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題名 產業升級對出口二元邊際的影響
The Impact of Industrial Upgrading on the Dual Margin of Exports
作者 周柏諺
Chou, Bo-Yen
貢獻者 胡偉民
Hu, Wei-Min
Chou, Bo-Yen
關鍵詞 產業升級
Industrial Upgrading
Export Behavior of Enterprises
Dual Margin of Export
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-Aug-2021 16:04:46 (UTC+8)
摘要  近年來,在各國對外貿易逐漸開放的情形下,一個國家的出口擴張往往成為牽動該國經濟成長的重要因素,有鑑於此,在研究出口擴張的過程中,對於出口擴張的模式以及其中的意涵等議題便成為相關研究的重點。在異質性企業理論提出以後,本文得以透過將出口擴張分解為貿易上的外延邊際以及貿易上的內延邊際,分析一國的出口成長路徑,並以此了解出口二元邊際其中所帶來的福利效果。
In recent years, in the context of the gradual opening of foreign trade of various countries, a country’s export expansion has often become an important factor affecting the country’s economic growth. In view of this, in the process of studying export expansion, the pattern of export expansion and its implications have become the focus of related research. After the theory of heterogeneous enterprises was put forward, we were able to analyze a country’s export growth path by decomposing export expansion into trade extensive margins and trade intensive margins, and to understand the welfare effect of the dual margin of exports.
  Based on the study of the dual margin of export, this paper uses the "Database of China Industrial Enterprises" to analyze the impact of the industrial upgrading phenomenon of various industries on the extensive margin and the intensive margin of enterprises from 2003 to 2007, and further analyzes the difference between different holding situations and industries. The main empirical results of this paper are as follows: When an industry upgrade occurs in a company`s industry, it will promote the expansion of the extensive margin and the intensive margin at the same time; the sample is further divided into state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises, when the sample enterprise is a state-owned enterprise, The industrial upgrading phenomenon of its industry will have a greater impact on the extensive margin than non-state-owned enterprises. When discussing the impact of industrial upgrading on the intensive margin, the effect of industrial upgrading on the sample of state-owned enterprises is also greater than that of non-state-owned enterprises; under different industries, The industrial upgrading phenomenon of labor-intensive industries has a greater impact on the extensive margin than for capital-intensive industries. When discussing the impact of industrial upgrading on the intensive marginal, the effect of industrial upgrading on labor-intensive industry samples is also greater than that of capital-intensive industries.
參考文獻 中文文獻

1. 余明桂, 范蕊, & 鐘慧潔. (2016). 中國產業政策與企業技術創新. 中國工業經濟, (12), 5–22.
2. 李浩仲, & 陳鎮洲. (2014). 中國大陸產業升級對廠商薪資外溢效果之影響. 中國大陸研究, 57(2), 23–41.
3. 張杰, 陳志遠, & 劉元春. (2014). 中國出口國內附加值的測算與變化機制. 經濟研究, (10), 124–137.
4. 張杰, 鄭文平, & 束蘭根. (2013). 融資約束如何影響中國企業出口的二元邊際? 世界經濟文匯, (4), 59–80.
5. 盛丹, 包群, & 王永進. (2011). 基礎設施對中國企業出口行為的影響:“集約邊際”還是“擴展邊際.” 世界經濟, (1), 17–36.
6. 陳勇兵, 李燕, & 周世民. (2012). 中國企業出口持續時間及其決定因素. 經濟研究, (7), 1–15.
7. 楊汝岱. (2015). 中國製造業企業全要素生產率研究. 經濟研究, (2), 61–74.
8. 趙偉, 趙金亮, & 韓媛媛. (2011). 異質性、沉沒成本與中國企業出口決定:來自中國微觀企業的經驗證據. 世界經濟, (4), 62–79.
9. 趙婷, & 趙偉. (2012). 產業關聯視角的FDI出口溢出效應:分析與實證. 國際貿易問題, (2), 113–122.
10. 魯曉東, & 連玉君. (2012). 中國工業企業全要素生產率估計:1999一2007. 經濟學季刊, 11(2), 541–558.
11. 錢學鋒, & 熊平 . (2010). 中國出口增長的二元邊際及其因素決定:經驗研究. 經濟研究, (1), 1–22.


