題名 我國低放射性廢棄物最終處置選址溝通框架與機制分析
Site for Establishment of Low Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Facility: A Case Study on Policy Risk Communication and Managemen作者 許鈺昕
Hsu, Yu-Hsin貢獻者 蕭乃沂
Hsiao, Nai-Yi
Hsu, Yu-Hsin關鍵詞 核廢料
low level radioactive waste (LLRW)
final disposal
risk communication日期 2021 上傳時間 1-七月-2021 20:16:37 (UTC+8) 摘要 低放射性廢棄物處置選址在政策溝通的階段,主要執行者為台電,溝通框架與機制受到法規範,包括選址相關法規,以及特別法原住民族基本法。在這樣的背景下,本研究主要目的係為:核設施風險溝通關鍵影響因素,在我國低放處置選址政策的溝通框架與機制。透過(1)學術文章與次級資料分析,整理核設施風險溝通的關鍵影響因素,並對應傳播敘事溝通架構;(2)非核家園專案小組委員、台電、臺東縣政府、原住民法規學者、反核團體,以及達仁鄉在地重要溝通小組與意見領袖的訪談,分析低放最終處置選址溝通執行現況,與學理和國外經驗的落差。重要發現包括核設施風險溝通不只是溝通主體本身的風險,還包括傳播的風險,而低放最終處置選址與溝通相關的權責分工與不同法規範條件下,實務上執行溝通面對的問題從政治、經濟到社會層次。是以,溝通作為彌補政策的不信任或衝突,得考量的策略包括:(1)依據目標精準溝通、(2)機制上強化風險與利益分配的元素、(3)溝通框架在地脈絡化。故在框架中得強調以下元素:(1)多面向呈現風險事實、(2)依據不同風險認知的對象,提供必要且可以被理解的資訊、(3)理解溝通對象對制度的「公平」條件,並建立信任、(4)討論利益權衡。準此,機制上,為了透過民意表達(參與決策)建立信任,除了需要創新的工具以外,更重要的是第三方的行動者。核議題在臺灣是不被信任和阻力大的政策,必須經營官民之間的信任。因此,本研究建議未來有關核設施選址、環境政策正義、風險溝通等相關研究,考量研究可行性,首先以增加訊蒐集,再來以政策議題重要性,建議在地經驗、公民參與政策的設計、風險政策溝通成效指標的發展,以因應國際趨勢,及面對臺灣低放處置選址尚未有明確方向的政策困境。
One of the key influencing factors of “Site Selection for Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Disposal in Taiwan`` is the relevant regulations on site selection, especially the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law. Furthermore, Taiwan Power Company (TPC) has been mainly responsible for communicating with the local people living in the recommended candidate site at the stage of policy communication. Based on the factors, the main purpose of this thesis includes: the key influencing factors of risk communication of nuclear facilities, and the communication framework and mechanism under different legal norms in the policy. This thesis explains the actual low final disposal site communication implementation status, as well as practical and academic and foreign experience , through (1) academic studies and sub-data analysis, and organizing the key influencing factors of nuclear facility risk communication; (2) the non-nuclear homeland task force members, TPC, Taitung County government, indigenous legal scholars, anti-nuclear groups, as well as stakeholders in Daren Township interviews.Important findings indicate that both “the risk of communication subjects” and “the risk of communication” influence the nuclear facility risk communication, corresponding to the communication narrative communication structure. Communication can to some extent address the policy controversy; moreover, the communication framework should enhance the following elements: (1) the multi- faceted presentation of adjacent shelter facilities, (2) necessary and understandable information according to the risk perception of diverse stakeholders, (3) trust-building and satisfied system for understanding the risk, and (4) well-discussed trade-offs of interests. In addition to innovation of communication tools based on LLRW characteristics, third-party actors as well as trust-building through the communication mechanism of public opinion expression (participation in decision-making) are much more important in the LLRW disposal site selection process.As nuclear related issues in Taiwan are untrusted and resistant, it is essential for cultivating trust between the government and civil society. This thesis suggests that future studies develop topics include: (1) information collection for controversial issues; (2) citizen participation systems for important policies; (3) risk policy communication effectiveness indicators in the local experience. To sum up, these findings are not only in response to international trends, but in the face of Taiwan`s disposal site which is not yet a clear direction of policy dilemma.參考文獻 中文文獻王怡文、蕭新煌(2004)。環境爭議性公共設施的回饋制度:對核一廠、核二廠及台中火力發電廠的分析。都市與計劃,31(1),65 – 90。