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題名 行動通訊技術的動態競爭分析─以華為為例
The Patent Analysis of Mobile Communication Technology Standards–The Competitive Dynamics among Huawei, Qualcomm and Samsung
作者 王允中
Wang, Yun-Chung
貢獻者 許牧彥
Hsu, Mu-Yen
Wang, Yun-Chung
關鍵詞 行動通訊技術
Mobile Communication Technology
Standard Essential Patent
Competitive Dynamics
日期 2019
上傳時間 3-Aug-2020 18:35:45 (UTC+8)
摘要 行動通訊技術跨向5G通訊世代,許多廠商紛紛投入5G通訊標準的制定過程,並積極與各國合作布建商用網路。華為公司(Huawei)在這一波風潮中扮演不可忽視的角色,其5G設備為多家電信商的採購目標。華為公司的行動通訊技術擁有甚麼優勢,使其能在5G通訊世代搶先取得一席之地,為本研究關注的議題。因此,研究目的在於探討:華為公司與其他領導廠商於4G與5G通訊技術的發展歷程有哪些特點?
本研究以華為公司於標準制定組織中,所宣告之標準必要專利技術作為研究標的,並以同樣擁有大量專利的高通公司與三星公司(CyberCreative, 2013, 2019; Lin & Pao; 科睿唯安, 2018)為本研究共同探討的個案公司。標準必要專利符合創造競爭優勢之策略資源的特質(Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993),且每一代行動通訊系統的技術演進為連續可預測的(Kano, 2000; Pohlmann & Blind, 2016)。因此,由三家公司於4G和5G所宣告之必要專利就可以瞭解各公司的4G專利分布情形與5G技術發展重點,從而釐清三家公司競爭優勢的變遷。
本研究參考陳達仁與黃慕萱(2018)的專利分析流程,輔以動態競爭的觀點(Chen, 1996)來建立本研究之架構,並以Hsu & Chen ( 2006)提出的「資源相似性」與其延伸概念「變化趨勢一致性」來觀察競爭者之間的關係。從專利分析之趨勢分析、技術別數量分析、影響力分析以及競爭者分析等四個面向,取得以下四點研究發現:
1. 三星公司與華為公司於4G通訊世代陸續進場參與技術標準制定,與高通公司共同成為必要專利主要持有廠商,三方資源相似性逐漸上升,2018年來到高點。
2. 三家公司在技術標準框架之下,整體資源相似性皆達九成以上。各自技術不同的偏重表現顯示出高通與三星的資源相似性較高,而華為公司與高通、三星的資源相似性較低、且變化趨勢一致性也比較低。
3. 5G技術延續性的表現比4G明顯,不只高通公司自3G以來技術一脈相承,華為公司與三星公司進入5G時也表現出技術延續性的現象。而在5G非延續性技術的比率上,高通公司與三星公司新宣告專利低於兩成,而華為公司將近五成。這可能是因為華為公司屬於後進者,需要繞過先進廠商的專利佈局而在新領域開拓5G非延續性技術。大量新專利的宣告使華為公司成為5G必要專利的主要持有廠商之一。
4. 從4G到5G,華為公司專利數量已拉近與高通公司以及三星公司的差距,然其技術影響力仍較低。技術影響力以高通公司獨占領先地位,專利數量以三星公司最多。
Mobile communication technology has been moving toward the 5G. Many manufacturers participate in the development of 5G standards and actively cooperate with governments to build commercial network. Huawei plays an important role. Its 5G equipment is the procurement target of many telecom operators. What are the advantages of Huawei`s mobile communication technology? Thus, the purposes of the research are focus on: what are the characteristics of Huawei`s communication technologies in 4G and 5G?
The innovation between each generation of mobile communication systems is continuous and to a certain degree predictable (Kano, 2000; Pohlmann & Blind, 2016). Regarding standard essential patents (SEPs) as strategic resource that create competitive advantage(Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993), this paper studies on declared SEPs in 4G and 5G by the patent analysis among Huawei, Qualcomm and Samsung. Refer to the patent analysis process and the competitive dynamics, this paper observes the relationship among competitors from four aspects of patent analysis, and the following four research findings were obtained:
1. Huawei and Samsung break into the development of technical standards in 4G, and become main holders of SEPs together with Qualcomm. The resource similarity of the three parties gradually increases, and reaches a high point in 2018.
2. Under the framework of technical standards, the three parties have a total resource similarity over 90%. The different performances of the respective technologies show that Qualcomm and Samsung have a higher resource similarity, while Huawei has a lower resource similarity with Qualcomm and Samsung.
