題名 近義詞「恐懼」與「恐慌」之辨析——以語料庫為本
A Comparison of Mandarin Near-Synonyms Kong3Ju4(恐懼)and Kong3Huang1(恐慌)`Fear`:A Corpus-based Study作者 謝佩璇
Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan貢獻者 鍾曉芳
Chung, Siaw-Fong
Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan關鍵詞 恐懼
Semantic Roles
Frame Theory
Natural Semantic Metalanguage日期 2020 上傳時間 3-八月-2020 17:18:36 (UTC+8) 摘要 摘要近義詞「恐懼」與「恐慌」之辨析-以語料庫為本「恐懼」與「恐慌」為一組心理動詞近義詞,是人類的情緒反應本能。前人對於「恐懼」與「恐慌」在語言學的研究以古漢語或以佛經為主,至今未有現代語料庫的相關研究,因此本論文以《中央研究院漢語平衡語料庫4.0版》(Sinica Corpus)和Chinese Gigaword Corpus為本,分析在語料庫中「恐懼」與「恐慌」為動詞名物化或名詞、動詞與定語三種不同詞性上語義與搭配詞的異同,以及其句法結構。本文首先整理歸納「恐懼」與「恐慌」在辭典工具書中的詞義,探討此組近義詞的相異之處。當「恐懼」與「恐慌」擔任動詞名物化或名詞,發現與其搭配動詞的差異與此組近義詞本身的詞義是有關的,並嘗試解釋出造成差異的原因為「恐懼」本身是內向的,因此與其搭配的動詞也會以內心的居多;「恐慌」為外向的,搭配的動詞就以引起外在現象的為主;且用來修飾「恐懼」與「恐慌」的結構也會因語義而有所不同,例如「恐懼」的定語多為造成「恐懼」的事件或原因,而不會出現受影響的對象,除非原因已經於在的搭配動詞前面說明;「恐慌」的則以受影響的對象為大宗,因為造成「恐慌」的原因會出現於動詞前面。當此組近義詞為「定語」時,後面所承接的名詞也會因為「恐懼」與「恐慌」本身語義差別而有不同的體現,「恐懼」後面所承接的名詞以「人」或是「人的內心」有關;而「恐慌」的則是以外在狀況的事物為主。當為「動詞」時,將會使用語義角色來進一步辨析「恐懼」與「恐慌」在句法上的相對關係,如「恐懼」的承蒙者(Affectee)可以為主語或賓語的位置;客體(Theme)一般為賓語;當原因(Cause)出現時,會擔任主語的位置。「恐慌」的承蒙者(Affectee)和客體(Theme)均可以為句中主語或賓語的位置;客體(Theme)和原因(Cause)只會擇一出現於以「恐慌」為主要動詞的句子中,且原因(Cause)通常會擔任主語。最後使用框架語義理論(Frame Theory)與自然後設語義理論(Natural Semantic Metalanguage)整理「恐懼」與「恐慌」在整體概念上的差異,發現即便此組近義詞雖然在辭典工具書中的詞義並無太大的區別,但是在概念上是有所不同的。「恐懼」的語義主要是針對「某件事」而產生的感覺,且若「這件事」沒有發生,則不會產生此種感覺;「恐慌」則是著重於「這件事」的背後所會帶來的影響、現象,且此種感覺是突然的。透過本文可以使學習者更清楚地掌握及使用此組近義詞。關鍵字:恐懼、恐慌、近義詞、語料庫、語義角色、框架語義理論、自然後設語義
AbstractA Comparison of Mandarin Near Synonyms Kong3Ju4(恐懼)andKong3Huang1(恐慌)‘Fear’:A Corpus-based StudyThe Mandarin near synonyms kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are both mental verbs, that mean ‘fear’. Previous research on kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 was carried out mostly based on ancient Chinese or the Sutras, none of the research was corpus-based. The aim of this paper is to analyze the differences between kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 in three different parts-of-speech (nominalized form, attribute and verb) and the syntactic structures and collocations of each based on the Sinica Corpus and Chinese Gigaword Corpus.This paper begins by summarizing and analyzing the meanings of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 by organizing the definitions in the dictionaries. The results show that when kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are nouns or nominalized forms, when they take a verb, and their collocation depend on the meaning of the verb and the nominalized form, for example, the verb of kong3ju4 is about mental and internal ‘fear’, such as: xin1cun2(心存) and xin1sheng1(心生); while kong3huang1 is external, it takes such as yin3qi3(引起) and zao4cheng2(造成). The structures of adjuncts would also be different for both nominalized forms. The adjuncts of kong3ju4 are related to the reason that caused the feeling of kong3ju4, but the adjuncts of kong3huang1are related to the affected object, and the cause of ‘fear’ usually precedes the verb kong3huang1. When kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are attributes, the following nouns would be different depending on the definitions of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 as well. For example, when the following noun is more internal and human-related, kong3ju4 would be the attribute. When the following noun is more external in meaning, kong3huang1 