臺東環境保護聯盟(2009)。臺東地區反核廢料瞬息變況,取自:http://taitung-place.blogspot.com/。台電公司(2017)低放射性廢棄物最終處置技術評估報告。取自:https://www.aec.gov.tw/share/file/fcma/uPUM6cYgIi18uzkZu7Paaw__.pdf。台電公司(2019)。低放射性廢棄物民意調查,未出版。台電公司(2020)。核廢社會溝通規劃案。臺灣電力股份有限公司109年研究計畫903-0709-006,未公開。台電公司(2020)臺灣電力股份有限公司標案。取自:https://ronnywang.github.io/pcc-viewer/unit.html?unit_id=3.13.31。台電公司(2020)核廢社會溝通規劃案。計畫編號:903-0709-00601,未出版。朱元鴻(1995)。風險知識與風險媒介的政治社會學分析。臺灣社會研究季刊, 19,195 – 224。自由時報(2013),拒核廢處置場/ 達仁候選場址 議會促撤銷,取自:何明修(2002)。為何民進黨政府的廢核政策失敗?。臺灣政治學刊,6,95-137。李宛儒、蔡友月(2018)缺席的多元公眾:Taiwan Biobank 的建置、爭議與科學治理。《臺灣社會學刊》,64,49-110。杜文苓(2010)。環評決策中公民參與的省思:以中科三期開發爭議為例。公共行政學報,35,29-60。杜文苓(2013)。核能安全風險之溝通。科技部與原能會計畫,計畫編號102-NU_E_004-002-NU,未出版。杜文苓(2015)環境風險與公共治理。臺北:五南出版。杜文苓(2019)環境不正義的省思:民間核廢論壇的諍言。載於蕭新煌、徐世榮、杜文苓主編,面對臺灣風險社會:分析與策略(第五章)。高雄,巨流。汪浩(譯)。風險社會:通往另一個現代的路上。臺北:巨流。Beck, Uirich (2004). 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106256008資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106256008 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 蕭乃沂 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Hsiao, Nai-Yi en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 許鈺昕 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Hsu, Yu-Hsin en_US dc.creator (作者) 許鈺昕 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Yu-Hsin en_US dc.date (日期) 2021 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-七月-2021 20:16:37 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-七月-2021 20:16:37 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-七月-2021 20:16:37 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0106256008 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/135988 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 106256008 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 低放射性廢棄物處置選址在政策溝通的階段,主要執行者為台電,溝通框架與機制受到法規範,包括選址相關法規,以及特別法原住民族基本法。在這樣的背景下,本研究主要目的係為:核設施風險溝通關鍵影響因素,在我國低放處置選址政策的溝通框架與機制。透過(1)學術文章與次級資料分析,整理核設施風險溝通的關鍵影響因素,並對應傳播敘事溝通架構;(2)非核家園專案小組委員、台電、臺東縣政府、原住民法規學者、反核團體,以及達仁鄉在地重要溝通小組與意見領袖的訪談,分析低放最終處置選址溝通執行現況,與學理和國外經驗的落差。重要發現包括核設施風險溝通不只是溝通主體本身的風險,還包括傳播的風險,而低放最終處置選址與溝通相關的權責分工與不同法規範條件下,實務上執行溝通面對的問題從政治、經濟到社會層次。是以,溝通作為彌補政策的不信任或衝突,得考量的策略包括:(1)依據目標精準溝通、(2)機制上強化風險與利益分配的元素、(3)溝通框架在地脈絡化。故在框架中得強調以下元素:(1)多面向呈現風險事實、(2)依據不同風險認知的對象,提供必要且可以被理解的資訊、(3)理解溝通對象對制度的「公平」條件,並建立信任、(4)討論利益權衡。準此,機制上,為了透過民意表達(參與決策)建立信任,除了需要創新的工具以外,更重要的是第三方的行動者。核議題在臺灣是不被信任和阻力大的政策,必須經營官民之間的信任。因此,本研究建議未來有關核設施選址、環境政策正義、風險溝通等相關研究,考量研究可行性,首先以增加訊蒐集,再來以政策議題重要性,建議在地經驗、公民參與政策的設計、風險政策溝通成效指標的發展,以因應國際趨勢,及面對臺灣低放處置選址尚未有明確方向的政策困境。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) One of the key influencing factors of “Site Selection for Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Disposal in Taiwan`` is the relevant regulations on site selection, especially the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law. Furthermore, Taiwan Power Company (TPC) has been mainly responsible for communicating with the local people living in the recommended candidate site at the stage of policy communication. Based on the factors, the main purpose of this thesis includes: the key influencing factors of risk communication of nuclear facilities, and the communication framework and mechanism under different legal norms in the policy. This thesis explains the actual low final disposal site communication implementation status, as well as practical and academic and foreign experience , through (1) academic studies and sub-data analysis, and organizing the key influencing factors of nuclear facility risk communication; (2) the non-nuclear homeland task force members, TPC, Taitung County government, indigenous legal scholars, anti-nuclear groups, as well as stakeholders in Daren Township interviews.Important findings indicate that both “the risk of communication subjects” and “the risk of communication” influence