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題名 電動汽車儲能對電網售電營運模式之成本有效性分析
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Operation Model of Electric Vehicle-to-Grid
作者 蔡志祥
Tsai, Chih-Hsiang
貢獻者 許志義
Hsu, Jyh-Yih
Tsai, Chih-Hsiang
關鍵詞 電動汽車
electric vehicles
cost-effectiveness analysis
vehicle to grid
renewable energy
energy storage
日期 2019
上傳時間 3-Jan-2020 15:58:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著近年來越來越多再生能源加入電網,電力產業需要儲能設備平衡電網供需,以維持電力系統的穩定度。電力產業除了建置電池儲能系統,可以選擇電動汽車的電池作為儲能設備之替代方案。電動汽車可以藉由車對電網(Vehicle to Grid, V2G)的技術,當不作為交通用途使用時,電動汽車的電池扣除移動所需之容量,可以藉由整合商聚集大規模數量之電動汽車,便可以提供可觀的儲存量能,對於電力公司可以節省建置儲能設備之成本,整合商、電動汽車車主可以從V2G的商業模式中獲益。本研究分析台灣電動汽車參與V2G商業模式之下,相對於傳統汽車之成本有效性分析。
本研究結果顯示,從汽車車主觀點,Nissan Leaf的使用成本低於110萬以上傳統汽車,而當同時免除電動汽車牌照稅、電動汽車參與V2G商業模式時,Tesla Model 3的使用成本僅高於70萬以上傳統汽車之使用成本。對於整體社會而言,Nissan Leaf的使用成本低於110萬以上傳統汽車的使用成本,Tesla Model 3的使用成本低於130萬以上傳統汽車的使用成本。電動汽車參與V2G商業模式時,對於整體社會而言,兩款電動汽車的使用成本皆低於90萬以上傳統汽車德使用成本。本研究最後針對電動汽車V2G商業模式加以引申探討其經濟意涵。
With more and more renewable energy feed-in to the grid in recent years, the power industry needs energy storage equipment to balance the supply and demand to maintain the stability of the power system. Without energy storage equipment, the power industry can choose the battery of the electric vehicle as an alternative. Electric vehicles can provide its battery capacity deducted from required for movement when it is not used for transportation purposes by Vehicle to Gird (V2G) technology. Aggregators can integrate the large number of electric vehicles so that can provide considerable storage capacity. Power companies can save on the cost of building energy storage equipment and aggregators and electric vehicle owners can benefit from V2G`s business model. The purpose of this study is to analyzes the cost-effectiveness of Taiwan`s electric vehicles under V2G’s business model compared to traditional vehicles.
First of all, this study compares the differences between electric vehicles and traditional vehicles, clarifies the cost items needed to be considered for electric vehicles and how to estimate them. Secondly, this study explains what is the V2G model, describes how this model is emerging, and how electric vehicles can benefit from it. Finally, this study explains the concept of vehicle to grid, and provides relevant technical background for the V2G model of electric vehicles.
The research method of this study is the cost-effectiveness analysis. By simulating the influence on the car owners and the society as a whole when car owners’ purchasing electric cars comparing to traditional cars. On the other hand, this study considers exemption of electric vehicle license tax and electric vehicles benefit from V2G business model as changes in net present value and benefit-cost ratio.
The results of this study show that for car owners, only the cost of using 1.1 million traditional car owners are lower than Nissan Leaf. When the electric vehicle license tax is waived and electric vehicles participate in the V2G business model, only the cost of using 700,000 traditional car owners lower than Tesla Model 3. For the whole society, the cost of using Nissan Leaf is lower than 1.1 million traditional car, and the cost of using Tesla Model 3 is lower than 1.3 million traditional car. When electric vehicles participate in the V2G business model, it is lower cost for the whole society to have these two kinds of electric vehicles than 900,000 traditional cars. Finally, this study infers economic implications of the V2G business model for electric vehicles.
參考文獻 一、 中文文獻
台達電子。台達電動車充電解決方案獲BMW台灣總代理汎德肯定 為台北市打造20處電動車充電站。上網日期:2018年12月28日,檢自:;2&itemID=7104&tid=0&hl=zh-TW

二、 英文文獻
Warner, J. (2015). The Handbook of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Design. Amsterdam, Oxford, Waltham: Elsevier Science.
Baker, E., Chon, H., & Keisler, J. (2010). Battery technology for electric and hybrid vehicles: Expert views about prospects for advancement. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(7), 1139–1146.
Budde Christensen, Wells, & Cipcigan. (2012). Can innovative business models overcome resistance to electric vehicles? Better Place and battery electric cars in Denmark. Energy Policy, 48, 498-505.
