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題名 以語意特徵比較中文與英文的對譯詞 — 以「爬」字為例
Comparing English-Mandarin Lexical Concepts of CRAWL.
作者 鍾曉芳
貢獻者 英文系
關鍵詞 Contrastive analysis; Equivalents; Action verb; Semantic features; Literal and figurative senses
日期 2013-02
上傳時間 16-Jan-2019 14:38:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 Equivalents of two languages may have corresponding senses but there could be some language-specific senses that are not found in one of the languages. Previous research used different ways to present identical and different meanings of equivalents, but seldom provided explanation for how senses could be connected or derived. The present study proposes a semantic feature approach, in which a sense flow chart is used to present how semantic features of an action verb and their specifications may explain the variation among the literal senses as well as the derivation routes of the figurative senses. Two equivalents, Chinese PA2 and English CRAWL, were chosen, and their usages in the corpus and their senses from dictionaries were examined with the specifications of semantic features (some taken from Gao (2001)) of the crawling action. Results showed that the identified semantic features could be classified into two categories: salient and minor semantic features. Specifications of salient features (e.g., „human,‟ „plant‟ or „non-creature‟ in the [Agent] feature) can adequately explain the differences among literal senses. Specifications of minor features (e.g., „search‟ and „examine‟ in the [Intention] feature) can suggest necessary clues for the derivation of some figurative senses. It was also found that specifications of semantic features were embedded differently in Chinese PA2 then in English CRAWL. Due to the differences, one specification of a feature may receive different weight of emphasis from the two languages which thus induces the derivation of a language-specific sense (e.g., Flesh—Crawl inEnglish). For pedagogy, our findings imply that an underlying set of semantic features with their specifications could be provided to learners so that they can know what and why a targeted word in L2 differs from its equivalent in their L1.
兩個語言間的對譯詞除了共用一些相似的語意之外,另有一些語意是某一語言獨有的。先前的研究人員曾使用各種不同的方式來呈現對譯詞間相似及相異的語意,但鮮少有研究針對語意之間的差異及語意衍生做出解釋。本研究認為一個動作動詞本身的語意特徵及其細項訊息能用來區別此動詞的各個動作語意,並能用來解釋其他延伸意是如何衍生而來,而這些動作語意間的差異及延伸意的衍生路徑非常適合以語意流程圖來呈現。本研究以中文的「爬」和英文的「CRAWL」為研究目標,從字典及語料庫收集此對對譯詞的各種語意,並加以分析他們的語意特徵及其細項訊息。分析結果顯示爬的語意特徵可以分為兩大類:顯著特徵和次要特徵。顯著特徵的細項訊息(如:[動作者]這個特徵的‘人類’、‘植物’或‘非生物’等細項訊息)可以合理地解釋各個動作語意之間的差異。次要特徵的細項訊息(如:[意圖]這個特徵的‘尋找’和‘檢驗’等細項訊息)則能說明延伸意是如何衍生而來。本研究同時也發現中文的「爬」和英文的「CRAWL」著重於不同的特徵細項訊息(如:[部位]特徵中的細項訊息‘腳’在中文「爬」字的比率高出英文「CRAWL」字許多)。此外,某些語言獨有的特徵細項訊息解釋了為何某些語意只存在於其中一個語言之中(如: [效果]特徵的細項訊息‘驚悚’只存在於英文當中,故皮肉爬這個語意僅存在於英文「CRAWL」字中)。本研究於教學上的啟發在於鼓勵語言學習者利用語意特徵和其細項訊息去分析並瞭解外語及母語對譯詞在語意上有何不同以及如何不同。
關聯 Studies in English Language and Literature (Special Issue), No.31, pp.247-264
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 英文系
dc.creator (作者) 鍾曉芳
dc.date (日期) 2013-02
dc.date.accessioned 16-Jan-2019 14:38:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 16-Jan-2019 14:38:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 16-Jan-2019 14:38:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/121913-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Equivalents of two languages may have corresponding senses but there could be some language-specific senses that are not found in one of the languages. Previous research used different ways to present identical and different meanings of equivalents, but seldom provided explanation for how senses could be connected or derived. The present study proposes a semantic feature approach, in which a sense flow chart is used to present how semantic features of an action verb and their specifications may explain the variation among the literal senses as well as the derivation routes of the figurative senses. Two equivalents, Chinese PA2 and English CRAWL, were chosen, and their usages in the corpus and their senses from dictionaries were examined with the specifications of semantic features (some taken from Gao (2001)) of the crawling action. Results showed that the identified semantic features could be classified into two categories: salient and minor semantic features. Specifications of salient features (e.g., „human,‟ „plant‟ or „non-creature‟ in the [Agent] feature) can adequately explain the differences among literal senses. Specifications of minor features (e.g., „search‟ and „examine‟ in the [Intention] feature) can suggest necessary clues for the derivation of some figurative senses. It was also found that specifications of semantic features were embedded differently in Chinese PA2 then in English CRAWL. Due to the differences, one specification of a feature may receive different weight of emphasis from the two languages which thus induces the derivation of a language-specific sense (e.g., Flesh—Crawl inEnglish). For pedagogy, our findings imply that an underlying set of semantic features with their specifications could be provided to learners so that they can know what and why a targeted word in L2 differs from its equivalent in their L1.en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 兩個語言間的對譯詞除了共用一些相似的語意之外,另有一些語意是某一語言獨有的。先前的研究人員曾使用各種不同的方式來呈現對譯詞間相似及相異的語意,但鮮少有研究針對語意之間的差異及語意衍生做出解釋。本研究認為一個動作動詞本身的語意特徵及其細項訊息能用來區別此動詞的各個動作語意,並能用來解釋其他延伸意是如何衍生而來,而這些動作語意間的差異及延伸意的衍生路徑非常適合以語意流程圖來呈現。本研究以中文的「爬」和英文的「CRAWL」為研究目標,從字典及語料庫收集此對對譯詞的各種語意,並加以分析他們的語意特徵及其細項訊息。分析結果顯示爬的語意特徵可以分為兩大類:顯著特徵和次要特徵。顯著特徵的細項訊息(如:[動作者]這個特徵的‘人類’、‘植物’或‘非生物’等細項訊息)可以合理地解釋各個動作語意之間的差異。次要特徵的細項訊息(如:[意圖]這個特徵的‘尋找’和‘檢驗’等細項訊息)則能說明延伸意是如何衍生而來。本研究同時也發現中文的「爬」和英文的「CRAWL」著重於不同的特徵細項訊息(如:[部位]特徵中的細項訊息‘腳’在中文「爬」字的比率高出英文「CRAWL」字許多)。此外,某些語言獨有的特徵細項訊息解釋了為何某些語意只存在於其中一個語言之中(如: [效果]特徵的細項訊息‘驚悚’只存在於英文當中,故皮肉爬這個語意僅存在於英文「CRAWL」字中)。本研究於教學上的啟發在於鼓勵語言學習者利用語意特徵和其細項訊息去分析並瞭解外語及母語對譯詞在語意上有何不同以及如何不同。zh_TW
dc.format.extent 167 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) Studies in English Language and Literature (Special Issue), No.31, pp.247-264
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Contrastive analysis; Equivalents; Action verb; Semantic features; Literal and figurative sensesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 對比分析;對譯詞;動作動詞;語意特徵;動作語意與延伸意zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 以語意特徵比較中文與英文的對譯詞 — 以「爬」字為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Comparing English-Mandarin Lexical Concepts of CRAWL.en_US
dc.type (資料類型) article