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題名 在虛實之間理解博物館媒介化的一種可能-線上蒐藏的展示敘事分析
Probing the mediaization process of museums combining concepts of the virtual and the real world- A narrative analysis of the display of online collections作者 黃星達
Huang, Sing-Da貢獻者 孫秀蕙
Sun, Hsiu-Hui
Huang, Sing-Da關鍵詞 博物館
Mediatization日期 2020 上傳時間 3-Aug-2020 18:49:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 媒介與社會的變遷影響博物館發展樣貌,2020年新冠狀病毒疫情加速博物館線上展示推動,博物館的定義與價值更面臨再思與再探。本研究聚焦媒介與敘事面向作為博物館探討基礎,以國立自然科學博物館線上蒐藏庫為案例,透過內容分析與深度訪談,在虛實間的博物館敘事與觀者觀看中,企圖釐清蒐藏、展示、敘事者與當代社會的關係,回應博物館定位探討。結論收束於保存與傳播、以物為中心與以人為中心、從媒介化到制度化等三面向:博物館媒介化是保存與傳播之間彼此對應的動態過程,並依著媒介特性發展出敘事型態;博物館媒介化使得虛實界線看似模糊實則明確,博物館以人為主體,也同時隱含著知識權力的以物為主體;博物館從保存過去更走向與未來對話的傳播角色,扣連著擴展、取代、融合與接納,其經歷向度的順序與比例端看博物館做法。
Rapid changes of media in modern society has affected the forms of museum exhibitions. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 prompts museum workers to speed up the planning of online exhibitions. Now, museum researchers and practitioners both face challenges of re-definitions of museums. Whether museums should allocate more sources to virtual or online display is a hotly-debated issue.This research adopts theories of mediatization and narration to analyze the online collections organized by National Museum of Natural Science. Through content analysis and in-depth interviews, the present study attempts to clarify the relationships among collection, display and the narrator in a context of contemporary society where the real and virtual exhibitions co-exist.According to the analysis, the mediatization of the museum can be viewed as a dynamic process between preservation and communication of the collected items. Narrative patterns or stories derived from these items for display are developed alone with features of medium by the museum curators. Moreover, the mediaization of the museum makes the boundary between the virtual and the real seemingly blur, but actually their difference is clear cut. It is predictable that museums in the future will pay more attention to facilitate the communication between the curator and the museum goers by taking narrative strategies into consideration both in virtual and real exhibitions.參考文獻 Asp, K. (1990). Mediatization,"media and mediarchy, " NordicomReview,vol.11,no.2,48.Babbie E.(2013). 社會科學研究方法(林秀雲譯)‧臺北市:新加坡商聖智學習。(原著出版年:2013)Bauer, M. W. (2000). Classical content analysis: A review. In M. W.Bauer &G. Gaskell(Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image, and sound: A practical handbook (pp. 131-151). London, England: Sage.Bennett, T. (1995). The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics. London:Routledge.Berger, P. L. & Luckman, T.(1967) . 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105463504資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 孫秀蕙 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Sun, Hsiu-Hui en_US (Authors) 黃星達 zh_TW (Authors) Huang, Sing-Da en_US dc.creator (作者) 黃星達 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Huang, Sing-Da en_US (日期) 2020 en_US 3-Aug-2020 18:49:47 (UTC+8) - 3-Aug-2020 18:49:47 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 3-Aug-2020 18:49:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105463504 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 傳播學院博士班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105463504 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 媒介與社會的變遷影響博物館發展樣貌,2020年新冠狀病毒疫情加速博物館線上展示推動,博物館的定義與價值更面臨再思與再探。本研究聚焦媒介與敘事面向作為博物館探討基礎,以國立自然科學博物館線上蒐藏庫為案例,透過內容分析與深度訪談,在虛實間的博物館敘事與觀者觀看中,企圖釐清蒐藏、展示、敘事者與當代社會的關係,回應博物館定位探討。結論收束於保存與傳播、以物為中心與以人為中心、從媒介化到制度化等三面向:博物館媒介化是保存與傳播之間彼此對應的動態過程,並依著媒介特性發展出敘事型態;博物館媒介化使得虛實界線看似模糊實則明確,博物館以人為主體,也同時隱含著知識權力的以物為主體;博物館從保存過去更走向與未來對話的傳播角色,扣連著擴展、取代、融合與接納,其經歷向度的順序與比例端看博物館做法。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Rapid changes of media in modern society has affected the forms of museum exhibitions. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 prompts museum workers to speed up the planning of online exhibitions. Now, museum researchers and practitioners both face challenges of re-definitions of museums. Whether museums should allocate more sources to virtual or online display is a hotly-debated issue.This research adopts theories of mediatization and narration to analyze the online collections organized by National Museum of Natural Science. Through content analysis and in-depth interviews, the present study attempts to clarify the relationships among collection, display and the narrator in a context of contemporary society where the real and virtual exhibitions co-exist.According to the analysis, the mediatization of the museum can be viewed as a dynamic process between preservation and communication of the collected items. Narrative patterns or stories derived from these items for display are developed alone with features of medium by the museum curators. Moreover, the mediaization of the museum makes the boundary between the virtual and the real seemingly blur, but actually their difference is clear cut. It is predictable that museums in the future will pay more attention to facilitate the communication between the curator and the museum goers by taking narrative strategies into consideration both in virtual and real exhibitions. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目 次第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景 1第二節 研究動機 7第三節 研究目的 11第四節 問題意識與範疇界定 11第五節 研究限制 13第二章 文獻探討 15第一節 展示敘事探討 15第二節 展示數位化 21第三節 從媒介到媒介化 29第三章 研究案例與方法 38第一節 研究案例說明 38第二節 博物館展示敘事的界定與再釐清 43第三節 研究方法說明 45第四章 線上蒐藏庫展示敘事分析 51第一節 展示時間與主題分析 51第二節 展示敘事方式分析 58第三節 物件定位分析 72第四節 敘事分析小結 81第五章 博物館媒介化探討 85第一節 從敘事特質理解博物館與觀者所處位置 85第二節 科博館媒介化:一個新場域的形成 98第三節 再探博物館當代定位 113第六章 結論與建議 128第一節 結論 128第二節 建議與反思 133參考文獻 137附錄 145表次表1 數位學習與博物館數位學習五大面向對照 25表2 Schulz提出媒介化影響人類傳播行為的四個面向 34表3 訪談資訊整理 49表4 時間與主題列表 52表5 主題與敘事方式列表 58表6 影片與主題列表 67表7 物件定位與主題列表 73表8 敘事方式與物件定位 77表9 博物館數位學習五大面向與線上蒐藏庫學習對照 89表10 從Schulz提出媒介化四面向對應線上蒐藏庫之思考 104圖次圖1 研究範疇概念圖 8圖2 研究方法圖 46圖3 博物館媒介化樣貌 112 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1006280 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 博物館 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敘事 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 媒介化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Museum en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Narrative en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mediatization en_US dc.title (題名) 在虛實之間理解博物館媒介化的一種可能-線上蒐藏的展示敘事分析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Probing the mediaization process of museums combining concepts of the virtual and the real world- A narrative analysis of the display of online collections en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Asp, K. 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