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題名 類粉絲效應: 網路負面口碑的抑制與弱化
Zealot Effect: Mitigating the Expansion of Electronic Negative Word-of-Mouth
作者 李怡慧
Lee, Joyce Y. H.
貢獻者 資管系
關鍵詞 內容分析 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 網路口碑 ; 線上網絡影響 ; 線上論壇
qualitative content analysis ; social network analysis ; electronic word-of-mouth ; online networked influence ; online discussion forum
日期 2019-08
上傳時間 26-May-2020 15:09:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 網路意見日趨氾濫之際,過去口碑行銷研究不斷提醒行銷人員需謹慎地處理網路負面口碑,因為其影響比正面口碑來得更為強大。行銷人員介入有時不只無濟於事,反而招致「業配文」的酸言酸語;若置之不理,又可能發展為難以收拾的「線上風暴」。現有研究較少探討如何控制負面口碑,本研究從線上網絡影響著手,探索成員之間如何相互影響,在負面意見擴大時能將其抑制。本研究以汽車線上論壇為個案,分析負面與正面評論意見如何消長。本研究採用質性研究,以社會網絡分析法解讀負面口碑弱化的過程。研究發現,關鍵影響力來自三方面:孤立無援的負面意見代表、此唱彼和的正面意見領袖群、沉默潛水者的發聲呼應。他們在網絡關係上處在不同的地位,在不同討論階段產生影響力;此三類網絡角色在關鍵議題的角力戰,促使負面評論者的凝聚力潰散、正面討論者互動增強,削弱原本鼓譟激動的負面情緒;研究同時觀察到,具有影響力的討論者熱切地表達對品牌的友善支持,但刻意表明自己並非品牌愛用者或粉絲,此「類粉絲」現象凸顯出不同的粉絲效應,以及對品牌支持的不同表現,形成討論者意見凝聚和相互呼應的新樣貌。
The popularity of online communication platforms (e.g. discussion forum, web community) creates a possible contagious effect regarding electronic word-of-mouth which can be easily spread and lead to the brand or product become well-known. However, organizations might be facing serious impacts caused by electronic negative word-of-mouth (e-NWOM) and consequentially their reputations might become harmed. While researchers have highlighted that marketers and organizations need to make sense of and respond to e-NWOM effectively for preventing “online firestorms”, the questions regarding the management and control of e-NWOM remained unexplored. To fill the research gap, this study addresses the research questions about how explosive e-NOWM becoming mild and the dissemination slowing down. Taking the theoretical lens of online networked influence theory, this research conducts an interpretive case study by using the social network analysis with qualitative approach. The research outcomes demonstrate powerful effect raised by three types of zealous participants. The interactions between them made a significant contribution to the result of e- NWOM reduction. Theoretical contributions and practical implementations derived from the research findings are discussed in this article.
關聯 組織與管理, Vol.12, No.2, pp.55-111
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 資管系-
dc.creator (作者) 李怡慧-
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Joyce Y. H.- (日期) 2019-08- 26-May-2020 15:09:48 (UTC+8)- 26-May-2020 15:09:48 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 26-May-2020 15:09:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 網路意見日趨氾濫之際,過去口碑行銷研究不斷提醒行銷人員需謹慎地處理網路負面口碑,因為其影響比正面口碑來得更為強大。行銷人員介入有時不只無濟於事,反而招致「業配文」的酸言酸語;若置之不理,又可能發展為難以收拾的「線上風暴」。現有研究較少探討如何控制負面口碑,本研究從線上網絡影響著手,探索成員之間如何相互影響,在負面意見擴大時能將其抑制。本研究以汽車線上論壇為個案,分析負面與正面評論意見如何消長。本研究採用質性研究,以社會網絡分析法解讀負面口碑弱化的過程。研究發現,關鍵影響力來自三方面:孤立無援的負面意見代表、此唱彼和的正面意見領袖群、沉默潛水者的發聲呼應。他們在網絡關係上處在不同的地位,在不同討論階段產生影響力;此三類網絡角色在關鍵議題的角力戰,促使負面評論者的凝聚力潰散、正面討論者互動增強,削弱原本鼓譟激動的負面情緒;研究同時觀察到,具有影響力的討論者熱切地表達對品牌的友善支持,但刻意表明自己並非品牌愛用者或粉絲,此「類粉絲」現象凸顯出不同的粉絲效應,以及對品牌支持的不同表現,形成討論者意見凝聚和相互呼應的新樣貌。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The popularity of online communication platforms (e.g. discussion forum, web community) creates a possible contagious effect regarding electronic word-of-mouth which can be easily spread and lead to the brand or product become well-known. However, organizations might be facing serious impacts caused by electronic negative word-of-mouth (e-NWOM) and consequentially their reputations might become harmed. While researchers have highlighted that marketers and organizations need to make sense of and respond to e-NWOM effectively for preventing “online firestorms”, the questions regarding the management and control of e-NWOM remained unexplored. To fill the research gap, this study addresses the research questions about how explosive e-NOWM becoming mild and the dissemination slowing down. Taking the theoretical lens of online networked influence theory, this research conducts an interpretive case study by using the social network analysis with qualitative approach. The research outcomes demonstrate powerful effect raised by three types of zealous participants. The interactions between them made a significant contribution to the result of e- NWOM reduction. Theoretical contributions and practical implementations derived from the research findings are discussed in this article.-
dc.format.extent 121 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 組織與管理, Vol.12, No.2, pp.55-111-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 內容分析 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 網路口碑 ; 線上網絡影響 ; 線上論壇-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) qualitative content analysis ; social network analysis ; electronic word-of-mouth ; online networked influence ; online discussion forum-
dc.title (題名) 類粉絲效應: 網路負面口碑的抑制與弱化-
dc.title (題名) Zealot Effect: Mitigating the Expansion of Electronic Negative Word-of-Mouth-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.3966/199687602019081202002-
dc.doi.uri (DOI)