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題名 使用恆星共識協議於車載隨意行動網路以確保訊息傳遞的安全性
Using Stellar Consensus Protocol in VANETs to Ensure the Security of Message Transmission
作者 張哲維
Chang, Che-Wei
貢獻者 張宏慶
Jang, Hung-Chin
Chang, Che-Wei
關鍵詞 恆星共識協議
Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)
Federated Byzantine Agreement System
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)
Information Security
日期 2020
上傳時間 2-Mar-2020 11:37:34 (UTC+8)
摘要 在車載隨意行動網路中,常透過車與車以及車與路邊基地台(Road Side Unit,RSU) 之間的訊息傳遞,來及時更新路況訊息以達到車輛之間的安全控管;或是在有緊急事件發生時,能傳送緊急訊息請求救援,把正確的路況資訊傳遞給其它車輛,讓其它車輛可以改道避免塞車或避免影響救援的狀況發生。然而,若遇到惡意攻擊者傳送不正確的訊息,或訊息更新速度較慢,反而可能會影響行車安全。例如在塞車或有事故的路段,卻得到順暢的訊息而沒有繞道,導致更塞,甚至影響救援,造成不必要的資源浪費。因此,確保訊息的安全性(safety)及活躍性(liveness)至為重要。
恆星共識協定(Stellar Consensus Protocol,SCP)是一個是基於聯合拜占庭協議(Federated Byzantine Agreement)開發的共識協定。在原始的Byzantine Agreement中,參與投票的節點必須事先定義,但這並不符合在車載隨意行動網路中,車(節點)會動態移動及增減的狀況。SCP的優點是可動態選擇成員,至於如Bitcoin blockchain使用Proof of Work (PoW)的方式會消耗大量的能源與時間,無法符合車載網路中節點快速移動的需求。SCP可在短短幾秒內快速達成共識並輸出值,同時也基於Federated Byzantine Agreement的幾個特性和理論,可確保整個流程的安全性及活躍性。
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) provides the message transmission and communication between vehicles and Road Side Unit (RSU) to achieve real-time information update and safety control. When an accident occurs, VANET can be used to send emergency messages to ask for rescue and share this information with others. According to this information, other drivers will detour to avoid the traffic or situations affecting rescue. However, if the message is forged or modified by an attacker, it may not only affect traffic safety but also waste additional resources. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the security and liveness of the message transmission in VANET.
The Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) is a consensus protocol developed based on the Federated Byzantine Agreement. SCP allows nodes to choose members dynamically. Unlike the Proof of Work (PoW) used in Bitcoin blockchain which may consume a lot of energy and time, the SCP algorithm can reach a consensus within a few seconds. Besides, based on the characteristics of the Federated Byzantine Agreement, SCP can ensure the safety and liveness of the entire process.
In this research, vehicles and RSU are the participated nodes involved in the consensus. Vehicles and RSU can choose their own slice from the nearby nodes to form a quorum. Through multiple phases of SCP, nodes are able to reach a consensus and externalize a value which represents the real-time road information. We group the RSUs and vehicles into different tiers and combine the vehicle reputation system to optimize the nomination process. Finally, we evaluate the performance, safety and liveness from the experiments to conclude that SCP is feasible and is able to ensure the security of message transmission.
參考文獻 [1] L.M.Bach,B.Mihajevic and M.Zagar,“Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms”, 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 21-25 May 2018.
[2] Shanzhi Chen, Jinling Hu, Yan Shi, Ying Peng, Jiayi Fang, Rui Zhao and Li Zhao,“Vehicle-to-Everything (v2x) Services Supported by LTE-based Systems and 5G”, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, pp.70-76, 26 July 2017.
[3] T.Dasu, Y.Kanza and D.Srivastava,“Unchain Your Blockchain”, Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain, University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, pp.16-23, 9 March 2018.
