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題名 睡不著還是太清醒? 失眠患者的過度激發及恆定驅力與主客觀睡眠的關係
Can`t sleep or too aroused? Hyperarousal and homeostatic drive with the objective and subjective discrepancy phenomenon in insomnia
作者 高幼萱
Kao, Yu-Hsuan
貢獻者 楊建銘
Yang, Chien-Ming
Kao, Yu-Hsuan
關鍵詞 睡眠狀態錯估
Sleep state misperception
Autonomic nerve arousal
Cortical arousal
Objective short-sleep duration insomnia
Homeostatic system
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-Aug-2021 15:38:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 研究目的:失眠患者的分類從ICSD-3之後就取消了失眠亞型的診斷,並以自陳描述作為診斷參考依據。然而在失眠病理的討論中,大多數研究者可使用客觀量測工具發現失眠患者確實比好眠者有有明顯的生理激發狀態。Vgontzas的研究團隊(2009)則是宣稱使用客觀睡眠時數作為失眠患者的分組依據,可分出生理症狀為主的短睡眠時數組及心理症狀為主的正常睡眠時數組兩種失眠患者種類。本研究試圖以不同的分組方式,探討以單純客觀因素分組或是加入主觀因素分組,是否可以看到組間有不同的生理變化,藉以回推背後睡眠機制如何影響失眠患者的主觀評估及客觀量測結果。



The International Classification of Sleep Disorders-Third Edition has removed the subtyping from the diagnosis of insomnia disorder. The diagnosis of insomnia is based on subjective report only. However, in the studies of the etiology of insomnia, insomnia based on objective measure were found to have significantly higher physiological arousal in insomnia patients. Vgontzas and colleagues (2009) had proposed that insomnia phenotypes could be classified with objective sleep measurement. They found the insomnia with objective short sleep duration had more cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidity, and the insomnia with objective normal sleep duration was characterized by more psychological symptoms. The current study aims to compare different ways of subtyping insomnia, the classification based on objective sleep duration versus the classification based on the discrepancy between subjective and objective sleep measures, in order to explore the sleep mechanisms that are associated with the different subtypes of insomnia.

Thirty-five participants who met the ICSD-3 criteria of insomnia disorder were recruited from community. Potential participants with severe psychological, metabolic, or cardiovascular disorders, or comorbid with other sleep disorders were excluded. Their age ranged from 20 to 59 years old. One night of polysomnography (PSG) was conducted to collect EEG and heart rate data before sleep and during sleep. Subjective ratings of sleep duration and sleep quality were obtained after the PSG night. For the subtyping based on discrepancy between subjective and objective sleep measures, participants were divided into three groups: related over-estimation group (11 person), related correct-estimation group (12 person) and related under-estimation group (12 person). For the subtyping based on PSG-measured objective sleep duration, participants were categorized into a short-objective-sleep-duration group (<6 h) and a normal-objective-sleep-duration group (≧6h).
The short-objective-sleep-duration group was found to have higher level of physiological arousal during waking and NREM sleep throughout of the night. Although having less sleep, they were found to have lower theta and alpha power before sleep and during waking after sleep onset, suggesting the possibility of lower sleep needs in these patients. However, inconsistent with the finding by Vgontzas and colleagues, we found more significant results in cortical hyperarousal autonomic hyperarousal. Lastly, the underestimation group has significantly lower theta power at waking during the night.

When comparing the groups with different level of subjective and objective sleep discrepancy, the results showed association between theta activity during waking in the night and underestimation of sleep, but no difference among the groups during NREM and REM sleep. The findings suggested that their sleep may be underestimated due to less sleep pressure during waking after sleep onset. By comparing the groups with short and normal objective sleep duration, evidence showed both hyper arousal and decreased sleep drive in short sleep duration group. These two different ways of subtyping can demonstrate different clinical characteristics in patients with insomnia disorder. The findings suggest that insomnia is a disorder with multiple etiological factors. PSG can provide additional information for the etiological factors for insomnia. In addition, abnormality in the homeostatic system may play a role in insomnia that needs more investigation in future studies.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106752022
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 楊建銘zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yang, Chien-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 高幼萱zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Kao, Yu-Hsuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 高幼萱zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kao, Yu-Hsuanen_US
dc.date (日期) 2021en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-Aug-2021 15:38:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-Aug-2021 15:38:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-Aug-2021 15:38:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106752022en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/136479-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 心理學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106752022zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 研究目的:失眠患者的分類從ICSD-3之後就取消了失眠亞型的診斷,並以自陳描述作為診斷參考依據。然而在失眠病理的討論中,大多數研究者可使用客觀量測工具發現失眠患者確實比好眠者有有明顯的生理激發狀態。Vgontzas的研究團隊(2009)則是宣稱使用客觀睡眠時數作為失眠患者的分組依據,可分出生理症狀為主的短睡眠時數組及心理症狀為主的正常睡眠時數組兩種失眠患者種類。本研究試圖以不同的分組方式,探討以單純客觀因素分組或是加入主觀因素分組,是否可以看到組間有不同的生理變化,藉以回推背後睡眠機制如何影響失眠患者的主觀評估及客觀量測結果。



dc.description.abstract (摘要) Introduction
The International Classification of Sleep Disorders-Third Edition has removed the subtyping from the diagnosis of insomnia disorder. The diagnosis of insomnia is based on subjective report only. However, in the studies of the etiology of insomnia, insomnia based on objective measure were found to have significantly higher physiological arousal in insomnia patients. Vgontzas and colleagues (2009) had proposed that insomnia phenotypes could be classified with objective sleep measurement. They found the insomnia with objective short sleep duration had more cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidity, and the insomnia with objective normal sleep duration was characterized by more psychological symptoms. The current study aims to compare different ways of subtyping insomnia, the classification based on objective sleep duration versus the classification based on the discrepancy between subjective and objective sleep measures, in order to explore the sleep mechanisms that are associated with the different subtypes of insomnia.