1. Aitken, B., Hanson, G. H., & Harrison, A. E. (1997). Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behavior. Journal of International Economics, 43(1–2), 103–132.
2. Amiti , M., & Freund, C. (2007). An Anatomy of China’s Trade Growth. Trade Conference, IMF.
3. Amurgo-Pacheco, A., and M. D. Pierola (2008). Patterns of export diversification in developing countries : intensive and extensive margins. Policy Research Working Paper Series 4473, The World Bank.
4. Barrios, S., Görg, H., & Strobl, E. (2003). Explaining Firms’ Export Behaviour: R&D, Spillovers and the Destination Market. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 65(4), 475–496.
5. Berman, N., & Héricourt, J. (2010). Financial Factors and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from Cross-Country Firm-Level Data. Journal of Development Economics, 93(2), 206–217.
6. Bernard, A. B., Eaton, J., jensen, J. B., & Kortum, S. (2003). Plants and Productivity in International Trade. American Economic Review, 93(4), 1268–1290.
7. Bernard, A. B., & Jensen, J.B. (1999). Exceptional Exporter Performance: Cause, Effect, or Both? Journal of International Economics, 47(1), 1–25.
8. Bernard, A. B., & Jensen, B. (2004). Entry, Expansion, and Intensity in the US Export Boom, 1987–1992. Review of International Economics, 12(4), 662–675.
9. Bernard, A. B., Jensen, J. B., Redding, S. J., & Schott, P. K. (2007). Firms in International Trade. Juornal of Economic Perspectives, 21(3), 105–130.
10. Bernard, A. B., Redding, S. J., & Schott, P. K. (2007). Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous Firms. The Review of Economic Studies, 74(1), 31–66.
11. Bernard, A. B., & Wagner, J. (2001). Export Entry and Exit by German Firms. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 137(1), 105–123.
12. Bougheas, S., Demetriades, P. O., & Morgenroth, E. L. w. (1999). Infrastructure, Transport Costs and Trade. Journal of International Economics, 47(1), 169–189.
13. Chaney, T. (2008). Distorted Gravity: The Intensive and Extensive Margins of International Trade. American Economic Review, 98(4), 1707–1721.
14. Chaney, T. (2016). Liquidity Constrained Exporters. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 72, 141–154.
15. Debaere, P., & Mostashari, S. (2010). Do Tariffs Matter for the Extensive Margin of International Trade? An Empirical Analysis. Journal of International Economics, 81(2), 163–169.
16. Eaton, J., Kortum, S., & Kramarz, F. (2004). Dissecting Trade: Firms, Industries, and Export Destinations. American Economic Review, 94(2), 150–154.
17. Evenett, Simon J., Venables, Anthony J. (2002). Export Growth in Developing Countries: Market Entry and Bilateral Trade Flows. University of Bern working paper, mimeo.
18. Felbermayr, G. J., & Kohler, W. (2006). Exploring the Intensive and Extensive Margins of World Trade. Review of World Economics, 142(4), 642–674.
19. Francois, J., & Manchin, M. O. (2013). Institutions, Infrastructure, and Trade. World Development, 46, 165–175.
20. Greenaway, D., Sousa, N., & Wakelin, K. (2004). Do Domestic Firms Learn to Export from Multinationals? European Journal of Political Economy, 20(4), 1027–1043.
21. Hausmann, R. & Klinger, B. (2006). Structural Transformation and Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the Product Space. CID Working Paper, No. 128.
22. Helpman, E., Melitz, marc , & Rubinstein, Y. (2008). Estimating Trade Flows: Trading Partners and Trading Volumes. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(2), 441–487.
23. Hirsch, S., & Bijaoui , I. (1985). R&D Intensity and Export Performance: A Micro View. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, (121), 238–251.
24. Hsieh, C., & Klenow, P. J. (2009). Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in China and India. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124(4), 1403–1448.
25. Hummels, D., & Klenow, P. J. (2005). The Variety and Quality of a Nation’s Exports. American Economic Review, 95(3), 704–723.
26. Ito, K., & Pucik, V. (1993). R&D Spending, Domestic Competition, and Export Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 14(1), 61–75.
27. Kang, K. (2004). The Path of the Extensive Margin (Export Variety): Theory and Evidence. University of California, Davis Working Paper, mimeo.
