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題名 冷戰後中共對外宣傳系統的組織與策略:軟實力研究途徑分析
The Organization and Strategy of CCP’s External Propaganda System after Cold War: A Soft Power Approach
作者 姚科名
Yao, Ke-Ming
貢獻者 邱坤玄
Chiu, Kun-Shuan
Yao, Ke-Ming
關鍵詞 中共對外宣傳工作
external propaganda of Chinese Communist Party
soft power and public diplomacy
China Threat
efficacy of external propaganda
charm offensive
日期 2019
摘要 摘要   近年,中共開始運用各種人員、新聞媒體對全球發起魅力攻勢,希望透過增加自身媒體的覆蓋率來發揮軟實力與公共外交影響力,以便營造良好的國際輿論環境,並取得與自身實力相匹配的話語權和地位,同時「被動地」反擊來自西方及其媒體的「造謠」與「誣衊」。   然而,歷次驅動外宣工作方針變革的因素並非來自外部,而是由中共政權內部的政治需求所主導。外宣工作體系亦遠比表面上還複雜,商業化、本土化和客製化的外宣策略更是讓中共的外宣機器成為遊走海外、控制各國輿論的巨靈。而中共的軟實力與公共外交不同於奈伊的吸引力和雙向溝通概念,其外宣系統也經常仰賴宣傳、對抗和競爭來洗腦贏心或散佈意識形態。   本研究梳理、分析了可供中共運用的文化、制度和外交政策軟實力,發現外宣系統的魅力攻勢亦非無堅不摧,其在歐美、東北亞和東協國家的外宣努力皆未能爭取到良好的感覺,而這些地區的中國威脅論也持續有升溫、升級的趨勢,顯見外宣成效遠不如中共的預期。即便如此,中共在外宣工作的努力依舊給各界諸多啟示,特別是中共外宣系統所面臨的困境,正好折射出我國的軟實力優勢所在,其外宣策略亦能給我國的國際宣傳工作提供諸多借鑑。
Abstract   Recently, the external propaganda system of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used various personnel and media to spread its charm offensive worldwide. The CCP exerted its soft power and public diplomacy influence by increasing the coverage of its media. The CCP wants to create a positive international public opinion environment to earn the power of discourse and international status while "passively" counterattacking the “rumors” and “slander” which either targeted China or came from the western world.   However, the significant factor which changes the guidelines of external propaganda work mainly comes from CCP’s regime inside. Its external propaganda system is more complicated than the surface. The CCP’s commercialization, localization, and customization strategies also transformed its external propaganda system into the Leviathan by wandering worldwide and trying to control public opinion. Moreover, the conception of CCP’s soft power and public diplomacy does not match Joseph S. Nye’s theory of attraction and two-way communication. The CCP’s external propaganda system uses propaganda, confrontation and competition to brainwash foreigners and spread CCP’s ideology.   This dissertation analyzed the external propaganda resources of CCP, and pointed out the defects of their charm offensive. In the recent years, CCP’s external propaganda work did not receive positive feedback from Europe, America, Northeast and Southeast Asia. At the same time, the China Threat is still growing in these regions. Even though the efforts of CCP’s external propaganda system and the difficulties it faces are still enlightening the world, which reflects the advantages of other countries’ soft power, its external propaganda strategies can also provide many lessons for our international propaganda work.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 邱坤玄zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chiu, Kun-Shuanen_US (Authors) 姚科名zh_TW (Authors) Yao, Ke-Mingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 姚科名zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yao, Ke-Mingen_US (日期) 2019en_US
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104260013en_US
