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題名 開放銀行之新金融服務在台灣發展分析
A Study of New Financial Service by Open Banking
作者 黃柏堯
Huang, Po-Yao
貢獻者 王儷玲
Wang, Li-Ling
Huang, Po-Yao
關鍵詞 開放銀行
Open banking
Third party service provider
Data sharing
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-Aug-2021 14:54:15 (UTC+8)
摘要 開放銀行是近一兩年來各國政府積極推動的金融創新政策之一,希望藉由開放銀行來解放由銀行掌握的消費者資料,不只讓消費者能夠對自己的資料掌握更高的自主權,同時也能讓第三方業者(Third Party Service Provider)在消費者同意的前提下來使用這些資料,藉此創造更多金融創新的機會,讓消費者能更獲得更流暢、品質更好的金融服務與體驗。在這樣的政策下,第三方業者將成為新的金融服務提供者,整個金融市場將不再只是傳統的銀行、保險、證券,這會改變消費者接觸金融服務的方式,傳統金融機構也必須重新構思如何與第三方業者合作。
Open banking is one of the financial policies actively promoted by governments in the past few years. Liberating consumer data held by banks is one of the purposes of open banking. It not only allows consumers to have greater autonomy over their own data, but also allows third party service providers to use these materials with the consent of consumers, so it can create more opportunities for financial innovation and allow consumers to obtain smoother and better services. Under open banking, third party service providers will become new providers in financial market, and the financial market will no longer be just traditional banks, insurance, and securities. This will change the way consumers contact financial services, so traditional financial institutions must think about the cooperation with third party service providers.
The policy of open banking in Taiwan is divided into three stages, we will open financial product information, consumer account information, and transaction information to third party service providers through APIs step by step. This study takes the United Kingdom as the main object of case study, observes the new financial services in UK, sorts out five categories of application, and compares them with the three phases in Taiwan. We try to explore the feasibility of these new financial applications in Taiwan and yield some suggestions.
The suggestions of this study contain two aspects, policy and industry. In view of the suggestions for policy, it is proposed that (1) a data empowerment mechanism for consumers should be established (2) more types of APIs should be opened (3) TSP governance system. Then the suggestions for industry is proposed that (1) platform-based services become the mainstream in the future (2) data analysis and algorithm development is the key to future competition.
參考文獻 中文部分
尤其偉 (2020)。由資料可攜權引發之新變陏–以開放銀行為中心。東吳大學法學院法律學系科技法律組。
王儷玲 (2020)。OPEN API產學合作期末報告。開放API研究暨應用委員會。政大金融科技中心。
王儷玲 (2021)。我國開放銀行發展剖析與政策建言。財團法人台北外匯市場發展基金會專題研究計畫。政大金融科技中心。
王儷玲(2019)。台灣發展Open API的機會與挑戰。取自
許傳昌 (2020)。開放銀行創新實務分享-集保數位服務。台灣金融服務前瞻研討會,台北市,台灣。
陳曉玫 (2020)。打造「開放API」生態系基礎建設。台灣金融服務前瞻研討會,台北市,台灣。
彭金隆(2020)。開放銀行(Open Banking)實施在我國個人資料保護法令之限制與解套研究。政治大學金融科技研究中心。
楊貞翎 (2018)。中國金融業場景金融案例分析。國立台灣大學國際企業學研究所。
鄧愛櫻 (2020)。當電信跨界金融,共創數位金融生態圈。台灣金融服務前瞻研討會,台北市,台灣。

Adyen(2018). IPO Prospectus. From
Allied Market Research,2020,〈Open Banking Market Size to Reach $43.15 Billion by 2026, at 24.4% CAGR〉,檢索日期:2020/09/27,取自
Andrei Hagiua ans Julian Wrightb (2015). Multi-sided platforms. International Journal of Industrial Organization. Volume 43. 162-174. From
Bank For International Settlements(2019). Report on open banking and application programming interfaces. From
Barend Benedict Rogier (2019). Establishing a Durable Environment for Digital Financial Services. Delft University.
BIAN(2020). Global Open Banking Initiatives and the added value of the BIAN Open Standards.
David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee. Markets With Two-Sided Platforms. ISSUES IN COMPETITION LAW AND POLICY. ABA Section of Antitrust Law 2008. 667-693.
