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題名 客語三字格固定語式:形式及語意之探究
Hakka Trisyllabic Fixed Expressions: Forms and Meanings
作者 林彥伊
Lin, Yan-Yi
貢獻者 賴惠玲
Lai, Huei-Ling
Lin, Yan-Yi
關鍵詞 音節組合
Syllable combination
Internal structure
Semantic compositionality
Conceptual metaphor
Conceptual metonymy
日期 2021
上傳時間 1-四月-2021 11:20:28 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究以客語三字格固定語式為研究對象,試圖探究形式上音節組合、內部結構與語意上語意組合性,此三項標準在分類上的分布情形,而後再將前述完成分類的結果經由交互比對來考察形式中音節組合與內部結構、形式上音節組合與語意上語意組合性以及形式上內部結構與語意上語意組合性兩兩之間的相關性,最後以概念性隱喻與概念性轉喻來分析並討論客語三字格固定語式的語意表現。研究發現主要有五項:(一)雙音節加單音節組合與單音節加雙音節組合這兩類是音節組合的兩種主要形式,偏正結構、動賓結構以及詞綴附加結構這三類是內部結構的三種主要建構方式,語意組合性的固定語式是語意組合性最主要的表現。(二)雙音節加單音節組合傾向於對應偏正結構與詞綴附加結構,單音節加雙音節組合傾向於對應動賓結構,三個單音節相加組合傾向於對應動補結構。(三)語意組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在雙音節加單音節組合與單音節加雙音節組合,語意完全非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在雙音節加單音節組合,語意部分非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在單音節加雙音節組合與雙音節加單音節組合。(四)語意組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在偏正結構、動賓結構、詞綴附加結構與動補結構,語意完全非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在偏正結構與詞綴附加結構,語意部分非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在偏正結構與動賓結構。(五)語意表現反映在概念性隱喻及其所包含的三個面向:方向性隱喻、實體性隱喻與結構性隱喻,概念性轉喻反映在部分代替全體。最後,本論文從語言學的角度考察客語三字格固定語式在形式與語意上的建構,研究結果可以給客語學習者與教學者作為參考。
This study focuses on Hakka trisyllabic fixed expressions and examines their distributions in terms of three criteria including syllable combination, internal structure, and semantic compositionality. Based on the results of the distributions, a cross-examination is conducted to explore the correlations between syllable combination and internal structure, between syllable combination and semantic compositionality, and between internal structure and semantic compositionality. Conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy are adopted to discuss the semantic representation in Hakka trisyllabic fixed expressions. The findings are summarized as follows: (a) Bisyllabic-monosyllabic and monosyllabic-bisyllabic combinations are the two main forms in terms of syllable combination; modifier-head, verb-object, and affix-attached constructions are the three main forms in terms of internal structure; semantically compositional fixed expressions are the main representation in terms of semantic compositionality. (b) Bisyllabic-monosyllabic combinations are highly correlated with modifier-head and affix-attached constructions; monosyllabic-bisyllabic combinations are highly correlated with verb-object constructions; trisyllabic combinations are highly correlated with verb-complement constructions. (c) Semantically compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with bisyllabic-monosyllabic and monosyllabic-bisyllabic combinations; semantically completely non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with bisyllabic-monosyllabic combinations; semantically partially non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with monosyllabic-bisyllabic and bisyllabic-monosyllabic combinations. (d) Semantically compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with modifier-head, verb-object, affix-attached, and verb-complement constructions; semantically completely non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with modifier-head and affix-attached constructions; semantically partially non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with modifier-head and verb-object constructions. (e) The semantic representation manifests in conceptual metaphor with regard to three dimensions: orientational metaphor, ontological metaphor, and structural metaphor as well as in conceptual metonymy with regard to PART FOR WHOLE. In conclusion, the thesis investigates the constructions of forms and meanings in Hakka trisyllabic fixed expressions and the current findings may serve as a reference for Hakka learners and instructors.
參考文獻 中文部分
卞成林 (1998)。現代漢語三音節複合詞結構分析。漢語學習,4,12-16。
李子瑄、曹逢甫 (2013)。漢語語言學。新北市:正中。
邱湘雲 (2007)。華語與方言的三音節比較-以閩南語和客家話為比較對象。《長河一脈:不盡奔流華夏情─2007 海峽兩岸華語文學術研討會論文集》發表之論文,桃園:萬能科技大學通識教育中心。
邱湘雲 (2011)。客、閩、華語三字熟語隱喻造詞類型表現。彰化師大國文學誌,22,241-272。
連金發 (2003)。華台語固定語式比較。第七屆世界華語文教學研討會。世界華語文教育學會。2003年12月27日至30日,台北市劍潭國際青年活動中心。
連金發 (2007)。動賓式慣用語探索。中國語言學集刊,2(1),187-209。
連金發 (2009)。固定語式探索。載於蘇以文、畢永峨 (主編),語言與認知 (229-262頁)。臺北市:國立臺灣大學出版中心。
陳麗雪、連金發 (2007)。華閩語固定語式動物詞的譬喻分析。華語文教學研究,4(1),125-136。
彭剛 (1997)。三音節芻議。雲南教育學院學報(哲學社會科學版),3,55-60。
劉明宗 (2011)。「猴」在客家俚諺語中的意涵與意象。屏東教育大學學報(人文社會類),36,57-82。
鄭慶君 (2003)。三音節合成詞的結構類型及層次。山西大學學報(哲學社會科學版),26(1),68-71。
賴文英 (2015)。臺灣客語語法導論。台北:國立臺灣大學出版中心。
謝菁玉 (2004)。台語植物固定語式的語意分析:中心語意與詞彙認知。台灣語文研究,2,299-314。
蘇以文 (2005)。隱喻與認知。台北:國立臺灣大學出版中心。