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 東亞研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104260013zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 摘要   近年,中共開始運用各種人員、新聞媒體對全球發起魅力攻勢,希望透過增加自身媒體的覆蓋率來發揮軟實力與公共外交影響力,以便營造良好的國際輿論環境,並取得與自身實力相匹配的話語權和地位,同時「被動地」反擊來自西方及其媒體的「造謠」與「誣衊」。   然而,歷次驅動外宣工作方針變革的因素並非來自外部,而是由中共政權內部的政治需求所主導。外宣工作體系亦遠比表面上還複雜,商業化、本土化和客製化的外宣策略更是讓中共的外宣機器成為遊走海外、控制各國輿論的巨靈。而中共的軟實力與公共外交不同於奈伊的吸引力和雙向溝通概念,其外宣系統也經常仰賴宣傳、對抗和競爭來洗腦贏心或散佈意識形態。   本研究梳理、分析了可供中共運用的文化、制度和外交政策軟實力,發現外宣系統的魅力攻勢亦非無堅不摧,其在歐美、東北亞和東協國家的外宣努力皆未能爭取到良好的感覺,而這些地區的中國威脅論也持續有升溫、升級的趨勢,顯見外宣成效遠不如中共的預期。即便如此,中共在外宣工作的努力依舊給各界諸多啟示,特別是中共外宣系統所面臨的困境,正好折射出我國的軟實力優勢所在,其外宣策略亦能給我國的國際宣傳工作提供諸多借鑑。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Abstract   Recently, the external propaganda system of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used various personnel and media to spread its charm offensive worldwide. The CCP exerted its soft power and public diplomacy influence by increasing the coverage of its media. The CCP wants to create a positive international public opinion environment to earn the power of discourse and international status while "passively" counterattacking the “rumors” and “slander” which either targeted China or came from the western world.   However, the significant factor which changes the guidelines of external propaganda work mainly comes from CCP’s regime inside. Its external propaganda system is more complicated than the surface. The CCP’s commercialization, localization, and customization strategies also transformed its external propaganda system into the Leviathan by wandering worldwide and trying to control public opinion. Moreover, the conception of CCP’s soft power and public diplomacy does not match Joseph S. Nye’s theory of attraction and two-way communication. The CCP’s external propaganda system uses propaganda, confrontation and competition to brainwash foreigners and spread CCP’s ideology.   This dissertation analyzed the external propaganda resources of CCP, and pointed out the defects of their charm offensive. In the recent years, CCP’s external propaganda work did not receive positive feedback from Europe, America, Northeast and Southeast Asia. At the same time, the China Threat is still growing in these regions. Even though the efforts of CCP’s external propaganda system and the difficulties it faces are still enlightening the world, which reflects the advantages of other countries’ soft power, its external propaganda strategies can also provide many lessons for our international propaganda work.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1 第二節 文獻檢閱 4 第三節 研究途徑與研究方法 10 第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 19 第五節 研究架構 21 第貳章 中共外宣工作之發展與策略 23 第一節 中共外宣工作之歷史沿革 23 第二節 中共外宣工作之宗旨與機構 42 第三節 中共外宣工作之布局 57 第四節 中共外宣工作之工作策略 73 第五節 小結 79 第參章 中共外宣工作之軟實力影響因素分析 83 第一節 中共外宣工作之文化軟實力 83 第二節 中共外宣工作之制度軟實力 92 第三節 中共外宣工作之外交政策軟實力 101 第四節 小結 110 第肆章 中共外宣工作之內容與效益分析 115 第一節 歐美國家 115 第二節 東北亞國家 128 第三節 東協國家 137 第四節 小結 149 第伍章 結論 155 第一節 研究發現 155 第二節 研究展望 160 參考文獻 165zh_TW
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中共對外宣傳工作zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 軟實力與公共外交zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中國威脅論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外宣效益zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 魅力攻勢zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) external propaganda of Chinese Communist Partyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) soft power and public diplomacyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) China Threaten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) efficacy of external propagandaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) charm offensiveen_US
dc.title (題名) 冷戰後中共對外宣傳系統的組織與策略:軟實力研究途徑分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Organization and Strategy of CCP’s External Propaganda System after Cold War: A Soft Power Approachen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesis-