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題名 從林田山原住民保留地案看原住民保留地之登記及其更正問題
Critical Study of the Registration of Indigenous Reservation Lands and Its Correcting - with the Analysis of Lin-Tien-Shan Case
作者 戴秀雄
Tai, Hsiu-Hsiung
貢獻者 臺灣土地研究
關鍵詞 原住民保留地  ;  土地登記  ;  更正登記 
indigenous reservation land  ;  land registration  ;  correction of land registration
日期 2020-11
上傳時間 2021-11-17
摘要 林田山林場原住民保留地因當年辦理總登記時,先後被重複辦理,導致存在花蓮縣鳳林鎮與萬榮鄉皆有其土地登記,而卻僅於萬榮鄉之登記內中註記為原住民保留地。此案於辦理更正登記時,將萬榮鄉之土地登記塗銷後,引發是否應將原住民保留地註記轉載於鳳林鎮土地登記之爭議。由於案情涉及(一)原住民保留地之法律性質及其與土地登記之關聯,以及(二)登記機關辦理更正登記之審查權限以及證據認定,而二者皆屬我國迄今相關研究罕於碰觸者。因此,本文嘗試藉由林田山案之分析,探討前述兩個問題領域,並且以其分析結果探討林田山案的合理處理方式。由於原住民保留地無論源自日治時期或是歷經增劃編所形成,皆屬基於法規或是行政處分之效力所產生,故在無法規明文規定須以登記做為原住民保留地生效要件情形,是否在土地登記內容中註記原住民保留地,對於各該土地屬性為原住民保留地並無任何關聯與影響。其次,則由於台灣之更正登記程序得依職權啟動,則登記機關對於待更正之登記內容應有完整及對已知事實進行檢視之義務,以避免明知存在之錯誤續存於登記內容中。鑒於林田山案之系爭土地為原住民保留地是已知事實,基於前述理由,林田山案之解決方案應以由登記機關就系爭土地之原住民保留地屬性以更正登記方式註記之,而不須另為事實認定或是另由其他機關囑託辦理。
The Problematic in case "Lin - Tien - Shan" represents a combination of two questions and has resulted confusion of relative agencies of government. One of them is the legal relationship between indigenous reservation land and land registration. The other is namely about the legal nature of the land - registration - correcting process. Both topics are till now only very limited researched. The both topics will be analyzed in this article in order to provide a reasonable solution for case "Lin - Tien - Shan". While the indigenous reservation lands are proved to be irrelevant to land registration, the competence of registration agencies should be wider interpreted, in order to avoid the existence of the known errors in land registration. With the above stated issues as knowledgebase, the lands of case "Lin - Tien - Shan" should be as indigenous reservation land in land - registration - correction process registered.
關聯 臺灣土地研究, 23(2), 109-115
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 臺灣土地研究
dc.creator (作者) 戴秀雄
dc.creator (作者) Tai, Hsiu-Hsiung (日期) 2020-11 2021-11-17- 2021-11-17- (上傳時間) 2021-11-17-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 林田山林場原住民保留地因當年辦理總登記時,先後被重複辦理,導致存在花蓮縣鳳林鎮與萬榮鄉皆有其土地登記,而卻僅於萬榮鄉之登記內中註記為原住民保留地。此案於辦理更正登記時,將萬榮鄉之土地登記塗銷後,引發是否應將原住民保留地註記轉載於鳳林鎮土地登記之爭議。由於案情涉及(一)原住民保留地之法律性質及其與土地登記之關聯,以及(二)登記機關辦理更正登記之審查權限以及證據認定,而二者皆屬我國迄今相關研究罕於碰觸者。因此,本文嘗試藉由林田山案之分析,探討前述兩個問題領域,並且以其分析結果探討林田山案的合理處理方式。由於原住民保留地無論源自日治時期或是歷經增劃編所形成,皆屬基於法規或是行政處分之效力所產生,故在無法規明文規定須以登記做為原住民保留地生效要件情形,是否在土地登記內容中註記原住民保留地,對於各該土地屬性為原住民保留地並無任何關聯與影響。其次,則由於台灣之更正登記程序得依職權啟動,則登記機關對於待更正之登記內容應有完整及對已知事實進行檢視之義務,以避免明知存在之錯誤續存於登記內容中。鑒於林田山案之系爭土地為原住民保留地是已知事實,基於前述理由,林田山案之解決方案應以由登記機關就系爭土地之原住民保留地屬性以更正登記方式註記之,而不須另為事實認定或是另由其他機關囑託辦理。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Problematic in case "Lin - Tien - Shan" represents a combination of two questions and has resulted confusion of relative agencies of government. One of them is the legal relationship between indigenous reservation land and land registration. The other is namely about the legal nature of the land - registration - correcting process. Both topics are till now only very limited researched. The both topics will be analyzed in this article in order to provide a reasonable solution for case "Lin - Tien - Shan". While the indigenous reservation lands are proved to be irrelevant to land registration, the competence of registration agencies should be wider interpreted, in order to avoid the existence of the known errors in land registration. With the above stated issues as knowledgebase, the lands of case "Lin - Tien - Shan" should be as indigenous reservation land in land - registration - correction process registered.
dc.format.extent 2036171 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺灣土地研究, 23(2), 109-115
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 原住民保留地  ;  土地登記  ;  更正登記 
dc.subject (關鍵詞) indigenous reservation land  ;  land registration  ;  correction of land registration
dc.title (題名) 從林田山原住民保留地案看原住民保留地之登記及其更正問題
dc.title (題名) Critical Study of the Registration of Indigenous Reservation Lands and Its Correcting - with the Analysis of Lin-Tien-Shan Case
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6677/JTLR.202011_23(2).0001
dc.doi.uri (DOI)