Arapinis, A. (2015). Whole-for-part metonymy, classification, and grounding. Linguistics and Philosophy, 38, 1-29.
Croft, W. (1993). The role of domains in the interpretation of metaphors and metonymies. Cognitive Linguistics, 4(4), 335-370.
Geeraerts, D. (2002). The interaction of metaphor and metonymy in composite expressions. In René Dirven & Ralf Pörings (red.), Metaphor and metonymy in comparison and contrast, 435-465. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Horn, G. M. (2003). Idioms, Metaphors and Syntactic mobility. Journal of Linguistics, 39(2), 245-273.
Kövecses, Z. (2000). The scope of metaphor. Topics in English Linguistics, 30, 79-92.
Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980a). Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980b). The metaphorical structure of the human conceptual system. Cognitive Science, 4(2), 195-208.
Nunberg, G., Sag, I. A., & Wasow, T. (1994). Idioms. Language, 70(3), 491-538.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and Times. The Philosophical Review, 66(2), 143-160.

客家委員會 (2016)。客語認證詞彙資料庫。
教育部國語推行委員會、臺灣客家語常用詞辭典編輯委員會 (2008)。教育部台灣客家語常用詞辭典。
教育部國語推行委員會、臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典編輯委員會 (2008)。教育部台灣閩南語常用詞辭典。
教育部國語推行委員會 (2015)。教育部重編國語辭典修訂本臺灣學術網路第五版。
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106555002
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 賴惠玲zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lai, Huei-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林彥伊zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lin, Yan-Yien_US
dc.creator (作者) 林彥伊zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Yan-Yien_US
dc.date (日期) 2021en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-四月-2021 11:20:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-四月-2021 11:20:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-四月-2021 11:20:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0106555002en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/134429-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106555002zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究以客語三字格固定語式為研究對象,試圖探究形式上音節組合、內部結構與語意上語意組合性,此三項標準在分類上的分布情形,而後再將前述完成分類的結果經由交互比對來考察形式中音節組合與內部結構、形式上音節組合與語意上語意組合性以及形式上內部結構與語意上語意組合性兩兩之間的相關性,最後以概念性隱喻與概念性轉喻來分析並討論客語三字格固定語式的語意表現。研究發現主要有五項:(一)雙音節加單音節組合與單音節加雙音節組合這兩類是音節組合的兩種主要形式,偏正結構、動賓結構以及詞綴附加結構這三類是內部結構的三種主要建構方式,語意組合性的固定語式是語意組合性最主要的表現。(二)雙音節加單音節組合傾向於對應偏正結構與詞綴附加結構,單音節加雙音節組合傾向於對應動賓結構,三個單音節相加組合傾向於對應動補結構。(三)語意組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在雙音節加單音節組合與單音節加雙音節組合,語意完全非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在雙音節加單音節組合,語意部分非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在單音節加雙音節組合與雙音節加單音節組合。(四)語意組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在偏正結構、動賓結構、詞綴附加結構與動補結構,語意完全非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在偏正結構與詞綴附加結構,語意部分非組合性的固定語式傾向於表現在偏正結構與動賓結構。(五)語意表現反映在概念性隱喻及其所包含的三個面向:方向性隱喻、實體性隱喻與結構性隱喻,概念性轉喻反映在部分代替全體。最後,本論文從語言學的角度考察客語三字格固定語式在形式與語意上的建構,研究結果可以給客語學習者與教學者作為參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study focuses on Hakka trisyllabic fixed expressions and examines their distributions in terms of three criteria including syllable combination, internal structure, and semantic compositionality. Based on the results of the distributions, a cross-examination is conducted to explore the correlations between syllable combination and internal structure, between syllable combination and semantic compositionality, and between internal structure and semantic compositionality. Conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy are adopted to discuss the semantic representation in Hakka trisyllabic fixed expressions. The findings are summarized as follows: (a) Bisyllabic-monosyllabic and monosyllabic-bisyllabic combinations are the two main forms in terms of syllable combination; modifier-head, verb-object, and affix-attached constructions are the three main forms in terms of internal structure; semantically compositional fixed expressions are the main representation in terms of semantic compositionality. (b) Bisyllabic-monosyllabic combinations are highly correlated with modifier-head and affix-attached constructions; monosyllabic-bisyllabic combinations are highly correlated with verb-object constructions; trisyllabic combinations are highly correlated with verb-complement constructions. (c) Semantically compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with bisyllabic-monosyllabic and monosyllabic-bisyllabic combinations; semantically completely non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with bisyllabic-monosyllabic combinations; semantically partially non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with monosyllabic-bisyllabic and bisyllabic-monosyllabic combinations. (d) Semantically compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with modifier-head, verb-object, affix-attached, and verb-complement constructions; semantically completely non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with modifier-head and affix-attached constructions; semantically partially non-compositional fixed expressions are highly correlated with modifier-head and verb-object constructions. (e) The semantic representation manifests in conceptual metaphor with regard to three dimensions: orientational metaphor, ontological metaphor, and structural metaphor as well as in conceptual metonymy with regard to PART FOR WHOLE. In conclusion, the thesis investigates the constructions of forms and meanings in Hakka trisyllabic fixed expressions and the current findings may serve as a reference for Hakka learners and instructors.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 表目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
中文摘要 v
英文摘要 vi

