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題名 以S-O-R模型探討新精品電商對消費者購買意圖的影響
An Application of the S-O-R Model to Examine Factors Related with Customers’ Purchase Intention toward New Luxury E-commerce作者 楊仁凱
Yang, Jen-Kai貢獻者 洪為璽<br>季延平
Hung, Wei-Hsi<br>Chi, Yen-Ping
Yang, Jen-Kai關鍵詞 S-O-R模型
S-O-R model
New luxury
Website quality
Website brand
Website atmosphere日期 2018 上傳時間 17-Oct-2018 11:37:42 (UTC+8) 摘要 中文摘要隨著消費結構升級,消費者有了更多物質享受,也十分重視生活品質,消費者漸漸願意在自己認為值得的「新精品」上投資更多。新精品並非傳統頂級且只有少數人擁有的精品,它無稀少性、相對平價、品牌形象良好且是可以凸顯自身品味的產品或服務。隨著數位化時代的來臨,有關電子商務的議題已經研究了一段時間,精品產業一方面為了成長與創新,有些品牌選擇擁抱電商,另一方面為了維持其獨有的稀少性,部分品牌至今持續鞏固其零售店面,但有關新精品進入電商產業的研究卻是少之又少。本研究整理過去的文獻,以S-O-R模型,探討新精品品牌如何利用線上商店的環境去影響消費者的心理狀態,進而增加消費者對在線上的購買意圖。本研究以「網站品質」、「網站品牌」與「網站氛圍」作為線上環境中的刺激(Stimulus, S)當消費者受到上述環境刺激時,預期會產生「情緒喚起」與「知覺風險」的心理狀態變化(Organism, O)進而產生「購買意圖」的反應(Response ,R)。本研究共蒐集482份問卷,有效問卷473份,透過結構方程式模型分析結果後發現,網站品質無論對於消費者的情緒喚起及知覺風險皆無顯著影響,而網站品牌與網站氛圍皆會顯著正向影響消費者的情緒喚起,且對於知覺風險皆有顯著的負向影響,情緒喚起對於購買意圖有顯著的正向影響,而知覺風險對於購賣意圖則有顯著的負向影響。透過本研究結果可以提供網站設計者、品牌相關人員或創辦人未來可以對新精品品牌進入電子商務領域時,作為執行的參考,抑或作為檢視品牌目前線上商店的標準,讓企業未來在電子商務領域中,能找到影響消費者情緒及知覺風險的關鍵,成功提高消費者的購買意圖進而增加銷量,成功推廣新精品品牌。關鍵字:S-O-R模型、新精品、電子商務、網站品質、網站品牌、網站氛圍
AbstractWith the trading-up, consumers have paid more attention and attached with great importance to the quality of life. Consumers are gradually willing to invest more in the new luxury goods that they think valuable. The new-luxury goods are affordable, good brand image and can highlight personal characteristic. In the digital age, the topic of e-commerce has been studied for some time. Some luxury brands choose to embrace e-commerce, and on the other hand, in order to maintain its scarcity, some brands have so far continue to maintain their retail stores. But research on new luxury goods entering the e-commerce industry is rare. This study adopts the S-O-R model to explore how new luxury brands can use the online store environment to influence consumers` psychological state, thereby increasing consumers` intentions to purchase online. In this study, "Website Quality", "Website Brand" and "Website Atmosphere" are used as incentives in the online environment (Stimulus, S). When consumers are stimulated by the above environment cues, they are expected to generate "emotional arousal" and "perceived risk". The change in mental state (Organism, O) in turn produces a "purchase intention" response (Response, R). A total of 482 questionnaires were collected in this study, and 473 valid questionnaires were analyzed. This study then performs the structural equation modeling analysis and verifies the suitability of models with samples, and verifies the relationship among the variables. The result shows that the quality of the website had no significant effect on the emotional arousal and perceived risk. Website brand and website atmosphere have significant and positive effect on emotional and arousal, while they have significant negative effect on perceived risk. Emotional arousal has a significant positive effect on purchase intention, while perceived risk has a significant negative effect on purchase intention. Through the results of this research, website designers, brand-related personnel or founders can be used as a reference for implementation when they enter the e-commerce field in the future, or as a standard for assessing the current online store of the brand. We can find the key to affecting consumers` emotional and perceived risks, successfully improve consumers` purchasing intentions and sales, and finally promote new luxury brands.Keywords: S-O-R model, New Luxury, E-commerce, Website quality, Website Brand, Website Atmosphere參考文獻 中文部分蔡文仁(民102)。