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題名 日本餐飲企業海外經營策略之研究 —以台灣大戶屋為例
Research on Overseas Business Strategy of Japanese Restaurant Business: A Case Study of Ootoya in Taiwan作者 王璻涵
Wang, Tsui-Han貢獻者 李世暉
Li, Shih-Hui
Wang, Tsui-Han關鍵詞 日本餐飲
Japanese restaurant business
Business strategy
Taiwan market
Key success factor日期 2019 上傳時間 12-Feb-2019 15:58:20 (UTC+8) 摘要 1960年代起,餐飲企業開始如火如荼地向海外發展,而日本的連鎖餐飲企業於1970年代起開始大幅進出海外,近年由於亞洲新興市場的快速發展,對於餐飲產業的需求擴大,加上與日本同處亞洲地區,日本餐飲企業在亞洲市場的進出大幅增加。在此背景下,本研究旨在分析日本餐飲企業進出海外時的策略制定過程,企圖解答日本餐飲企業進出海外之環境因素、策略制定與關鍵成功因素。本研究以台灣大戶屋作為研究對象,台灣大戶屋為台灣目前店數最多的日本正宗綜合類定食品牌,且2017年為台灣市場中日本餐飲企業店舖數排名第五名,亦是前五名中唯一轉變經營模式之企業。以台灣大戶屋轉變經營模式之2012年作為分水嶺,首先針對大戶屋在全球化市場策略中選擇台灣市場並轉變經營模式之因素進行分析,其後將在台灣經營時期分成直營時期與授權時期兩階段進行探討,透過深度訪談與文獻探討,了解台灣大戶屋兩階段策略制定之背景、內容與成果,並整理、歸納其內、外部因素,欲從中探討其經營策略與關鍵成功因素。本研究發現,大戶屋進駐台灣市場主要是因日本國內餐飲產業競爭激烈、人口結構改變與日本政府支持,以及台灣市場經濟成熟、對日本文化接受度高等原因;而經營策略上主要則側重於制度、產品、店舖開發、人力資源與廣告行銷五項層面;並透過台灣大戶屋的案例歸納出其關鍵成功因素為掌握核心能力、投入在地化資源以及明確的經營分流,成功使台灣大戶屋在市場中穩定成長。
Since the 1960s, restaurant industries have been booming overseas, and Japanese chain restaurant business has begun to enter overseas in the 1970s. In recent years, due to the rapid development of emerging markets in Asia, the demand for the restaurant industry has expanded. Japanese restaurant business has seen a significant increase in their entering in the Asian market. In this context, this research aims to analyze the strategy formulation process of Japanese restaurant business entering overseas in an attempt to answer the environmental factors, strategy development process and key success factors of Japanese restaurant business overseas strategy.This research is based on the case study of Ootoya in Taiwan. Ootoya in Taiwan is the most comprehensive Japanese set meal food brand in Taiwan. In 2017, it ranked fifth in the number of Japanese restaurant business in the Taiwan market, and is also the only company that has changed its business model among the top five.This study takes 2012 when business model was transformed as a watershed of Ootoya in Taiwan. First, it analyzes the factors that selected the Taiwan market and transformed the business model in the global market strategy of Ootoya. It will be divided into direct operation period and authorization period during the Taiwan operation. Through in-depth interview and literature review, we will understand the background, content and achievements of the two-stage strategy development of Ootoya in Taiwan, and summarize the internal and external factors, in order to explore its business strategy and key success factors.This research found that Ootoya entering Taiwan market is mainly due to the fierce competition in Japan`s domestic restaurant industry, the change in population structure and the support of the Japanese government, as well as the maturity of Taiwan`s market economy, high acceptance of Japanese culture and other factors. The main focus of the business strategy is on the system, product, store development, human resources and advertising marketing. Through the case of Ootoya in Taiwan, we summed up its key success factors are mastering core competencies, investing in localized resources, and clear operational diversions, which successfully make Ootoya in Taiwan growing stably in the market.參考文獻 壹、中文資料司徒達賢(2001)。策略管理新論:觀念架構與分析方法。台北:智勝文化。朱文儀、陳建男、黃豪臣譯(2007)。策略管理(原作者:Hill, Charles W. L. & Jones, Gareth R.)。台北:華泰文化。朱文儀、陳建男譯(2017)。策略管理(原作者:Hill, Charles W. L., Schilling, Melissa A., & Jones, Gareth R.)。台北:新加坡商聖智學習。行政院主計處(2013)。民國102年薪資與生產力統計年報。行政院主計處(2014)。民國103年薪資與生產力統計年報。行政院主計處(2015)。民國104年薪資與生產力統計年報。行政院主計處(2016)。民國105年薪資與生產力統計年報。行政院主計處(2017)。民國106年家庭收支調查報告。行政院主計處(2017)。民國106年統計年鑑。行政院主計處(2017)。民國106年薪資與生產力統計年報。行政院主計總處(2016)。行業標準分類(第10次修訂)。吳思華(1988)。產業政策與企業策略:台灣地區產業發展歷程。財團法人中國經濟企業研究所。吳思華(2000)。策略九說(三版)。台北:臉譜出版。吳政和、陳阿洪(2000)。台灣餐飲業發展源流。「第一屆台灣觀光發展歷史研討會」發表之論文,靜宜大學觀光事業學糸。吳淑華、李國瑋譯(2007)。策略管理(原作者:Michael A. Hitt. R. Duane Ireland & Robert E. Hokisson)。台北:湯姆生。(原著出版年:2007)李永蕙譯(2007)。策略管理(原作者:Arthur A. Thompson, John E. Gamble & A. J. 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105861003資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 李世暉 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Li, Shih-Hui en_US (Authors) 王璻涵 zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Tsui-Han en_US dc.creator (作者) 王璻涵 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Wang, Tsui-Han en_US (日期) 2019 en_US 12-Feb-2019 15:58:20 (UTC+8) - 12-Feb-2019 15:58:20 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 12-Feb-2019 15:58:20 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105861003 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 日本研究學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105861003 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 1960年代起,餐飲企業開始如火如荼地向海外發展,而日本的連鎖餐飲企業於1970年代起開始大幅進出海外,近年由於亞洲新興市場的快速發展,對於餐飲產業的需求擴大,加上與日本同處亞洲地區,日本餐飲企業在亞洲市場的進出大幅增加。