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題名 十九世紀初至二十世紀中德國史學裡亞歷山大大帝形象的轉變
作者 陳致宏
Chen, Chih-hung
貢獻者 歷史系
關鍵詞 歷史意識;現實意識;歷史評價;亞歷山大形象;德國史學
 historical consciousness  ;  present-mindedness ;  historical evaluation ;  Alexander the Great`s image ; German historiography
日期 2018-09
上傳時間 13-Aug-2019 10:38:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文探討馬其頓國王亞歷山大在德國史學中的形象轉變,研究時段為十九世紀初至二十世紀中葉。在德意志歷史上,這段時間涵蓋了反拿破崙戰爭、德意志帝國建立、兩次世界大戰,以及納粹政權的興衰,可說是一段德意志民族主義起落的關鍵歷史,也就是從民族意識的萌芽茁壯,到建國目標實現,以至於民族主義過度高漲而引發衝突,終究陷入災難毀滅的過程。同時,歷史學的專業化也發生在這段期間的德意志地區。相應地,對於「國家」的執念以及對於偉大人物推動歷史發展的觀念成為許多德國歷史著作中的主調。在這樣的政治、思想與學術背景下,亞歷山大的形象隨著時代氣氛的轉變而展現出多種不同面貌,包括躁進的暴君、開創希臘化時代的世界偉人、眼光長遠的政治家、被權力所腐蝕的天才等。這些相互衝突的亞歷山大形象不僅反映了多種研究歷史人物的切入角度,吾人也可藉此看出,當德國史家面對時局轉變的衝擊時,如何處理歷史意識與現實意識之間的相互關係。
This article explores changes in Alexander the Great`s image in German historiography from the early nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. During this period, Germany experienced the Anti-Napoleonic Wars, the foundation of the German Reich, and the rise and fall of the National Socialist Regime. It symbolized the historical process of the emergence, the fulfilling, the excessive ascent of German nationalism, and eventually its catastrophic downfall. Moreover, the professionalization of historical science also took place in this period, so that obsession with the concept of `nation` and the emphasis on great men as the primary moving force of history were standard features of German historiography in this period. In this political and cultural context, Alexander`s image went through several changes, such as an impetuous tyrant, a world-historical figure who opened up the Hellenistic Age, an insightful statesman, and a genius corrupted by excessive power. The study of these various images of Alexander not only shows diverse ways of handling historical figures, but also reveals the interrelationship between classical reception, historical consciousness, and present-mindedness in the German historiography.
關聯 新史學, Vol.29, No.3, pp.179-248
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歷史系
dc.creator (作者) 陳致宏
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Chih-hung (日期) 2018-09 13-Aug-2019 10:38:56 (UTC+8)- 13-Aug-2019 10:38:56 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 13-Aug-2019 10:38:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文探討馬其頓國王亞歷山大在德國史學中的形象轉變,研究時段為十九世紀初至二十世紀中葉。在德意志歷史上,這段時間涵蓋了反拿破崙戰爭、德意志帝國建立、兩次世界大戰,以及納粹政權的興衰,可說是一段德意志民族主義起落的關鍵歷史,也就是從民族意識的萌芽茁壯,到建國目標實現,以至於民族主義過度高漲而引發衝突,終究陷入災難毀滅的過程。同時,歷史學的專業化也發生在這段期間的德意志地區。相應地,對於「國家」的執念以及對於偉大人物推動歷史發展的觀念成為許多德國歷史著作中的主調。在這樣的政治、思想與學術背景下,亞歷山大的形象隨著時代氣氛的轉變而展現出多種不同面貌,包括躁進的暴君、開創希臘化時代的世界偉人、眼光長遠的政治家、被權力所腐蝕的天才等。這些相互衝突的亞歷山大形象不僅反映了多種研究歷史人物的切入角度,吾人也可藉此看出,當德國史家面對時局轉變的衝擊時,如何處理歷史意識與現實意識之間的相互關係。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article explores changes in Alexander the Great`s image in German historiography from the early nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. During this period, Germany experienced the Anti-Napoleonic Wars, the foundation of the German Reich, and the rise and fall of the National Socialist Regime. It symbolized the historical process of the emergence, the fulfilling, the excessive ascent of German nationalism, and eventually its catastrophic downfall. Moreover, the professionalization of historical science also took place in this period, so that obsession with the concept of `nation` and the emphasis on great men as the primary moving force of history were standard features of German historiography in this period. In this political and cultural context, Alexander`s image went through several changes, such as an impetuous tyrant, a world-historical figure who opened up the Hellenistic Age, an insightful statesman, and a genius corrupted by excessive power. The study of these various images of Alexander not only shows diverse ways of handling historical figures, but also reveals the interrelationship between classical reception, historical consciousness, and present-mindedness in the German historiography.
dc.format.extent 2451173 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 新史學, Vol.29, No.3, pp.179-248
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歷史意識;現實意識;歷史評價;亞歷山大形象;德國史學
dc.subject (關鍵詞)  historical consciousness  ;  present-mindedness ;  historical evaluation ;  Alexander the Great`s image ; German historiography
dc.title (題名) 十九世紀初至二十世紀中德國史學裡亞歷山大大帝形象的轉變
dc.type (資料類型) article