線上購物環境與消費者特徵對網路衝動性購買影響之研究。東方學報。吳明隆(民96)。SPSS 統計應用學習實務: 問卷分析與應用統計。臺北市:知城圖書。英文部分Aaker, D. A., & Equity, M. B. (1991). Capitalizing on the Value of a BrandName. New York, 28, 35-37.Aaker, D. A.(1996). Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets.California Management Review, 38(3), 102–120.Abdolvand, M. A., & Andervazh, L.(2011). Investigating customer perceivedvalue in custom services, 4.Adelaar, T., Chang, S., Lancendorfer, K. 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105363021資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 洪為璽<br>季延平 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Hung, Wei-Hsi<br>Chi, Yen-Ping en_US (Authors) 楊仁凱 zh_TW (Authors) Yang, Jen-Kai en_US dc.creator (作者) 楊仁凱 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Yang, Jen-Kai en_US (日期) 2018 en_US 17-Oct-2018 11:37:42 (UTC+8) - 17-Oct-2018 11:37:42 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 17-Oct-2018 11:37:42 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105363021 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105363021 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中文摘要隨著消費結構升級,消費者有了更多物質享受,也十分重視生活品質,消費者漸漸願意在自己認為值得的「新精品」上投資更多。新精品並非傳統頂級且只有少數人擁有的精品,它無稀少性、相對平價、品牌形象良好且是可以凸顯自身品味的產品或服務。隨著數位化時代的來臨,有關電子商務的議題已經研究了一段時間,精品產業一方面為了成長與創新,有些品牌選擇擁抱電商,另一方面為了維持其獨有的稀少性,部分品牌至今持續鞏固其零售店面,但有關新精品進入電商產業的研究卻是少之又少。本研究整理過去的文獻,以S-O-R模型,探討新精品品牌如何利用線上商店的環境去影響消費者的心理狀態,進而增加消費者對在線上的購買意圖。本研究以「網站品質」、「網站品牌」與「網站氛圍」作為線上環境中的刺激(Stimulus, S)當消費者受到上述環境刺激時,預期會產生「情緒喚起」與「知覺風險」的心理狀態變化(Organism, O)進而產生「購買意圖」的反應(Response ,R)。本研究共蒐集482份問卷,有效問卷473份,透過結構方程式模型分析結果後發現,網站品質無論對於消費者的情緒喚起及知覺風險皆無顯著影響,而網站品牌與網站氛圍皆會顯著正向影響消費者的情緒喚起,且對於知覺風險皆有顯著的負向影響,情緒喚起對於購買意圖有顯著的正向影響,而知覺風險對於購賣意圖則有顯著的負向影響。透過本研究結果可以提供網站設計者、品牌相關人員或創辦人未來可以對新精品品牌進入電子商務領域時,作為執行的參考,抑或作為檢視品牌目前線上商店的標準,讓企業未來在電子商務領域中,能找到影響消費者情緒及知覺風險的關鍵,成功提高消費者的購買意圖進而增加銷量,成功推廣新精品品牌。關鍵字:S-O-R模型、新精品、電子商務、網站品質、網站品牌、網站氛圍 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) AbstractWith the trading-up, consumers have paid more attention and attached with great importance to the quality of life. Consumers are gradually willing to invest more in the new luxury goods that they think valuable. The new-luxury goods are affordable, good brand image and can highlight personal characteristic. In the digital age, the topic of e-commerce has been studied for some time. Some luxury brands choose to embrace e-commerce, and on the other hand, in order to maintain its scarcity, some brands have so far continue to maintain their retail stores. But research on new luxury goods entering the e-commerce industry is rare. This study adopts the S-O-R model to explore how new luxury brands can use the online store environment to influence consumers` psychological state, thereby increasing consumers` intentions to purchase online. In this study, "Website Quality", "Website Brand" and "Website Atmosphere" are used as incentives in the online environment (Stimulus, S). When consumers are stimulated by the above environment cues, they are expected to generate "emotional arousal" and "perceived risk". The change in mental state (Organism, O) in turn produces a "purchase intention" response (Response, R). A total of 482 questionnaires were collected in this study, and 473 valid questionnaires were analyzed. This study then performs the structural equation modeling analysis and verifies the suitability of models with samples, and verifies the relationship among the variables. The result shows that the quality of the website had no significant effect on the emotional arousal and perceived