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題名 政府機關電子檔案風險評鑑指標之研究
A study on risks and evaluation criteria of electronic records in governmental agencies作者 陳龍田 貢獻者 林巧敏
陳龍田關鍵詞 電子檔案
Electronic records
Governmental Agencies
Risks and Evaluation Criteria
Delphi Studies日期 2019 上傳時間 7-Aug-2019 16:27:24 (UTC+8) 摘要 電子檔案的管理仍是一個持續發展中的議題,顯見目前的電子檔案管理應有尚未辨識出的風險存在,搭配近來我國政府機關越來越廣泛使用電子檔案的現況,若能早日辨識出我國政府機關的電子檔案目前面臨到的風險應有助於日後的管理。本研究首先透過閱讀國內外與電子檔案管理相關的文獻對實行電子檔案風險評鑑的做法與使用指標有相當的認識後,修改與整理產生初步的73項電子檔案風險管理指標,並將其以九個構面分類,分別是人員與員工異動、檔案歷經轉換階段、未授權的使用、策略管理、檔案定位與關聯性、資訊系統、電子檔案的清理、電子檔案的損毀、電子郵件與社群軟體訊息。後續搭配臺灣具檔案學或檔案管理相關背景的學者專家為對象所執行的三回合疊慧法研究,最終產出電子檔案管理風險的評鑑指標共63項,並且維持前述九個構面的分類,所有指標皆具有一定程度的共識性與一致性。研究結果除了蒐集各國相關指標並產出經三輪疊慧法專家驗證而適用於我國政府機關電子檔案的風險管理指標以外,本研究認為管理電子檔案有其應注重的面向以及發展出通用於我國各政府機關的電子檔案風險管理方式以及評鑑檢核表具相當可行性。本研究建議政府機關對電子檔案的管理上,應特別注重制定策略,並可開始重視電子郵件與訊息的管理需求,而在資訊系統的選擇方面則無論是主管機關或是採購機關皆應建立協助確認電子檔案資訊系統功能是否完善的機制,如此以來可預先解決諸多與電子檔案相關的風險。
The management of electronic records is a developing issue. There is no doubt that various risks are still being unidentified. Given that our governmental agencies are now using electronic records for more and more purposes, it should be useful to manage electronic records if we can identify the risks our governmental agencies are facing currently.By reviewing various related studies, this study has gained basic understandings about evaluating the risks of electronic records in governmental agencies and the criteria being used. This study then modifies and integrates these criteria in order to apply them into further study. First, 73 criteria were discovered and were grouped into 9 categories. These categories are faculties rearrangement, change management, unauthorized access, plans and policies, positioning and relating electronic records, electronic record system, disposal of electronic records, breakdown of electronic records, email and social media message as electronic records.Next, Scholars and experts with archival backgrounds carried out a 3-rounds Delphi investigation to review these criteria. At the end, 63 criteria have been verified and therefore created with the groupings of 9 categories as mentioned before. All criteria have reached appropriateness and consensus to some degree.The result not only collects different risk criteria and creates verified, tailor-made criteria for governmental agencies in Taiwan, but also discovered that certain aspects should be checked while managing electronic records. Furthermore, developing a universal evaluating method and checklist for all sorts of governmental agencies is feasible.This study suggests that governmental agencies should pay additional attention to making plans and policies while managing electronic records. Email and social media message are also rising issues and need further instructions from the officials. Last but not least, establishing required mechanism before acquiring new electronic record system really matters for both government officials and governmental agencies. In that case, lots of risks related to electronic record management will be solved beforehand.參考文獻 Ambira, C & Kemoni, H. (2011). Records management and risk management at Kenya Commercial Bank Limited, Nairobi. SA Journal of Information Management,13(1). doi:13. 10.4102/sajim.v13i1.475.Ballaux, B., & Van Oss, J. (2014). Building a risk based records management governance for the city of Rotterdam. In J. Borbinha, Z. Szatucsek, & S. 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106155019資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 林巧敏 zh_TW (Authors) 陳龍田 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 陳龍田 zh_TW (日期) 2019 en_US 7-Aug-2019 16:27:24 (UTC+8) - 7-Aug-2019 16:27:24 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 7-Aug-2019 16:27:24 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106155019 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 106155019 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 電子檔案的管理仍是一個持續發展中的議題,顯見目前的電子檔案管理應有尚未辨識出的風險存在,搭配近來我國政府機關越來越廣泛使用電子檔案的現況,若能早日辨識出我國政府機關的電子檔案目前面臨到的風險應有助於日後的管理。本研究首先透過閱讀國內外與電子檔案管理相關的文獻對實行電子檔案風險評鑑的做法與使用指標有相當的認識後,修改與整理產生初步的73項電子檔案風險管理指標,並將其以九個構面分類,分別是人員與員工異動、檔案歷經轉換階段、未授權的使用、策略管理、檔案定位與關聯性、資訊系統、電子檔案的清理、電子檔案的損毀、電子郵件與社群軟體訊息。