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題名 解放期小說所反映之「歸返」民族敘事-以「地理性」歸返為例
`A National Narrative of Repatriation` in the Postliberation Novels-Focusing on `Geographical` Repatriation
作者 鄭鍾賢
Jeong, Jong-Hyun
貢獻者 外國語文研究
關鍵詞 歸返  ;  引揚  ;  想像地理  ;  國民國家  ;  認同 
 Repatriation  ;  Salvage  ;  Imagined Geography  ;  Nation-state  ;  Identity
日期 2020-10
上傳時間 27-十月-2021 16:19:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 本稿探討的是針對(韓國,當時為朝鮮)甫解放後的「歸返」課題其多面向做闡明。1945年8月15日,日本帝國秩序崩解,東亞秩序獲得重新編排,而在那之前離散於亞洲各地的人們其「歸返」問題一一浮上。甫解放後的「歸返」相關問題集中在身為殖民地的恥辱歷史即其記憶,經驗的清算,建立新的民族國家等議題,而解放時期,為了建立新的民族國家,構造出「歸返」於「民族性」的民族言論。諸如此類有關「歸返」的民族言論在空間上,象徵了「歸返」於故鄉、或是「朝鮮」,而在時間上則是象徵了「歸返」於還沒有被玷污的殖民地之前,亦或是「歸返」於未來的時間。在甫解放之後以「歸返」為主題的小說裡鮮明地顯露出「歸返戰爭災民」其想像的「朝鮮」與實際上的「朝鮮」之差異,還有他們與「原有的朝鮮定居民」之間所產生的隔閡。對於「歸返戰爭災民」來說,「朝鮮」並非代表著「光明」、「生命」與「我們的祖國」,而是經常提醒他們「我們/他們」「誕生的地方=故鄉/朝鮮=他國」如此兩元對立的一個存在。在本稿中,除了要探討「殖民地-帝國」的想像地理(心理地圖)如何被縮小、重編於「南北韓」的國民國家(民族國家)的界線的一個過程,還要闡明其從日本、滿州、中國「歸返」時,其「歸返」歷程,也就是誕生新的民族國家的主體其儀式的過程。
This writing is a study that inquires into a meaning of `repatriate` narrative, which had been the central agenda immediately after liberation. According to the collapse of the order in the Japanese Empire on August 15, 1945 and to the reshuffle of the order in East Asia, the issue of `repatriation` in people who have been scattered all over East Asia so far emerged. A discourse surrounding `repatriation`, which was shown in Korea novels right after the liberation, is concentrated on building a new national state with clearing away shameful history, memory and experience dubbed colony. This writing examined the process that the imagined geography of `colony/empire` is reduced and reorganized as the boundary of a nation-state called `South and North Korea.` At the same time, the aim was to clarify that the repatriate journey from Japan, Manchuria and China was precisely the proposal of being reborn as the entity of a new nation-state.
關聯 外國語文研究, 31, 26-48
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30404/FLS.202010_(31).0002
dc.contributor 外國語文研究-
dc.creator (作者) 鄭鍾賢-
dc.creator (作者) Jeong, Jong-Hyun-
dc.date (日期) 2020-10-
dc.date.accessioned 27-十月-2021 16:19:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 27-十月-2021 16:19:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 27-十月-2021 16:19:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/137589-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本稿探討的是針對(韓國,當時為朝鮮)甫解放後的「歸返」課題其多面向做闡明。1945年8月15日,日本帝國秩序崩解,東亞秩序獲得重新編排,而在那之前離散於亞洲各地的人們其「歸返」問題一一浮上。甫解放後的「歸返」相關問題集中在身為殖民地的恥辱歷史即其記憶,經驗的清算,建立新的民族國家等議題,而解放時期,為了建立新的民族國家,構造出「歸返」於「民族性」的民族言論。諸如此類有關「歸返」的民族言論在空間上,象徵了「歸返」於故鄉、或是「朝鮮」,而在時間上則是象徵了「歸返」於還沒有被玷污的殖民地之前,亦或是「歸返」於未來的時間。在甫解放之後以「歸返」為主題的小說裡鮮明地顯露出「歸返戰爭災民」其想像的「朝鮮」與實際上的「朝鮮」之差異,還有他們與「原有的朝鮮定居民」之間所產生的隔閡。對於「歸返戰爭災民」來說,「朝鮮」並非代表著「光明」、「生命」與「我們的祖國」,而是經常提醒他們「我們/他們」「誕生的地方=故鄉/朝鮮=他國」如此兩元對立的一個存在。在本稿中,除了要探討「殖民地-帝國」的想像地理(心理地圖)如何被縮小、重編於「南北韓」的國民國家(民族國家)的界線的一個過程,還要闡明其從日本、滿州、中國「歸返」時,其「歸返」歷程,也就是誕生新的民族國家的主體其儀式的過程。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This writing is a study that inquires into a meaning of `repatriate` narrative, which had been the central agenda immediately after liberation. According to the collapse of the order in the Japanese Empire on August 15, 1945 and to the reshuffle of the order in East Asia, the issue of `repatriation` in people who have been scattered all over East Asia so far emerged. A discourse surrounding `repatriation`, which was shown in Korea novels right after the liberation, is concentrated on building a new national state with clearing away shameful history, memory and experience dubbed colony. This writing examined the process that the imagined geography of `colony/empire` is reduced and reorganized as the boundary of a nation-state called `South and North Korea.` At the same time, the aim was to clarify that the repatriate journey from Japan, Manchuria and China was precisely the proposal of being reborn as the entity of a new nation-state.-
dc.format.extent 1631384 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 外國語文研究, 31, 26-48-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歸返  ;  引揚  ;  想像地理  ;  國民國家  ;  認同 -
dc.subject (關鍵詞)  Repatriation  ;  Salvage  ;  Imagined Geography  ;  Nation-state  ;  Identity-
dc.title (題名) 解放期小說所反映之「歸返」民族敘事-以「地理性」歸返為例-
dc.title (題名) `A National Narrative of Repatriation` in the Postliberation Novels-Focusing on `Geographical` Repatriation-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30404/FLS.202010_(31).0002-
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30404/FLS.202010_(31).0002-