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題名 大數據時代下之個人資料保護—以保險業運用大型個人資料庫為討論核心
Personal Data Protection in the Era of Big Data—Focusing on the Use of Large Personal Data Banks in the Insurance Industry作者 蘇姿樺
Su, Tzu-Hua貢獻者 葉啟洲<br>彭金隆
Yeh, Chi-Chou<br>Peng, Jin-Lung
Su, Tzu-Hua關鍵詞 個人資料保護法
Personal Data Protection Act
National Health Insurance Research Database
Right to Information Privacy
Article 177-2 of the Insurance Act日期 2021 上傳時間 1-Jul-2021 18:12:15 (UTC+8) 摘要 當大數據時代來臨,相關新興資訊蒐集、分析技術之快速發展不僅帶動各產業之多面向發展,更是徹底改變人類之社會型態與日常生活。大數據時代下之產業發展雖透過對於個人資料之蒐集、處理、利用而創造無限之可能與價值,惟基於大數據之本質與特性亦同時對於個人資料保護面向帶來難以估計之衝擊與侵害風險,如何在時代發展下兼顧個人資料運用以及個人資料保護實為重要之議題。有鑑於保險制度之本質涉及個人資料之大量蒐集、處理、利用,保險業不論是於投保、核保、理賠等階段皆對於個人資料具大量需求性,故當面臨大數據時代所帶來之變遷,保險業如何於相關技術應用與發展下兼顧對於個人資料之保護即有相當之討論價值。故本文以保險業於大數據時代下之個人資料相關應用與發展作為探討起始點,以保險業利用大型個人資料庫為探討核心,並分別針對健保資料庫之應用、非自然人健保資料應用平台之應用、保險法第177條之2修正條文草案所涉及之保險業大型資料庫建置等議題之可行性與合憲性進行討論與分析,藉由重新檢視我國資訊隱私權理論、我國實務判決與眾學說見解,並兼參考外國法制度後,再行針對前述議題進行爭議要點之提出以及未來發展方向之建議。結論上,本文認為傳統資訊隱私權已不足因應大數據時代下之個人資料保護需求性,故先行提出修正之資訊隱私權理論,並藉此做為前述議題之立論核心基礎。針對健保資料庫、非自然人健保資料應用平台之保險業利用,以及保險法第177條之2修正條文草案等議題,除應確保個人資料主體之資訊自決權受保障外,另亦需考量個人資料去識別化程度之設定、保險歧視之消除、尚生存家屬之保障等面向。另針個人資料保護之整體制度設立上,本文認為除應建立個人資料保護影響評估機制、個人資料利用回饋機制外,政府方與保險業方亦應分別設立個人資料保護專責機關以及專責之個人資料保護長,以確保憲法所奠定之資訊隱私權保障以及個人資料之保護。
When the era of big data comes, new technologies related to data collection and data analysis develop rapidly. The development of these technologies drives the advancement of various industries variously and changes the social pattern and daily life of human beings entirely. Although industries create unlimited possibilities and value through collecting, processing, and utilizing personal data in the era of big data, at the meantime, these industries also bring incalculable impacts and risks to personal data protection due to the characteristics of big data. These potential impacts and risks raise the vital issue in balancing the utilization and the protection of personal data.The nature of insurance involves a large amount of personal data collecting, processing, and utilizing, so the insurance industry always has a great demand for personal data all the time, no matter it`s in customer targeting, insurance underwriting, or insurance claims. Therefore, when the insurance industry faces the changes brought about by the era of big data, it is worth discussing how the insurance industry can take personal data protection into account while applying and developing new technologies. Considering the reason above, this article takes applications and development of the insurance industry as the starting point for the discussion and analyzes the critical issues of the insurance industry`s utilization of large-scale personal data banks.Take Taiwan`s National Health Insurance Research Databases, deceased person`s personal data application platform, article 177-2 of the Insurance Act for examples, discussing and analyzing the feasibility and constitutionality of the insurance industry`s utilization. By re-examining Taiwan’s traditional theory of information privacy, judicial opinions, legal judgments, and authorities’ opinions, along with reference to foreign legislations, this article proposes several methods to the issue questions and directions for future development.In conclusion, this article believes that the traditional theory of information privacy is no longer sufficient to meet the needs of personal data protection in the era of big data, so revision theory to information privacy is proposed and used in the aforementioned issues. When considering the use of Taiwan`s National Health Insurance Research Databases, deceased person`s personal data application platform, and the feasibility of article 