後續搭配臺灣具檔案學或檔案管理相關背景的學者專家為對象所執行的三回合疊慧法研究,最終產出電子檔案管理風險的評鑑指標共63項,並且維持前述九個構面的分類,所有指標皆具有一定程度的共識性與一致性。研究結果除了蒐集各國相關指標並產出經三輪疊慧法專家驗證而適用於我國政府機關電子檔案的風險管理指標以外,本研究認為管理電子檔案有其應注重的面向以及發展出通用於我國各政府機關的電子檔案風險管理方式以及評鑑檢核表具相當可行性。本研究建議政府機關對電子檔案的管理上,應特別注重制定策略,並可開始重視電子郵件與訊息的管理需求,而在資訊系統的選擇方面則無論是主管機關或是採購機關皆應建立協助確認電子檔案資訊系統功能是否完善的機制,如此以來可預先解決諸多與電子檔案相關的風險。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The management of electronic records is a developing issue. There is no doubt that various risks are still being unidentified. Given that our governmental agencies are now using electronic records for more and more purposes, it should be useful to manage electronic records if we can identify the risks our governmental agencies are facing currently.By reviewing various related studies, this study has gained basic understandings about evaluating the risks of electronic records in governmental agencies and the criteria being used. This study then modifies and integrates these criteria in order to apply them into further study. First, 73 criteria were discovered and were grouped into 9 categories. These categories are faculties rearrangement, change management, unauthorized access, plans and policies, positioning and relating electronic records, electronic record system, disposal of electronic records, breakdown of electronic records, email and social media message as electronic records.Next, Scholars and experts with archival backgrounds carried out a 3-rounds Delphi investigation to review these criteria. At the end, 63 criteria have been verified and therefore created with the groupings of 9 categories as mentioned before. All criteria have reached appropriateness and consensus to some degree.The result not only collects different risk criteria and creates verified, tailor-made criteria for governmental agencies in Taiwan, but also discovered that certain aspects should be checked while managing electronic records. Furthermore, developing a universal evaluating method and checklist for all sorts of governmental agencies is feasible.This study suggests that governmental agencies should pay additional attention to making plans and policies while managing electronic records. Email and social media message are also rising issues and need further instructions from the officials. Last but not least, establishing required mechanism before acquiring new electronic record system really matters for both government officials and governmental agencies. In that case, lots of risks related to electronic record management will be solved beforehand. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機 1第二節 研究目的 3第三節 研究問題 4第四節 預期貢獻 4第五節 研究範圍與限制 5第六節 名詞解釋 5第二章 文獻回顧 7第一節 電子檔案風險管理概念與內涵 7第二節 國內外電子檔案風險管理研究 19第三節 機關電子檔案風險管理實務 30第四節 電子檔案風險面向與因素分析 34第三章 研究設計與實施 53第一節 研究架構 53第二節 研究方法 54第三節 研究工具 56第四節 研究對象 68第五節 資料蒐集與分析 69第六節 研究步驟 71第四章 結果與討論 75第一節 疊慧法問卷第一回合調查分析 75第二節 疊慧法問卷第二回合調查分析 91第三節 疊慧法問卷第三回合調查分析 106第四節 不同身份別之意見比較 119第五節 綜合討論 128第五章 結論與建議 137第一節 結論 137第二節 建議 140第三節 後續研究建議 142參考文獻 143附錄一 政府機關電子檔案風險評鑑疊慧法第一回合問卷 153附錄二 政府機關電子檔案風險評鑑疊慧法第二回合問卷 162附錄三 政府機關電子檔案風險評鑑疊慧法第三回合問卷 173附錄四 疊慧法問卷第一回合結果 184附錄五 疊慧法問卷第二回合結果 187附錄六 疊慧法問卷第三回合結果 189附錄七 電子檔案風險管理評鑑指標 191 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2987305 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子檔案 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 疊慧法研究 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政府機關 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 風險管理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Electronic records en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Governmental Agencies en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Risks and Evaluation Criteria en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Delphi Studies en_US dc.title (題名) 政府機關電子檔案風險評鑑指標之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A study on risks and evaluation criteria of electronic records in governmental agencies en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Ambira, C & Kemoni, H. 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