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題名 我國犬貓寵物認養推廣現況之探究— 社群媒體的應用
A Research on the Application of Social Media in Promoting Pet Adoption
作者 張懷文
Chang, Huai-Wen
貢獻者 朱斌妤
Chu, Pin-Yu
Chang, Huai-Wen
關鍵詞 犬貓寵物認養
Pet adoption
Mixed methods research
Social media
Animal welfare organization
Adoption channels
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-Aug-2021 15:47:25 (UTC+8)
摘要 我國於2017年實施收容動物零安樂死政策後,造成公立動物收容處所的超收問題,導致收容犬貓的福祉下降,為了解決該問題,提升犬貓的認養率是當務之急,而我國動保團體多年來為了提倡認養,發展出多元的認養管道,其中以社群媒體管道的應用最為廣泛。故此,本研究旨在了解我國犬貓寵物認養推廣的現況,以及分析社群媒體在其中的應用,以期為動保領域提供實務建議。
The ban on stray animal euthanasia was enacted in 2017; however, lacking consideration to the actual circumstances, it has caused an overpopulation problem in public animal shelters and further led to a decline in the well-being of sheltered animals. In order to solve this problem, increasing the adoption rate of sheltered animals is the top priority. For decades, Taiwanese animal welfare organizations have developed various adoption channels to promote animal adoption, among all the channels, social media channel is the most widely used. Thus, this research aims to understand the current situation of animal adoption promotion in Taiwan, and the application of social media in it, with a view to providing practical advice in the field of animal protection.
For the purpose of having a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between adopters and shelters, this research adopted a mixed methods design. According to the theory of planned behavior, an online questionnaire was designed to analyze the factors and demographic characteristics that affected people’s behavior toward animal adoption. The result showed that perceived behavioral control had the highest score among influencing factors, indicating adopters’ economic conditions and clear adoption information had the greatest impact on their adoption behavior.
Moreover, participants aged between10 to 39 years old had a higher willingness to adopt.
In qualitative analysis, findings indicated that the adoption process was divided into three phases: shelter and placement, adoption, and follow-up. Furthermore, the subjects stated that correct information and simple adoption process were likely to affect adopter’s willingness to adopt. As for the application of social media, according to the subjects, it was very useful in promoting pet adoption. Findings suggested that social media was not only a channel for adoption, but also a media for marketing. It was used to spread adoption information, increase the exposure of sheltered animals, shape the positive image of sheltered animals, and enhance the reputation of the organizations. However, findings also indicated limited resources of organizations, members’ lack of marketing capability, difficulty in defining target audience, and the dilemma of evaluating benefits, all hindered the application of social media.
This research suggested that animal welfare organizations should recruit more people, foster members’ capabilities, and investigate potential adopters. Besides, it also suggested that the government should continue to strengthen the management of stray animals, optimize the animal shelters, improve the living quality of sheltered animals, keep on developing diverse adoption channels, set up measures for following up on adopted pets, and establish public-private partnership with animal welfare organizations.
參考文獻 中華民國保護動物協會(n.d.)。APA中華民國保護動物協會粉絲專頁,2021年7月3日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/APATW。
巴克動物懷善救援協會(n.d.)。The PACK Sanctuary粉絲專頁,2021年7月3日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/thepacksanctuary。
台灣防止虐待動物協會(n.d.)。Taiwan SPCA 台灣防止虐待動物協會粉絲專頁,2021年7月3日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanspca。
江義平、江孟璇、楊婉伶(2019)。社群媒體使用行為之構形探究。Electronic Commerce Studies,17(4),247-275。
行政院農委會動物保護資訊網(2020)。農委會督促地方政府落實收容動物管理 維護動物福利,2021年5月21日,取自:https:https://animal.coa.gov.tw/Frontend/News/Detail/N0000000000381。
行政院農業委員會(2017)。修正特定寵物業管理辦法 與時俱進加強源頭管理,2021年5月21日,取自:https://www.coa.gov.tw/theme_data.php?theme=news&sub_theme=agri&id=7099。
行政院農業委員會全球資訊網(2016)。擴大犬隻絕育量能 動員全國獸醫師醫療資源投入重點區域,2021年5月21日,取自:https://www.coa.gov.tw/theme_data.php?theme=news&sub_theme=agri&id=6621&RWD_mode=Y&print=Y。
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李宜龍(2020)。爭議中的流浪動物管理條例,強制實施 TNVR 幫了誰又害了誰?泛科學網,2020年9月4日,取自:https://pansci.asia/archives/190992。
旅行養分(2015)。全台灣犬犬領養/認養 網路資訊大統整-領養代替購買,愛是不離不棄,2020年10月21日,取自:https://twtravelnutrients.blogspot.com/2014/11/blog-post_27.html。
國立教育廣播電台(2014)。動物認領養平台上線 鼓勵認養代替購買,2020年10月21日,取自:https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8B%95%E7%89%A9%E8%AA%8D%E9%A0%98%E9%A4%8A%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E4%B8%8A%E7%B7%9A-%E9%BC%93%E5%8B%B5%E8%AA%8D%E9%A4%8A%E4%BB%A3%E6%9B%BF%E8%B3%BC%E8%B2%B7-073733854.html。