Thirty-five participants who met the ICSD-3 criteria of insomnia disorder were recruited from community. Potential participants with severe psychological, metabolic, or cardiovascular disorders, or comorbid with other sleep disorders were excluded. Their age ranged from 20 to 59 years old. One night of polysomnography (PSG) was conducted to collect EEG and heart rate data before sleep and during sleep. Subjective ratings of sleep duration and sleep quality were obtained after the PSG night. For the subtyping based on discrepancy between subjective and objective sleep measures, participants were divided into three groups: related over-estimation group (11 person), related correct-estimation group (12 person) and related under-estimation group (12 person). For the subtyping based on PSG-measured objective sleep duration, participants were categorized into a short-objective-sleep-duration group (<6 h) and a normal-objective-sleep-duration group (≧6h).
The short-objective-sleep-duration group was found to have higher level of physiological arousal during waking and NREM sleep throughout of the night. Although having less sleep, they were found to have lower theta and alpha power before sleep and during waking after sleep onset, suggesting the possibility of lower sleep needs in these patients. However, inconsistent with the finding by Vgontzas and colleagues, we found more significant results in cortical hyperarousal autonomic hyperarousal. Lastly, the underestimation group has significantly lower theta power at waking during the night.

When comparing the groups with different level of subjective and objective sleep discrepancy, the results showed association between theta activity during waking in the night and underestimation of sleep, but no difference among the groups during NREM and REM sleep. The findings suggested that their sleep may be underestimated due to less sleep pressure during waking after sleep onset. By comparing the groups with short and normal objective sleep duration, evidence showed both hyper arousal and decreased sleep drive in short sleep duration group. These two different ways of subtyping can demonstrate different clinical characteristics in patients with insomnia disorder. The findings suggest that insomnia is a disorder with multiple etiological factors. PSG can provide additional information for the etiological factors for insomnia. In addition, abnormality in the homeostatic system may play a role in insomnia that needs more investigation in future studies.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目次
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究動機與研究問題 1
第二章、 文獻探討 3
第一節、 失眠的定義 3
2.1.1失眠的診斷 3
2.1.2睡眠的主客觀不一致現象 4
第二節、 失眠之病理機制 6
2.2.1睡與醒的調節機制 6
2.2.2與失眠主客觀差異相關的失眠病理模型 10主觀感受影響客觀睡眠測量 10以客觀測量分類回推主客觀感受 13
2.2.3主客觀不一致現象之相關腦波研究 15
第三節、 恆定系統與激發系統的調節作用 18
第四節、研究問題與假設 21
第三章、 研究方法 23
第一節、 研究對象 23
第二節、 研究流程 24
第三節、 研究工具 26
3.3.2睡眠整夜檢測工具 30多頻道睡眠生理檢測(POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, PSG) 30
第四節、 資料分析 32
3.4.1多頻道睡眠記錄儀(PSG) 32
3.4.2心率變異分析(Heart rate variance analysis,HRV) 34
3.4.3藥物作用消除(Drug effect washout) 35
3.4.4問卷資料分析(Questionnaire analysis) 36
第四章、 研究結果 38
第一節、 受試者 38
4.1.1 基本資料 38
4.1.2多項睡眠生理檢測分析 39
4.1.3自陳資料分析 40
4.1.4資料分組分析 41
第二節、 主客觀睡眠時數差異程度之影響 44
4.2.1 自評與客觀資料總覽 44
4.2.2 睡前靜坐資料分析 47
4.2.3 整晚腦波資料分析 48
4.2.4整晚心律資料分析 52
第三節、 以長短時數睡眠分組之影響 56
4.3.1整體資料 56
4.3.2睡前靜坐分析資料 59
4.3.3整晚腦波資料分析 60
4.3.4 整晚心律資料分析 64
第五章、 討論 68
第一節、 依據睡眠時數主客觀差異分組之組間差異 68
第二節、 客觀睡眠時數是否能作為失眠患者分類的依據 71
第三節、 使用客觀與主觀依據分組之差異比較 73
第四節、 總結 75
第五節、 研究限制 77
5.5.1 研究對象方面 77
5.5.2研究變項方面 77
5.5.3研究程序方面 77
第六節、 臨床應用 79
參考資料 80
附錄一、SLEEP 50 問卷 95
附錄二、失眠嚴重度量表 97
附錄三、中文版睡眠品質量表 98
附錄四、早晨問卷 100
附錄五、睡眠日誌(數字版) 101
dc.format.extent 2738502 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106752022en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 睡眠狀態錯估zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自律神經激發zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 皮質激發zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 客觀短睡眠時數失眠患者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 睡眠恆定系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sleep state misperceptionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Autonomic nerve arousalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cortical arousalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Objective short-sleep duration insomniaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Homeostatic systemen_US
dc.title (題名) 睡不著還是太清醒? 失眠患者的過度激發及恆定驅力與主客觀睡眠的關係zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Can`t sleep or too aroused? Hyperarousal and homeostatic drive with the objective and subjective discrepancy phenomenon in insomniaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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