[4] Stefano De Angelis, Leonardo Aniello, Roberto Baldoni, Federico Lombardi, Andrea Margheri and Vladimiro Sassone,“PBFT vs Proof-of-Authority: Applying the CAP Theorem to Permissioned Blockchain”, Italian Conference on Cyber Security, January 2017.
[5] Michael J.Fischer, Nancy A. Lynch and Michael S. Paterson,“Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process”, Journal of the ACM (JACM), April 1985.
[6] Bob Glickstein,“Understand the Stellar Consensus Protocol”, retrieved March 13 2019, [Online]. Available:
[7] Bob Glickstein,“Standalone Implementation of the Stellar Consensus Protocol.”, retrieved April 20 2018, [Online]. Available:
[8] Samson Hoi, "區塊鏈 Blockchain-IPFS 分散式檔案系統", retrieved Nov 14 2018, [Online]. Available:
[9] Johannes Innerbichler and Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt,“Federated Byzantine Agreement to Ensure Trustworthiness of Digital Manufacturing Platforms”, CryBlock`18 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems, Munich, Germany, pp.111-116, 15 June 2018.
[10] John B.Kenney, 2011,“Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC) Standards in the United States”, Proceedings of the IEEE, 99(7), pp.1162-1182, 16 June 2011.
[11] C.A.Kerrache, C.T.Calafate, J.C.Cano, N.Lagraa and P.Manzoni, "Trust Management for Vehicular Networks: An Adversary-oriented Overview," IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp.9293-9307, December 2016.
[12] Sunny King and Scott Nadal, “PPCoin: Peer-to-Peer Crypto-Currency with Proof-of-Stake.”, retrieved August 2012, [Online]. Available:
[13] Georgios Konstantopoulos, “Understanding Blockchain Fundamentals, Part 1: Byzantine Fault Tolerance”, retrieved 1 Dec 2017, [Online]. Available:
[14] L.Lamport, R.Shostak and M.Pease, “The Byzantine Generals Problem”, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol.4, No.3, July 1982.
[15] Leslie Lamport,“Paxos Made Simple”, ACM SIGACT News (Distributed Computing Column) 32, 4, pp.51-58, Dec 2001.
[16] Zhaojun Lu, Qian Wang, Gang Qu and Zhenglin Liu,“BARS: a Blockchain-based Anonymous Reputation System for Trust Management in VANETs”, 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), New York,NY, USA, 1-3 Aug 2018.
[17] Nisha Malik, Priyadarsi Nanda, Xiangjian He and Ren Ping Liu,“Trust and Reputation in Vehicular Networks: A Smart Contract-based Approach”, 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), Rotorua, New Zealand, New Zealand, 5-8 August 2019.
[18] David Mazières,“The Stellar Consensus Protocol: A Federated Model for Internet-level Consensus”, Stellar Development Foundation, 25 February 2016.
[19] David Mazières,“The Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)”, retrieved 4 November 2018. [Online]. Available:
[20] Satoshi Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System.”, retrieved October 2008, [Online]. Available:
[21] Jonathan Petit and Zoubir Mammeri,“Dynamic Consensus for Secured Vehicular Ad hoc Networks”, 2011 IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 10-12 Oct 2011.
[22] Fengzhong Qu, Zhihui Wu, Fei-Yue Wang and Woong Cho, “A Security and Privacy Review of VANETs”, published in: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.2985–2996, 17 June 2015.
[23] Henry Robinson, “A Brief Tour of FLP Impossibility”, retrieved August 13 2008, [Online]. Available:
[24] Rakesh Shrestha, Rojeena Bajracharya and Seung Yeob Nam, “Blockchain-based Message Dissemination in VANETs”, 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS), 25-27 October 2018.
[25] Chea Sowattana, Wantanee Viriyasitavat and Assadarat Khurat,“Distributed Consensus-based Sybil Nodes Detection in VANETs”,2017 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE), 12-14 July 2017.
