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題名 競合中的競爭動態:策略矩陣分析法
Dynamic Competition in Coopetition: Strategic Matrix Analysis
作者 彭朱如
Peng, Tzu-Ju
貢獻者 企管系
關鍵詞 動態競爭 ; 策略矩陣分析法 ; 競合
competitive dynamics ; strategic matrix analysis ; coopetition
日期 2021-03
上傳時間 25-May-2021 11:11:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 競合議題在策略管理領域之研究與實務已有廣泛討論,其中,與競爭者合作又是一個熱門的議題。過去有關競合的研究中,鮮少深入分析一旦競爭者間形成合作關係之後,雙方如何繼續競爭的議題。此外,延伸過去動態競爭所提出的分析架構,策略矩陣分析法對於探討企業間的競爭互動行為能提供更全面性的剖析,將廠商行動細緻地展開為具體的價值活動與資源布局。本研究以台灣兩家自行車龍頭業者巨大機械工業股份有限公司及美利達工業股份有限公司為研究對象,探討其在A-Team 此一合作基礎上展開的競爭互動模式,藉由蒐集兩家公司於2006~2016 年間在歐洲市場的公開報導,逐一比較兩家廠商在策略矩陣上之價值單元、策略形態構面,以及策略點之競爭互動行為,並據以提出相關的研究發現與命題。本研究結合動態競爭與競合理論觀點,採用策略矩陣分析法,更系統性及邏輯性地分析競合關係中廠商間的競爭互動,對於競合與動態競爭觀點提出理論上的貢獻,並凸顯策略矩陣分析法對於研究與實務分析的實用價值。
Cooperation with competitors, also denoted as coopetition, has recently attracted academic study. Prior research paid less attention to competition in coopetition to understand what is happening after the competitors have collaborated. In addition, extending from competitive dynamics perspective, strategic matrix presents as a more comprehensive approach to unfold the competitive behaviors between rival partners. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the competition in coopetition examined by the strategic matrix analysis. This study analyzes the competition between two leading bicycle manufacturers, Giant and Merida, who collaborated to form A-Team but also competed in the global market. By the analysis of press reported issues of their competitive actions in the European market within a 10- year timeframe from 2006 to 2016, this study compares and analyzes the competitive behaviors on value units, strategic postures, strategic points presented on the strategic matrix, developing our findings and propositions. This study contributes to the research fields by linking coopetition with competitive dynamics perspective. In addition, this study adopts strategic matrix analysis approach to systematically and logically depict the competitive behaviors, generalizing the application of strategic matrix analysis to not only academic research but also business practice.
關聯 產業與管理論壇, 23:1
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 企管系
dc.creator (作者) 彭朱如
dc.creator (作者) Peng, Tzu-Ju
dc.creator (作者) 顏孟賢
dc.creator (作者) 林明翰 (日期) 2021-03 25-May-2021 11:11:32 (UTC+8)- 25-May-2021 11:11:32 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 25-May-2021 11:11:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 競合議題在策略管理領域之研究與實務已有廣泛討論,其中,與競爭者合作又是一個熱門的議題。過去有關競合的研究中,鮮少深入分析一旦競爭者間形成合作關係之後,雙方如何繼續競爭的議題。此外,延伸過去動態競爭所提出的分析架構,策略矩陣分析法對於探討企業間的競爭互動行為能提供更全面性的剖析,將廠商行動細緻地展開為具體的價值活動與資源布局。本研究以台灣兩家自行車龍頭業者巨大機械工業股份有限公司及美利達工業股份有限公司為研究對象,探討其在A-Team 此一合作基礎上展開的競爭互動模式,藉由蒐集兩家公司於2006~2016 年間在歐洲市場的公開報導,逐一比較兩家廠商在策略矩陣上之價值單元、策略形態構面,以及策略點之競爭互動行為,並據以提出相關的研究發現與命題。本研究結合動態競爭與競合理論觀點,採用策略矩陣分析法,更系統性及邏輯性地分析競合關係中廠商間的競爭互動,對於競合與動態競爭觀點提出理論上的貢獻,並凸顯策略矩陣分析法對於研究與實務分析的實用價值。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Cooperation with competitors, also denoted as coopetition, has recently attracted academic study. Prior research paid less attention to competition in coopetition to understand what is happening after the competitors have collaborated. In addition, extending from competitive dynamics perspective, strategic matrix presents as a more comprehensive approach to unfold the competitive behaviors between rival partners. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the competition in coopetition examined by the strategic matrix analysis. This study analyzes the competition between two leading bicycle manufacturers, Giant and Merida, who collaborated to form A-Team but also competed in the global market. By the analysis of press reported issues of their competitive actions in the European market within a 10- year timeframe from 2006 to 2016, this study compares and analyzes the competitive behaviors on value units, strategic postures, strategic points presented on the strategic matrix, developing our findings and propositions. This study contributes to the research fields by linking coopetition with competitive dynamics perspective. In addition, this study adopts strategic matrix analysis approach to systematically and logically depict the competitive behaviors, generalizing the application of strategic matrix analysis to not only academic research but also business practice.
dc.format.extent 1067673 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 產業與管理論壇, 23:1
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 動態競爭 ; 策略矩陣分析法 ; 競合
dc.subject (關鍵詞) competitive dynamics ; strategic matrix analysis ; coopetition
dc.title (題名) 競合中的競爭動態:策略矩陣分析法
dc.title (題名) Dynamic Competition in Coopetition: Strategic Matrix Analysis
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.3966/199582342021032301001
dc.doi.uri (DOI)