28. Kneller, R., & Pisu, M. (2007). Industrial Linkages and Export Spillovers from FDI. The World Economy, 30(1), 105–134.
29. Martina, L. (2008). Deconstructing Gravity: Trade Costs and Extensive and Intensive Margins. MPRA Paper No. 10230.
30. Melitz, M. J. (2003). The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity. Econometrica, 71(6), 1695–1725.
31. Minetti, R. & Zhu, S. C. (2011). Credit Constraints and Firm Export: Microeconomic Evidence from Italy. Journal of International Economics, 83(2), 109–125.
32. Olley, S. & Pakes A. (1996). The Dynamics of Productivity in the Telecommunications Industry. Econometrica, 64, 1263–1298.
33. Pakes, A. (1994). Estimation of Dynamic Structural Models: Problems and Prospects Part II: Mixed Continuous-Discrete Models and Market Interactions. in: C. Sims and J.J. Laffont, eds., Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Barcelona, Spain. Cambridge University Press.
34. Roberts, M. J. & Tybout, J. R. (1997). The Decision to Export in Colombia: An Empirical Model of Entry with Sunk Costs. American Economic Review, 87(4), 545–564.
35. Rondeau, F. and Roudaut, N. (2014). What Diversification of Trade Matters for Economic Growth of Developing Countries. Economics Bulletin, 34(3), 1485-1497.
36. Sheng, Y., Chen, C. & Findlay, C. (2011). Impact of FDI on Domestic Firms’ Exports in China. University of Adelaide Working Paper, (15).
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 胡偉民zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hu, Wei-Minen_US (Authors) 周柏諺zh_TW (Authors) Chou, Bo-Yenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 周柏諺zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chou, Bo-Yenen_US (日期) 2021en_US 4-Aug-2021 16:04:46 (UTC+8)- 4-Aug-2021 16:04:46 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Aug-2021 16:04:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108255019en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108255019zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)  近年來,在各國對外貿易逐漸開放的情形下,一個國家的出口擴張往往成為牽動該國經濟成長的重要因素,有鑑於此,在研究出口擴張的過程中,對於出口擴張的模式以及其中的意涵等議題便成為相關研究的重點。在異質性企業理論提出以後,本文得以透過將出口擴張分解為貿易上的外延邊際以及貿易上的內延邊際,分析一國的出口成長路徑,並以此了解出口二元邊際其中所帶來的福利效果。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, in the context of the gradual opening of foreign trade of various countries, a country’s export expansion has often become an important factor affecting the country’s economic growth. In view of this, in the process of studying export expansion, the pattern of export expansion and its implications have become the focus of related research. After the theory of heterogeneous enterprises was put forward, we were able to analyze a country’s export growth path by decomposing export expansion into trade extensive margins and trade intensive margins, and to understand the welfare effect of the dual margin of exports.
  Based on the study of the dual margin of export, this paper uses the "Database of China Industrial Enterprises" to analyze the impact of the industrial upgrading phenomenon of various industries on the extensive margin and the intensive margin of enterprises from 2003 to 2007, and further analyzes the difference between different holding situations and industries. The main empirical results of this paper are as follows: When an industry upgrade occurs in a company`s industry, it will promote the expansion of the extensive margin and the intensive margin at the same time; the sample is further divided into state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises, when the sample enterprise is a state-owned enterprise, The industrial upgrading phenomenon of its industry will have a greater impact on the extensive margin than non-state-owned enterprises. When discussing the impact of industrial upgrading on the intensive margin, the effect of industrial upgrading on the sample of state-owned enterprises is also greater than that of non-state-owned enterprises; under different industries, The industrial upgrading phenomenon of labor-intensive industries has a greater impact on the extensive margin than for capital-intensive industries. When discussing the impact of industrial upgrading on the intensive marginal, the effect of industrial upgrading on labor-intensive industry samples is also greater than that of capital-intensive industries.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 出口二元邊際的定義 6
第二節 出口二元邊際的衡量 7
第三節 影響出口二元邊際的因素 8
第四節 產業升級與出口之間的關係 10
第三章 企業全要素生產率之衡量 12
第一節 O-P方法介紹 12
第二節 變數設定與樣本選擇 16
第三節 全要素生產率衡量結果分析 21
第四章 實證模型設定 24
第一節 外延邊際(extensive margin)之模型設定 24
第二節 外延邊際(extensive margin)之樣本選擇 28
第三節 內延邊際(intensive margin)之模型設定 31
第四節 內延邊際(intensive margin)之樣本選擇 34
第五章 實證結果 37
第一節 敘述性統計分析 37
第二節 全樣本實證結果 41
第三節 分樣本實證結果:按是否為國有企業 49
第四節 分樣本實證結果:按產業別區分 54
第六章 結論與研究限制 60
參考資料 62
dc.format.extent 1044463 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 產業升級zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 企業出口行為zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 出口二元邊際zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Industrial Upgradingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Export Behavior of Enterprisesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dual Margin of Exporten_US
dc.title (題名) 產業升級對出口二元邊際的影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Impact of Industrial Upgrading on the Dual Margin of Exportsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻

1. 余明桂, 范蕊, & 鐘慧潔. (2016). 中國產業政策與企業技術創新. 中國工業經濟, (12), 5–22.