the nuclear facility risk communication, corresponding to the communication narrative communication structure. Communication can to some extent address the policy controversy; moreover, the communication framework should enhance the following elements: (1) the multi- faceted presentation of adjacent shelter facilities, (2) necessary and understandable information according to the risk perception of diverse stakeholders, (3) trust-building and satisfied system for understanding the risk, and (4) well-discussed trade-offs of interests. In addition to innovation of communication tools based on LLRW characteristics, third-party actors as well as trust-building through the communication mechanism of public opinion expression (participation in decision-making) are much more important in the LLRW disposal site selection process.As nuclear related issues in Taiwan are untrusted and resistant, it is essential for cultivating trust between the government and civil society. This thesis suggests that future studies develop topics include: (1) information collection for controversial issues; (2) citizen participation systems for important policies; (3) risk policy communication effectiveness indicators in the local experience. To sum up, these findings are not only in response to international trends, but in the face of Taiwan`s disposal site which is not yet a clear direction of policy dilemma. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 IAbstract II目錄 I表目錄 III圖目錄 IV第一章 緒論 1第一節 低放射性廢棄物治理 1第二節 臺灣核廢論述脈絡 3第三節 低放最終處置選址條例的法規競合 5第四節 研究範圍與目的 10第五節 本研究專有名詞解釋 13第二章 文獻回顧 15第一節 核設施風險溝通 15第二節 核設施的政策溝通框架 26第三節 低放處置選址與原住民權利的溝通爭議 34第四節 小結 37第三章 研究問題與研究設計 39第一節 研究問題 39第二節 研究設計 41第三節 深度訪談 46第四章 低放最終處置選址的政策溝通 53第一節 滾動進行低調但有效的溝通 53第二節 管制和主辦機關無法理解的溝通策略 68第三節 選擇和被選擇的溝通內容和形式 75第四節 在南田的社會變化中持續說故事的人 85第五節 政策和溝通都該一起被檢討 90第六節 小結 96第五章 低放處置政策溝通還可以怎麼說 99第一節 目前的溝通機制少了甚麼 100第二節 溝通機制設計 110第三節 小結 119第六章 結論與建議 125第一節 研究發現 125第二節 低放處置選址溝通政策與實務建議 128第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 131參考文獻 137 zh_TW dc.format.extent 9895828 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106256008 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 核廢料 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 低放射性廢棄物最終處置選址 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 風險溝通 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) low level radioactive waste (LLRW) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) final disposal en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) risk communication en_US dc.title (題名) 我國低放射性廢棄物最終處置選址溝通框架與機制分析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Site for Establishment of Low Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Facility: A Case Study on Policy Risk Communication and Managemen en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻王怡文、蕭新煌(2004)。環境爭議性公共設施的回饋制度:對核一廠、核二廠及台中火力發電廠的分析。都市與計劃,31(1),65 – 90。臺東環境保護聯盟(2009)。臺東地區反核廢料瞬息變況,取自:http://taitung-place.blogspot.com/。台電公司(2017)低放射性廢棄物最終處置技術評估報告。取自:https://www.aec.gov.tw/share/file/fcma/uPUM6cYgIi18uzkZu7Paaw__.pdf。台電公司(2019)。低放射性廢棄物民意調查,未出版。台電公司(2020)。核廢社會溝通規劃案。臺灣電力股份有限公司109年研究計畫903-0709-006,未公開。台電公司(2020)臺灣電力股份有限公司標案。取自:https://ronnywang.github.io/pcc-viewer/unit.html?unit_id=3.13.31。台電公司(2020)核廢社會溝通規劃案。計畫編號:903-0709-00601,未出版。朱元鴻(1995)。風險知識與風險媒介的政治社會學分析。臺灣社會研究季刊, 19,195 – 224。自由時報(2013),拒核廢處置場/ 達仁候選場址 議會促撤銷,取自:何明修(2002)。為何民進黨政府的廢核政策失敗?。臺灣政治學刊,6,95-137。李宛儒、蔡友月(2018)缺席的多元公眾:Taiwan Biobank 的建置、爭議與科學治理。《臺灣社會學刊》,64,49-110。杜文苓(2010)。環評決策中公民參與的省思:以中科三期開發爭議為例。公共行政學報,35,29-60。杜文苓(2013)。核能安全風險之溝通。科技部與原能會計畫,計畫編號102-NU_E_004-002-NU,未出版。杜文苓(2015)環境風險與公共治理。臺北:五南出版。杜文苓(2019)環境不正義的省思:民間核廢論壇的諍言。載於蕭新煌、徐世榮、杜文苓主編,面對臺灣風險社會:分析與策略(第五章)。高雄,巨流。汪浩(譯)。風險社會:通往另一個現代的路上。臺北:巨流。Beck, Uirich (2004). 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