[26] XiaoDong Zhang, Ru Li and Bo Cui,“A Security Architecture of VANET based on Blockchain and Mobile Edge Computing”, 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN), 15-17 August 2018.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張宏慶zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jang, Hung-Chinen_US (Authors) 張哲維zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Che-Weien_US
dc.creator (作者) 張哲維zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Che-Weien_US (日期) 2020en_US 2-Mar-2020 11:37:34 (UTC+8)- 2-Mar-2020 11:37:34 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Mar-2020 11:37:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101971013en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊科學系碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101971013zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在車載隨意行動網路中,常透過車與車以及車與路邊基地台(Road Side Unit,RSU) 之間的訊息傳遞,來及時更新路況訊息以達到車輛之間的安全控管;或是在有緊急事件發生時,能傳送緊急訊息請求救援,把正確的路況資訊傳遞給其它車輛,讓其它車輛可以改道避免塞車或避免影響救援的狀況發生。然而,若遇到惡意攻擊者傳送不正確的訊息,或訊息更新速度較慢,反而可能會影響行車安全。例如在塞車或有事故的路段,卻得到順暢的訊息而沒有繞道,導致更塞,甚至影響救援,造成不必要的資源浪費。因此,確保訊息的安全性(safety)及活躍性(liveness)至為重要。
恆星共識協定(Stellar Consensus Protocol,SCP)是一個是基於聯合拜占庭協議(Federated Byzantine Agreement)開發的共識協定。在原始的Byzantine Agreement中,參與投票的節點必須事先定義,但這並不符合在車載隨意行動網路中,車(節點)會動態移動及增減的狀況。SCP的優點是可動態選擇成員,至於如Bitcoin blockchain使用Proof of Work (PoW)的方式會消耗大量的能源與時間,無法符合車載網路中節點快速移動的需求。SCP可在短短幾秒內快速達成共識並輸出值,同時也基於Federated Byzantine Agreement的幾個特性和理論,可確保整個流程的安全性及活躍性。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) provides the message transmission and communication between vehicles and Road Side Unit (RSU) to achieve real-time information update and safety control. When an accident occurs, VANET can be used to send emergency messages to ask for rescue and share this information with others. According to this information, other drivers will detour to avoid the traffic or situations affecting rescue. However, if the message is forged or modified by an attacker, it may not only affect traffic safety but also waste additional resources. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the security and liveness of the message transmission in VANET.
The Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) is a consensus protocol developed based on the Federated Byzantine Agreement. SCP allows nodes to choose members dynamically. Unlike the Proof of Work (PoW) used in Bitcoin blockchain which may consume a lot of energy and time, the SCP algorithm can reach a consensus within a few seconds. Besides, based on the characteristics of the Federated Byzantine Agreement, SCP can ensure the safety and liveness of the entire process.
