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題名 AR APP 使用體驗對購買意願的影響:產品知覺價值之探討
The Effect of AR APP User Experience on Purchase Intention: The Study of Perceived Value of Products作者 張玉聖
Chang, Yu-Sheng貢獻者 洪為璽
Hung, Wei-Hsi
Chang, Yu-Sheng關鍵詞 汽車
perceived value
intention of purchase日期 2020 上傳時間 2-Sep-2020 13:17:11 (UTC+8) 摘要 台灣汽車市場隨著政府的補貼政策與關稅政策等影響,加上國外汽車大廠以規模經濟的競爭策略拓展全球市場,使台灣的進口車掛牌比例自2008年逐年升高,而知名國際車廠為了更有效經營台灣市場,前後在台灣設立分公司,顯示台灣已成為汽車大廠之兵家必爭之地。而汽車產品為高價耐久財,故消費者均偏好實際進入汽車展示間,體驗、試乘過後目標車款後才決定是否購買,而為了突破空間限制,Volkswagen利用擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)的科技結合移動裝置APP,讓消費者能夠在不受空間的限制下體驗汽車產品,作為一種電子化行銷的管道。本研究透過PLS-SEM偏最小平方結構方程模組,分析消費者對於AR APP的使用體驗、產品知覺價值以及購買意願之間的關係,試圖分析消費者在接觸此種新型商業模式後,對於商品所產生之產品知覺價值以及購買意願的影響,並提供汽車廠商作為改善此APP功能的方向,以及制定未來執行電子行銷策略方向與目標。本研究結果發現如下:(1) 使用者對於此賞車APP之使用者體驗與消費者對汽車產品產生之知覺價值有正向關係。(2) 消費者對於汽車產品的產品社會價值與購買意願存在正向關係。(3) 消費者對於產品功能價值(價格)與產品購買意願有正相關性。顯示消費者對於傳統汽車消費之商業模式與電子商務的結合是具有潛力的,此研究結果可提供給汽車廠商未來數位行銷策略方向。
With the influence of government subsidy policy and tariff policy in Taiwan’s auto market, and the foreign automakers enter Taiwan’s market with the strategy of economies of scale, the selling of Taiwan’s imported car has increased year by year. In order to manage the Taiwan market more effectively, these auto manufacturers have set their branches in Taiwan, which shows that Taiwan has become an important market for global auto markets.Automobile products are high-priced and durable goods, so consumers prefer to actually enter the car showroom. They decide whether to buy the target car model after experiencing it. In order to break through the space restrictions, Volkswagen combined Augmented Reality (AR) with mobile device APP, allowing consumers to experience automotive products without space constraints, and make it as a channel for electronic marketing.This study use PLS-SEM model to analyze the relationship between consumers` experience of AR APP, product perceived value and purchase intention. This study attempts to analyze the impact of consumers` exposure to this new business model on the perceived value of products and their willingness to purchase, in order to provide car manufacturers as a direction to improve the function of this APP, as well as to set a specific goal for electronic marketing strategies.The results of this study found the following results: (1) The user`s user experience of this car appreciation APP is positively related to the consumer`s perceived value of car products. (2) Consumers have a positive relationship between the social perceived value of their products and purchase intentions. (3) Consumers have a positive correlation between product function value (price) and product purchase intention. It shows that consumers can accept the combination of the traditional business model for automobile consumption with e-commerce. The results of this research can provide auto manufacturers with future digital marketing strategies.Keywords: automotive, AR, e-commerce, perceived value, intention of purchase參考文獻 中文部分1. 行政院主計總處(2017)。每人每月可支配所得平均數,取自行政院主計總處家庭收支調查統計表: 吳鴻(2002)。擴增實境︰虛擬與實境的無限延伸,科學人雜誌,上網日期2020年8月16日,檢自: 李政忠(2004)。網路調查所面臨的問題與解決建議。資訊社會研究, 6, 1-24.4. 李樂山(2007)。設計調查。北京市:中國建築工業出版社。5. 林怡君, 陳冠佑, 張書飄, 翁偉玲, 李孟娟, 林俐君, 唐克源. (2012)。互動式虛擬實境 3D 遊戲-以行動裝置結合為例。資訊傳播學報, (2012), 33-39.6. 許士軍(1987)。「管理學」。臺北市:東華書局。7. 陳信榮(2014)。日圓貶值 馬自達將從組裝轉型純進口,上網日期2020年8月16日,檢自: 陳建和, 呂新發, 吳世光. 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107363081資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 洪為璽 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Hung, Wei-Hsi en_US (Authors) 張玉聖 zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Yu-Sheng en_US dc.creator (作者) 張玉聖 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chang, Yu-Sheng en_US (日期) 2020 en_US 2-Sep-2020 13:17:11 (UTC+8) - 2-Sep-2020 13:17:11 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Sep-2020 13:17:11 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107363081 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 107363081 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 台灣汽車市場隨著政府的補貼政策與關稅政策等影響,加上國外汽車大廠以規模經濟的競爭策略拓展全球市場,使台灣的進口車掛牌比例自2008年逐年升高,而知名國際車廠為了更有效經營台灣市場,前後在台灣設立分公司,顯示台灣已成為汽車大廠之兵家必爭之地。