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題名 江戶時代文雅人名錄刊行之經緯(二)----寬政四年刊『諸家人物誌』與寬政改革的影響
其他題名 江戸における文雅人名録刊行までの経緯(二)  ―寛政4年(1792)刊『諸家人物誌』と寛政改革の影響―
作者 小林幸夫
關鍵詞 『諸家人物誌』; 江戸; 知識人社会; 文雅人名録; 池永彪; 西村源六; 寛政改革; 寛政異学の禁; 森山孝盛; 大田南畝
日期 2005-01
上傳時間 8-Dec-2008 11:27:11 (UTC+8)
摘要 『諸家人物誌』在寬政四年(1792年)付梓成書。本稿欲透過分析此誌,並考察本誌特徵及寬政改革之間有何種關聯性。 『諸家人物誌』雖是以明和6年(1769年)『古今諸家人物志』的改版形式出版的,但在內容上卻是截然不同的另一份出版物,在大坂重新被執筆編輯而成。就分析的結果來看,我們可以推測出分工的情形大致上為:池永彪及葛城長兵衛負責編輯,梶原嘉兵衛負責印刷、出版(以上負責人皆居住於大坂),而負責籌措資金及販賣的則是西村源六(是當時在江戶很有勢力的書店老闆)。再從當中記載的人名來看,我們可以發現此誌的特徵有三:①記載的人名只集中在當時已身故者的部分,②醫家及國學部分自成獨立的項目,當中亦涵蓋了除儒學者、書法家、畫家以外的領域,③還有水戶學亦自成一獨立的項目。然而,其中出身江戶者卻是少數,尤其是在國學方面,所記載的人名皆集中在京,大坂。 當時由於寬政異學之禁,江戶的知識社會產生嚴重對立,對於出版品的管制也是處於最嚴格執行的時期,『諸家人物誌』就是因為在這樣的背景下出版,所以出現了上述三點特徵。 The purpose of this report is to make it clear on the relationship between the publishing of ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi(諸家人物誌)’in 1792 and Kansei reform(寛政改革), especially the education reform – Kansei Igaku no Kin(寛政異学の禁) and control of publishing in the reform. Also I am interested in the connection between ‘Kokon Shoka Jinbutshshi(古今諸家人物志)’in 1769 and ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi(諸家人物誌)’in 1792. At first I made it clear on ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi’in 1792 was completely different from ‘Kokon Shoka Jinbutshshi’in 1769. The publishers said it was only reprinting, but it is quiet different from one former one in contents. The reason is deeply concerned with Kansei reform. At that time Edo Bakuhu(江戸幕府) prohibited all new publishing. In order to dodge the punishment, the publishers called it a reprint. The contents of ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi’in 1792 are only dead intellectuals, so that we can not know any informations about the intellectual society in Kansei period by it. By the education reform – Kansei Igaku no Kin, the intellectual society in Edo(江戸) was disrupted seriously. The Sorai school(徂徠学派) and the eclectic school(折衷学派) were criticized by Shusigaku Seigaku group(朱子学正学派) who are supported by Edo Bakuhu summit – Matsudaira Sadanobu(松平定信) who was the prime minister at that time. Through the examination of Cofucism( Gakumon Ginmi学問吟味), the feudatorys of Bakuhu coverted from the Sorai school and the eclectic school to Shusigaku school(朱子学派) for getting posts not on their belief. Under Kansei reform, the intellectual society was splited and intellectuals were against each others. So that it was impossible to make the catalog of intellectuals in Edo in Kansei period.
關聯 政大日本研究, 2, 133-179
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 小林幸夫zh_TW (日期) 2005-01en_US 8-Dec-2008 11:27:11 (UTC+8)- 8-Dec-2008 11:27:11 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 8-Dec-2008 11:27:11 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 『諸家人物誌』在寬政四年(1792年)付梓成書。本稿欲透過分析此誌,並考察本誌特徵及寬政改革之間有何種關聯性。 『諸家人物誌』雖是以明和6年(1769年)『古今諸家人物志』的改版形式出版的,但在內容上卻是截然不同的另一份出版物,在大坂重新被執筆編輯而成。就分析的結果來看,我們可以推測出分工的情形大致上為:池永彪及葛城長兵衛負責編輯,梶原嘉兵衛負責印刷、出版(以上負責人皆居住於大坂),而負責籌措資金及販賣的則是西村源六(是當時在江戶很有勢力的書店老闆)。再從當中記載的人名來看,我們可以發現此誌的特徵有三:①記載的人名只集中在當時已身故者的部分,②醫家及國學部分自成獨立的項目,當中亦涵蓋了除儒學者、書法家、畫家以外的領域,③還有水戶學亦自成一獨立的項目。然而,其中出身江戶者卻是少數,尤其是在國學方面,所記載的人名皆集中在京,大坂。 當時由於寬政異學之禁,江戶的知識社會產生嚴重對立,對於出版品的管制也是處於最嚴格執行的時期,『諸家人物誌』就是因為在這樣的背景下出版,所以出現了上述三點特徵。 The purpose of this report is to make it clear on the relationship between the publishing of ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi(諸家人物誌)’in 1792 and Kansei reform(寛政改革), especially the education reform – Kansei Igaku no Kin(寛政異学の禁) and control of publishing in the reform. Also I am interested in the connection between ‘Kokon Shoka Jinbutshshi(古今諸家人物志)’in 1769 and ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi(諸家人物誌)’in 1792. At first I made it clear on ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi’in 1792 was completely different from ‘Kokon Shoka Jinbutshshi’in 1769. The publishers said it was only reprinting, but it is quiet different from one former one in contents. The reason is deeply concerned with Kansei reform. At that time Edo Bakuhu(江戸幕府) prohibited all new publishing. In order to dodge the punishment, the publishers called it a reprint. The contents of ‘Shoka Jinbutsushi’in 1792 are only dead intellectuals, so that we can not know any informations about the intellectual society in Kansei period by it. By the education reform – Kansei Igaku no Kin, the intellectual society in Edo(江戸) was disrupted seriously. The Sorai school(徂徠学派) and the eclectic school(折衷学派) were criticized by Shusigaku Seigaku group(朱子学正学派) who are supported by Edo Bakuhu summit – Matsudaira Sadanobu(松平定信) who was the prime minister at that time. Through the examination of Cofucism( Gakumon Ginmi学問吟味), the feudatorys of Bakuhu coverted from the Sorai school and the eclectic school to Shusigaku school(朱子学派) for getting posts not on their belief. Under Kansei reform, the intellectual society was splited and intellectuals were against each others. So that it was impossible to make the catalog of intellectuals in Edo in Kansei period.-
dc.format application/en_US
dc.language jpen_US
dc.language en-USen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大日本研究, 2, 133-179en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 『諸家人物誌』; 江戸; 知識人社会; 文雅人名録; 池永彪; 西村源六; 寛政改革; 寛政異学の禁; 森山孝盛; 大田南畝-
dc.title (題名) 江戶時代文雅人名錄刊行之經緯(二)----寬政四年刊『諸家人物誌』與寬政改革的影響zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) 江戸における文雅人名録刊行までの経緯(二)  ―寛政4年(1792)刊『諸家人物誌』と寛政改革の影響―-
dc.type (資料類型) articleen