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China`s Military Construction and Regional Security
Liao, Milton
Key Words建軍;質量與效率;區域安全;結盟;軍力投射
military construction ; quality and efficiency ; regional security ; alliance ; power projection
Date Issued25-Apr-2019 11:16:10 (UTC+8)
This paper looks into four periods of military construction after 1949, with special emphasis on Deng Xiaoping`s defense modernization program initiated in 1979 and its development after 1990 with emphasis on quality and efficiency. Also analyzed is China`s inward looking and outward looking military construction strategies in line with the desire to protect its national interests characterized by internal economic and social changes as well as gradual expansion of external geopolitical viewpoints. Political challenges in the regional security environment has emerged along with the strengthening of the PLA`s fighting capability and inevitable responses of consolidating the strength of alliance among regional powers.
Relation中國大陸研究, 42(10), 69-81
dc.contributor 中國大陸研究-
dc.creator (作者) 廖文中-
dc.creator (作者) Liao, Milton- (日期) 1999-10- 25-Apr-2019 11:16:10 (UTC+8)- 25-Apr-2019 11:16:10 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 25-Apr-2019 11:16:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 一、中共軍隊建設大致分為四個階投,以一九七八年為分界點。後二十年主要以鄧小平「軍隊現代化」為主軸進行體制改革。近十年則以「質量建軍」、走「精兵之路」,發展「精兵、合成、高效」的跨世紀建軍路線。二、近年來,大陸周邊國眼見共軍戰力隨著綜合國力提高而增強,國防政策和軍事戰略由以往「內向型」調整為「外向型」,促使共軍投射能力和威懾能量大幅提高,周邊區域國家更加疑懼不安而紛採保障措施以相抗衡。三、亞太區域形勢與我國安全息息相關。面對越來越強勢的「中國因素」和隨時可能發生安全問題的「台灣因素」,其危機隨共軍建設日益加強而迅速提升,將促使美、日、俄、台和中共的互動關係更加白熱化。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This paper looks into four periods of military construction after 1949, with special emphasis on Deng Xiaoping`s defense modernization program initiated in 1979 and its development after 1990 with emphasis on quality and efficiency. Also analyzed is China`s inward looking and outward looking military construction strategies in line with the desire to protect its national interests characterized by internal economic and social changes as well as gradual expansion of external geopolitical viewpoints. Political challenges in the regional security environment has emerged along with the strengthening of the PLA`s fighting capability and inevitable responses of consolidating the strength of alliance among regional powers.-
dc.format.extent 981765 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 中國大陸研究, 42(10), 69-81-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 建軍;質量與效率;區域安全;結盟;軍力投射-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) military construction ; quality and efficiency ; regional security ; alliance ; power projection-
dc.title (題名) 中共軍隊建設對區域安全的影響-
dc.title (題名) China`s Military Construction and Regional Security-
dc.type (資料類型) article-