而汽車產品為高價耐久財,故消費者均偏好實際進入汽車展示間,體驗、試乘過後目標車款後才決定是否購買,而為了突破空間限制,Volkswagen利用擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)的科技結合移動裝置APP,讓消費者能夠在不受空間的限制下體驗汽車產品,作為一種電子化行銷的管道。本研究透過PLS-SEM偏最小平方結構方程模組,分析消費者對於AR APP的使用體驗、產品知覺價值以及購買意願之間的關係,試圖分析消費者在接觸此種新型商業模式後,對於商品所產生之產品知覺價值以及購買意願的影響,並提供汽車廠商作為改善此APP功能的方向,以及制定未來執行電子行銷策略方向與目標。本研究結果發現如下:(1) 使用者對於此賞車APP之使用者體驗與消費者對汽車產品產生之知覺價值有正向關係。(2) 消費者對於汽車產品的產品社會價值與購買意願存在正向關係。(3) 消費者對於產品功能價值(價格)與產品購買意願有正相關性。顯示消費者對於傳統汽車消費之商業模式與電子商務的結合是具有潛力的,此研究結果可提供給汽車廠商未來數位行銷策略方向。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the influence of government subsidy policy and tariff policy in Taiwan’s auto market, and the foreign automakers enter Taiwan’s market with the strategy of economies of scale, the selling of Taiwan’s imported car has increased year by year. In order to manage the Taiwan market more effectively, these auto manufacturers have set their branches in Taiwan, which shows that Taiwan has become an important market for global auto markets.Automobile products are high-priced and durable goods, so consumers prefer to actually enter the car showroom. They decide whether to buy the target car model after experiencing it. In order to break through the space restrictions, Volkswagen combined Augmented Reality (AR) with mobile device APP, allowing consumers to experience automotive products without space constraints, and make it as a channel for electronic marketing.This study use PLS-SEM model to analyze the relationship between consumers` experience of AR APP, product perceived value and purchase intention. This study attempts to analyze the impact of consumers` exposure to this new business model on the perceived value of products and their willingness to purchase, in order to provide car manufacturers as a direction to improve the function of this APP, as well as to set a specific goal for electronic marketing strategies.The results of this study found the following results: (1) The user`s user experience of this car appreciation APP is positively related to the consumer`s perceived value of car products. (2) Consumers have a positive relationship between the social perceived value of their products and purchase intentions. (3) Consumers have a positive correlation between product function value (price) and product purchase intention. It shows that consumers can accept the combination of the traditional business model for automobile consumption with e-commerce. The results of this research can provide auto manufacturers with future digital marketing strategies.Keywords: automotive, AR, e-commerce, perceived value, intention of purchase en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 誌 謝 I摘 要 II目 次 IV表目錄 VI圖目錄 VIII第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的 3第三節 研究流程 4第二章 文獻探討 5第一節 台灣汽車市場消費概況 5第二節 擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR) 10第三節 QVB 模型 13第四節 使用者介面與使用者經驗 15第五節 O2O 商業模式與產品知覺價值 18第六節 購買意願 19第三章 研究設計與方法 22第一節 推論研究假說 22第二節 研究流程 25第三節 研究對象與問卷設計 25第四節 研究工具與分析方法 34第四章 分析結果 36第一節 人口資料敘述性統計 36第二節 APP體驗、知覺價值與購買意願的分布 39第三節 信度與效度檢定 43第四節 基本假設檢定 47第五節 PLS-SEM 偏最小平方結構方程模組分析法 51第六節 假說檢驗與結果分析 54第七節 結果與討論 57第五章 研究結論與建議 61第一節 研究結論 61第二節 研究貢獻 63第三節 研究限制 64參考文獻 66附錄一 問卷 76 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 汽車 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) AR zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子商務 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 知覺價值 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 購買意願 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) automotive en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) AR en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) e-commerce en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) perceived value en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) intention of purchase en_US dc.title (題名) AR APP 使用體驗對購買意願的影響:產品知覺價值之探討 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Effect of AR APP User Experience on Purchase Intention: The Study of Perceived Value of Products en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分1. 行政院主計總處(2017)。每人每月可支配所得平均數,取自行政院主計總處家庭收支調查統計表: 吳鴻(2002)。擴增實境︰虛擬與實境的無限延伸,科學人雜誌,上網日期2020年8月16日,檢自: 李政忠(2004)。網路調查所面臨的問題與解決建議。資訊社會研究, 6, 1-24.4. 李樂山(2007)。設計調查。北京市:中國建築工業出版社。5. 林怡君, 陳冠佑, 張書飄, 翁偉玲, 李孟娟, 林俐君, 唐克源. 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