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題名 論原始閩語咸攝合口三等字的擬測及其層次
On the Reconstruction of Third Division Rounded Cognates of the Xián Rhyme Group in Proto Min and Its Strata Analysis
作者 吳瑞文
Wu, Rui-wen
貢獻者 政大中文學報
關鍵詞 原始閩語  ;  咸攝合口三等  ;  層次  ;  比較方法  ;  歷史語言學 
 Proto Min  ;  third division rounded cognates of the Xián rhyme group  ;  strata  ;  comparative method  ;  historical linguistics
日期 2020-12
上傳時間 2021-11-16
摘要 Norman(1981)曾以八種閩語方言的材料,利用可靠的同源詞及嚴謹的比較方法擬測出一套完整的原始閩語韻母系統(Proto Min final system)。從《切韻》的觀點來看,原始閩語韻母雖然涵括中古十六攝,不過其中沒有咸攝合口三等的同源詞。本文的目標就是在現代閩語中找出咸合三同源詞,並擬測它們的原始形式,進而探討其中存在的層次問題。在廣泛比較閩南、閩東以及閩北這三類閩語次方言之後,我們發現原始閩語中至少有三個可靠的咸合三同源詞。它們分別是:「泛」(不實、空虛)*pham5、「範」(樣本)*piam6以及「范_(姓氏)」*piam6。其中*-am和*-iam這兩個韻母的性質是白話音,相應的文讀音是*-uam/*-uap。關於兩類白話音的早晚問題,本文以「三等介音*-j-的有無」為判斷指標,指出*-am來自上古談部,*-iam來自中古咸合三,文讀音*-uam/*-uap則是晚唐五代之後才傳入的。根據音韻及語義兩方面的線索,本文連帶考證臺灣閩南語中phan5 a3(指笨蛋或容易受騙上當的人)一詞的本字是「泛囝」。
On the basis of reliable cognates and rigorous comparisons of eight Min dialects, Norman (1981) reconstructed a complete Proto Min final system. Although from the perspective of the Qieyun, the Proto Min finals include the 16 rhyme groups of Middle Chinese, there is no third division rounded cognate of the Xián rhyme group (咸攝). In this paper, my purpose is to reconstruct the third division rounded cognates of the Xián rhyme group by tracing cognates in modern Min languages, and further to analyze the different existing strata. Following extensive comparisons of Southern Min, Eastern Min and Northern Min, we find that there are at least three reliable cognates in Proto Min: "泛" (empty, hollow) *pham5, "範" (sample) *piam6 and "范_(姓氏)" (a Chinese surname) *piam6, among which the two finals *-am and *-iam are colloquial pronunciations which correspond to the literary pronunciations *-uam/*-uap. In this paper, the relative chronology of these two colloquial finals is determined by "the existence of medial *-j- in the third division." This suggests that: (1) *-am came from the Tan group (談部) in Old Chinese, (2) *-iam came from the third division rounded finals of the Xián rhyme group, (3) the corresponding literal pronunciations *-uam/*-uap were imported after the late Tang and the Five Dynasties. Moreover, the phonological and semantic evidence and the analysis in this paper show that the original characters for phan5 a3 (a stupid person or someone who is easily deceived) in Taiwan Southern Min are "泛囝".
關聯 政大中文報, 34, 237-270
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大中文學報-
dc.creator (作者) 吳瑞文-
dc.creator (作者) Wu, Rui-wen- (日期) 2020-12- 2021-11-16- 2021-11-16- (上傳時間) 2021-11-16-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Norman(1981)曾以八種閩語方言的材料,利用可靠的同源詞及嚴謹的比較方法擬測出一套完整的原始閩語韻母系統(Proto Min final system)。從《切韻》的觀點來看,原始閩語韻母雖然涵括中古十六攝,不過其中沒有咸攝合口三等的同源詞。本文的目標就是在現代閩語中找出咸合三同源詞,並擬測它們的原始形式,進而探討其中存在的層次問題。在廣泛比較閩南、閩東以及閩北這三類閩語次方言之後,我們發現原始閩語中至少有三個可靠的咸合三同源詞。它們分別是:「泛」(不實、空虛)*pham5、「範」(樣本)*piam6以及「范_(姓氏)」*piam6。其中*-am和*-iam這兩個韻母的性質是白話音,相應的文讀音是*-uam/*-uap。關於兩類白話音的早晚問題,本文以「三等介音*-j-的有無」為判斷指標,指出*-am來自上古談部,*-iam來自中古咸合三,文讀音*-uam/*-uap則是晚唐五代之後才傳入的。根據音韻及語義兩方面的線索,本文連帶考證臺灣閩南語中phan5 a3(指笨蛋或容易受騙上當的人)一詞的本字是「泛囝」。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) On the basis of reliable cognates and rigorous comparisons of eight Min dialects, Norman (1981) reconstructed a complete Proto Min final system. Although from the perspective of the Qieyun, the Proto Min finals include the 16 rhyme groups of Middle Chinese, there is no third division rounded cognate of the Xián rhyme group (咸攝). In this paper, my purpose is to reconstruct the third division rounded cognates of the Xián rhyme group by tracing cognates in modern Min languages, and further to analyze the different existing strata. Following extensive comparisons of Southern Min, Eastern Min and Northern Min, we find that there are at least three reliable cognates in Proto Min: "泛" (empty, hollow) *pham5, "範" (sample) *piam6 and "范_(姓氏)" (a Chinese surname) *piam6, among which the two finals *-am and *-iam are colloquial pronunciations which correspond to the literary pronunciations *-uam/*-uap. In this paper, the relative chronology of these two colloquial finals is determined by "the existence of medial *-j- in the third division." This suggests that: (1) *-am came from the Tan group (談部) in Old Chinese, (2) *-iam came from the third division rounded finals of the Xián rhyme group, (3) the corresponding literal pronunciations *-uam/*-uap were imported after the late Tang and the Five Dynasties. Moreover, the phonological and semantic evidence and the analysis in this paper show that the original characters for phan5 a3 (a stupid person or someone who is easily deceived) in Taiwan Southern Min are "泛囝".-
dc.format.extent 3345840 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大中文報, 34, 237-270-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 原始閩語  ;  咸攝合口三等  ;  層次  ;  比較方法  ;  歷史語言學 -
dc.subject (關鍵詞)  Proto Min  ;  third division rounded cognates of the Xián rhyme group  ;  strata  ;  comparative method  ;  historical linguistics-
dc.title (題名) 論原始閩語咸攝合口三等字的擬測及其層次-
dc.title (題名) On the Reconstruction of Third Division Rounded Cognates of the Xián Rhyme Group in Proto Min and Its Strata Analysis-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30407/BDCL.202012_(34).0008-
dc.doi.uri (DOI)