177-2 of the Insurance Act in the future, its necessary to ensure the data subject`s autonomy to personal data, the degree of identification, the elimination of insurance discrimination, the protection of surviving family members, etc. Regarding establishing a better system for personal data protection, it`s necessary to develop Data Protection Impact Assessment and a feedback mechanism for the use of personal data, the government should also set up a particular agency for personal data protection, and the insurance industry should hire a Data Protection Officer. 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107358018資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 葉啟洲<br>彭金隆 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Yeh, Chi-Chou<br>Peng, Jin-Lung en_US (Authors) 蘇姿樺 zh_TW (Authors) Su, Tzu-Hua en_US dc.creator (作者) 蘇姿樺 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Su, Tzu-Hua en_US (日期) 2021 en_US 1-Jul-2021 18:12:15 (UTC+8) - 1-Jul-2021 18:12:15 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Jul-2021 18:12:15 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107358018 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 風險管理與保險學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 107358018 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 當大數據時代來臨,相關新興資訊蒐集、分析技術之快速發展不僅帶動各產業之多面向發展,更是徹底改變人類之社會型態與日常生活。大數據時代下之產業發展雖透過對於個人資料之蒐集、處理、利用而創造無限之可能與價值,惟基於大數據之本質與特性亦同時對於個人資料保護面向帶來難以估計之衝擊與侵害風險,如何在時代發展下兼顧個人資料運用以及個人資料保護實為重要之議題。有鑑於保險制度之本質涉及個人資料之大量蒐集、處理、利用,保險業不論是於投保、核保、理賠等階段皆對於個人資料具大量需求性,故當面臨大數據時代所帶來之變遷,保險業如何於相關技術應用與發展下兼顧對於個人資料之保護即有相當之討論價值。故本文以保險業於大數據時代下之個人資料相關應用與發展作為探討起始點,以保險業利用大型個人資料庫為探討核心,並分別針對健保資料庫之應用、非自然人健保資料應用平台之應用、保險法第177條之2修正條文草案所涉及之保險業大型資料庫建置等議題之可行性與合憲性進行討論與分析,藉由重新檢視我國資訊隱私權理論、我國實務判決與眾學說見解,並兼參考外國法制度後,再行針對前述議題進行爭議要點之提出以及未來發展方向之建議。結論上,本文認為傳統資訊隱私權已不足因應大數據時代下之個人資料保護需求性,故先行提出修正之資訊隱私權理論,並藉此做為前述議題之立論核心基礎。針對健保資料庫、非自然人健保資料應用平台之保險業利用,以及保險法第177條之2修正條文草案等議題,除應確保個人資料主體之資訊自決權受保障外,另亦需考量個人資料去識別化程度之設定、保險歧視之消除、尚生存家屬之保障等面向。另針個人資料保護之整體制度設立上,本文認為除應建立個人資料保護影響評估機制、個人資料利用回饋機制外,政府方與保險業方亦應分別設立個人資料保護專責機關以及專責之個人資料保護長,以確保憲法所奠定之資訊隱私權保障以及個人資料之保護。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) When the era of big data comes, new technologies related to data collection and data analysis develop rapidly. The development of these technologies drives the advancement of various industries variously and changes the social pattern and daily life of human beings entirely. Although industries create unlimited possibilities and value through collecting, processing, and utilizing personal data in the era of big data, at the meantime, these industries also bring incalculable impacts and risks to personal data protection due to the characteristics of big data. These potential impacts and risks raise the vital issue in balancing the utilization and the protection of personal data.The nature of insurance involves a large amount of personal data collecting, processing, and utilizing, so the insurance industry always has a great demand for personal data all the time, no matter it`s in customer targeting, insurance underwriting, or insurance claims. Therefore, when the insurance industry faces the changes brought about by the era of big data, it is worth discussing how the insurance industry can take personal data protection into account while applying and developing new technologies. Considering the reason above, this article takes applications and development of the insurance industry as the starting point for the discussion and analyzes the critical issues of the insurance industry`s utilization of large-scale personal data banks.Take Taiwan`s National Health Insurance Research Databases, deceased person`s personal data application platform, article 177-2 of the Insurance Act for examples, discussing and analyzing the feasibility and constitutionality of the insurance industry`s utilization. By re-examining Taiwan’s traditional theory of information privacy, judicial opinions, legal judgments, and authorities’ opinions, along with reference to foreign legislations, this article proposes several methods to the issue questions and directions for future development.In conclusion, this article believes that the traditional theory of information privacy is no longer sufficient to meet the needs of personal data protection in the era of big data, so revision theory to information privacy is proposed and used in the aforementioned issues. When considering the use of Taiwan`s National Health Insurance Research Databases, deceased person`s personal data application platform, and the feasibility of article 177-2 of the Insurance Act in the future, its necessary to ensure the data subject`s autonomy to personal data, the degree of identification, the elimination of insurance discrimination, the protection of surviving family members, etc. Regarding establishing a better system for personal data protection, it`s necessary to develop Data Protection Impact Assessment and a feedback mechanism for the use of personal data, the government should also set up a particular agency for personal data protection, and the insurance industry should hire a Data Protection Officer. In this way, the constitutional right to information privacy and personal data protection can be insured. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 1第二節 研究方法與範圍 2第三節 研究架構 3第二章 大數據時代之來臨 5第一節 大數據之內涵 5第二節 大數據時代與保險業發展 14第三節 大數據之歧視問題 25第四節 小結 27第三章 個人資料保護制度之發展 29第一節 隱私權與資訊隱私權 29第二節 外國之個人資料保護制度 34第三節 小結 54第四章 保險業之個人資料保護 57第一節 我國之個人資料保護制度 57第二節 保險制度之本質與特性 66第三節 保險業個人資料保護相關法規 68第四節 保險業之資料蒐集 70第五節 大數據時代下保險業個人資料保護挑戰 73第六節 小結 76第五章 全民健保資料庫之保險業應用 79第一節 保險業對於全民健保資料庫之應用需求 79第二節 全民健保資料庫之簡介與歷史進程 79第三節 健保資料庫於保險業現行運用情況 81第四節 現行法下開放保險業運用之合法性探討 82第五節 開放保險業運用之疑慮 92第六節 增訂特別法排除個資法之可能性 101第七節 未來制度應考慮事項 102第六章 保險業資訊平台之應用 117第一節 非自然人健保資料應用平台 117第二節 保險法第177條之2草案爭議問題 125第三節 保險業近期相關機制發展 134第七章 結論與建議 137第一節 資訊隱私權保障內涵與告知後同意原則之重塑 137第二節 建立個人資料保護影響評估機制 139第三節 建立個人資料利用回饋機制 140第四節 保險業設立專責資料保護長 141第五節 政府方設立個人資料保護專責機關 142參考文獻壹、中文文獻 145貳、英文文獻 151 zh_TW dc.format.extent 5701397 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 個人資料保護法 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 健保資料庫 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資訊隱私權 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 保險法第177條之2 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Personal Data Protection Act en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) National Health Insurance Research Database en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Right to Information Privacy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Article 177-2 of the Insurance Act en_US dc.title (題名) 大數據時代下之個人資料保護—以保險業運用大型個人資料庫為討論核心 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Personal Data Protection in the Era of Big Data—Focusing on the Use of Large Personal Data Banks in the Insurance Industry en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻壹、 中文文獻一、 專書1. 李惠宗,憲法要義,元照,8版,2019年9月。2. 張陳弘、莊植寧,新時代之個人資料保護法治—歐盟GDPR 與臺灣個人資料保護法的比較說明,新學林,1版,2020年8月。3. 葉啟洲,保險法,元照,7版,2021年3月。二、 專書論文1. 邱文聰,初探人工智慧中的個資保護發展趨勢與潛在的反歧視難題,收錄於:劉靜怡(主編),人工智慧相關法律議題芻議,元照,1版,2018年11月,頁149-175。2. 黃昭元,無指紋則無身分證?換發國民身分證與強制全民捺指紋的憲法爭議分析,收錄於:民主、人權、國家—蘇俊雄教授七秩華祝壽論文集,元照,1版,2005年9月,頁461-508。三、 期刊1. 王明禮,論資訊隱私:科技與商業發展脈絡下的觀察,中原財經法學,第32期,2014年6月,頁61-105。2. 王澤鑑,人格權保護的課題與展望(三)人格權的具體化及保護範圍(6)隱私權(上),台灣本土法學雜誌,第96期,2007年7月,頁21-44。3. 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