2. 李浩仲, & 陳鎮洲. (2014). 中國大陸產業升級對廠商薪資外溢效果之影響. 中國大陸研究, 57(2), 23–41.
3. 張杰, 陳志遠, & 劉元春. (2014). 中國出口國內附加值的測算與變化機制. 經濟研究, (10), 124–137.
4. 張杰, 鄭文平, & 束蘭根. (2013). 融資約束如何影響中國企業出口的二元邊際? 世界經濟文匯, (4), 59–80.
5. 盛丹, 包群, & 王永進. (2011). 基礎設施對中國企業出口行為的影響:“集約邊際”還是“擴展邊際.” 世界經濟, (1), 17–36.
6. 陳勇兵, 李燕, & 周世民. (2012). 中國企業出口持續時間及其決定因素. 經濟研究, (7), 1–15.
7. 楊汝岱. (2015). 中國製造業企業全要素生產率研究. 經濟研究, (2), 61–74.
8. 趙偉, 趙金亮, & 韓媛媛. (2011). 異質性、沉沒成本與中國企業出口決定:來自中國微觀企業的經驗證據. 世界經濟, (4), 62–79.
9. 趙婷, & 趙偉. (2012). 產業關聯視角的FDI出口溢出效應:分析與實證. 國際貿易問題, (2), 113–122.
10. 魯曉東, & 連玉君. (2012). 中國工業企業全要素生產率估計:1999一2007. 經濟學季刊, 11(2), 541–558.
11. 錢學鋒, & 熊平 . (2010). 中國出口增長的二元邊際及其因素決定:經驗研究. 經濟研究, (1), 1–22.


1. Aitken, B., Hanson, G. H., & Harrison, A. E. (1997). Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behavior. Journal of International Economics, 43(1–2), 103–132.
2. Amiti , M., & Freund, C. (2007). An Anatomy of China’s Trade Growth. Trade Conference, IMF.
3. Amurgo-Pacheco, A., and M. D. Pierola (2008). Patterns of export diversification in developing countries : intensive and extensive margins. Policy Research Working Paper Series 4473, The World Bank.
4. Barrios, S., Görg, H., & Strobl, E. (2003). Explaining Firms’ Export Behaviour: R&D, Spillovers and the Destination Market. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 65(4), 475–496.
5. Berman, N., & Héricourt, J. (2010). Financial Factors and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from Cross-Country Firm-Level Data. Journal of Development Economics, 93(2), 206–217.
6. Bernard, A. B., Eaton, J., jensen, J. B., & Kortum, S. (2003). Plants and Productivity in International Trade. American Economic Review, 93(4), 1268–1290.
7. Bernard, A. B., & Jensen, J.B. (1999). Exceptional Exporter Performance: Cause, Effect, or Both? Journal of International Economics, 47(1), 1–25.
8. Bernard, A. B., & Jensen, B. (2004). Entry, Expansion, and Intensity in the US Export Boom, 1987–1992. Review of International Economics, 12(4), 662–675.
9. Bernard, A. B., Jensen, J. B., Redding, S. J., & Schott, P. K. (2007). Firms in International Trade. Juornal of Economic Perspectives, 21(3), 105–130.