在此背景下,本研究旨在分析日本餐飲企業進出海外時的策略制定過程,企圖解答日本餐飲企業進出海外之環境因素、策略制定與關鍵成功因素。本研究以台灣大戶屋作為研究對象,台灣大戶屋為台灣目前店數最多的日本正宗綜合類定食品牌,且2017年為台灣市場中日本餐飲企業店舖數排名第五名,亦是前五名中唯一轉變經營模式之企業。以台灣大戶屋轉變經營模式之2012年作為分水嶺,首先針對大戶屋在全球化市場策略中選擇台灣市場並轉變經營模式之因素進行分析,其後將在台灣經營時期分成直營時期與授權時期兩階段進行探討,透過深度訪談與文獻探討,了解台灣大戶屋兩階段策略制定之背景、內容與成果,並整理、歸納其內、外部因素,欲從中探討其經營策略與關鍵成功因素。本研究發現,大戶屋進駐台灣市場主要是因日本國內餐飲產業競爭激烈、人口結構改變與日本政府支持,以及台灣市場經濟成熟、對日本文化接受度高等原因;而經營策略上主要則側重於制度、產品、店舖開發、人力資源與廣告行銷五項層面;並透過台灣大戶屋的案例歸納出其關鍵成功因素為掌握核心能力、投入在地化資源以及明確的經營分流,成功使台灣大戶屋在市場中穩定成長。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the 1960s, restaurant industries have been booming overseas, and Japanese chain restaurant business has begun to enter overseas in the 1970s. In recent years, due to the rapid development of emerging markets in Asia, the demand for the restaurant industry has expanded. Japanese restaurant business has seen a significant increase in their entering in the Asian market. In this context, this research aims to analyze the strategy formulation process of Japanese restaurant business entering overseas in an attempt to answer the environmental factors, strategy development process and key success factors of Japanese restaurant business overseas strategy.This research is based on the case study of Ootoya in Taiwan. Ootoya in Taiwan is the most comprehensive Japanese set meal food brand in Taiwan. In 2017, it ranked fifth in the number of Japanese restaurant business in the Taiwan market, and is also the only company that has changed its business model among the top five.This study takes 2012 when business model was transformed as a watershed of Ootoya in Taiwan. First, it analyzes the factors that selected the Taiwan market and transformed the business model in the global market strategy of Ootoya. It will be divided into direct operation period and authorization period during the Taiwan operation. Through in-depth interview and literature review, we will understand the background, content and achievements of the two-stage strategy development of Ootoya in Taiwan, and summarize the internal and external factors, in order to explore its business strategy and key success factors.This research found that Ootoya entering Taiwan market is mainly due to the fierce competition in Japan`s domestic restaurant industry, the change in population structure and the support of the Japanese government, as well as the maturity of Taiwan`s market economy, high acceptance of Japanese culture and other factors. The main focus of the business strategy is on the system, product, store development, human resources and advertising marketing. Through the case of Ootoya in Taiwan, we summed up its key success factors are mastering core competencies, investing in localized resources, and clear operational diversions, which successfully make Ootoya in Taiwan growing stably in the market. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 表目次 VI圖目次 VII第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景 1第二節 研究動機與目的 3第三節 研究方法 4第二章 文獻探討 9第一節 餐飲產業的定義與特徵 9第二節 策略與經營管理 14第三節 關鍵成功因素 24第四節 國內外相關文獻分析 30第三章 日本餐飲產業沿革 35第一節 日本國內餐飲產業歷史變遷 35第二節 日本餐飲產業市場規模 39第二節 日本餐飲企業的海外發展 43第四章 產業環境分析 49第一節 餐飲產業趨勢 49第二節 台灣餐飲產業環境分析 53第五章 個案分析 61第一節 基本資料與沿革 62第二節 大戶屋的國際化與市場策略 70第三節 直營階段(2006-2012) 76第四節 授權階段(2012-2018) 83第五節 小結 90第六章 結論 93第一節、研究發現 93第二節、研究限制與未來建議 99參考文獻 101附錄 訪談紀錄 110 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1436585 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日本餐飲 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經營策略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台灣市場 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 關鍵成功因素 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japanese restaurant business en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Business strategy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan market en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Key success factor en_US dc.title (題名) 日本餐飲企業海外經營策略之研究 —以台灣大戶屋為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Research on Overseas Business Strategy of Japanese Restaurant Business: A Case Study of Ootoya in Taiwan en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文資料司徒達賢(2001)。策略管理新論:觀念架構與分析方法。台北:智勝文化。朱文儀、陳建男、黃豪臣譯(2007)。策略管理(原作者:Hill, Charles W. 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