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256015
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 朱斌妤zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chu, Pin-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 張懷文zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Chang, Huai-Wenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張懷文zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Huai-Wenen_US
dc.date (日期) 2021en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-Aug-2021 15:47:25 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-Aug-2021 15:47:25 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-Aug-2021 15:47:25 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107256015en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/136519-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107256015zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國於2017年實施收容動物零安樂死政策後,造成公立動物收容處所的超收問題,導致收容犬貓的福祉下降,為了解決該問題,提升犬貓的認養率是當務之急,而我國動保團體多年來為了提倡認養,發展出多元的認養管道,其中以社群媒體管道的應用最為廣泛。故此,本研究旨在了解我國犬貓寵物認養推廣的現況,以及分析社群媒體在其中的應用,以期為動保領域提供實務建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The ban on stray animal euthanasia was enacted in 2017; however, lacking consideration to the actual circumstances, it has caused an overpopulation problem in public animal shelters and further led to a decline in the well-being of sheltered animals. In order to solve this problem, increasing the adoption rate of sheltered animals is the top priority. For decades, Taiwanese animal welfare organizations have developed various adoption channels to promote animal adoption, among all the channels, social media channel is the most widely used. Thus, this research aims to understand the current situation of animal adoption promotion in Taiwan, and the application of social media in it, with a view to providing practical advice in the field of animal protection.
For the purpose of having a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between adopters and shelters, this research adopted a mixed methods design. According to the theory of planned behavior, an online questionnaire was designed to analyze the factors and demographic characteristics that affected people’s behavior toward animal adoption. The result showed that perceived behavioral control had the highest score among influencing factors, indicating adopters’ economic conditions and clear adoption information had the greatest impact on their adoption behavior.
Moreover, participants aged between10 to 39 years old had a higher willingness to adopt.
In qualitative analysis, findings indicated that the adoption process was divided into three phases: shelter and placement, adoption, and follow-up. Furthermore, the subjects stated that correct information and simple adoption process were likely to affect adopter’s willingness to adopt. As for the application of social media, according to the subjects, it was very useful in promoting pet adoption. Findings suggested that social media was not only a channel for adoption, but also a media for marketing. It was used to spread adoption information, increase the exposure of sheltered animals, shape the positive image of sheltered animals, and enhance the reputation of the organizations. However, findings also indicated limited resources of organizations, members’ lack of marketing capability, difficulty in defining target audience, and the dilemma of evaluating benefits, all hindered the application of social media.
This research suggested that animal welfare organizations should recruit more people, foster members’ capabilities, and investigate potential adopters. Besides, it also suggested that the government should continue to strengthen the management of stray animals, optimize the animal shelters, improve the living quality of sheltered animals, keep on developing diverse adoption channels, set up measures for following up on adopted pets, and establish public-private partnership with animal welfare organizations.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 7
第三節 研究設計及流程 8
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 遊蕩犬貓管理政策簡介 15
第二節 影響犬貓寵物認養及飼養行為的因素 30
第三節 送養團體推廣犬貓認養的策略 39
第三章 量化研究 63
第一節 操作型定義 63
第二節 問卷設計 65
第三節 研究對象 67
第四節 問卷資料分析 68
第四章 質化研究 73
第一節 訪談對象 73
第二節 訪談大綱設計 82
第三節 訪談資料分析—犬貓認養的過程 84
第四節 訪談資料分析—社群媒體的應用 117
第五節 訪談資料分析—我國送養動保團體的情況 128
第五章 量化與質化結果綜合討論 143
第一節 影養民眾透過社群媒體認養犬貓的因素 143
第二節 潛在認養人的人口變項分析 148
第六章 研究結論與建議 153
第一節 研究成果與發現 153
第二節 研究建議 164
第三節 研究限制及未來發展 167
參考資料 171
