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The Initial Period of the Chinese Communist Party`s Rule of Xingjiang and its Relations with the Ethnic-minority Elites (1949-1952)
Jun Kumakura
Key Words新疆  ;  少数民族  ;  王震  ;  習仲勲  ;  セイフディン 
新疆  ;  少數民族  ;  王震  ;  習仲勳  ;  賽福鼎
Xingjing  ;  ethnic-minority  ;  Wang Zhen  ;  Xi Zhongxun  ;  Saifuddin Azizi
Date Issued17-Nov-2020 10:51:46 (UTC+8)
In recent years, the fundamental and systematic contradiction caused by the Chinese Communist Party`s ruling of Xingjiang has become a focus of the global society`s attention. However, it`s a pity that there are very few empirical analyses based on historical data on how the Chinese Communist Party ruled Xingjing, particularly the initial incorporation of the local ethnic-minorities into its governance system. Since the establishment of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in December 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has brought in the local elites into the new government. As the Xinjiang Branch of the CCP Central Committee restructured in June 1952, the high ranking CCP officials increased the number of positions for the ethnic-minority elites. The leading power behind this implementation was Xi Zhongxun, the Second Secretary of the Northwest Political and Military Affairs Bureau. Xi Zhongxun`s moderate policies led to a new wave of recruitment of the ethnic-minority elites at the same time. This article will explore how the Chinese Communist Party assimilated the elites of the ethnic-minority at the early stage of its rule in Xingjing (1949-1952).
Relation問題と研究, 48(4), 99-133
dc.contributor 問題と研究-
dc.creator (作者) 熊倉潤-
dc.creator (作者) Jun Kumakura- (日期) 2019-12- 17-Nov-2020 10:51:46 (UTC+8)- 17-Nov-2020 10:51:46 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Nov-2020 10:51:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 現在、中共の新疆統治がもたらした構造的、本質的な矛盾が、いよいよ国際社会の関心の的となっている。しかし遺憾なのは、中共の新疆統治、つまり現地の少数民族を組み込んだ統治体制がいかにして始まったのかについて、歴史資料に基づいた実証的な分析は数少ないことである。1949年12月の新疆省人民政府成立以来、中共は新政府に現地の少数民族エリートを引き入れ、1952年6月の中共中央新疆分局の改組に伴い、中共党組織の上層部においても少数民族エリートの起用が拡大した。その背後には、当時、中共中央西北局第二書記であった習仲勲が指導的役割を果たしていた。習仲勲が指導した政策の穏健化は、少数民族エリートの更なる起用につながった。本稿では、中共が新疆統治の黎明期(1949-52年)に、少数民族エリートをいかに吸収したかについて考察する。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近來,中國共產黨在新疆統治所造成的結構性和根本性矛盾終成為國際社會主要關注的焦點。然而,較為可惜的是,有關中國共產黨在新疆的統治,即納入當地少數民族的治理體制是如何開始的?根據歷史資料之實證性分析的這類文章僅有少數。自1949年12月新疆省人民政府成立以來,中國共產黨將當地的少數民族菁英引進納入新政府。而隨著1952年6月中共中央新疆分局的改組,在中共黨組織高層也擴大任用少數民族菁英。在這背後則是當時中國共產黨中央西北局第二書記習仲勳發揮了領導作用。由習仲勳領導的政策帶來穩定發展,更同時帶動了新一波少數民族菁英的招攬。本文聚焦探討中國共產黨在統治新疆初期(1949-52年)吸收少數民族菁英的政策作為。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, the fundamental and systematic contradiction caused by the Chinese Communist Party`s ruling of Xingjiang has become a focus of the global society`s attention. However, it`s a pity that there are very few empirical analyses based on historical data on how the Chinese Communist Party ruled Xingjing, particularly the initial incorporation of the local ethnic-minorities into its governance system. Since the establishment of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in December 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has brought in the local elites into the new government. As the Xinjiang Branch of the CCP Central Committee restructured in June 1952, the high ranking CCP officials increased the number of positions for the ethnic-minority elites. The leading power behind this implementation was Xi Zhongxun, the Second Secretary of the Northwest Political and Military Affairs Bureau. Xi Zhongxun`s moderate policies led to a new wave of recruitment of the ethnic-minority elites at the same time. This article will explore how the Chinese Communist Party assimilated the elites of the ethnic-minority at the early stage of its rule in Xingjing (1949-1952).-
dc.format.extent 1370321 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 問題と研究, 48(4), 99-133-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新疆  ;  少数民族  ;  王震  ;  習仲勲  ;  セイフディン -
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新疆  ;  少數民族  ;  王震  ;  習仲勳  ;  賽福鼎-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Xingjing  ;  ethnic-minority  ;  Wang Zhen  ;  Xi Zhongxun  ;  Saifuddin Azizi-
dc.title (題名) 中国共産党の新疆統治の始まりと少数民族エリート(1949-52年)-
dc.title (題名) 中國共產黨統治新疆初期與少數民族菁英的關係(1949-52年)-
dc.title (題名) The Initial Period of the Chinese Communist Party`s Rule of Xingjiang and its Relations with the Ethnic-minority Elites (1949-1952)-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30391/ISJ.201912_48(4).0004-
dc.doi.uri (DOI)