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題名 韓籍學習者《當代中文課程》分類詞使用分析與教學建議: 以學習者語料庫為中心
An Analysis on Korean Learners` Usage of Classifiers in Textbook “A Course in Contemporary Chinese” and Pedagogical Suggestions: Based on Learner Corpora
作者 李紀彤
Lee, Chi-Tung
貢獻者 朴炳善
Park, Byung-Sun
Lee, Chi-Tung
關鍵詞 分類詞
Quantitative phrase
Contrastive linguistics between Chinese and Korean
Pedagogical grammar
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-Aug-2021 15:36:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 分類詞(classifier)是華語量詞的次分類,於數量詞組中具有指稱個體的功能。韓語雖然也具有「分類詞」的語法體系,其意義與搭配詞卻與華語存在部分差異,導致韓籍學習者無法精準掌握華語分類詞的用法。
本研究以《當代中文課程》第一冊至第六冊(2015-2018)收錄的量詞(M)生詞為基礎,區分出分類詞作為研究對象。並利用「中央研究院漢語平衡語料庫(Sinica Corpus)」分析搭配詞,歸納各分類詞的代表語意特徵。其次藉由「現代韓語用例檢索器(SJ-RIKS Corpus)」,對比分析對應華語的韓語分類詞的搭配詞,將華韓分類詞的對應關係統整為四類:


接續從「TOCFL學習者語料庫(TOCFL Learner Corpus)」與「HSK動態作文語料庫(HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus)」蒐集韓籍學習者的分類詞語料,分析其使用現象與偏誤。結果發現「華廣韓狹」類分類詞普遍使用率較低,且偏誤較多;「異形同義」類分類詞的搭配詞使用率高,正確率也較高;「華狹韓廣」類分類詞受到「個」影響,使用率偏低;而「華語獨有」由於只有「家」的語料結果,因此較難判斷出整體使用率與偏誤。


Classifier is the sub-category of Chinese measure word. It has the function of referring to individuals in quantitative phrases. Although Korean also has the grammatical system of "classifiers", its meaning and collocation words are partly different from those of Chinese, which makes Korean learners unable to accurately grasp the usage of Chinese classifiers.
This study was based on the new measure words included in volume 1-6 of the textbooks “A Course in Contemporary Chinese(2015-2018)”, and distinguished classifiers as the research object, and summarized the representative semantic features of each classifier by “Sinica Corpus”. Secondly, “SJ-RIKS Corpus” was used to compare and analyze the collocation words of Korean classifiers corresponding to Chinese. The corresponding system of Chinese-Korean classifiers can be divided into four categories:

(1) Broader meaning in Chinese,
(2) Broader meaning in Korean,
(3) Synonymous in different form,
(4) Unique in Chinese.

This study analyzed the results in accordance to the "TOCFL Learner Corpus" and "HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus", taking into account typical usage and student errors. It was found that classifiers from category 1 were used more infrequently by students and with more mistakes; category 3 was used quite often and mostly correctly; the category 2 was reduced to the use of the Chinese classifier 個(ge), the compatibility of category 4 was represented only by classifier 家(jiā) in the sources. Therefore, it was difficult to identify the the general frequency of use and errors for category 4.
Practical significance of the research: the results can be applied to the educational process on the base of "A Course in Contemporary Chinese". When studying the classifiers, this study proposed to proceed from the following:

(1) The classifier differs from the “usual” measure words,
(2) Stable formulas for combining a noun and a classifier should be used,
(3) It is necessary to pay special attention to which nouns the certain classifiers can correspond in different languages.