De Reuver, M., C. Sørensen, and R. Basole (2016). The Digital Platform: A Research Agenda. Journal of Information Technology. 31
FCA(2019).Call for Input: Open finance. From
FCA(2021).Open finance: Feedback Statement. From
Gozman Daniel, Hedman Jonas, and Sylvest Kasper (2018). Open Banking: Emergent Roles, Risks & Opportunities. Twenty-Sixth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018), Portsmouth, UK.
HM Treasury (2020). Payments Landscape Review: Call for Evidence. From
Jakob Larsson and Daniel Frändberg (2019). Innovations in Finance as Regulators Push Open Banking. Chalmers University of Technology.
Julien Courbe,2018,〈Bulding ‘Open Banking’ on a platform of trust〉,檢索日期:2020/10/14. From
Mckinsey(2017). Data sharing and open banking. McKinsey on Payments. From
Olav Vedeld (2019). Towards the Open Bank? An institutional perspective on Open Banking in the Nordics. Copenhagen Business School.
Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M., and Choudary, S. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You. Norton & Company. From
Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M., and Choudary, S. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You. Norton & Company
Sjur Høgetveit and Thomas Thorkildsen (2018). Open Banking in Norway: The Potential for Third Party Providers and the Impact on the Banking Industry. NORWEGIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS
Thorsten Brackert, Stefan Dab, Steven Kok, and Maarten Peeters(2018), Retail Banks Must Embrace Open Banking or Be Sidelined, The Boston Consulting Group.
Truelayer (2020). The ultimate guide to open banking use cases. From
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 王儷玲zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wang, Li-Lingen_US (Authors) 黃柏堯zh_TW (Authors) Huang, Po-Yaoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃柏堯zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Po-Yaoen_US (日期) 2021en_US 4-Aug-2021 14:54:15 (UTC+8)- 4-Aug-2021 14:54:15 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Aug-2021 14:54:15 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108358004en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 風險管理與保險學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108358004zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 開放銀行是近一兩年來各國政府積極推動的金融創新政策之一,希望藉由開放銀行來解放由銀行掌握的消費者資料,不只讓消費者能夠對自己的資料掌握更高的自主權,同時也能讓第三方業者(Third Party Service Provider)在消費者同意的前提下來使用這些資料,藉此創造更多金融創新的機會,讓消費者能更獲得更流暢、品質更好的金融服務與體驗。在這樣的政策下,第三方業者將成為新的金融服務提供者,整個金融市場將不再只是傳統的銀行、保險、證券,這會改變消費者接觸金融服務的方式,傳統金融機構也必須重新構思如何與第三方業者合作。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Open banking is one of the financial policies actively promoted by governments in the past few years. Liberating consumer data held by banks is one of the purposes of open banking. It not only allows consumers to have greater autonomy over their own data, but also allows third party service providers to use these materials with the consent of consumers, so it can create more opportunities for financial innovation and allow consumers to obtain smoother and better services. Under open banking, third party service providers will become new providers in financial market, and the financial market will no longer be just traditional banks, insurance, and securities. This will change the way consumers contact financial services, so traditional financial institutions must think about the cooperation with third party service providers.
The policy of open banking in Taiwan is divided into three stages, we will open financial product information, consumer account information, and transaction information to third party service providers through APIs step by step. This study takes the United Kingdom as the main object of case study, observes the new financial services in UK, sorts out five categories of application, and compares them with the three phases in Taiwan. We try to explore the feasibility of these new financial applications in Taiwan and yield some suggestions.
