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題名 《倖存者情書》電影劇本與創作論述
"Love Letter"
作者 林若寧
Lin, Ruo-Ning
貢獻者 蔡琰
Tsai, Yean
Lin, Ruo-Ning
關鍵詞 電影劇本
日期 2019
上傳時間 7-Aug-2019 17:16:20 (UTC+8)
摘要 《倖存者情書》環繞著生死議題,以女主角秦萱作為憂鬱症跨代影響的縮影,探討孩子面對摯愛的親人自殺時的心靈困境,為橫跨了超過二十年的成長故事。尾聲,秦萱在滿佈星星的海邊,終於能勇敢對母親說出內心最深層的恐懼,與過往溫柔地和解,也重新理解了死亡的意義。

參考文獻 【研究論文】
Angst, J., Gamma, A., Gastpar, M., Lépine, J. -P., Mendlewicz, J., & Tylee, A. (2002). Gender differences in depression: Epidemiological findings from the European DEPRES I and II studies. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 252(5), 201-209.
Badger, T. A.(1996).Living with depression: Family members' experiences and treatment needs. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 34, 21-29.
Beavers, R., & Hampson, R. B. (2000). The Beavers Systems Model of Family Functioning. Journal of Family Therapy, 22(2), 128-143.
Beck, A. T.(1976).Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders.New York:International Universities Press.
Chris Knoester.(2003).Transitions in Young Adulthood and the Relationship between Parent and Offspring. Well-Being.Social Forces, 81(4),1431–1458.
Citation. Minuchin, S. (1974). Families & family therapy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Dalgard, O.S., Dowrick, C., Lehtinen, V., Vazquez-Barquero, J.L., Casey, P., Wilkinson, G., Ayuso-Mateos, J.L., Page, H., Dunn, G. (2006).Negative life events, social support and gender difference in depression: a multinational community survey with data from the ODIN study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2006; 41: 444-451.
Downey, G., & Coyne, J. C. (1990). Children of depressed parents: An integrative review. Psychological Bulletin, 108(1), 50-76.
Gater, R., Tansella, M., Korten, A., Tiemens, B. G., Mavreas, V. G., & Olatawura, M. O. (1998). Sex differences in the prevalence and detection of depressive and anxiety disorders in general health care settings: Report from the World Health Organization collaborative study on psychological problems in general health care. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55(5), 405-413.
Hales, R. E. & Yudofsky, S. C. (1996). Synopsis of Psychiatry. Washington: American Psychiatry Press.
Hammen, C., Shih, J., Altman, T., & Brennan, P.A. (2003). Interpersonal impairment and the prediction of depressive symptoms in adolescent children of depressed and nondepressed mothers. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(5), 571-577.
Kessler, R. C. (2003). Epidemiology of women and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 74(1), 5-13.
Low, S. M., & Stocker, C. (2005). Family Functioning and Children`s Adjustment: Associations Among Parents` Depressed Mood, Marital Hostility, Parent-Child Hostility, and Children`s Adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(3), 394-403.
Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Girgus, J.S. (1994). The emer- gence of gender differences in depression in ado- lescence. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 424-443.
Wachs, T.D., Black, M.M., & Engle, P.L. (2009). Maternal depression: A global threat to children¡¦s health, development, and behavior and to human rights. Child Development Perspectives, 3(1), 51-59.

江先聲譯(2016)。《故事寫作大師班》。台北:漫遊者文化。(原書 Truby, J. [2007]. The Anatomy of Story: 2 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller. New York, US: Farrar Straus & Giroux.)
李文彬譯(1991)。《小說面面觀》,台北:志文出版社。(原書Forster, E.M.
[1956]. Aspects of the Novel. New York, US: Mariner Books.)
