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題名 當代人口販運防制法制定與施行—法制史觀點
Contemporary Anti-Human Trafficking Law Legislation and Implementation: A Historical Viewpoint作者 高小晴
Kao, Hsiao-Ching貢獻者 陳惠馨
Chen, Hwei-Syin
Kao, Hsiao-Ching關鍵詞 人口販運
Human trafficking
Legal history
Sex trafficking
Labor exploitation日期 2019 上傳時間 6-Apr-2020 14:45:27 (UTC+8) 摘要 我國人口販運防制法於2009年1月12日三讀通過,1月23日總統公布,同年六月開始施行。也因此自2010年開始迄今,美國國務院每年六月發表的“Trafficking in Persons Report”,也就是我們慣稱的TIP報告—《人口販運問題報告》,我國都列在第一列名單;但名列第一列並不表示我國不存在人口販運犯罪問題,而是呈現我國相關主管機關在查緝及防治上的努力。然本法施行迄今已十年,而國人對於「人口販運」的認知多半仍為陌生,且看檢察官以「人口販運防制法」對犯罪嫌疑人提起訴訟,法官以此定罪率亦相對偏低。要探知國人對於人口販運此犯罪型態的了解,是否只是來自聯合國人口販運議定書倡議與規範的「新議題」,而致國人面對國內相關案件的發生時尚無法明確界定犯罪事實,故本文採自十七世紀迄今為研究之時序,從西方與傳統中國法制史角度探討此一犯罪相關議題近三百多年來在我國可能發生之型態,與在臺灣這塊土上的發展;並嘗試透過文獻,如清朝官員上疏的奏摺、則例,日本治臺時期相關報導與近代我國相關法規等文獻,探究自清朝以來,與人口販運相關的傳統法規範是如何影響生活在臺灣這塊土地人們的生活態度其認知與文化。本法立法時的過程,於今業已成為法制史的一部分,本文也回溯推動立法時,當下我國內外在環境與事件的發生,進而探討制定本法之必要性,與當時在立法院審議時的爭點與歧異。並透過地方法院一審判決了解本法在上路施行後法官實際運用的狀態,嘗試了解執法者對「人口販運」相關問題的認知與態度。藉由本文循序漸進的爬梳,可以了解臺灣這塊土地近三百年來,在人口販運議題相關犯罪型態的變化,以及相關法規範的訂定與執行上的差異,進而理解人們在生活上對此問題的理解與價值觀,作為日後相關議題倡議、教育的基礎。
Human Trafficking Prevention Act in Taiwan was adopted upon a third reading in January, 2009, and thereafter announced by the president in the same Month. The legislation came into effect in June of the same year. Therefore, since 2010, the "Trafficking in Persons Report" published by the U.S. Department of State every June, (or the “TIP report" as we commonly know it) has listed Taiwan in the first tier. The first tier does not indicate that there is no problem of human trafficking crime in our country, but represents the efforts of the relevant authorities in Taiwan in detection and prevention of such activities.However, it has been ten years since the implementation of this law, and most Taiwanese people are still unfamiliar with the concept of "trafficking in human beings". It seems that the prosecutor has brought a lawsuit against the criminal suspect with the " Human Trafficking Prevention Act ", and the judge`s conviction rate is relatively low. The Taiwanese people`s understanding of the crime of trafficking in human beings is a relatively "new topic" proposed and regulated by the United Nations human trafficking protocol. For this reason, it is quite impossible for the people to clearly define the facts of crime in the face of domestic cases. Therefore, this paper looks into the 17th century for reference, and discusses related issues from the perspectives of Western and traditional Chinese legal history This paper discusses the possible patterns and the development in Taiwan in the past three hundred years, and tries to explore how the traditional laws and regulations related to human trafficking have influenced people`s living conditions in Taiwan since the Qing Dynasty. Research materials include literature, such as memorials and regulations of Qing Dynasty officials, relevant reports of Japan`s ruling Taiwan period and relevant laws and regulations of modern China To measure its cognition and culture.The process of legislating this law has become a part of the history of the legal system. This article also reviews events contemporary to the legislation, domestically and internationally, to shed light on the necessity of the law, as well as differences among the legislature. And through the first instance judgment of the district court to understand the actual use of this law after the implementation of the law, try to understand the law enforcement of "human trafficking" related issues of the cognition and attitude.This article is a review of relevant phenomena throughout the past three hundred years––including the population changes in trafficking issues related crime patterns, and differences provide for the implementation of the relevant legal norms in Taiwan. 