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題名 學齡前兒童性教育數位繪本之設計
Design of the Digital Picture Book of Sexuality Education for Preschool Children作者 陳宇
Chen, Yu貢獻者 陳宜秀<br>廖峻鋒
Chen, Yi-hsiu<br>Liao, Chun-Feng
Chen, Yu關鍵詞 學齡前兒童
Preschool children
Sexuality education
Digital picture books
Interactive design日期 2021 上傳時間 1-Nov-2021 12:18:22 (UTC+8) 摘要 近年來,相關的媒體報導未成年人遭受性侵引發全社會的關注,學齡前兒童性教育也逐漸受到了重視,該如何幫助父母對孩子進行性教育是一個難題。因此,本研究透過性教育結合數位繪本做設計,希望能幫助父母與孩子在性教育上的溝通及性知識的傳授,也希望增加兒童性教育繪本的社會接受度,能為性教育的不同方式提供相應的參考。繪本是父母和孩子的溝通媒介,而數位繪本是延續傳統繪本,融入新的數位元素,為讀者提供豐富的體驗。本研究根據學齡前兒童性教育知識點為依據創作故事內容,為學齡前兒童設計了一套「被遮住的小秘密」性教育數位繪本作為研究的原型工具,繪本中主要由故事內容及問答兩大部分組成,讓家長與孩子一起使用,在趣味中學習知識。本研究邀請了六組家庭進行測試,透過參與觀察法及半結構性訪談法進行對繪本的評估。研究結果顯示學齡前兒童數位學習能力強,對互動有興趣,但根據使用數位產品頻率的不同,對數位繪本的興趣程度及知識的學習程度也不同。而通過對家長的訪談,家長認為數位繪本可以幫助他們對孩子進行性教育,動畫及互動功能有幫助孩子對於知識的理解,也希望通過增加互動設計維持孩子的興趣。本研究有兩項發現,第一,學齡前兒童互動性要求差異,因數位產品使用頻率的不同,對於互動要求也不同;第二,比起聲音輔助,學齡前兒童更注重繪本中的互動功能。本研究設計了一項為學齡前兒童設計的繪本,而且根據測試的結果,對於未來的學齡前數位繪本設計提出建議。
In recent years, reports of sexual assault on minors have aroused society’s anger, and the sex education of preschool children has received much attention. How we can help parents provide their children proper sex knowledge is a challenging issue. This work intends to design digital picture books as the medium to provide sex education, hoping to help parents and preschool children and promote increased social acceptance of children’s sex education materials to protect our next generation.Picture books are a suitable communication medium for parents and children because they contain attractive pictures, easy-to-read texts, and even 3-dimensional figures. As more and more children are exposed to digital media at early ages, digital picture books are another medium worth consideration. The digital elements provide readers with a richer experience, incorporating sounds, animation, and more interactions.This research first designed a prototype of a digital picture book named “Covered Little Secrets” based on the contents and styles suitable for preschool children to provide sex education. The digital picture book consists of a storytelling portion followed by a Q&A session, allowing parents and children to read it together to learn the knowledge with fun.In the evaluation phase, six groups of child-parent dyads were invited to test out the digital picture book. The processes were video recorded, and the children’s responses were observed, followed by a semi-structured interview. The results show that preschool children have strong digital learning abilities and are highly interested in interaction. Parents interviewed believe that digital picture books could help them deliver the proper knowledge to their children and that animation and interactive functions could help children understand the content. However, according to their prior exposure to digital products, their level of interest in digital picture books and learning may vary. Those who use digital products more frequently may demand more interaction to sustain their attention. Second, preschool children pay more attention to the interactive functions in picture books than to acoustic assistance.參考文獻 Aziz, N. A. A., Batmaz, F., Stone, R., & Paul Wai Hing, C. (2013, 7-9 Oct. 2013). Selection of touch gestures for children`s applications. Paper presented at the 2013 Science and Information Conference.Barker, P. (1992). Electronic books and libraries of the future. The electronic library.Biehr, B. (1989). Problem sexual behavior in school‐aged children and youth. Theory Into Practice, 28(3), 221-226.Davies, S. 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108462016資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳宜秀<br>廖峻鋒 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Yi-hsiu<br>Liao, Chun-Feng en_US (Authors) 陳宇 zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Yu en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳宇 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yu en_US (日期) 2021 en_US 1-Nov-2021 12:18:22 (UTC+8) - 1-Nov-2021 12:18:22 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Nov-2021 12:18:22 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108462016 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 108462016 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來,相關的媒體報導未成年人遭受性侵引發全社會的關注,學齡前兒童性教育也逐漸受到了重視,該如何幫助父母對孩子進行性教育是一個難題。