would be the attribute. This paper also analyzes both verbs through their semantic roles to discriminate their syntactic relations. It was found that the Affectees of kong3ju4 could be subjects and objects; its Themes could be objects, and when there is a Cause, it would be the subject. Contrast is the Affectee and Theme of kong3huang1, they would be subject or object in a sentence; but the Theme and Cause would not co-occur in a sentence when the main verb of the sentence is kong3huang1, and in this case the Cause would be the subject mostly. This result shows that the syntactic relations of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are different although their semantic roles could be the same.Lastly, this paper will use the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) to summarize the concepts of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1. It shows that although the difference of their definitions is not clearly presented in dictionaries, they are different in their concepts. Their concepts differ in that the scale of kong3ju4’s affected object is smaller than kong3huang1, and the cause of kong3ju4 is more specific. Kong3ju4 shows the feeling of internal, but kong3huang1 represents the feeling of helplessness.Key words: Kong3Ju4, Kong3Huang1, near-synonyms, corpus, semantic roles, frame theory, natural semantic metalanguage參考文獻 參考文獻英文文獻(依姓名筆劃排序)Aristiya, Veronika Dewi. (2008). A componential analysis on synonymous nouns used by the third semester students of English language education study program. Sanata Dharma University.Atkins, B.T., Kegl, Judy and Levin, Beth. (1988). “Anatomy of a Verb Entry: from Linguistic Theory to Lexicographic Practice,” International Journal of Lexicography I, 84-126Bloomfield, Leonard. (1933). Language. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Brinton, Laurel J. (2000). 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105555009資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105555009 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 鍾曉芳 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chung, Siaw-Fong en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 謝佩璇 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan en_US dc.creator (作者) 謝佩璇 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan en_US dc.date (日期) 2020 en_US dc.date.accessioned 3-八月-2020 17:18:36 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 3-八月-2020 17:18:36 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-八月-2020 17:18:36 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0105555009 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/130893 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105555009 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 摘要近義詞「恐懼」與「恐慌」之辨析-以語料庫為本「恐懼」與「恐慌」為一組心理動詞近義詞,是人類的情緒反應本能。前人對於「恐懼」與「恐慌」在語言學的研究以古漢語或以佛經為主,至今未有現代語料庫的相關研究,因此本論文以《中央研究院漢語平衡語料庫4.0版》(Sinica Corpus)和Chinese Gigaword Corpus為本,分析在語料庫中「恐懼」與「恐慌」為動詞名物化或名詞、動詞與定語三種不同詞性上語義與搭配詞的異同,以及其句法結構。本文首先整理歸納「恐懼」與「恐慌」在辭典工具書中的詞義,探討此組近義詞的相異之處。當「恐懼」與「恐慌」擔任動詞名物化或名詞,發現與其搭配動詞的差異與此組近義詞本身的詞義是有關的,並嘗試解釋出造成差異的原因為「恐懼」本身是內向的,因此與其搭配的動詞也會以內心的居多;「恐慌」為外向的,搭配的動詞就以引起外在現象的為主;且用來修飾「恐懼」與「恐慌」的結構也會因語義而有所不同,例如「恐懼」的定語多為造成「恐懼」的事件或原因,而不會出現受影響的對象,除非原因已經於在的搭配動詞前面說明;「恐慌」的則以受影響的對象為大宗,因為造成「恐慌」的原因會出現於動詞前面。當此組近義詞為「定語」時,後面所承接的名詞也會因為「恐懼」與「恐慌」本身語義差別而有不同的體現,「恐懼」後面所承接的名詞以「人」或是「人的內心」有關;而「恐慌」的則是以外在狀況的事物為主。