This study hopes that the research and the results can be used by teachers to improve the skills of Korean students in learning topics related to classifiers.
參考文獻 中文文獻
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TOCFL 學習者語料庫檢索系統:
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 朴炳善zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Park, Byung-Sunen_US (Authors) 李紀彤zh_TW (Authors) Lee, Chi-Tungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李紀彤zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Chi-Tungen_US (日期) 2021en_US 4-Aug-2021 15:36:01 (UTC+8)- 4-Aug-2021 15:36:01 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Aug-2021 15:36:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105161001en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 華語文教學碩博士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 105161001zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 分類詞(classifier)是華語量詞的次分類,於數量詞組中具有指稱個體的功能。韓語雖然也具有「分類詞」的語法體系,其意義與搭配詞卻與華語存在部分差異,導致韓籍學習者無法精準掌握華語分類詞的用法。
本研究以《當代中文課程》第一冊至第六冊(2015-2018)收錄的量詞(M)生詞為基礎,區分出分類詞作為研究對象。並利用「中央研究院漢語平衡語料庫(Sinica Corpus)」分析搭配詞,歸納各分類詞的代表語意特徵。其次藉由「現代韓語用例檢索器(SJ-RIKS Corpus)」,對比分析對應華語的韓語分類詞的搭配詞,將華韓分類詞的對應關係統整為四類:


接續從「TOCFL學習者語料庫(TOCFL Learner Corpus)」與「HSK動態作文語料庫(HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus)」蒐集韓籍學習者的分類詞語料,分析其使用現象與偏誤。結果發現「華廣韓狹」類分類詞普遍使用率較低,且偏誤較多;「異形同義」類分類詞的搭配詞使用率高,正確率也較高;「華狹韓廣」類分類詞受到「個」影響,使用率偏低;而「華語獨有」由於只有「家」的語料結果,因此較難判斷出整體使用率與偏誤。


dc.description.abstract (摘要) Classifier is the sub-category of Chinese measure word. It has the function of referring to individuals in quantitative phrases. Although Korean also has the grammatical system of "classifiers", its meaning and collocation words are partly different from those of Chinese, which makes Korean learners unable to accurately grasp the usage of Chinese classifiers.
This study was based on the new measure words included in volume 1-6 of the textbooks “A Course in Contemporary Chinese(2015-2018)”, and distinguished classifiers as the research object, and summarized the representative semantic features of each classifier by “Sinica Corpus”. Secondly, “SJ-RIKS Corpus” was used to compare and analyze the collocation words of Korean classifiers corresponding to Chinese. The corresponding system of Chinese-Korean classifiers can be divided into four categories:

(1) Broader meaning in Chinese,
(2) Broader meaning in Korean,
(3) Synonymous in different form,
(4) Unique in Chinese.

This study analyzed the results in accordance to the "TOCFL Learner Corpus" and "HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus", taking into account typical usage and student errors. It was found that classifiers from category 1 were used more infrequently by students and with more mistakes; category 3 was used quite often and mostly correctly; the category 2 was reduced to the use of the Chinese classifier 個(ge), the compatibility of category 4 was represented only by classifier 家(jiā) in the sources. Therefore, it was difficult to identify the the general frequency of use and errors for category 4.
Practical significance of the research: the results can be applied to the educational process on the base of "A Course in Contemporary Chinese". When studying the classifiers, this study proposed to proceed from the following:

(1) The classifier differs from the “usual” measure words,
(2) Stable formulas for combining a noun and a classifier should be used,
(3) It is necessary to pay special attention to which nouns the certain classifiers can correspond in different languages.

This study hopes that the research and the results can be used by teachers to improve the skills of Korean students in learning topics related to classifiers.
dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 i

Abstract ii

초록(韓文摘要) iv

Краткое Содержание Работы(俄文摘要) vi

目錄 ix

表目錄 xii

第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究範圍與問題 3

第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 華語分類詞的界定與範疇 7
一、 華語詞類中的量詞 7
二、 華語量詞的次分類 8
三、 華語分類詞相關定義研究探析 12
四、 華語分類詞句法、語意研究探析 13
五、 研究評述 15
第二節 韓語分類詞(분류사)的定義、語意與句法特徵 16
一、 韓語分類詞(분류사)基本定義 16
二、 韓語分類詞句法特徵研究 18
三、 韓語分類詞語意特徵研究 19
四、 研究評述 23
第三節 華韓量詞對比分析 24
一、 華韓詞類系統比較分析 24
二、 華韓量詞句法對比分析 25
三、 華韓量詞語意對比分析 26
四、 華韓量詞使用上的認知差異 27
五、 研究評述 27
第四節 綜合探討 29
一、 華語「量詞」與韓語「分類詞(분류사)」定義比較 29
二、 華語量詞次分類統整 30
三、 華、韓語「量詞-名詞」詞類關係比較 31
四、 華、韓語數量詞組句法功能比較 31
五、 華、韓語「分類詞」定義比較 32