因此,本研究透過性教育結合數位繪本做設計,希望能幫助父母與孩子在性教育上的溝通及性知識的傳授,也希望增加兒童性教育繪本的社會接受度,能為性教育的不同方式提供相應的參考。繪本是父母和孩子的溝通媒介,而數位繪本是延續傳統繪本,融入新的數位元素,為讀者提供豐富的體驗。本研究根據學齡前兒童性教育知識點為依據創作故事內容,為學齡前兒童設計了一套「被遮住的小秘密」性教育數位繪本作為研究的原型工具,繪本中主要由故事內容及問答兩大部分組成,讓家長與孩子一起使用,在趣味中學習知識。本研究邀請了六組家庭進行測試,透過參與觀察法及半結構性訪談法進行對繪本的評估。研究結果顯示學齡前兒童數位學習能力強,對互動有興趣,但根據使用數位產品頻率的不同,對數位繪本的興趣程度及知識的學習程度也不同。而通過對家長的訪談,家長認為數位繪本可以幫助他們對孩子進行性教育,動畫及互動功能有幫助孩子對於知識的理解,也希望通過增加互動設計維持孩子的興趣。本研究有兩項發現,第一,學齡前兒童互動性要求差異,因數位產品使用頻率的不同,對於互動要求也不同;第二,比起聲音輔助,學齡前兒童更注重繪本中的互動功能。本研究設計了一項為學齡前兒童設計的繪本,而且根據測試的結果,對於未來的學齡前數位繪本設計提出建議。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, reports of sexual assault on minors have aroused society’s anger, and the sex education of preschool children has received much attention. How we can help parents provide their children proper sex knowledge is a challenging issue. This work intends to design digital picture books as the medium to provide sex education, hoping to help parents and preschool children and promote increased social acceptance of children’s sex education materials to protect our next generation.Picture books are a suitable communication medium for parents and children because they contain attractive pictures, easy-to-read texts, and even 3-dimensional figures. As more and more children are exposed to digital media at early ages, digital picture books are another medium worth consideration. The digital elements provide readers with a richer experience, incorporating sounds, animation, and more interactions.This research first designed a prototype of a digital picture book named “Covered Little Secrets” based on the contents and styles suitable for preschool children to provide sex education. The digital picture book consists of a storytelling portion followed by a Q&A session, allowing parents and children to read it together to learn the knowledge with fun.In the evaluation phase, six groups of child-parent dyads were invited to test out the digital picture book. The processes were video recorded, and the children’s responses were observed, followed by a semi-structured interview. The results show that preschool children have strong digital learning abilities and are highly interested in interaction. Parents interviewed believe that digital picture books could help them deliver the proper knowledge to their children and that animation and interactive functions could help children understand the content. However, according to their prior exposure to digital products, their level of interest in digital picture books and learning may vary. Those who use digital products more frequently may demand more interaction to sustain their attention. Second, preschool children pay more attention to the interactive functions in picture books than to acoustic assistance. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 11第一節 研究背景與動機 11一、學齡前兒童性教育的重要性 11二、家庭對學齡前兒童性教育存在困難 12三、繪本用於兒童教育的價值 13第二節 研究目的與問題 14第二章 文獻探討 16第一節 兒童的心理與生理發展 16一、 兒童的性心理發展 16二、 學齡前兒童的身體發展 18三、 學齡前兒童的認知發展 19第二節 學齡前兒童性教育之內涵 21一、 性教育的內涵 21二、 適用於學齡前兒童性教育內容 22第三節 繪本作為工具 24一、 繪本的意義與設計 25二、 現有性教育繪本評析 28第四節 數位繪本融入性教育 34一、 數位繪本的定義 34二、 數位繪本的互動性 35三、 繪本數位化的價值與比較 37第三章 研究方法 42第一節 研究流程 42第二節 使用者探索階段 43一、 研究對象 44二、 半結構性訪談法 45三、 研究結果 45第三節 原型設計階段 47一、 研究對象 48二、 概念測試 49三、 研究結果 50第四節 繪本製作 53一、 原型創作工具 53二、 原型內容創作 53三、 第一版原型設計 58四、 第二版原型設計 61第五節 繪本評估階段 72一、 研究對象 72二、 參與觀察法 74三、 半結構性訪談法 76第四章 研究結果與討論 78第一節 觀察結果與發現 78一、 觀察結果 78二、 觀察發現 88第二節 家長使用繪本後的感受 90第五章 結論與建議 94第一節 結論 94第二節 反思與建議 96一、 數位繪本製作建議 97二、 兒童性教育創作及研究建議 98第三節 未來展望 100參考文獻 101 zh_TW dc.format.extent 30240460 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學齡前兒童 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 性教育 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位繪本 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 互動設計 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Preschool children en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sexuality education en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital picture books en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Interactive design en_US dc.title (題名) 學齡前兒童性教育數位繪本之設計 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Design of the Digital Picture Book of Sexuality Education for Preschool Children en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Aziz, N. 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