李淑珺譯(2006)。《解剖自殺心靈》。台北:張老師文化(原書Edwin S. Shneidman [1994]The Psychology of Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Evaluation and Treatment)
汪耀進、武佩榮譯(2010)。《戀人絮語》,台北:商周出版。(原書 Barthes, R. [1977]. A Lover`s Discourse: Fragments. New York, US: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)
胡亞敏(2004)。《敘事學》。湖北:華中師範大學出版社。(原書Dubliners. London, UK: Grant Richards Ltd.)
胡曉鈺,畢侃明譯(2016)。《開發故事創意》。北京聯合出版公司·後浪出版公司。(原書Rabiger, M.[2000]. Developing Story Ideas. Waltham, US: Focal Press.)
徐強譯(2013)。《故事與話語:小說和電影的敘事結構》,北京:中國人民大學 出版社。(原書 Chatman, S. [1978]. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. New York, US: Cornell University Press.)
秦續蓉、馮勃翰譯(2014)。《先讓英雄救貓咪:你這輩子唯一需要的電影編劇指南》,台北:雲夢千里出版社。(原書 Snyder, B. [2005]. Save the Cat!: The Last Book on Screenwriting That You’ll Ever Need. Studio City, US: Michael Wiese Productions.)
許薔薔,許綺玲譯(1997)。《神話學》。台北:桂冠。(原書Roland Barthes .[1957], Mythologies , French: Les Lettres nouvelles.)
黃政淵、戴洛棻、蕭少嵫譯(2014)。《故事的解剖:跟好萊塢編劇教父學習說故事的技藝,打造獨一無二的內容、結構與風格!》,台北:漫遊者文化出版社。(原書McKee, R. [1997]. Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting. New York, US: HarperCollins Publishers.)
黃淑清、連盈如、蘇鈺婷、王淳弘、張獻文、彭瑞祥譯(2004)。《不適配的夫妻:婚姻治療的新方向》。台北:心理出版社。(原書Papp, P. [2000] Couples on the fault line: New directions for therapists. New York, Guilford Press.)
寧一中譯(2003)。《後現代敘事理論》,北京:北京大學出版社。(原書 Currie, M. [1999]. Postmodern Narrative Theory. London, UK: Macmillan Press.)
蔡鵑如譯(2013)。《作家之路》。台北:商周。(原書 Vogler, C. [2007]. The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. Luban, Malaysia: Big Apple)
譚君強譯(1996)。《敍事學:敍事理論導論》。北京:中國社會科學出版社。(原書Mieke Bal. [1995]. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, Canada: University of Toronto Press.)
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡琰zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Tsai, Yeanen_US (Authors) 林若寧zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Ruo-Ningen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林若寧zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Ruo-Ningen_US (日期) 2019en_US 7-Aug-2019 17:16:20 (UTC+8)- 7-Aug-2019 17:16:20 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 7-Aug-2019 17:16:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104464010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104464010zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 《倖存者情書》環繞著生死議題,以女主角秦萱作為憂鬱症跨代影響的縮影,探討孩子面對摯愛的親人自殺時的心靈困境,為橫跨了超過二十年的成長故事。尾聲,秦萱在滿佈星星的海邊,終於能勇敢對母親說出內心最深層的恐懼,與過往溫柔地和解,也重新理解了死亡的意義。

dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
摘要 I
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V

第壹章 創作緣起 - 1 -
第一節 動機 - 1 -
第二節 背景與目的 - 3 -
一、 朽壞的身體 - 3 -
二、 家族的內裡 - 4 -
三、 生死的謎題 - 5 -
第三節 小結與後續章節規劃 - 6 -
第貳章 文獻探討:鋼索上的家庭 - 8 -
第一節 情緒黑洞與失落陰影 - 8 -
一、 躁症與鬱症:症狀與成因 - 8 -
二、 原生家庭的傷痛:憂鬱症的跨代影響 - 10 -
三、 自殺者遺族:死亡的回應與思索 - 12 -
第二節 典範分析 - 13 -
一、 劇情結構:電影《意外》 - 13 -
二、 角色塑造:電影《八月心風暴》 - 14 -
三、 風格營造:電影《橫山家之味》 - 15 -
四、 家族書寫:舞台劇《全國最多賓士車的小鎮住著三姐妹(和她們的Brother)》 - 17 -
五、 兒女心理:散文《白馬走過天亮》 - 18 -