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104961046資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳惠馨 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Hwei-Syin en_US (Authors) 高小晴 zh_TW (Authors) Kao, Hsiao-Ching en_US dc.creator (作者) 高小晴 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Kao, Hsiao-Ching en_US (日期) 2019 en_US 6-Apr-2020 14:45:27 (UTC+8) - 6-Apr-2020 14:45:27 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 6-Apr-2020 14:45:27 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1049610461 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 法學院碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104961046 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國人口販運防制法於2009年1月12日三讀通過,1月23日總統公布,同年六月開始施行。也因此自2010年開始迄今,美國國務院每年六月發表的“Trafficking in Persons Report”,也就是我們慣稱的TIP報告—《人口販運問題報告》,我國都列在第一列名單;但名列第一列並不表示我國不存在人口販運犯罪問題,而是呈現我國相關主管機關在查緝及防治上的努力。然本法施行迄今已十年,而國人對於「人口販運」的認知多半仍為陌生,且看檢察官以「人口販運防制法」對犯罪嫌疑人提起訴訟,法官以此定罪率亦相對偏低。要探知國人對於人口販運此犯罪型態的了解,是否只是來自聯合國人口販運議定書倡議與規範的「新議題」,而致國人面對國內相關案件的發生時尚無法明確界定犯罪事實,故本文採自十七世紀迄今為研究之時序,從西方與傳統中國法制史角度探討此一犯罪相關議題近三百多年來在我國可能發生之型態,與在臺灣這塊土上的發展;並嘗試透過文獻,如清朝官員上疏的奏摺、則例,日本治臺時期相關報導與近代我國相關法規等文獻,探究自清朝以來,與人口販運相關的傳統法規範是如何影響生活在臺灣這塊土地人們的生活態度其認知與文化。本法立法時的過程,於今業已成為法制史的一部分,本文也回溯推動立法時,當下我國內外在環境與事件的發生,進而探討制定本法之必要性,與當時在立法院審議時的爭點與歧異。並透過地方法院一審判決了解本法在上路施行後法官實際運用的狀態,嘗試了解執法者對「人口販運」相關問題的認知與態度。藉由本文循序漸進的爬梳,可以了解臺灣這塊土地近三百年來,在人口販運議題相關犯罪型態的變化,以及相關法規範的訂定與執行上的差異,進而理解人們在生活上對此問題的理解與價值觀,作為日後相關議題倡議、教育的基礎。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Human Trafficking Prevention Act in Taiwan was adopted upon a third reading in January, 2009, and thereafter announced by the president in the same Month. The legislation came into effect in June of the same year. Therefore, since 2010, the "Trafficking in Persons Report" published by the U.S. Department of State every June, (or the “TIP report" as we commonly know it) has listed Taiwan in the first tier. The first tier does not indicate that there is no problem of human trafficking crime in our country, but represents the efforts of the relevant authorities in Taiwan in detection and prevention of such activities.However, it has been ten years since the implementation of this law, and most Taiwanese people are still unfamiliar with the concept of "trafficking in human beings". It seems that the prosecutor has brought a lawsuit against the criminal suspect with the " Human Trafficking Prevention Act ", and the judge`s conviction rate is relatively low. The Taiwanese people`s understanding of the crime of trafficking in human beings is a relatively "new topic" proposed and regulated by the United Nations human trafficking protocol. For this reason, it is quite impossible for the people to clearly define the facts of crime in the face of domestic cases. Therefore, this paper looks into the 17th century for reference, and discusses related issues from the perspectives of Western and traditional Chinese legal history This paper discusses the possible patterns and the development in Taiwan in the past three hundred years, and tries to explore how the traditional laws and regulations related