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題名 閩南客家地區的道教儀式:三朝醮個案
Taoist Rituals of the Minnan/Hakka Area: A Case Study of a Three-Day Jiao
作者 林振源
Lin, Chen-Yuan
貢獻者 華宗研
關鍵詞 閩南客家地區;道教儀式;醮;臺灣北部「正一派」;道法二門
Minnan/Hakka area  ; Taoist rituals  ;  jiao  ;  Zhengyi Taoists of northern Taiwan ;  Taoism and exorcism
日期 2007
上傳時間 25-Jan-2021 14:26:10 (UTC+8)
摘要 閩南客家地區未臺灣北部道教「正一派」(道法二門)傳統的原鄉,該傳統於距今約二百年前傳入。勞格文(John Lagerway)的研究成果指出:現今我們在臺灣北部所見到的道教醮儀,很可能是1820年由林厝派(臺灣北部道教傳統的二大派系之一)的祖先從南陂(詔安)傳進臺灣的(1990)。筆者在其研究基礎上,自2000年起在詔安及鄰近(與臺灣北部道教傳統源頭相關)的饒平 ; 南靖與平和等縣的閩 ; 客混居地區進行實地調查。主要目的是想藉由儀式的比較,進一步討論臺灣北部道 ; 法儀式傳統的源流與界線,以及道教儀式傳統在閩 ; 臺二第的傳承與變革問題。比較研究的重心為最大型的道教儀式:醮。本文即緣於上述背景所記錄的醮儀個案之一。透過全程的參與觀察並配合科儀本的分析與道士的解釋,首次完整的呈現一場由該區道士主持的「三朝醮」個案。描述重點為道士的科儀主體部分。此外也藉由論述閩南客家地區道教概況,扼要說明臺灣北部道 ; 法儀式傳統可能的源流與界線。
The Hakka area of southern Fujian (Minnan/Hakka area hereafter) is the place of origin of the northern Taiwan Taoist tradition, which arrived in Taiwan nearly two hundred years ago. According to John Lagerwey`s research, it may well have been introduced here around 1820 by the ancestors of the Lin clan of Nanbi from Zhao`an County. Working on the basis of Lagerwey`s research, the author undertakes an in-depth field investigation of Zhao`an and the neighboring counties of Raoping, Nanjing, and Pinghe, all of which are mixed Minnan/Hakka areas and linked to the origins of the northern Taiwan Taoist tradition. Through comparison of various ritual traditions, this study intends to deepen our understanding of such Taoist origins and to discuss their transformations in the Minnan area and Taiwan. The present article is a case study of a three-day jiao (Taoist ritual), in which the author participated from beginning to end. It gives a thorough description of the entire ritual process, provides ritual scripts and Taoists` explanations, and places special emphasis on the important procedures. With an overall survey of Taoism in the region, the author also attempts to illustrate the demarcation between schools of Taoist ritual tradition of northern Taiwan and their possible origins.
關聯 民俗曲藝, No.158, pp.197-253
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 華宗研
dc.creator (作者) 林振源
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Chen-Yuan (日期) 2007 25-Jan-2021 14:26:10 (UTC+8)- 25-Jan-2021 14:26:10 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 25-Jan-2021 14:26:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 閩南客家地區未臺灣北部道教「正一派」(道法二門)傳統的原鄉,該傳統於距今約二百年前傳入。勞格文(John Lagerway)的研究成果指出:現今我們在臺灣北部所見到的道教醮儀,很可能是1820年由林厝派(臺灣北部道教傳統的二大派系之一)的祖先從南陂(詔安)傳進臺灣的(1990)。筆者在其研究基礎上,自2000年起在詔安及鄰近(與臺灣北部道教傳統源頭相關)的饒平 ; 南靖與平和等縣的閩 ; 客混居地區進行實地調查。主要目的是想藉由儀式的比較,進一步討論臺灣北部道 ; 法儀式傳統的源流與界線,以及道教儀式傳統在閩 ; 臺二第的傳承與變革問題。比較研究的重心為最大型的道教儀式:醮。本文即緣於上述背景所記錄的醮儀個案之一。透過全程的參與觀察並配合科儀本的分析與道士的解釋,首次完整的呈現一場由該區道士主持的「三朝醮」個案。描述重點為道士的科儀主體部分。此外也藉由論述閩南客家地區道教概況,扼要說明臺灣北部道 ; 法儀式傳統可能的源流與界線。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Hakka area of southern Fujian (Minnan/Hakka area hereafter) is the place of origin of the northern Taiwan Taoist tradition, which arrived in Taiwan nearly two hundred years ago. According to John Lagerwey`s research, it may well have been introduced here around 1820 by the ancestors of the Lin clan of Nanbi from Zhao`an County. Working on the basis of Lagerwey`s research, the author undertakes an in-depth field investigation of Zhao`an and the neighboring counties of Raoping, Nanjing, and Pinghe, all of which are mixed Minnan/Hakka areas and linked to the origins of the northern Taiwan Taoist tradition. Through comparison of various ritual traditions, this study intends to deepen our understanding of such Taoist origins and to discuss their transformations in the Minnan area and Taiwan. The present article is a case study of a three-day jiao (Taoist ritual), in which the author participated from beginning to end. It gives a thorough description of the entire ritual process, provides ritual scripts and Taoists` explanations, and places special emphasis on the important procedures. With an overall survey of Taoism in the region, the author also attempts to illustrate the demarcation between schools of Taoist ritual tradition of northern Taiwan and their possible origins.
dc.format.extent 2569611 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 民俗曲藝, No.158, pp.197-253
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 閩南客家地區;道教儀式;醮;臺灣北部「正一派」;道法二門
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Minnan/Hakka area  ; Taoist rituals  ;  jiao  ;  Zhengyi Taoists of northern Taiwan ;  Taoism and exorcism
dc.title (題名) 閩南客家地區的道教儀式:三朝醮個案
dc.title (題名) Taoist Rituals of the Minnan/Hakka Area: A Case Study of a Three-Day Jiao
dc.type (資料類型) article