六、 自殺議題:電影《時時刻刻》 - 20 -
第三節 小結 - 22 -
第參章 理論分析與創作構想 - 24 -
第一節 敘事理論 - 24 -
一、 理論流變 - 24 -
二、 敘事要素 - 25 -
第二節 故事素材(Story) - 27 -
一、 人物 - 27 -
二、 情境與動作 - 33 -
三、 場景 - 37 -
四、 驅動元件 - 39 -
五、 主題 - 40 -
第三節 故事處理 - 41 -
一、 敘述視角 - 41 -
二、 情節結構 - 44 -
三、 對白 - 45 -
四、 象徵 - 47 -
五、 寫作媒體與風格 - 48 -
第肆章 創作分析 - 50 -
第一節 片名 - 50 -
第二節 主敘語 - 50 -
第三節 故事本事 - 50 -
第四節 故事大綱 - 51 -
第伍章 回饋與反思 - 54 -
第一節 意見回饋 - 54 -
一、 提案回饋 - 54 -
二、 讀劇回饋 - 55 -
三、 口試回饋 - 56 -
第二節 修改結果 - 58 -
一、 提案修改結果 - 58 -
二、 讀劇修改結果 - 59 -
三、 口試修改結果 - 59 -

《倖存者情書》人物表 - 61 -
《倖存者情書》電影劇本 - 61 -
附錄一:參考影片 - 112 -
附錄二:分場大綱 - 113 -
附錄三:提案回饋 - 126 -
附錄四:讀劇回饋 - 130 -
附錄五:提案故事大綱 - 141 -
附錄六:提案分場大綱 - 146 -
參考文獻 159
dc.format.extent 7379959 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電影劇本zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 憂鬱症zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自殺zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 母女關係zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 《倖存者情書》電影劇本與創作論述zh_TW
dc.title (題名) "Love Letter"en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 【研究論文】
Angst, J., Gamma, A., Gastpar, M., Lépine, J. -P., Mendlewicz, J., & Tylee, A. (2002). Gender differences in depression: Epidemiological findings from the European DEPRES I and II studies. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 252(5), 201-209.
Badger, T. A.(1996).Living with depression: Family members' experiences and treatment needs. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 34, 21-29.
Beavers, R., & Hampson, R. B. (2000). The Beavers Systems Model of Family Functioning. Journal of Family Therapy, 22(2), 128-143.
Beck, A. T.(1976).Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders.New York:International Universities Press.
Chris Knoester.(2003).Transitions in Young Adulthood and the Relationship between Parent and Offspring. Well-Being.Social Forces, 81(4),1431–1458.
Citation. Minuchin, S. (1974). Families & family therapy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Dalgard, O.S., Dowrick, C., Lehtinen, V., Vazquez-Barquero, J.L., Casey, P., Wilkinson, G., Ayuso-Mateos, J.L., Page, H., Dunn, G. (2006).Negative life events, social support and gender difference in depression: a multinational community survey with data from the ODIN study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2006; 41: 444-451.
Downey, G., & Coyne, J. C. (1990). Children of depressed parents: An integrative review. Psychological Bulletin, 108(1), 50-76.
Gater, R., Tansella, M., Korten, A., Tiemens, B. G., Mavreas, V. G., & Olatawura, M. O. (1998). Sex differences in the prevalence and detection of depressive and anxiety disorders in general health care settings: Report from the World Health Organization collaborative study on psychological problems in general health care. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55(5), 405-413.
Hales, R. E. & Yudofsky, S. C. (1996). Synopsis of Psychiatry. Washington: American Psychiatry Press.
