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題名 臺灣韓國語文學系之韓國文化教育研究
A Study of Korean Cultural Education in the Korean Departments in the Universities in Taiwan
作者 羅際任
Lo, Chi-Jen
貢獻者 曾天富
Lo, Chi-Jen
關鍵詞 韓國文化教育
Korean Cultural Education
Cultural Education
Korean Language Education
Korean Culture
Korean Studies
日期 2019
上傳時間 5-九月-2019 17:18:42 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文係為了解臺灣韓國語文學系之韓國文化教育實情而撰。在運用外語進行溝通時,對該語言文化背景之了解可左右意思傳達之流暢度與效率,減少誤解,並使之間的對話產生共鳴。因此,在外語教育中,學習者對文化之理解也就顯得相當地重要,而在韓語教育中亦如此。韓國語文學系是為培養通曉韓國的人才而設立,除了訓練學習者能以韓語順利地交談,亦強調學習者對韓國之理解。文化教育不再僅僅附屬於語言課程之內,具專業性之韓國文化課程亦單獨存在,提供學習者更細部且深層之文化知識,使學習者具備豐富且專業之韓國文化背景知識,進而利用自身優勢為社會貢獻一己之力。然而,文化教育雖具一定重要性,在臺灣有關韓國文化教育之研究卻十分地缺乏,實際針對教學現場所做的研究與調查更是稀少。透過本論文,筆者將實際針對教學現場進行調查,觀察透過調查所獲之結果後提出意見,進而使臺灣韓國語文學系之韓國文化教育更加完善。同時,探究臺灣的韓語及韓國文化教育現況,更新相關統計資料,使韓國文化相關研究更充實與豐富,藉以刺激日後此領域相關研究之蓬勃發展。
This thesis intends to explore the reality of Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan. When communication in a foreign language occurs, the understanding of the cultural background of the language can influence the fluency and efficiency of the meaning, reduce misunderstandings, and help communicators relate to the dialogue. Therefore, in foreign language education, learners` understanding of culture is relatively important, and this principle also applies to Korean education. The Korean Departments were established to train talents, familiarizing themselves with Korea. In addition to training learners to speak in Korean, it also emphasizes learners` understanding of Korea. Cultural education is no longer only attached to the language curriculum. The professional Korean culture curriculum also exists separately, providing learners with more subtle and deep cultural knowledge, so that learners can have rich and professional Korean cultural background knowledge, use it to their advantage, and contribute to society as such. However, although cultural education is of certain importance, the research on Korean cultural education in Taiwan is scarce, and studies and investigations of the teaching sites are rare. Through this thesis, the author will conduct an investigation into the teaching site, observe the results obtained through the investigation, and then provide critique, which will further improve the Korean cultural education of the Korean Departments in Taiwan. At the same time, we will explore the current situation of Korean and Korean cultural education in Taiwan, update relevant statistics, and enrich the Korean culture-related research so as to stimulate the vigorous development of related research in this field in the future.
The first chapter is the introduction. The author explains the background and purpose of this research in this chapter, highlighting the importance of Korean cultural education and the necessity of this research. Research methods and procedures such as the collection of literature materials, the survey of educational status, the design of questionnaires, the implementation of questionnaires and the analysis of questionnaire results are also detailed in this chapter. In order to understand the overall context of Korean cultural education, the literature is not limited to Korean cultural education in Korea, but includes Korean cultural education in China and Taiwan. Through the evaluation and discussion of Korean cultural education by various scholars, the status of Korean cultural education in the Korean education community is revealed.
The second chapter first discusses the definition of culture and the views of famous scholars on culture, and then discusses the opinions of Korean scholars on cultural education. Since Korean cultural education is often carried out along with Korean language education, the history and current situation of Korean language education is also presented here to understand the situation of Taiwanese Korean culture education. Through understanding the actual situation of Korean language education and Korean cultural education, we will have a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic of this paper.
The third chapter and the fourth chapter are the core chapters of this thesis. By understanding the learners` views on Korean cultural education and the actual situation that learners face in Korean cultural education, the researcher evaluates the reality of the Korean culture education offered by the Korean Departments in Taiwan. After arranging the results of the questionnaire survey in this chapter, the researcher analyzes the noteworthy phenomena and makes comments in due course.
The fifth chapter is the conclusion. In this chapter, the contents mentioned in this article are compiled, and the suggestions and opinions on Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan are again proposed. This thesis not only organizes the information on Korean cultural education in Korea, China, and Taiwan, but also studies and discusses the situation of Taiwanese Korean education and Korean cultural education. At the same time, the presentation of the results of the questionnaire also provides an in-depth understanding of Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan. Suggestions and directions for the improvement of Korean cultural education are also given. Through this research, future learners can obtain a more complete Korean cultural education, and the future Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan can be more mature and stable.