In this research, vehicles and RSU are the participated nodes involved in the consensus. Vehicles and RSU can choose their own slice from the nearby nodes to form a quorum. Through multiple phases of SCP, nodes are able to reach a consensus and externalize a value which represents the real-time road information. We group the RSUs and vehicles into different tiers and combine the vehicle reputation system to optimize the nomination process. Finally, we evaluate the performance, safety and liveness from the experiments to conclude that SCP is feasible and is able to ensure the security of message transmission.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 前言 11
1.1 研究背景 11
1.2 研究動機 12
第二章 文獻探討 13
2.1 Blockchain-based Message Dissemination in VANETs [24] 13
2.2 Trust and Reputation in Vehicular Networks: A Smart Contract-based Approach [17] 14
2.3 Distributed Consensus-Based Sybil Nodes Detection in VANETs [25] 16
2.4 A Security Architecture of VANET based on Blockchain and Mobile Edge Computing [26] 18
2.5 BARS: a Blockchain-based Anonymous Reputation System for Trust Management in VANETs [16] 20
2.6 Federated Byzantine Agreement to Ensure Trustworthiness of Digital Manufacturing Platforms [9] 22
2.7 Dynamic Consensus for Secured Vehicular Ad hoc Networks [21] 24
2.8 文獻探討綜合比較 25
第三章 研究方法背景 28
3.1 協議及共識系統(Agreement Protocol and Consensus System) 28
3.1.1 拜占庭協議與區塊鏈(Byzantine Agreement and Blockchain) 29
3.2 聯合拜占庭協議系統(Federated Byzantine Agreement Systems) 30
3.2.1 相關定理(Theorem) 31
3.2.2 法定人數與法定人數切片(Quorum and Quorum Slice) 33
3.2.3 分層式範例(Tier Example) 35
3.3 安全性與活躍性(Safety and Liveness) 38
3.3.1 安全性與法定人數交集(Safety and Quorum Intersection) 39
3.3.2 活躍性(Liveness) 40
3.3.3 非必需集合(Dispensable Sets) 41
3.4 聯合投票(Federated Voting) 43
3.4.1 開放式成員投票(Voting with Open Membership) 43
3.4.2 阻止集合(Blocking Set) 43
3.4.3 投票,接受與確認(Vote, Accept and Confirm) 44
3.4.4 投票基底(Ballot Based) 46
3.5 恆星共識協議(Stellar Consensus Protocol) 49
3.5.1 提名協定(Nomination Protocol) 49
3.5.2 投票協定(Ballot Protocol) 52
3.5.3 超時及更新選票(Timeouts and Ballot Updates) 54
3.5.4 恆星共識協議限制(SCP Limitation) 54
第四章 研究方法 56
4.1 研究方法假設 57
4.2 實驗條件及範圍 57
4.3 節點分層及Slice選擇 59
4.4 提名與投票 61
4.5 優先權調整 64
第五章 程式說明及實驗結果 65
5.1 程式說明 65
5.1.1 程式輸出界面 65
5.1.2 節點及分層設定 66
5.1.3 提名設定 67
5.1.4 輸出訊息說明 67
5.1.5 程式修改說明 69
5.2 實驗設計及結果分析 69
5.2.1 實驗1:節點數量與輸出時間 70
5.2.2 實驗2:節點分層與輸出時間 74
5.2.3 實驗3:Slice數量與輸出時間及安全性 75
5.2.4 實驗4:信譽系統調整Priority與提名的安全性 79
5.2.5 實驗5:部份節點無回應下與系統的活躍性 87
5.2.6 實驗6:各層節點選擇不同slice範圍及數量 92
5.2.7 實驗7:綜合測試 94
5.3 實驗結果綜合分析及比較 95
第六章 結論與未來研究 97
6.1 結論 97
6.2 未來研究方向 98
參考文獻 100
dc.format.extent 5351708 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 恆星共識協議zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聯合拜占庭協議系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 車載隨意行動網路zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資訊安全zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Federated Byzantine Agreement Systemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Information Securityen_US
dc.title (題名) 使用恆星共識協議於車載隨意行動網路以確保訊息傳遞的安全性zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Using Stellar Consensus Protocol in VANETs to Ensure the Security of Message Transmissionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) [1] L.M.Bach,B.Mihajevic and M.Zagar,“Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms”, 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 21-25 May 2018.
[2] Shanzhi Chen, Jinling Hu, Yan Shi, Ying Peng, Jiayi Fang, Rui Zhao and Li Zhao,“Vehicle-to-Everything (v2x) Services Supported by LTE-based Systems and 5G”, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, pp.70-76, 26 July 2017.
[3] T.Dasu, Y.Kanza and D.Srivastava,“Unchain Your Blockchain”, Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain, University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, pp.16-23, 9 March 2018.
[4] Stefano De Angelis, Leonardo Aniello, Roberto Baldoni, Federico Lombardi, Andrea Margheri and Vladimiro Sassone,“PBFT vs Proof-of-Authority: Applying the CAP Theorem to Permissioned Blockchain”, Italian Conference on Cyber Security, January 2017.