3. Samsung maintains its position as a main holder of 5G SEPs by declaring patents that has a high percentage from 4G SEPs, while Huawei declares a large number of new patents in 5G.
4. Huawei has narrowed the gap with Qualcomm and Samsung, but its impact is still low. Qualcomm has powerful patents, while Samsung has the largest number of patents among the three parties in 5G.
Huawei, Qualcomm and Samsung are the technology leaders of the 4G and 5G. Qualcomm continues to maintain its top technology impact. Huawei and Samsung represent the rise of Asia`s power. Samsung`s patents are far ahead of Qualcomm. Although Huawei has not yet developed an absolute advantage, it has narrowed the gap between Qualcomm and Samsung. This paper incorporates the perspective of competitive dynamics into the patent analysis process. The “Resource Similarity” indicates the differences between firms developing in the technology fields. From the changes in the patents of each firm in various technology fields, we can find the “Trend Consistency”. This method of patent analysis provides a new perspective on the development of the technology field.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許牧彥zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu, Mu-Yenen_US (Authors) 王允中zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Yun-Chungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王允中zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Yun-Chungen_US (日期) 2019en_US 3-Aug-2020 18:35:45 (UTC+8)- 3-Aug-2020 18:35:45 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Aug-2020 18:35:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106364103en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106364103zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 行動通訊技術跨向5G通訊世代,許多廠商紛紛投入5G通訊標準的制定過程,並積極與各國合作布建商用網路。華為公司(Huawei)在這一波風潮中扮演不可忽視的角色,其5G設備為多家電信商的採購目標。華為公司的行動通訊技術擁有甚麼優勢,使其能在5G通訊世代搶先取得一席之地,為本研究關注的議題。因此,研究目的在於探討:華為公司與其他領導廠商於4G與5G通訊技術的發展歷程有哪些特點?
本研究以華為公司於標準制定組織中,所宣告之標準必要專利技術作為研究標的,並以同樣擁有大量專利的高通公司與三星公司(CyberCreative, 2013, 2019; Lin & Pao; 科睿唯安, 2018)為本研究共同探討的個案公司。標準必要專利符合創造競爭優勢之策略資源的特質(Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993),且每一代行動通訊系統的技術演進為連續可預測的(Kano, 2000; Pohlmann & Blind, 2016)。因此,由三家公司於4G和5G所宣告之必要專利就可以瞭解各公司的4G專利分布情形與5G技術發展重點,從而釐清三家公司競爭優勢的變遷。
本研究參考陳達仁與黃慕萱(2018)的專利分析流程,輔以動態競爭的觀點(Chen, 1996)來建立本研究之架構,並以Hsu & Chen ( 2006)提出的「資源相似性」與其延伸概念「變化趨勢一致性」來觀察競爭者之間的關係。從專利分析之趨勢分析、技術別數量分析、影響力分析以及競爭者分析等四個面向,取得以下四點研究發現:
1. 三星公司與華為公司於4G通訊世代陸續進場參與技術標準制定,與高通公司共同成為必要專利主要持有廠商,三方資源相似性逐漸上升,2018年來到高點。
2. 三家公司在技術標準框架之下,整體資源相似性皆達九成以上。各自技術不同的偏重表現顯示出高通與三星的資源相似性較高,而華為公司與高通、三星的資源相似性較低、且變化趨勢一致性也比較低。
3. 5G技術延續性的表現比4G明顯,不只高通公司自3G以來技術一脈相承,華為公司與三星公司進入5G時也表現出技術延續性的現象。而在5G非延續性技術的比率上,高通公司與三星公司新宣告專利低於兩成,而華為公司將近五成。這可能是因為華為公司屬於後進者,需要繞過先進廠商的專利佈局而在新領域開拓5G非延續性技術。大量新專利的宣告使華為公司成為5G必要專利的主要持有廠商之一。
4. 從4G到5G,華為公司專利數量已拉近與高通公司以及三星公司的差距,然其技術影響力仍較低。技術影響力以高通公司獨占領先地位,專利數量以三星公司最多。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mobile communication technology has been moving toward the 5G. Many manufacturers participate in the development of 5G standards and actively cooperate with governments to build commercial network. Huawei plays an important role. Its 5G equipment is the procurement target of many telecom operators. What are the advantages of Huawei`s mobile communication technology? Thus, the purposes of the research are focus on: what are the characteristics of Huawei`s communication technologies in 4G and 5G?