當為「動詞」時,將會使用語義角色來進一步辨析「恐懼」與「恐慌」在句法上的相對關係,如「恐懼」的承蒙者(Affectee)可以為主語或賓語的位置;客體(Theme)一般為賓語;當原因(Cause)出現時,會擔任主語的位置。「恐慌」的承蒙者(Affectee)和客體(Theme)均可以為句中主語或賓語的位置;客體(Theme)和原因(Cause)只會擇一出現於以「恐慌」為主要動詞的句子中,且原因(Cause)通常會擔任主語。最後使用框架語義理論(Frame Theory)與自然後設語義理論(Natural Semantic Metalanguage)整理「恐懼」與「恐慌」在整體概念上的差異,發現即便此組近義詞雖然在辭典工具書中的詞義並無太大的區別,但是在概念上是有所不同的。「恐懼」的語義主要是針對「某件事」而產生的感覺,且若「這件事」沒有發生,則不會產生此種感覺;「恐慌」則是著重於「這件事」的背後所會帶來的影響、現象,且此種感覺是突然的。透過本文可以使學習者更清楚地掌握及使用此組近義詞。關鍵字:恐懼、恐慌、近義詞、語料庫、語義角色、框架語義理論、自然後設語義 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) AbstractA Comparison of Mandarin Near Synonyms Kong3Ju4(恐懼)andKong3Huang1(恐慌)‘Fear’:A Corpus-based StudyThe Mandarin near synonyms kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are both mental verbs, that mean ‘fear’. Previous research on kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 was carried out mostly based on ancient Chinese or the Sutras, none of the research was corpus-based. The aim of this paper is to analyze the differences between kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 in three different parts-of-speech (nominalized form, attribute and verb) and the syntactic structures and collocations of each based on the Sinica Corpus and Chinese Gigaword Corpus.This paper begins by summarizing and analyzing the meanings of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 by organizing the definitions in the dictionaries. The results show that when kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are nouns or nominalized forms, when they take a verb, and their collocation depend on the meaning of the verb and the nominalized form, for example, the verb of kong3ju4 is about mental and internal ‘fear’, such as: xin1cun2(心存) and xin1sheng1(心生); while kong3huang1 is external, it takes such as yin3qi3(引起) and zao4cheng2(造成). The structures of adjuncts would also be different for both nominalized forms. The adjuncts of kong3ju4 are related to the reason that caused the feeling of kong3ju4, but the adjuncts of kong3huang1are related to the affected object, and the cause of ‘fear’ usually precedes the verb kong3huang1. When kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are attributes, the following nouns would be different depending on the definitions of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 as well. For example, when the following noun is more internal and human-related, kong3ju4 would be the attribute. When the following noun is more external in meaning, kong3huang1 would be the attribute. This paper also analyzes both verbs through their semantic roles to discriminate their syntactic relations. It was found that the Affectees of kong3ju4 could be subjects and objects; its Themes could be objects, and when there is a Cause, it would be the subject. Contrast is the Affectee and Theme of kong3huang1, they would be subject or object in a sentence; but the Theme and Cause would not co-occur in a sentence when the main verb of the sentence is kong3huang1, and in this case the Cause would be the subject mostly. This result shows that the syntactic relations of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1 are different although their semantic roles could be the same.Lastly, this paper will use the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) to summarize the concepts of kong3ju4 and kong3huang1. It shows that although the difference of their definitions is not clearly presented in