10. Bernard, A. B., Redding, S. J., & Schott, P. K. (2007). Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous Firms. The Review of Economic Studies, 74(1), 31–66.
11. Bernard, A. B., & Wagner, J. (2001). Export Entry and Exit by German Firms. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 137(1), 105–123.
12. Bougheas, S., Demetriades, P. O., & Morgenroth, E. L. w. (1999). Infrastructure, Transport Costs and Trade. Journal of International Economics, 47(1), 169–189.
13. Chaney, T. (2008). Distorted Gravity: The Intensive and Extensive Margins of International Trade. American Economic Review, 98(4), 1707–1721.
14. Chaney, T. (2016). Liquidity Constrained Exporters. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 72, 141–154.
15. Debaere, P., & Mostashari, S. (2010). Do Tariffs Matter for the Extensive Margin of International Trade? An Empirical Analysis. Journal of International Economics, 81(2), 163–169.
16. Eaton, J., Kortum, S., & Kramarz, F. (2004). Dissecting Trade: Firms, Industries, and Export Destinations. American Economic Review, 94(2), 150–154.
17. Evenett, Simon J., Venables, Anthony J. (2002). Export Growth in Developing Countries: Market Entry and Bilateral Trade Flows. University of Bern working paper, mimeo.
18. Felbermayr, G. J., & Kohler, W. (2006). Exploring the Intensive and Extensive Margins of World Trade. Review of World Economics, 142(4), 642–674.
19. Francois, J., & Manchin, M. O. (2013). Institutions, Infrastructure, and Trade. World Development, 46, 165–175.
20. Greenaway, D., Sousa, N., & Wakelin, K. (2004). Do Domestic Firms Learn to Export from Multinationals? European Journal of Political Economy, 20(4), 1027–1043.
21. Hausmann, R. & Klinger, B. (2006). Structural Transformation and Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the Product Space. CID Working Paper, No. 128.
22. Helpman, E., Melitz, marc , & Rubinstein, Y. (2008). Estimating Trade Flows: Trading Partners and Trading Volumes. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(2), 441–487.
23. Hirsch, S., & Bijaoui , I. (1985). R&D Intensity and Export Performance: A Micro View. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, (121), 238–251.
24. Hsieh, C., & Klenow, P. J. (2009). Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in China and India. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124(4), 1403–1448.
25. Hummels, D., & Klenow, P. J. (2005). The Variety and Quality of a Nation’s Exports. American Economic Review, 95(3), 704–723.
26. Ito, K., & Pucik, V. (1993). R&D Spending, Domestic Competition, and Export Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 14(1), 61–75.
27. Kang, K. (2004). The Path of the Extensive Margin (Export Variety): Theory and Evidence. University of California, Davis Working Paper, mimeo.
28. Kneller, R., & Pisu, M. (2007). Industrial Linkages and Export Spillovers from FDI. The World Economy, 30(1), 105–134.
29. Martina, L. (2008). Deconstructing Gravity: Trade Costs and Extensive and Intensive Margins. MPRA Paper No. 10230.
30. Melitz, M. J. (2003). The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity. Econometrica, 71(6), 1695–1725.
31. Minetti, R. & Zhu, S. C. (2011). Credit Constraints and Firm Export: Microeconomic Evidence from Italy. Journal of International Economics, 83(2), 109–125.
32. Olley, S. & Pakes A. (1996). The Dynamics of Productivity in the Telecommunications Industry. Econometrica, 64, 1263–1298.
33. Pakes, A. (1994). Estimation of Dynamic Structural Models: Problems and Prospects Part II: Mixed Continuous-Discrete Models and Market Interactions. in: C. Sims and J.J. Laffont, eds., Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Barcelona, Spain. Cambridge University Press.
34. Roberts, M. J. & Tybout, J. R. (1997). The Decision to Export in Colombia: An Empirical Model of Entry with Sunk Costs. American Economic Review, 87(4), 545–564.
35. Rondeau, F. and Roudaut, N. (2014). What Diversification of Trade Matters for Economic Growth of Developing Countries. Economics Bulletin, 34(3), 1485-1497.
36. Sheng, Y., Chen, C. & Findlay, C. (2011). Impact of FDI on Domestic Firms’ Exports in China. University of Adelaide Working Paper, (15).
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100839en_US