參考文獻 期刊論文:
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106557001
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 曾天富zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 羅際任zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lo, Chi-Jenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 羅際任zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lo, Chi-Jenen_US
dc.date (日期) 2019en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-九月-2019 17:18:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-九月-2019 17:18:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-九月-2019 17:18:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0106557001en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/125860-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 韓國語文學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106557001zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文係為了解臺灣韓國語文學系之韓國文化教育實情而撰。在運用外語進行溝通時,對該語言文化背景之了解可左右意思傳達之流暢度與效率,減少誤解,並使之間的對話產生共鳴。因此,在外語教育中,學習者對文化之理解也就顯得相當地重要,而在韓語教育中亦如此。韓國語文學系是為培養通曉韓國的人才而設立,除了訓練學習者能以韓語順利地交談,亦強調學習者對韓國之理解。文化教育不再僅僅附屬於語言課程之內,具專業性之韓國文化課程亦單獨存在,提供學習者更細部且深層之文化知識,使學習者具備豐富且專業之韓國文化背景知識,進而利用自身優勢為社會貢獻一己之力。然而,文化教育雖具一定重要性,在臺灣有關韓國文化教育之研究卻十分地缺乏,實際針對教學現場所做的研究與調查更是稀少。透過本論文,筆者將實際針對教學現場進行調查,觀察透過調查所獲之結果後提出意見,進而使臺灣韓國語文學系之韓國文化教育更加完善。同時,探究臺灣的韓語及韓國文化教育現況,更新相關統計資料,使韓國文化相關研究更充實與豐富,藉以刺激日後此領域相關研究之蓬勃發展。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis intends to explore the reality of Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan. When communication in a foreign language occurs, the understanding of the cultural background of the language can influence the fluency and efficiency of the meaning, reduce misunderstandings, and help communicators relate to the dialogue. Therefore, in foreign language education, learners` understanding of culture is relatively important, and this principle also applies to Korean education. The Korean Departments were established to train talents, familiarizing themselves with Korea. In addition to training learners to speak in Korean, it also emphasizes learners` understanding of Korea. Cultural education is no longer only attached to the language curriculum. The professional Korean culture curriculum also exists separately, providing learners with more subtle and deep cultural knowledge, so that learners can have rich and professional Korean cultural background knowledge, use it to their advantage, and contribute to society as such. However, although cultural education is of certain importance, the research on Korean cultural education in Taiwan is scarce, and studies and investigations of the teaching sites are rare. Through this thesis, the author will conduct an investigation into the teaching site, observe the results obtained through the investigation, and then provide critique, which will further improve the Korean cultural education of the Korean Departments in Taiwan. At the same time, we will explore the current situation of Korean and Korean cultural education in Taiwan, update relevant statistics, and enrich the Korean culture-related research so as to stimulate the vigorous development of related research in this field in the future.
The first chapter is the introduction. The author explains the background and purpose of this research in this chapter, highlighting the importance of Korean cultural education and the necessity of this research. Research methods and procedures such as the collection of literature materials, the survey of educational status, the design of questionnaires, the implementation of questionnaires and the analysis of questionnaire results are also detailed in this chapter. In order to understand the overall context of Korean cultural education, the literature is not limited to Korean cultural education in Korea, but includes Korean cultural education in China and Taiwan. Through the evaluation and discussion of Korean cultural education by various scholars, the status of Korean cultural education in the Korean education community is revealed.
The second chapter first discusses the definition of culture and the views of famous scholars on culture, and then discusses the opinions of Korean scholars on cultural education. Since Korean cultural education is often carried out along with Korean language education, the history and current situation of Korean language education is also presented here to understand the situation of Taiwanese Korean culture education. Through understanding the actual situation of Korean language education and Korean cultural education, we will have a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic of this paper.
The third chapter and the fourth chapter are the core chapters of this thesis. By understanding the learners` views on Korean cultural education and the actual situation that learners face in Korean cultural education, the researcher evaluates the reality of the Korean culture education offered by the Korean Departments in Taiwan. After arranging the results of the questionnaire survey in this chapter, the researcher analyzes the noteworthy phenomena and makes comments in due course.
The fifth chapter is the conclusion. In this chapter, the contents mentioned in this article are compiled, and the suggestions and opinions on Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan are again proposed. This thesis not only organizes the information on Korean cultural education in Korea, China, and Taiwan, but also studies and discusses the situation of Taiwanese Korean education and Korean cultural education. At the same time, the presentation of the results of the questionnaire also provides an in-depth understanding of Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan. Suggestions and directions for the improvement of Korean cultural education are also given. Through this research, future learners can obtain a more complete Korean cultural education, and the future Korean cultural education in the Korean Departments of Taiwan can be more mature and stable.
dc.description.tableofcontents I. 緒論 01
1. 研究背景與目的 01
2. 研究方法 03
3. 文獻回顧 06
II. 韓國文化教育與韓語教育 16
1. 文化之概念 16
2. 韓語教育內之韓國文化教育 18
3. 在臺灣之韓語教育 21
4. 在臺灣之韓國文化教育 28
III. 韓語課程內之韓國文化教育 34
1. 教材 36
2. 教師與課程進行方式 40
3. 其他 47
IV. 韓國學課程內之韓國文化教育 53
1. 教材 53
2. 教師與課程進行方式 57
3. 其他 63
V. 結論 71
<參考文獻> 76
<附錄> 80
dc.format.extent 1354581 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106557001en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓國文化教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 文化教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓語教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓國文化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓國學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean Cultural Educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cultural Educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean Language Educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean Cultureen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean Studiesen_US
dc.title (題名) 臺灣韓國語文學系之韓國文化教育研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study of Korean Cultural Education in the Korean Departments in the Universities in Taiwanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 期刊論文:
Brooks Nelson,1968,Teaching Cuture In the Foreign Language Classroom〉,Foreign Language Annals,第1期,American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages。
김정숙,1997,〈한국어 숙달도 배양을 위한 한국 문화 교육 방안〉,《교육한글》,第10期,한글학회。
김중섭,2005,〈외국인을 위한 한국 문화 교육 연구의 현황 및 과제〉,《이중언어학》,第27期,이중언어학회。
진경지,2017,〈고등학교의 제2외국어로서의 한국어 교육 현황 및 발전 연구〉,《국어국문학회발표집》,第61期,국어국문학회。
곽추문,2016,〈대만 대학의 한국문화 교육 현황 및 문제점〉,《전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단 국내학술회의》,第12期,전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단。
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU201900805en_US