Delucchi, & Lipman. (2001). An analysis of the retail and lifecycle cost of battery-powered electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D, 6(6), 371-404.
Faria, Marques, Moura, Freire, Delgado, & De Almeida. (2013). Impact of the electricity mix and use profile in the life-cycle assessment of electric vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 271-287.
Gough, Dickerson, Rowley, & Walsh. (2017). Vehicle-to-grid feasibility: A techno-economic analysis of EV-based energy storage. Applied Energy, 192(C), 12-23.
Guille, & Gross. (2009). A conceptual framework for the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) implementation. Energy Policy, 37(11), 4379-4390.
Kley, Lerch, & Dallinger. (2011). New business models for electric cars—A holistic approach. Energy Policy, 39(6), 3392-3403.
Kempton, & Tomić. (2005). Vehicle-to-grid power implementation: From stabilizing the grid to supporting large-scale renewable energy. Journal of Power Sources, 144(1), 280-294.
Lane, Dumortier, Carley, Siddiki, Clark-Sutton, & Graham. (2018). All plug-in electric vehicles are not the same: Predictors of preference for a plug-in hybrid versus a battery-electric vehicle. Transportation Research Part D, 65, 1-13.
Laurischkat, K., Viertelhausen, A., & Jandt, D. (2016). Business Models for Electric Mobility. Procedia CIRP, 47, 483-488. doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.03.042
Levinson, R., & West, T. (2018). Impact of public electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D-Transport And Environment, 64, 158-177.
Lund, & Kempton. (2008). Integration of renewable energy into the transport and electricity sectors through V2G. Energy Policy, 36(9), 3578-3587.
Noel, & Mccormack. (2014). A cost benefit analysis of a V2G-capable electric school bus compared to a traditional diesel school bus. Applied Energy, 126(C), 246-255.
Onat, Kucukvar, & Tatari. (2015). Conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles? State-based comparative carbon and energy footprint analysis in the United States. Applied Energy, 150, 36-49.
Propfe, B., Redelbach, M., Santini, D. J., & Friedrich, H. (2012). Cost analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles including maintenance & repair costs and resale values, World Electr. Veh. J., 5(4), 886-895.
Rangaraju, De Vroey, Messagie, Mertens, & Van Mierlo. (2015). Impacts of electricity mix, charging profile, and driving behavior on the emissions performance of battery electric vehicles: A Belgian case study. Applied Energy, 148, 496-505.
Razeghi, Carreras-Sospedra, Brown, Brouwer, Dabdub, & Samuelsen. (2016). Episodic air quality impacts of plug-in electric vehicles. Atmospheric Environment, 137(C), 90-100.
Ruan, Walker, & Zhang. (2016). A comparative study energy consumption and costs of battery electric vehicle transmissions. Applied Energy, 165(C), 119-134.
Steven Chu, & Arun Majumdar. (2012). Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future. Nature, 488(7411), 294-303.
Turton, & Moura. (2008). Vehicle-to-grid systems for sustainable development: An integrated energy analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 75(8), 1091-1108.
Uddin, Dubarry, & Glick. (2018). The viability of vehicle-to-grid operations from a battery technology and policy perspective. Energy Policy, 113, 342-347.
Weldon, Morrissey, & O’mahony. (2018). Long-term cost of ownership comparative analysis between electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles. Sustainable Cities and Society, 39, 578-591.
Wolbertus, Kroesen, Van Den Hoed, & Chorus. (2018). Policy effects on charging behaviour of electric vehicle owners and on purchase intentions of prospective owners: Natural and stated choice experiments. Transportation Research Part D, 62(C), 283-297.
Cluzel C, Douglas C. (2012). Cost and performance of EV batteries: final report for the committee on climate change.
Electric Power Research Institute (2016). Vehicle-to-Grid:State of the Technology, Markets, and Related Implementation.
International Energy Agency (2018).Global EV Outlook 2018.
UK Power Networks & Innovate UK (2018). V2G Global Roadtrip: Around the world in 50 projects.