dictionaries, they are different in their concepts. Their concepts differ in that the scale of kong3ju4’s affected object is smaller than kong3huang1, and the cause of kong3ju4 is more specific. Kong3ju4 shows the feeling of internal, but kong3huang1 represents the feeling of helplessness.Key words: Kong3Ju4, Kong3Huang1, near-synonyms, corpus, semantic roles, frame theory, natural semantic metalanguage en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄謝辭 I摘要 IIIAbstract V目錄 VII表目錄 X圖目錄 XII第一章 緒論 11.1 研究動機與目的 11.2 研究問題 81.3 研究意義 8第二章 文獻回顧 92.1近義詞的相關研究 92.1.1 「近義詞」的定義 92.1.2 近義詞的相關研究方法 102.2 框架語義理論(Frame Semantics) 142.2.1 語義角色 182.2.2 譬喻 242.2.3 致使結構(Causation or Causality) 262.3 心理動詞 272.3.1 心理動詞的定義 272.3.2 心理動詞的研究方法 282.4 自然後設語義理論(Natural Semantic Metalanguage) 332.5 「恐」、「懼」及「荒」(慌)的綜述 362.5.1 「恐懼類」的心理動詞「恐」、「懼」及「巟」(慌)進行探討及釋義 362.5.2 「恐懼」與「恐慌」在心理學上的定義 392.6 動詞名物化或名詞 402.7小結 42第三章 研究方法 433.1 研究工具 433.2 研究範圍 453.3 研究步驟 46第四章 「恐懼」與「恐慌」語料分析 514.1 「恐懼」與「恐慌」的詞義 514.2 「恐懼」與「恐慌」的語料分佈 554.3 「恐懼」與「恐慌」的搭配分析 574.3.1 「恐懼」與「恐慌」為動詞名物化或名詞 574.3.2 名詞性「恐懼」與「恐慌」的結構解析 624.3.3 「恐懼」與「恐慌」為定語 654.4「恐懼」與「恐慌」為動詞時與其搭配的語義角色 674.5小結 70第五章 研究分析與討論 725.1 「恐懼」與「恐慌」為動詞 725.2 「恐懼」與「恐慌」的框架 765.3 「恐懼」與「恐慌」的整體概念 785.4 小結 82第六章 結論 846.1重要發現 846.2 研究限制 866.3 未來研究建議 86參考文獻 88表目錄表 1 1「恐懼」與「恐慌」詞頻 5表 1 2「恐懼」與「恐慌」的語義解釋 6表 2 1 House與Home成分分析表(Veronika, 2008:26) 11表 2 2為「將來」與「未來」的語義成分分析表(林羿伶2010:38) 12表 2 3商業交易框架(The Commercial Transaction Frame)的語義成分表 16表 2 4Fillmore語義格演變(Fillmore, 1971:35-56) 19表 2 5語義角色統整與解釋 20表 2 6MARVS的基本事件模組 29表 2 7心理動詞三大類與句法結構 31表 2 8 NSM語義元(Goddard,2010:462) 33表 2 9「恐懼類」心理動詞分類 37表 4 1「恐懼」與「恐慌」辭典詞義與網路資料 51表 4 2「恐懼」與「恐慌」語義整理 55表 4 3「恐懼」與「恐慌」在語料庫中的詞頻數百分比 56表 4 4「恐懼」與「恐慌」600筆語料分佈 57表 4 5搭配「恐懼」一起出現的動詞解釋與例句 58表 4 6搭配「恐慌」一起出現的動詞解釋 59表 4 7「恐懼」與「恐慌」動詞搭配詞頻 61表 4 8 名詞性「恐懼」的結構分析 63表 4 9 名詞性「恐慌」的結構分析 64表 4 10「恐懼」為定語時與其搭配賓語之解釋 65表 4 11「恐慌」為定語與其搭配賓語之釋義 66表 4 12「恐懼」與「恐慌」為修飾語的搭配詞 67表 4 13「恐懼」與「恐慌」的承蒙者(Affectee) 69表 5 1「恐懼」為動詞時搭配的語義角色與句法相對關係 72表 5 2「恐慌」為動詞時搭配的語義角色與句法相對關係 74表 5 3「恐慌」承蒙者(Affectee)的轉喻 75表 5 4「恐懼」框架 76表 5 5「恐慌」框架 77圖目錄圖 2 1 MARVS理論的事件模組 29 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1252956 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105555009 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 恐懼 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 恐慌 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 近義詞 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語料庫 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語義角色 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 框架語義理論 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自然後設語義 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Kong3Ju4 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Kong3Huang1 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Near-synonyms en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Corpus en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Semantic Roles en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Frame Theory en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Natural Semantic Metalanguage en_US dc.title (題名) 近義詞「恐懼」與「恐慌」之辨析——以語料庫為本 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Comparison of Mandarin Near-Synonyms Kong3Ju4(恐懼)and Kong3Huang1(恐慌)`Fear`:A Corpus-based Study en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻英文文獻(依姓名筆劃排序)Aristiya, Veronika Dewi. 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