第三章 語料庫為本之華韓語《當代中文課程》分類詞對比分析 34
第一節 《當代中文課程》分類詞探究 34
一、 《當代中文課程》分類詞檢驗 34
二、 《當代中文課程》分類詞檢驗結果 44
第二節 《當代中文課程》華語分類詞之搭配詞探究 46
一、 各項分類詞之搭配詞統計與分析 46
二、 各項分類詞代表特徵之統整 67
第三節 華韓分類詞語意對比分析 69
一、 華韓對應分類詞與示例 69
二、 韓語語料庫「名詞—分類詞」搭配檢驗與華語分類詞對比探析 73
三、 華語分類詞「個」與韓語分類詞「개[個]」搭配詞比較 96
四、 華韓分類詞語意對比關係整理 98
第四節 綜合探討 100
一、 華語分類詞語意架構分類 100
二、 華韓分類詞對比分析 101
三、 華韓數量詞組句法結構的語料概況 108
四、 表示「嘗試性動作」的華韓語數量詞組比較 109

第四章 韓籍學習者語料庫分析 111
第一節 韓籍學習者華語數量詞組使用分析 111
一、 《當代中文課程》各分類詞之搭配詞使用分析 111
二、 分類詞「個」之搭配詞使用分析 131
第二節 韓籍學習者數量詞組偏誤分析 134
一、 數量詞組之分類詞遺漏偏誤 134
二、 分類詞「個」的泛用 141
三、 分類詞冗贅偏誤 143
四、 數量詞組「的」冗贅偏誤 147
五、 分類詞錯序 147
六、 詞彙誤用 147
七、 數詞「二」之誤用 150
第三節 綜合探討 151
一、 「華廣韓狹」分類詞的現象探討 151
二、 「華韓同形」分類詞的現象探討 151
三、 「異形同義」分類詞的現象探討 151
四、 分類詞「個」的泛用 151
五、 「華語獨有」分類詞的現象探討 152
六、 限定詞後方遺漏分類詞 152
七、 名詞指涉數量導致分類詞的冗贅 152
八、 誤用詞彙 152

第五章 結論 153
第一節 研究總結 153
一、 《當代中文課程》量詞與分類詞的區分 153
二、 華韓分類詞對應關係整理 153
三、 學習者語料庫分析 155
第二節 教學建議 156
一、 「量詞─分類詞」區分教學 156
二、 數量詞組形式功能教學 156
三、 初級階段分類詞教學 159
四、 中級階段分類詞教學 160
五、 高級階段分類詞教學 160
第三節 研究展望 162

參考文獻 163

附錄 166
附錄1-1 搭配詞統計(華語分類詞「個」) 166
附錄1-2 搭配詞統計(韓語分類詞「개[個](gae)」) 170
附錄2-1 搭配詞統計(TOCFL學習者語料:個) 181
附錄2-2 搭配詞統計(HSK學習者語料:個) 183
dc.format.extent 12810897 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 分類詞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數量詞組zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 華韓對比語言學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語料庫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教學語法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Classifieren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Quantitative phraseen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Contrastive linguistics between Chinese and Koreanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Corpusen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Pedagogical grammaren_US
dc.title (題名) 韓籍學習者《當代中文課程》分類詞使用分析與教學建議: 以學習者語料庫為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) An Analysis on Korean Learners` Usage of Classifiers in Textbook “A Course in Contemporary Chinese” and Pedagogical Suggestions: Based on Learner Corporaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100869en_US