[5] Michael J.Fischer, Nancy A. Lynch and Michael S. Paterson,“Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process”, Journal of the ACM (JACM), April 1985.
[6] Bob Glickstein,“Understand the Stellar Consensus Protocol”, retrieved March 13 2019, [Online]. Available:
[7] Bob Glickstein,“Standalone Implementation of the Stellar Consensus Protocol.”, retrieved April 20 2018, [Online]. Available:
[8] Samson Hoi, "區塊鏈 Blockchain-IPFS 分散式檔案系統", retrieved Nov 14 2018, [Online]. Available:
[9] Johannes Innerbichler and Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt,“Federated Byzantine Agreement to Ensure Trustworthiness of Digital Manufacturing Platforms”, CryBlock`18 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems, Munich, Germany, pp.111-116, 15 June 2018.
[10] John B.Kenney, 2011,“Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC) Standards in the United States”, Proceedings of the IEEE, 99(7), pp.1162-1182, 16 June 2011.
[11] C.A.Kerrache, C.T.Calafate, J.C.Cano, N.Lagraa and P.Manzoni, "Trust Management for Vehicular Networks: An Adversary-oriented Overview," IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp.9293-9307, December 2016.
[12] Sunny King and Scott Nadal, “PPCoin: Peer-to-Peer Crypto-Currency with Proof-of-Stake.”, retrieved August 2012, [Online]. Available:
[13] Georgios Konstantopoulos, “Understanding Blockchain Fundamentals, Part 1: Byzantine Fault Tolerance”, retrieved 1 Dec 2017, [Online]. Available:
[14] L.Lamport, R.Shostak and M.Pease, “The Byzantine Generals Problem”, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol.4, No.3, July 1982.
[15] Leslie Lamport,“Paxos Made Simple”, ACM SIGACT News (Distributed Computing Column) 32, 4, pp.51-58, Dec 2001.
[16] Zhaojun Lu, Qian Wang, Gang Qu and Zhenglin Liu,“BARS: a Blockchain-based Anonymous Reputation System for Trust Management in VANETs”, 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), New York,NY, USA, 1-3 Aug 2018.
[17] Nisha Malik, Priyadarsi Nanda, Xiangjian He and Ren Ping Liu,“Trust and Reputation in Vehicular Networks: A Smart Contract-based Approach”, 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), Rotorua, New Zealand, New Zealand, 5-8 August 2019.
[18] David Mazières,“The Stellar Consensus Protocol: A Federated Model for Internet-level Consensus”, Stellar Development Foundation, 25 February 2016.
[19] David Mazières,“The Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)”, retrieved 4 November 2018. [Online]. Available:
[20] Satoshi Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System.”, retrieved October 2008, [Online]. Available:
[21] Jonathan Petit and Zoubir Mammeri,“Dynamic Consensus for Secured Vehicular Ad hoc Networks”, 2011 IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 10-12 Oct 2011.
[22] Fengzhong Qu, Zhihui Wu, Fei-Yue Wang and Woong Cho, “A Security and Privacy Review of VANETs”, published in: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.2985–2996, 17 June 2015.
[23] Henry Robinson, “A Brief Tour of FLP Impossibility”, retrieved August 13 2008, [Online]. Available:
[24] Rakesh Shrestha, Rojeena Bajracharya and Seung Yeob Nam, “Blockchain-based Message Dissemination in VANETs”, 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS), 25-27 October 2018.
[25] Chea Sowattana, Wantanee Viriyasitavat and Assadarat Khurat,“Distributed Consensus-based Sybil Nodes Detection in VANETs”,2017 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE), 12-14 July 2017.
[26] XiaoDong Zhang, Ru Li and Bo Cui,“A Security Architecture of VANET based on Blockchain and Mobile Edge Computing”, 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN), 15-17 August 2018.
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202000158en_US