European Union Emission Trading Scheme, Retrieved December 28 2018, from:
Model 3 Could Change The World: A Cost Of Ownership Study, Retrieved December 28 2018 , from:
2019 Nissan Leaf, Retrieved December 28 2018, from:
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許志義zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu, Jyh-Yihen_US (Authors) 蔡志祥zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Chih-Hsiangen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡志祥zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Chih-Hsiangen_US (日期) 2019en_US 3-Jan-2020 15:58:09 (UTC+8)- 3-Jan-2020 15:58:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Jan-2020 15:58:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106258001en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經濟學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106258001zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著近年來越來越多再生能源加入電網,電力產業需要儲能設備平衡電網供需,以維持電力系統的穩定度。電力產業除了建置電池儲能系統,可以選擇電動汽車的電池作為儲能設備之替代方案。電動汽車可以藉由車對電網(Vehicle to Grid, V2G)的技術,當不作為交通用途使用時,電動汽車的電池扣除移動所需之容量,可以藉由整合商聚集大規模數量之電動汽車,便可以提供可觀的儲存量能,對於電力公司可以節省建置儲能設備之成本,整合商、電動汽車車主可以從V2G的商業模式中獲益。本研究分析台灣電動汽車參與V2G商業模式之下,相對於傳統汽車之成本有效性分析。
本研究結果顯示,從汽車車主觀點,Nissan Leaf的使用成本低於110萬以上傳統汽車,而當同時免除電動汽車牌照稅、電動汽車參與V2G商業模式時,Tesla Model 3的使用成本僅高於70萬以上傳統汽車之使用成本。對於整體社會而言,Nissan Leaf的使用成本低於110萬以上傳統汽車的使用成本,Tesla Model 3的使用成本低於130萬以上傳統汽車的使用成本。電動汽車參與V2G商業模式時,對於整體社會而言,兩款電動汽車的使用成本皆低於90萬以上傳統汽車德使用成本。本研究最後針對電動汽車V2G商業模式加以引申探討其經濟意涵。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With more and more renewable energy feed-in to the grid in recent years, the power industry needs energy storage equipment to balance the supply and demand to maintain the stability of the power system. Without energy storage equipment, the power industry can choose the battery of the electric vehicle as an alternative. Electric vehicles can provide its battery capacity deducted from required for movement when it is not used for transportation purposes by Vehicle to Gird (V2G) technology. Aggregators can integrate the large number of electric vehicles so that can provide considerable storage capacity. Power companies can save on the cost of building energy storage equipment and aggregators and electric vehicle owners can benefit from V2G`s business model. The purpose of this study is to analyzes the cost-effectiveness of Taiwan`s electric vehicles under V2G’s business model compared to traditional vehicles.
First of all, this study compares the differences between electric vehicles and traditional vehicles, clarifies the cost items needed to be considered for electric vehicles and how to estimate them. Secondly, this study explains what is the V2G model, describes how this model is emerging, and how electric vehicles can benefit from it. Finally, this study explains the concept of vehicle to grid, and provides relevant technical background for the V2G model of electric vehicles.
The research method of this study is the cost-effectiveness analysis. By simulating the influence on the car owners and the society as a whole when car owners’ purchasing electric cars comparing to traditional cars. On the other hand, this study considers exemption of electric vehicle license tax and electric vehicles benefit from V2G business model as changes in net present value and benefit-cost ratio.
The results of this study show that for car owners, only the cost of using 1.1 million traditional car owners are lower than Nissan Leaf. When the electric vehicle license tax is waived and electric vehicles participate in the V2G business model, only the cost of using 700,000 traditional car owners lower than Tesla Model 3. For the whole society, the cost of using Nissan Leaf is lower than 1.1 million traditional car, and the cost of using Tesla Model 3 is lower than 1.3 million traditional car. When electric vehicles participate in the V2G business model, it is lower cost for the whole society to have these two kinds of electric vehicles than 900,000 traditional cars. Finally, this study infers economic implications of the V2G business model for electric vehicles.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與架構 4
第三節 章節安排 6
第二章 電動汽車創新營運模式及其文獻探討 8
第一節 電動汽車相關文獻 8
第二節 電動汽車創新營運模式 12
第三節 車對電網(Vehicle to Grid, V2G)相關文獻 13
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 成本效益分析的重要性與理論基礎 17
第二節 成本效益分析步驟說明 18
第三節 成本有效性分析 21
第四節 本研究成本項以及效益項相關說明 22
第四章 實證結果與分析 25
第一節 汽車車主模擬情境之成本效益分析 25
第二節 汽車車主使用電動汽車之敏感度分析 33
第三節 整體社會模擬情境之成本效益分析 35
第四節 電動汽車參與V2G商業模式對於整體社會之影響 38
第五節 經濟意涵與引申 40
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 政策推介 48
第三節 未來研究建議 49
參考文獻 51
dc.format.extent 2849030 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電動汽車zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 成本有效性分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 車對電網zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 再生能源zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電力儲能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) electric vehiclesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) cost-effectiveness analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) vehicle to griden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) renewable energyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) energy storageen_US
dc.title (題名) 電動汽車儲能對電網售電營運模式之成本有效性分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Operation Model of Electric Vehicle-to-Griden_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文文獻
台達電子。台達電動車充電解決方案獲BMW台灣總代理汎德肯定 為台北市打造20處電動車充電站。上網日期:2018年12月28日,檢自:;2&itemID=7104&tid=0&hl=zh-TW

二、 英文文獻
Warner, J. (2015). The Handbook of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Design. Amsterdam, Oxford, Waltham: Elsevier Science.