The innovation between each generation of mobile communication systems is continuous and to a certain degree predictable (Kano, 2000; Pohlmann & Blind, 2016). Regarding standard essential patents (SEPs) as strategic resource that create competitive advantage(Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993), this paper studies on declared SEPs in 4G and 5G by the patent analysis among Huawei, Qualcomm and Samsung. Refer to the patent analysis process and the competitive dynamics, this paper observes the relationship among competitors from four aspects of patent analysis, and the following four research findings were obtained:
1. Huawei and Samsung break into the development of technical standards in 4G, and become main holders of SEPs together with Qualcomm. The resource similarity of the three parties gradually increases, and reaches a high point in 2018.
2. Under the framework of technical standards, the three parties have a total resource similarity over 90%. The different performances of the respective technologies show that Qualcomm and Samsung have a higher resource similarity, while Huawei has a lower resource similarity with Qualcomm and Samsung.
3. Samsung maintains its position as a main holder of 5G SEPs by declaring patents that has a high percentage from 4G SEPs, while Huawei declares a large number of new patents in 5G.
4. Huawei has narrowed the gap with Qualcomm and Samsung, but its impact is still low. Qualcomm has powerful patents, while Samsung has the largest number of patents among the three parties in 5G.
Huawei, Qualcomm and Samsung are the technology leaders of the 4G and 5G. Qualcomm continues to maintain its top technology impact. Huawei and Samsung represent the rise of Asia`s power. Samsung`s patents are far ahead of Qualcomm. Although Huawei has not yet developed an absolute advantage, it has narrowed the gap between Qualcomm and Samsung. This paper incorporates the perspective of competitive dynamics into the patent analysis process. The “Resource Similarity” indicates the differences between firms developing in the technology fields. From the changes in the patents of each firm in various technology fields, we can find the “Trend Consistency”. This method of patent analysis provides a new perspective on the development of the technology field.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與目的 1
第二節 研究定位與問題 4
第三節 研究內容與流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 行動通訊技術之發展歷程與現況 7
第二節 資源基礎的競爭者與資源相似性 14
第三節 專利分析 15
第四節 研究缺口 18
第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 資料蒐集方法 26
第三節 變數定義 27
第四章 研究分析 29
第一節 4G:行動通訊技術當前局勢 29
第二節 5G:下一代行動通訊技術的趨勢 54
第三節 研究發現 67
第五章 結論與建議 73
第一節 研究貢獻 73
第二節 研究限制 74
第三節 研究建議 74
參考資料 75
dc.format.extent 4474623 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動通訊技術zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 標準必要專利zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 動態競爭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mobile Communication Technologyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Standard Essential Patenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Competitive Dynamicsen_US
dc.title (題名) 行動通訊技術的動態競爭分析─以華為為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Patent Analysis of Mobile Communication Technology Standards–The Competitive Dynamics among Huawei, Qualcomm and Samsungen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Archibugi, D., & Planta, M. (1996). Measuring technological change through patents and innovation surveys. Technovation, 16(9), 451-519.
Barney, J. B. (1986). Strategic factor markets: Expectations, luck, and business strategy. Management science, 32(10), 1231-1241.
Barney, J. B. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of management, 17(1), 99-120.
Campbell, K., Diffley, J., Flanagan, B., Morell, B., O`Nell, B., & Sideco, F. (2017). The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the Global Economy.
Casaccia, L. Live from San Diego, 3GPP sets out to expand 5G into new industries. Retrieved July 19 2019, from
Casaccia, L. (
). Understanding 3GPP – starting with the basics. Retrieved July 19 2019, from
Chen, M.-J. (1996). Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration. Academy of management review, 21(1), 100-134.
Collis, D. J. (1991). A resource‐based analysis of global competition: the case of the bearings industry. Strategic management journal, 12(S1), 49-68.
Conner, K. R. (1994). The resource-based challenge to the industry-structure perspective. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Proceedings.
CyberCreative. (2013). Evaluation of LTE essential patents declared to ETSI.
CyberCreative. (2019). Investigation report on candidates for 5G standard essential patents (5G-SEP) and standardization contributions.
Dierickx, I., & Cool, K. (1989). Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of competitive advantage. Management science, 35(12), 1504-1511.
Ernst, H. (1998). Industrial research as a source of important patents. Research policy, 27(1), 1-15.
Gawas, A. (2015). An overview on evolution of mobile wireless communication networks: 1G-6G. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(5), 3130-3133.
Ghemavat, P. (1991). Commitment: The Dynamics of Strategy: New York: Free Press Essentials for Alliance Formation.
Goodman, D. J., & Myers, R. A. (2005). 3G cellular standards and patents. Paper presented at the 2005 International conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing.
GSA. LTE Subscriptions Growth Update – June 2019. Retrieved July 19 2019, from
Gupta, P. (2013). Evolvement of mobile generations: 1G to 5G. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering, 1, 152-157.
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202001044en_US