to human trafficking have influenced people`s living conditions in Taiwan since the Qing Dynasty. Research materials include literature, such as memorials and regulations of Qing Dynasty officials, relevant reports of Japan`s ruling Taiwan period and relevant laws and regulations of modern China To measure its cognition and culture.The process of legislating this law has become a part of the history of the legal system. This article also reviews events contemporary to the legislation, domestically and internationally, to shed light on the necessity of the law, as well as differences among the legislature. And through the first instance judgment of the district court to understand the actual use of this law after the implementation of the law, try to understand the law enforcement of "human trafficking" related issues of the cognition and attitude.This article is a review of relevant phenomena throughout the past three hundred years––including the population changes in trafficking issues related crime patterns, and differences provide for the implementation of the relevant legal norms in Taiwan. As a result, researchers may further understand daily lives and values prevalent in Taiwan for future initiatives for future reference and basic education purposes. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 導論 1壹、研究動機 1貳、研究目的 4參、研究範疇 8肆、研究方法 11第二章 西方世界與傳統中國「人口販運」發展歷程 14壹、前言 14貳、西方社會從SLAVERY到HUMAN TRAFFICKING 15參、清朝的奴役制度與人口拐賣問題 25肆、小結 40第三章 臺灣販賣人口的歷史 43壹、前言 43貳、清治時期(1683年至1895年) 45參、日治時期(1895年至1945年) 52肆、國民政府時期(1946年至1995年) 60伍、小 結 69第四章 「人口販運防制法」專法立法歷程 71壹、前言 71貳、人口販運的定義 73參、我國推動人口販運防制法時期國際間的狀況 77肆、我國人口販運防制法制定時之背景 81伍、人口販運防制法制定與推法過程中的歧異 87陸、小結 93第五章 人口販運防制法實施後的概況 96壹、前言 96貳、人口販運防制法施行後之成效 98參、法院判決分析 103肆、小結 119第六章 結論 121參考文獻 124附錄 138 zh_TW dc.format.extent 80396543 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人口販運 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 法制史 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 奴隸 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 廢奴主義 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 性販運 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 勞力剝削 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Human trafficking en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Legal history en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Slave en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Abolitionism en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sex trafficking en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Labor exploitation en_US dc.title (題名) 當代人口販運防制法制定與施行—法制史觀點 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Contemporary Anti-Human Trafficking Law Legislation and Implementation: A Historical Viewpoint en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文書籍1. 王泰升,2017,《台灣法律史概念》,元照出版2. 王泰升,《追尋臺灣法律的足跡:事件百選與法律史研究》(3版)3. 王曉丹、王鴻英、黃渝之、蘇聽雨,2012《人口販運防制法之實施成效》,婦女救援基金會4. 沙學浚,1996,《地理學論文集》,台灣商務,海南出版社5. 沈美真,1990,《臺灣被害娼妓與娼妓政策》,臺北:前衛出版社6. 林盈君,2015,《看不見的世界-人口販運》,翰蘆出版社7. 孟昭信,2014修訂第二版,《康熙皇帝》,知書房出版集團8. 陳惠馨,2014修訂第二版,《清代法治新探》,五南出版社9. 陳惠馨,2015初版,《多元觀點下清代法制》,五南出版社,第一版10. 陳惠馨,2017,《向法規範回歸之清代法制研究》,元照出版11. 陳弘毅、文基賢、吳海傑,《殖民地時代香港的法制與司法,香港史新編-上冊》12. 黃盛源纂輯,2010年7月初版,《晚清民國刑法史料輯注》,元照出版13. 鈴木清一郎著,馮作民譯,2004,《增訂臺灣舊慣習俗信仰》,臺北:眾文圖書公司14. 臺灣銀行經濟研究室編輯,1994,《臺灣私法人事編-下》,,臺灣省文獻委員會出版二、 期刊論文1. 小林里平,1910,《臺灣の陋習 奴隸賣買》,法院月報,第四卷第七號(7月)2. 王曉丹,《法律的壓制性與創造性—人權與人口販運防制法的被害者主體》,政大法學評論,第137期,頁60-623. 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