第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究問題 3
1.4 論文架構 4

第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 固定語式的定義 5
2.2 三音節詞在形式上的研究 6
2.3 固定語式在語意上的研究 9
2.4 語意透明度 16
2.5 語意組合性 17
2.6 小結 19

第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 研究材料 21
3.1.1 語料來源 21
3.1.2 語料蒐集 22
3.1.3 語料歸檔 23
3.2 研究程序 23
3.2.1 依音節組合進行分類 23
3.2.2 依內部結構進行分類 24
3.2.3 依語意組合性進行分類 25
3.2.4 人工校訂26

第四章 分析與討論 29
4.1客語三字格固定語式的分類 29
4.1.1 在音節組合分類上的分布情形 29
4.1.2 在內部結構分類上的分布情形 33
4.1.3 在語意組合性分類上的分布情形 40
4.1.4 語意部分非組合性固定語式的綜合討論:概念性隱喻及概
念性轉喻 44
4.2 客語三字格固定語式在形式與語意之間的相關性 47
4.2.1 形式中音節組合與內部結構的交互比對 47
4.2.2 形式上音節組合與語意上語意組合性的交互比對 51
4.2.3 形式上內部結構與語意上語意組合性的交互比對 54
4.3 客語三字格固定語式的語意表現 58
4.3.1 語意組合性客語三字格固定語式的語意表現 58
4.3.2 語意部分非組合性客語三字格固定語式的語意表現:概念
性隱喻 60
4.3.3 語意部分非組合性客語三字格固定語式的語意表現:概念
性轉喻 68
4.3.4 語意完全非組合性客語三字格固定語式的語意表現 72

第五章 結論 75
5.1 研究發現 75
5.2 研究限制 77
5.3 對於未來研究的建議 77

參考文獻 81
附錄 83
dc.format.extent 4474453 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106555002en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 音節組合zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 內部結構zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語意組合性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 概念性隱喻zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 概念性轉喻zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Syllable combinationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Internal structureen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Semantic compositionalityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Conceptual metaphoren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Conceptual metonymyen_US
dc.title (題名) 客語三字格固定語式:形式及語意之探究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Hakka Trisyllabic Fixed Expressions: Forms and Meaningsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分
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Horn, G. M. (2003). Idioms, Metaphors and Syntactic mobility. Journal of Linguistics, 39(2), 245-273.
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教育部國語推行委員會 (2015)。教育部重編國語辭典修訂本臺灣學術網路第五版。
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100413en_US