The suggestions of this study contain two aspects, policy and industry. In view of the suggestions for policy, it is proposed that (1) a data empowerment mechanism for consumers should be established (2) more types of APIs should be opened (3) TSP governance system. Then the suggestions for industry is proposed that (1) platform-based services become the mainstream in the future (2) data analysis and algorithm development is the key to future competition.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節、 開放銀行發展歷程 5
第二節、 開放銀行如何改變金融服務 10
第三章 台灣開放銀行發展 24
第一節、 政策鼓勵模式與Open API平台 24
第二節、 三階段開放與API種類 25
第三節、 法令基礎與委外關係 27
第四節、 市場參與狀況 31
第四章 開放銀行創新應用及案例 35
第一節、 開放銀行創新應用 35
第二節、 五大創新應用說明 39
第三節、 國外案例 46
第四節、 國內案例 63
第五章 開放銀行應用發展分析 66
第一節、 國內外應用情境差異 66
第二節、 問題與限制 68
第六章 建議與結論 78
第一節、 研究發現 78
第二節、 未來政策建議 82
第三節、 產業建議 86
第四節、 研究限制與未來研究方向 89
參考文獻 90
附錄 93
dc.format.extent 4323054 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 開放銀行zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 第三方業者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資料交換zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 應用程式介面zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Open bankingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Third party service provideren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Data sharingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) APIen_US
dc.title (題名) 開放銀行之新金融服務在台灣發展分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study of New Financial Service by Open Bankingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分
尤其偉 (2020)。由資料可攜權引發之新變陏–以開放銀行為中心。東吳大學法學院法律學系科技法律組。
王儷玲 (2020)。OPEN API產學合作期末報告。開放API研究暨應用委員會。政大金融科技中心。
王儷玲 (2021)。我國開放銀行發展剖析與政策建言。財團法人台北外匯市場發展基金會專題研究計畫。政大金融科技中心。
王儷玲(2019)。台灣發展Open API的機會與挑戰。取自
許傳昌 (2020)。開放銀行創新實務分享-集保數位服務。台灣金融服務前瞻研討會,台北市,台灣。
陳曉玫 (2020)。打造「開放API」生態系基礎建設。台灣金融服務前瞻研討會,台北市,台灣。
彭金隆(2020)。開放銀行(Open Banking)實施在我國個人資料保護法令之限制與解套研究。政治大學金融科技研究中心。
楊貞翎 (2018)。中國金融業場景金融案例分析。國立台灣大學國際企業學研究所。
鄧愛櫻 (2020)。當電信跨界金融,共創數位金融生態圈。台灣金融服務前瞻研討會,台北市,台灣。

Adyen(2018). IPO Prospectus. From
Allied Market Research,2020,〈Open Banking Market Size to Reach $43.15 Billion by 2026, at 24.4% CAGR〉,檢索日期:2020/09/27,取自
Andrei Hagiua ans Julian Wrightb (2015). Multi-sided platforms. International Journal of Industrial Organization. Volume 43. 162-174. From
Bank For International Settlements(2019). Report on open banking and application programming interfaces. From
Barend Benedict Rogier (2019). Establishing a Durable Environment for Digital Financial Services. Delft University.
BIAN(2020). Global Open Banking Initiatives and the added value of the BIAN Open Standards.
David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee. Markets With Two-Sided Platforms. ISSUES IN COMPETITION LAW AND POLICY. ABA Section of Antitrust Law 2008. 667-693.
De Reuver, M., C. Sørensen, and R. Basole (2016). The Digital Platform: A Research Agenda. Journal of Information Technology. 31
FCA(2019).Call for Input: Open finance. From
FCA(2021).Open finance: Feedback Statement. From
Gozman Daniel, Hedman Jonas, and Sylvest Kasper (2018). Open Banking: Emergent Roles, Risks & Opportunities. Twenty-Sixth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018), Portsmouth, UK.
HM Treasury (2020). Payments Landscape Review: Call for Evidence. From
Jakob Larsson and Daniel Frändberg (2019). Innovations in Finance as Regulators Push Open Banking. Chalmers University of Technology.
Julien Courbe,2018,〈Bulding ‘Open Banking’ on a platform of trust〉,檢索日期:2020/10/14. From
Mckinsey(2017). Data sharing and open banking. McKinsey on Payments. From
Olav Vedeld (2019). Towards the Open Bank? An institutional perspective on Open Banking in the Nordics. Copenhagen Business School.
Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M., and Choudary, S. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You. Norton & Company. From
Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M., and Choudary, S. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You. Norton & Company
Sjur Høgetveit and Thomas Thorkildsen (2018). Open Banking in Norway: The Potential for Third Party Providers and the Impact on the Banking Industry. NORWEGIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS
Thorsten Brackert, Stefan Dab, Steven Kok, and Maarten Peeters(2018), Retail Banks Must Embrace Open Banking or Be Sidelined, The Boston Consulting Group.
Truelayer (2020). The ultimate guide to open banking use cases. From
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100835en_US