Baker, E., Chon, H., & Keisler, J. (2010). Battery technology for electric and hybrid vehicles: Expert views about prospects for advancement. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(7), 1139–1146.
Budde Christensen, Wells, & Cipcigan. (2012). Can innovative business models overcome resistance to electric vehicles? Better Place and battery electric cars in Denmark. Energy Policy, 48, 498-505.
Delucchi, & Lipman. (2001). An analysis of the retail and lifecycle cost of battery-powered electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D, 6(6), 371-404.
Faria, Marques, Moura, Freire, Delgado, & De Almeida. (2013). Impact of the electricity mix and use profile in the life-cycle assessment of electric vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 271-287.
Gough, Dickerson, Rowley, & Walsh. (2017). Vehicle-to-grid feasibility: A techno-economic analysis of EV-based energy storage. Applied Energy, 192(C), 12-23.
Guille, & Gross. (2009). A conceptual framework for the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) implementation. Energy Policy, 37(11), 4379-4390.
Kley, Lerch, & Dallinger. (2011). New business models for electric cars—A holistic approach. Energy Policy, 39(6), 3392-3403.
Kempton, & Tomić. (2005). Vehicle-to-grid power implementation: From stabilizing the grid to supporting large-scale renewable energy. Journal of Power Sources, 144(1), 280-294.
Lane, Dumortier, Carley, Siddiki, Clark-Sutton, & Graham. (2018). All plug-in electric vehicles are not the same: Predictors of preference for a plug-in hybrid versus a battery-electric vehicle. Transportation Research Part D, 65, 1-13.
Laurischkat, K., Viertelhausen, A., & Jandt, D. (2016). Business Models for Electric Mobility. Procedia CIRP, 47, 483-488. doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.03.042
Levinson, R., & West, T. (2018). Impact of public electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D-Transport And Environment, 64, 158-177.
Lund, & Kempton. (2008). Integration of renewable energy into the transport and electricity sectors through V2G. Energy Policy, 36(9), 3578-3587.
Noel, & Mccormack. (2014). A cost benefit analysis of a V2G-capable electric school bus compared to a traditional diesel school bus. Applied Energy, 126(C), 246-255.
Onat, Kucukvar, & Tatari. (2015). Conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles? State-based comparative carbon and energy footprint analysis in the United States. Applied Energy, 150, 36-49.
Propfe, B., Redelbach, M., Santini, D. J., & Friedrich, H. (2012). Cost analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles including maintenance & repair costs and resale values, World Electr. Veh. J., 5(4), 886-895.
Rangaraju, De Vroey, Messagie, Mertens, & Van Mierlo. (2015). Impacts of electricity mix, charging profile, and driving behavior on the emissions performance of battery electric vehicles: A Belgian case study. Applied Energy, 148, 496-505.
Razeghi, Carreras-Sospedra, Brown, Brouwer, Dabdub, & Samuelsen. (2016). Episodic air quality impacts of plug-in electric vehicles. Atmospheric Environment, 137(C), 90-100.
Ruan, Walker, & Zhang. (2016). A comparative study energy consumption and costs of battery electric vehicle transmissions. Applied Energy, 165(C), 119-134.
Steven Chu, & Arun Majumdar. (2012). Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future. Nature, 488(7411), 294-303.
Turton, & Moura. (2008). Vehicle-to-grid systems for sustainable development: An integrated energy analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 75(8), 1091-1108.
Uddin, Dubarry, & Glick. (2018). The viability of vehicle-to-grid operations from a battery technology and policy perspective. Energy Policy, 113, 342-347.
Weldon, Morrissey, & O’mahony. (2018). Long-term cost of ownership comparative analysis between electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles. Sustainable Cities and Society, 39, 578-591.
Wolbertus, Kroesen, Van Den Hoed, & Chorus. (2018). Policy effects on charging behaviour of electric vehicle owners and on purchase intentions of prospective owners: Natural and stated choice experiments. Transportation Research Part D, 62(C), 283-297.
Cluzel C, Douglas C. (2012). Cost and performance of EV batteries: final report for the committee on climate change.
Electric Power Research Institute (2016). Vehicle-to-Grid:State of the Technology, Markets, and Related Implementation.
International Energy Agency (2018).Global EV Outlook 2018.
UK Power Networks & Innovate UK (2018). V2G Global Roadtrip: Around the world in 50 projects.
European Union Emission Trading Scheme, Retrieved December 28 2018, from:
Model 3 Could Change The World: A Cost Of Ownership Study, Retrieved December 28 2018 , from:
2019 Nissan Leaf, Retrieved December 28 2018, from:
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU201901298en_US