dc.format.extent 6588163 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256015en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 犬貓寵物認養zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 混合研究法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社群媒體zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 動保組織zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 送養管道zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Pet adoptionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mixed methods researchen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social mediaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Animal welfare organizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Adoption channelsen_US
dc.title (題名) 我國犬貓寵物認養推廣現況之探究— 社群媒體的應用zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Research on the Application of Social Media in Promoting Pet Adoptionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中華民國保護動物協會(n.d.)。APA中華民國保護動物協會粉絲專頁,2021年7月3日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/APATW。
巴克動物懷善救援協會(n.d.)。The PACK Sanctuary粉絲專頁,2021年7月3日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/thepacksanctuary。
台灣防止虐待動物協會(n.d.)。Taiwan SPCA 台灣防止虐待動物協會粉絲專頁,2021年7月3日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanspca。
江義平、江孟璇、楊婉伶(2019)。社群媒體使用行為之構形探究。Electronic Commerce Studies,17(4),247-275。
行政院農委會動物保護資訊網(2020)。農委會督促地方政府落實收容動物管理 維護動物福利,2021年5月21日,取自:https:https://animal.coa.gov.tw/Frontend/News/Detail/N0000000000381。
行政院農業委員會(2017)。修正特定寵物業管理辦法 與時俱進加強源頭管理,2021年5月21日,取自:https://www.coa.gov.tw/theme_data.php?theme=news&sub_theme=agri&id=7099。
行政院農業委員會全球資訊網(2016)。擴大犬隻絕育量能 動員全國獸醫師醫療資源投入重點區域,2021年5月21日,取自:https://www.coa.gov.tw/theme_data.php?theme=news&sub_theme=agri&id=6621&RWD_mode=Y&print=Y。
吳立偉、王崇昱、江欣茹(2014)你今天 Facebook 了嗎? 影響社群媒體持續使用意圖之探索。東海管理評論,16(1),35-71。
李宜龍(2020)。爭議中的流浪動物管理條例,強制實施 TNVR 幫了誰又害了誰?泛科學網,2020年9月4日,取自:https://pansci.asia/archives/190992。
旅行養分(2015)。全台灣犬犬領養/認養 網路資訊大統整-領養代替購買,愛是不離不棄,2020年10月21日,取自:https://twtravelnutrients.blogspot.com/2014/11/blog-post_27.html。
國立教育廣播電台(2014)。動物認領養平台上線 鼓勵認養代替購買,2020年10月21日,取自:https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8B%95%E7%89%A9%E8%AA%8D%E9%A0%98%E9%A4%8A%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E4%B8%8A%E7%B7%9A-%E9%BC%93%E5%8B%B5%E8%AA%8D%E9%A4%8A%E4%BB%A3%E6%9B%BF%E8%B3%BC%E8%B2%B7-073733854.html。
陳筠凡(2018)。工作犬計畫執行成效及關鍵因素分析:以 A 市為例(未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學,台北市。
鄭雲珊、許秉瑜、劉育津(2014)。社群網站使用者個人價值與需求之探究。Electronic Commerce Studies,12(1),51-72。
Aji, A. P. (2019). The role of social media in shaping the animal protection movement in indonesia. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 3(3), 389-401.
Ajzen, I. (1985). From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior. In Action Control (pp. 11-39). Heidelberg, DE: Springer.
Ajzen, I. (1987). Attitudes, traits, and actions: Dispositional prediction of behavior in personality and social psychology. In Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 20(pp. 1-63). Cambridge, MA: Academic Press.
Allison, H. (2019). #PawnderAdoption Creating a Public Relations Campaign to Increase Adoption Rates Among Shelters in the United States. Syracuse University Honors Program Capstone Projects.
ASPCA (n.d.). 5 Social Media Tips to Promote Animals for Shelters or Rescues. Retrieved October 30, 2020, from https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/5-social-media-tips-promote-animals.
Balcom, S., & Arluke, A. (2001). Animal adoption as negotiated order: A comparison of open versus traditional shelter approaches. Anthrozoös, 14(3), 135-150.
Bauer, R. A. (1960). Consumer behavior as risk taking”, In R. S. Hancock( Ed.). Dynamic Marketing for a Changing World. Chicago, IL: America Marketing Association, pp.389-398.
Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative ResearchJournal, 9(2), 27-40.
Boyce, C., & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: A guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. Retrived October, 21, 2020, from http://www2.pathfinder.org/site/DocServer/m_e_tool_series_indepth_interviews.pdf.
Cheung, M. Y., Luo, C., Sia, C. L., & Chen, H. (2009). Credibility of electronic word-of-mouth: Informational and normative determinants of on-line consumer recommendations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(4), 9-38.
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DeLeeuw, J. L. (2010). Animal shelter dogs: Factors predicting adoption versus euthanasia. Wichita, KS: Wichita State University.
Duggan, M., Ellison, N. B., Lampe, C., Lenhart, A., & Madden, M. (2015). Social media update 2014. Pew Research Center, 19, 1-2.
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202101122en_US