53 表4-11受訪者採購工作類別之次數分配表53 表5-1採購工作能提升社會上之地位之次數分配表56 表5-2能從工作中得到成就感之次數分配表57 表5-3生活中最大樂趣是來自於工作之次數分配表58 表5-4對於目前所從事的工作非常滿意之次數分配表59 表5-5採購人員不實施職務輪調制度之次數分配表60 表5-6直屬長官會適時給予指導與協助之次數分配表61 表5-7直屬長官會適時讚賞與協助之次數分配表62 表5-8與同事相處融洽之次數分配表63 表5-9對現行採購人員福利制度之看法之次數分配表64 表5-10對薪資與工作量相比之合理性之次數分配表65 表5-11對採購人員無加給制度之看法之次數分配表66 表5-12對於採購人員升遷機會之看法之次數分配表67 表5-13對採購人員升遷速度之看法之次數分配表68 表5-14對現行採購人員升遷公平性之看法之次數分配表69 表5-15工作滿足之整體資料分析之次數分配表71 表5-16因工作上的問題,晚上有難以入眠之情形之次數分配表71 表5-17工作上常使我覺得神經過敏之次數分配表72 表5-18工作時常覺得脾氣會比平時暴躁之次數分配表73 表5-19擔任採購工作需與廠商周旋,使得我覺得很不喜歡此類工作之次數分配表74 表5-20會因為採購法令未熟悉而擔心所辦理的採購案件將來會被審計部門糾正或負起法律責任之次數分配表75 表5-21在辦理採購作業時,監辦單位之意見常與我相左之次數分配表76 表5-22在辦理採購作業中,會計部門干涉太多之次數分配表77 表5-23我所從事的工作會使我覺得人格不受尊重之次數分配表78 表5-24每天下班後,我覺得十分疲倦之次數分配表79 表5-25我有寧願留在家裡而不願去上班之念頭之次數分配表80 表5-26如果換個工作可能有助於自己的健康之次數分配表81 表5-27我覺得擔任採購工作的最大壓力源是政府採購法及相關子法的規定太多之次數分配表82 表5-28工作壓力之整體統計分析83 表5-29是否考慮離開目前的任職機關之描述性統計84 表5-30是否考慮調任本機關中其他職務的工作之描述性統計85 表5-31是否想離開採購工作之描述性統計85 表5-32是否認為只要能離開採購工作,擔任其他任何職務工作皆可之描述性統計86 表5-33是否曾經想過以升遷的方式跳脫擔任採購的工作之描述性統計87 表5-34以您目前之狀況及條件,您認為在其他機關找到適當職位之可能性有多少之描述性統計88 表5-35以您目前擔任採購職務,本機關長官會以採購人員培訓不易為理由,不同意你商 調至其他機關或調任本機關其他職務工作之描述性統計89 表5-36您想脫離採購工作,最主要原因之描述性統計90 表5-37離職傾向之總體資料分析91 表5-38性別-工作滿足之獨立樣本T檢定95 表5-39性別-工作壓力之獨立樣本T檢定97 表5-40性別-離職傾向之獨立樣本T檢定98 表5-41受訪者職務身分之獨立樣本T檢定103 表5-42受訪者職務身分之獨立樣本T檢定105 表5-43受訪者離職傾向之獨立樣本T檢定107 表5-44受訪者年齡之單因子變異數分析113 表5-45受訪者教育程度之單因子變異數分析116 表5-46受訪者服務年資之單因子變異數分析120 表5-47受訪者擔任採購職務年資之單因子變異數分析124 表5-48受訪者官等之單因子變異數分析128 表5-49受訪者採購工作類別之單因子變異數分析133 表5-50相關係數強度表134 表5-51工作滿足與離職傾向之總體相關分析135 表5-52工作滿足與離職傾向之個別因素相關分析136 表5-53工作壓力與離職傾向之總體相關性分析137 表5-54工作壓力與離職傾向之個別因素相關分析138 表5-55工作滿足與工作壓力之總體相關性分析138 表5-56工作滿足與工作壓力之個別因素相關分析140 表5-57深度訪談結果一覽表145 圖目錄 圖1-1研究流程圖5 圖1-2研究架構圖7 圖2-1 Blegen&Mueller(1987)工作滿足原因模型14 圖2-2工作壓力研究典範模式17 圖2-3社會心理調節疾病之理論模式18 圖2-4努力-報償不平衡理論模式19 圖2-5職業壓力的不確定理論20 圖2-6職業壓力後設模式面向理論21 圖2-7修正之職業壓力面向模式22 圖2-8 Price工作滿足離職模式26 圖5-1圓餅圖-採購工作能提升社會上之地位57 圖5-2圓餅圖-能從工作中得到成就感58 圖5-3圓餅圖-生活中最大樂趣是來自於工作59 圖5-4圓餅圖-對於目前所從事的工作非常滿意60 圖5-5圓餅圖-採購人員不實施職務輪調制度61 圖5-6圓餅圖-直屬長官會適時給予指導與協助62 圖5-7圓餅圖-直屬長官會適時讚賞與協助63 圖5-8圓餅圖-與同事相處融洽64 圖5-9圓餅圖-對現行採購人員福利制度之看法65 圖5-10圓餅圖-對薪資與工作量相比之合理性66 圖5-11圓餅圖-對採購人員無加給制度之看法67 圖5-12圓餅圖-對於採購人員升遷機會之看法68 圖5-13圓餅圖-對採購人員升遷速度之看法69 圖5-14圓餅圖-對現行採購人員升遷公平性之看法70 圖5-15圓餅圖-因工作上的問題,晚上有難以入眠之情形72 圖5-16圓餅圖-工作上常使我覺得神經過敏73 圖5-17圓餅圖-工作時常覺得脾氣會比平時暴躁74 圖5-18圓餅圖-擔任採購工作需與廠商周旋,使得我覺得很不喜歡此類工作75 圖5-19圓餅圖-會因為採購法令未熟悉而擔心所辦理的採購案件將來會被審計部門糾正 或負起法律責任76 圖5-20圓餅圖-在辦理採購作業時,監辦單位之意見常與我相77 圖5-21圓餅圖-在辦理採購作業中,會計部門干涉太78 圖5-22圓餅圖-我所從事的工作會使我覺得人格不受尊重79 圖5-23圓餅圖-每天下班後,我覺得十分疲倦80 圖5-24圓餅圖-我有寧願留在家裡而不願去上班之念頭81 圖5-25圓餅圖-如果換個工作可能有助於自己的健康82 圖5-26圓餅圖-我覺得擔任採購工作的最大壓力源是政府採購法及相關子法的規定太83 圖5-27圓餅圖-是否考慮離開目前的任職機關84 圖5-28圓餅圖-是否考慮調任本機關中其他職務的工作85 圖5-29圓餅圖-是否想離開採購工作86 圖5-30圓餅圖-是否認為只要能離開採購工作,擔任其他任何職務工作皆可87 圖5-31圓餅圖-是否曾經想過以升遷的方式跳脫擔任採購的工作88 圖5-32圓餅圖-以您目前之狀況及條件,您認為在其他機關找到適當職位之可能性有多89 圖5-33圓餅圖-以您目前擔任採購職務,本機關長官會以採購人員培訓不易為理由,不 同意你商調至其他機關或調任本機關其他職務工作90 圖5-34圓餅圖-您想脫離採購工作,最主要原因是91 - dc.format.extent 115 bytes - dc.format.mimetype text/html - dc.source.uri (資料來源) - dc.subject (關鍵詞) 採購人員; 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