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題名 企業導入區塊鏈技術之關鍵策略要素評估
The Key Evaluation Criteria of Blockchain Technology Implementation
作者 楊亨利*
Yang, Heng-Li
Lee, Cheng-Hwa
Lin, Shiang-Lin
貢獻者 資管系
關鍵詞 區塊鏈  ;  技術導入考量要素  ;  層級分析法  ;  模糊理論 
Blockchain  ;  Evaluation criteria of technology implementation  ;  Analytical Hierarchy Process  ;  Fuzzy theory
日期 2019-12
上傳時間 3-Mar-2020 11:52:04 (UTC+8)
摘要 很多國際機構組織都發布報告認為區塊鏈(Blockchain)技術是繼網際網路後的潛力科技之一,不僅會在全球商業活動佔據關鍵地位,更是重塑當前國際經濟運作模式的一股重要力量。當前區塊鏈技術的發展階段,已經從偏重加密貨幣的區塊鏈1.0階段,進入結合智慧契約(Smart Contract)的區塊鏈2.0階段,並邁向金融領域以外的各垂直應用範疇。惟區塊鏈仍屬一個新興發展中的技術,沒有行業技術標準的共識,亦沒有好的建置與導入指引可以遵循。因此,瞭解企業對於區塊鏈技術導入的考量觀點,是影響未來企業區塊鏈應用擴散的重要因素。本研究深入訪談了16位受訪者,包含企業資訊主管、區塊鏈專家以及區塊鏈技術服務公司高階主管,並應用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, FAHP),評估專家與高階主管對於企業導入區塊鏈技術之關鍵考量要素為何。研究結果發現,受訪對象在衡量企業導入區塊鏈的考量要素時,在構面上,「系統品質」及「資料品質」兩構面的重要性較高;在評估準則上,則「高階主管支持」、「資料正確性」、「系統效率」、「可靠性」及「資料安全性」依序為最重要的五項評估準則。此外,由受訪對象分群分析顯示:區塊鏈技術高階主管相較於其他族群更在乎「可移植性」與「模組化」,區塊鏈專家則偏重「資料隱私保護」,企業主管則最在乎「參與者互信」。本研究結果可供企業與區塊鏈技術供應商,在導入區塊鏈技術應用或協助企業導入時,作為參考之依據。
Many international organizations have indicated that blockchain technology is one of the promising technologies after the internet, and it would not only play a key role in global business activities, but also be a major driver to restructure current operating models of international economy. Recent development of the blockchain technology has advanced from the phase 1.0 specializing at crypto-currency to the phase 2.0, in which blockchain is combined with smart contract and has been applied in many industries other than finance. However, the blockchain is an emerging technology that has not yet industry standard and implementation guidelines. Thus, it is important for future technology diffusion to understand the influencing factors when enterprises considering to adopt blockchain. Applying fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) method, this study interviewed 16 persons, including chief information officers of enterprises, blockchain experts, and managers of blockchain service providers, to explore and analyze the key factors while considering for introducing blockchain technology. The results indicate that when considering to implement blockchain, "system quality" and "data quality" are the most important dimensions. In terms of evaluation criteria, "top management support", "data accuracy", "system efficiency", "reliability" and "data security" are deemed as the top five criteria. In addition, according to the group analysis, it is found that service providers care more about "portability" and "modularization" than the other two groups. Furthermore, blockchain experts focus more on "data privacy protection". Besides, chief information officers consider about "participant mutual trust" the most. The results of this study could provide a reference basis to enterprises and technology suppliers for implementing blockchain technology applications.
關聯 科技管理學刊, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1-34
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 資管系
dc.creator (作者) 楊亨利*
dc.creator (作者) Yang, Heng-Li
dc.creator (作者) 李震華
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Cheng-Hwa
dc.creator (作者) 林湘霖
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Shiang-Lin (日期) 2019-12 3-Mar-2020 11:52:04 (UTC+8)- 3-Mar-2020 11:52:04 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Mar-2020 11:52:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 很多國際機構組織都發布報告認為區塊鏈(Blockchain)技術是繼網際網路後的潛力科技之一,不僅會在全球商業活動佔據關鍵地位,更是重塑當前國際經濟運作模式的一股重要力量。當前區塊鏈技術的發展階段,已經從偏重加密貨幣的區塊鏈1.0階段,進入結合智慧契約(Smart Contract)的區塊鏈2.0階段,並邁向金融領域以外的各垂直應用範疇。惟區塊鏈仍屬一個新興發展中的技術,沒有行業技術標準的共識,亦沒有好的建置與導入指引可以遵循。因此,瞭解企業對於區塊鏈技術導入的考量觀點,是影響未來企業區塊鏈應用擴散的重要因素。本研究深入訪談了16位受訪者,包含企業資訊主管、區塊鏈專家以及區塊鏈技術服務公司高階主管,並應用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, FAHP),評估專家與高階主管對於企業導入區塊鏈技術之關鍵考量要素為何。研究結果發現,受訪對象在衡量企業導入區塊鏈的考量要素時,在構面上,「系統品質」及「資料品質」兩構面的重要性較高;在評估準則上,則「高階主管支持」、「資料正確性」、「系統效率」、「可靠性」及「資料安全性」依序為最重要的五項評估準則。此外,由受訪對象分群分析顯示:區塊鏈技術高階主管相較於其他族群更在乎「可移植性」與「模組化」,區塊鏈專家則偏重「資料隱私保護」,企業主管則最在乎「參與者互信」。本研究結果可供企業與區塊鏈技術供應商,在導入區塊鏈技術應用或協助企業導入時,作為參考之依據。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Many international organizations have indicated that blockchain technology is one of the promising technologies after the internet, and it would not only play a key role in global business activities, but also be a major driver to restructure current operating models of international economy. Recent development of the blockchain technology has advanced from the phase 1.0 specializing at crypto-currency to the phase 2.0, in which blockchain is combined with smart contract and has been applied in many industries other than finance. However, the blockchain is an emerging technology that has not yet industry standard and implementation guidelines. Thus, it is important for future technology diffusion to understand the influencing factors when enterprises considering to adopt blockchain. Applying fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) method, this study interviewed 16 persons, including chief information officers of enterprises, blockchain experts, and managers of blockchain service providers, to explore and analyze the key factors while considering for introducing blockchain technology. The results indicate that when considering to implement blockchain, "system quality" and "data quality" are the most important dimensions. In terms of evaluation criteria, "top management support", "data accuracy", "system efficiency", "reliability" and "data security" are deemed as the top five criteria. In addition, according to the group analysis, it is found that service providers care more about "portability" and "modularization" than the other two groups. Furthermore, blockchain experts focus more on "data privacy protection". Besides, chief information officers consider about "participant mutual trust" the most. The results of this study could provide a reference basis to enterprises and technology suppliers for implementing blockchain technology applications.
dc.format.extent 172 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技管理學刊, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1-34
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 區塊鏈  ;  技術導入考量要素  ;  層級分析法  ;  模糊理論 
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Blockchain  ;  Evaluation criteria of technology implementation  ;  Analytical Hierarchy Process  ;  Fuzzy theory
dc.title (題名) 企業導入區塊鏈技術之關鍵策略要素評估
dc.title (題名) The Key Evaluation Criteria of Blockchain Technology Implementation
dc.type (資料類型) article