Hammen, C., Shih, J., Altman, T., & Brennan, P.A. (2003). Interpersonal impairment and the prediction of depressive symptoms in adolescent children of depressed and nondepressed mothers. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(5), 571-577.
Kessler, R. C. (2003). Epidemiology of women and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 74(1), 5-13.
Low, S. M., & Stocker, C. (2005). Family Functioning and Children`s Adjustment: Associations Among Parents` Depressed Mood, Marital Hostility, Parent-Child Hostility, and Children`s Adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(3), 394-403.
Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Girgus, J.S. (1994). The emer- gence of gender differences in depression in ado- lescence. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 424-443.
Wachs, T.D., Black, M.M., & Engle, P.L. (2009). Maternal depression: A global threat to children¡¦s health, development, and behavior and to human rights. Child Development Perspectives, 3(1), 51-59.

江先聲譯(2016)。《故事寫作大師班》。台北:漫遊者文化。(原書 Truby, J. [2007]. The Anatomy of Story: 2 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller. New York, US: Farrar Straus & Giroux.)
李文彬譯(1991)。《小說面面觀》,台北:志文出版社。(原書Forster, E.M.
[1956]. Aspects of the Novel. New York, US: Mariner Books.)
李淑珺譯(2006)。《解剖自殺心靈》。台北:張老師文化(原書Edwin S. Shneidman [1994]The Psychology of Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Evaluation and Treatment)
汪耀進、武佩榮譯(2010)。《戀人絮語》,台北:商周出版。(原書 Barthes, R. [1977]. A Lover`s Discourse: Fragments. New York, US: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)
胡亞敏(2004)。《敘事學》。湖北:華中師範大學出版社。(原書Dubliners. London, UK: Grant Richards Ltd.)
胡曉鈺,畢侃明譯(2016)。《開發故事創意》。北京聯合出版公司·後浪出版公司。(原書Rabiger, M.[2000]. Developing Story Ideas. Waltham, US: Focal Press.)
徐強譯(2013)。《故事與話語:小說和電影的敘事結構》,北京:中國人民大學 出版社。(原書 Chatman, S. [1978]. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. New York, US: Cornell University Press.)
秦續蓉、馮勃翰譯(2014)。《先讓英雄救貓咪:你這輩子唯一需要的電影編劇指南》,台北:雲夢千里出版社。(原書 Snyder, B. [2005]. Save the Cat!: The Last Book on Screenwriting That You’ll Ever Need. Studio City, US: Michael Wiese Productions.)
許薔薔,許綺玲譯(1997)。《神話學》。台北:桂冠。(原書Roland Barthes .[1957], Mythologies , French: Les Lettres nouvelles.)
黃政淵、戴洛棻、蕭少嵫譯(2014)。《故事的解剖:跟好萊塢編劇教父學習說故事的技藝,打造獨一無二的內容、結構與風格!》,台北:漫遊者文化出版社。(原書McKee, R. [1997]. Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting. New York, US: HarperCollins Publishers.)
黃淑清、連盈如、蘇鈺婷、王淳弘、張獻文、彭瑞祥譯(2004)。《不適配的夫妻:婚姻治療的新方向》。台北:心理出版社。(原書Papp, P. [2000] Couples on the fault line: New directions for therapists. New York, Guilford Press.)
寧一中譯(2003)。《後現代敘事理論》,北京:北京大學出版社。(原書 Currie, M. [1999]. Postmodern Narrative Theory. London, UK: Macmillan Press.)
蔡鵑如譯(2013)。《作家之路》。台北:商周。(原書 Vogler, C. [2007]. The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. Luban, Malaysia: Big Apple)
譚君強譯(1996)。《敍事學:敍事理論導論》。北京:中國社會科學出版社。(原書Mieke Bal. [1995]. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, Canada: University of Toronto Press.)
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU201900211en_US