risk. Website brand and website atmosphere have significant and positive effect on emotional and arousal, while they have significant negative effect on perceived risk. Emotional arousal has a significant positive effect on purchase intention, while perceived risk has a significant negative effect on purchase intention. Through the results of this research, website designers, brand-related personnel or founders can be used as a reference for implementation when they enter the e-commerce field in the future, or as a standard for assessing the current online store of the brand. We can find the key to affecting consumers` emotional and perceived risks, successfully improve consumers` purchasing intentions and sales, and finally promote new luxury brands.Keywords: S-O-R model, New Luxury, E-commerce, Website quality, Website Brand, Website Atmosphere en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄第一章 緒論 9第一節 研究背景與動機 9第二節 研究目的 11第三節 研究流程 12第二章 文獻探討 13第一節 理論背景 13一、 精品 13二、 新精品 15三、 消費者線上消費習慣 18四、 S-O-R模型 18第二節 相關研究變數定義 20一、 網站品質 20二、 網站品牌 21三、 網站氛圍 22四、 情緒喚起 23五、 知覺風險 24六、 購買意圖 25第三節 研究假說 26一、 網站品質分別與情緒喚起和知覺風險之間的關係 26二、 網站品牌分別與情緒喚起和知覺風險之間的關係 28三、 網站氛圍分別與情緒喚起和知覺風險之間的關係 29四、 情緒喚起和知覺風險分別與購買意圖之間的關係 30第三章 研究設計與方法 31第一節 理論架構 31第二節 變數定義整理 32第三節 假說整理 32第四節 研究設計 33一、 研究對象 33二、 資料搜集方法 33第五節 問卷設計與編碼 34一、 網站品質 35二、 網站品牌 36三、 網站氛圍 37四、 情緒喚起 38五、 知覺風險 39六、 購買意圖 40第四章 資料分析與討論 41第一節 敘述性統計分析 41一、 性別、教育程度與年齡分佈 41二、 職業、職位與每月可支配所得 43三、 居住區域 44四、 造訪新精品網站與購買品項 45第二節 衡量變數敘述性統計分析 46第三節 信度與效度分析 48一、 信度分析 48二、 效度分析 52第四節 結構模式分析 56一、 模型配適度評估 56二、 假說驗證 58第五節 結果討論 60一、 網站品質對情緒喚起及知覺風險之影響 60二、 網站品牌對情緒喚起及知覺風險之影響 61三、 網站氛圍對情緒喚起及知覺風險的影響 62四、 情緒喚起對購買意圖的影響 62五、 知覺風險對購買意圖的影響 63第五章 結論與建議 63第一節 研究結論 64第二節 管理意涵 65第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 67參考文獻 68附錄、研究問卷 77圖目錄圖1-1 研究流程圖 12圖2-1精品的層次 13圖2-2 新精品定位策略 17圖2-3在S-O-R架構下消費者對線上消費的反應 19圖3-1 研究架構 31圖4-1結構模式檢測結果 59 表目錄表2-1 新精品、舊精品、傳統商品的差異 17表2-2 網站氛圍的分類與要素 23表3-1研究變數與定義 32表3-2 假說整理 33表3-3網站品質之問項設計 35表3-4網站品牌之問項設計 36表3-5網站品牌之問項設計 37表3-6網站品牌之問項設計 38表3-7網站品牌之問項設計 39表3-8網站品牌之問項設計 40表4-1表樣本基本資料統計 42表4-2樣本職業與薪資分布 43表4-3樣本居住區域 45表4-4樣本造訪新精品網站與購買情形 46表4-5敘述性統計量表 47表4-6 Cronbach’s α 可信程度 49表4-7信度分析 49表4-8驗證性因素分析結果 50表4-9收斂與區別效度 53表4-10網站品質、網站品牌與網站氛圍之KMO值與Bartlett球形檢定 53表4-11網站品質、網站品牌與網站氛圍轉軸後成分矩陣 54表4-12情緒喚起、知覺風險與購買意圖之KMO值與Bartlett球形檢定 55表4-13情緒喚起、知覺風險與購買意圖轉軸後成分矩陣 55表4-14整體模式配適度指標 58表4-15結構模式路徑係數 60 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1438906 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) S-O-R模型 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新精品 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子商務 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網站品質 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網站品牌 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網站氛圍 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) S-O-R model en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) New luxury en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-commerce en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Website quality en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Website brand en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Website atmosphere en_US dc.title (題名) 以S-O-R模型探討新精品電商對消費者購買意圖的影響 zh_TW dc.title (題名) An Application of the S-O-R Model to Examine Factors Related with Customers’ Purchase Intention toward New Luxury E-commerce en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分蔡文仁(民102)。線上購物環境與消費者特徵對網路衝動性購買影響之研究。東方學報。吳明隆(民96)。SPSS 統計應用學習實務: 問卷分析與應用統計。臺北市:知城圖書。英文部分Aaker, D. 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